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Cat form DPS rotation change?Follow

#1 Dec 17 2008 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent
With the upcomming changes to Primal Tencaity (3/3 giving a percentage off form's) is anyone else thinking of dropping the 3/5 points in Ferocious Bite and taking 3/3 Primal Tenacity? (since Ferocious bite never see's much use raiding or in heroic's) I just figured that with a powershift macro and the 100 energy from furor this could be a nice way to get a few extra energy?

Also can anyone point me to a good powersift macro mine went missing with the new expansion.

Sorry if this has been posted before, thanks in advance for all the input.

#2 Dec 17 2008 at 5:25 AM Rating: Good
U wont get any extra energy.

Gives you 100% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form, and you keep up to 100 of your Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form, and increases your total Intellect while in Moonkin form by 10%.

Furor the old days gave u 60 energy on shift. the new wont give u any. It only lets you keep energy u allready have.

3/5 in Feroucious Bite? What built are u playing with?
#3 Dec 17 2008 at 9:02 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
Powershifting to get energy doesn't work anymore so the only time a powershift macro would be needed is to escape snares/roots. I'm not sure what you mean by 3/5 in Ferocious Bite as there isn't a talent called Feroicous Bite.

I use Feroious Bite all the time. I created a macro that does FB followed by Tiger Fury. This gives me the burst DPS on the mob from FB and then tops my energy from Tiger Fury. The only issue is being aware of the cooldown on Tiger Fury. During a boss fight in a raid I will switch between Rip and FB, assuming I don't hit Savage Roar to keep that up.

#4 Dec 17 2008 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
1,970 posts
From time to time I have tried out a full 5/5 in the FB improvement talent for my dps spec and have been, at best, underwhelmed by how much it supposedly "improved" it. As for FB's use in heroics and raids, I generally find I use it on trash pulls because mobs die too fast to make rip @4-5 combo points very viable. By the time I have the combo points to even use rip on trash the mob is at 10% or worse.

That of course could just be my own fault and the fact I'm not hit capped. Even still, I have never found being completely hit capped made much of a difference as opposed to be somewhat under it.

And on a side note to that, last night I got 3 uber epics out of Naxx 10 man but dropped from 157 hit rating to 53 (the blues I replaced had tons of hit). At the end of the Naxx run my overall Recount report said I had roughly 4000 melee swings and about 170 misses. At 3.51% hit lol.

That's good enough for me.

Still, I think the best overall rotation for cat form dps should be Mangle > Shred x 4 > Rip on boss fights and Mangle > Shred x 4 > Ferocious Bite on trash.
#5 Dec 17 2008 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
When I get enough ooc procs I sometimes find myself using FB on bosses. Sometimes both my roar and rip are up and I've got combo points to burn. Don't know if that's smart from a dps-maximizing perspective (it used to be that the advice was to just keep mangling/shredding) but you gotta mix things up sometimes.

I also use it at the very end of boss fights. If the boss is at 1% or lower, may as well try to get that health down asap rather than apply the dot. And, as mentioned elsewhere, on trash.
#6 Dec 17 2008 at 12:32 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
tuskerdu wrote:
When I get enough ooc procs I sometimes find myself using FB on bosses. Sometimes both my roar and rip are up and I've got combo points to burn. Don't know if that's smart from a dps-maximizing perspective

A+. You get a cookie.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#7 Dec 17 2008 at 2:53 PM Rating: Excellent
817 posts
Tavarde wrote:
Still, I think the best overall rotation for cat form dps should be Mangle > Shred x 4 > Rip on boss fights and Mangle > Shred x 4 > Ferocious Bite on trash.

All in context of keeping Savage Roar up at all times, right?
#8 Dec 18 2008 at 12:40 AM Rating: Good
Tavarde wrote:
Still, I think the best overall rotation for cat form dps should be Mangle > Shred x 4 > Rip on boss fights and Mangle > Shred x 4 > Ferocious Bite on trash.

Totally wrong on the boss-fight-aspect!
General rule on boss-fights is:
1) Keep Savage Roar up all times (DPS-boost Nr. 1)
2) Keep Mangle-Debuff up all time
3) Keep Rake up all time (most efficient ability we have, best DPE)
4) Keep Rip up all time
5) Shred if nothing else to do and energy to spare!
#9 Dec 18 2008 at 7:46 AM Rating: Good
I keep seeing people talk about Rake in our DPS rotations now, when did that change? It used to be crappy and only good for a cheap bleed...
#10 Dec 18 2008 at 9:11 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
With Rend and Tear, rake becomes very useful to keep a bleed effect up and get added damage from shred and mangle. I am ignorant if it is indeed useful otherwise, and await another poster explaining why it is.
#11 Dec 18 2008 at 10:32 AM Rating: Good
Yeah but you shouldn't have any trouble keeping just Rip up to make use of RnT, so that's not really the issue. druidserg says it's the best DPE we have now, which it wasn't before, I'm almost positive. Were we doing the math wrong all that time or was the skill changed?
#12 Dec 18 2008 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
patch 3.0.2 wrote:
# Rake: The damage for this ability has been increased.

That is why we use Rake now. If I recall it is one of our best DPE attacks.


druidserg wrote:
Totally wrong on the boss-fight-aspect!
General rule on boss-fights is:
1) Keep Savage Roar up all times (DPS-boost Nr. 1)
2) Keep Mangle-Debuff up all time Unless a warrior is keeping up Trauma
3) Keep Rake up all time (most efficient ability we have, best DPE)
4) Keep Rip up all time
5) Shred if nothing else to do and energy to spare!
6) FB if have extra CPs and it wont interfere with any of the above steps

Added some stuff in bold. But ya pretty right on accurate.

Edited, Dec 18th 2008 2:42pm by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#13 Dec 18 2008 at 1:18 PM Rating: Good
Ooh, so it did change. Nice, I'll have to take a look at that.


Damnit, I already don't have enough room on my normal action bar for SR and Berserk! ><
#14 Dec 18 2008 at 2:10 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I have a lot of conditional macros .

SR and Rip share. Maim and FB share. Have a separate bar all together for stealth so all those attacks are elsewhere.

/cast [nomodifier] Spell1; [modifer:ctrl/alt/shift] Spell2/3/4

So about 4 spells per button can be easily done.

Get Dominos if you don't have a bars mod

/cast [nocombat] Revive; [combat] Rebirth

I use that one also has the added benefit of easily showing combat status.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#15 Dec 18 2008 at 4:37 PM Rating: Good
1,260 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
patch 3.0.2 wrote:
# Rake: The damage for this ability has been increased.

That is why we use Rake now. If I recall it is one of our best DPE attacks.


druidserg wrote:
Totally wrong on the boss-fight-aspect!
General rule on boss-fights is:
1) Keep Savage Roar up all times (DPS-boost Nr. 1)
2) Keep Mangle-Debuff up all time Unless a warrior is keeping up Trauma
3) Keep Rake up all time (most efficient ability we have, best DPE)
4) Keep Rip up all time
5) Shred if nothing else to do and energy to spare!
6) FB if have extra CPs and it wont interfere with any of the above steps

Added some stuff in bold. But ya pretty right on accurate.

Edited, Dec 18th 2008 2:42pm by Horsemouth

That's what I've been following so far to be competitive with the other classes. Feral dps doesn't follow a rotation but a rank of priorities to maximise dps.

I usually start every fight like this;

Savage Roar
Tiger's Fury
Shred to 5cp
Savage Roar

Afterwards it's just following priorities.
#16 Dec 18 2008 at 11:11 PM Rating: Good
At lower levels of +hit, I have had to switch to mangle instead of shred to build combo points or I find there are times Rip/SR drop off before I can generate enough points. As I get more +hit, i'll switch back to shred - of course, mangling makes the rotation a bit easier to keep up :)

Edited, Dec 19th 2008 7:11am by RareBeast
#17 Dec 20 2008 at 7:30 AM Rating: Good
428 posts
FRB wrote:
At lower levels of +hit, I have had to switch to mangle instead of shred to build combo points or I find there are times Rip/SR drop off before I can generate enough points. As I get more +hit, i'll switch back to shred - of course, mangling makes the rotation a bit easier to keep up :

Mangle has a higher chance to hit that shred? Please forgive the ignorance that results from endless days played as resto.
#18 Dec 21 2008 at 2:17 AM Rating: Excellent
387 posts
AynLoD, the miss chance on shred and mangle is the same. What I think he means though is that shred and mangle both generate one combo point, but shred (talented) costs 42 energy, while mangle (talented) is only 34 energy for the same amount of combo points. Thus, when missing now and then, with mangles you will reach 5 combo points faster.
#19 Dec 22 2008 at 10:21 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
I will say, props to Blizz for the feral dps changes. It's now a lot of fun to dps on boss fights, with so many different buttons to push (mangle/shred/rip/rake/roar/TF/FB/zerk)
#20 Dec 22 2008 at 10:56 AM Rating: Good
Horsemouth wrote:
I have a lot of conditional macros .

SR and Rip share. Maim and FB share. Have a separate bar all together for stealth so all those attacks are elsewhere.

/cast [nomodifier] Spell1; [modifer:ctrl/alt/shift] Spell2/3/4

So about 4 spells per button can be easily done.

Get Dominos if you don't have a bars mod

/cast [nocombat] Revive; [combat] Rebirth

I use that one also has the added benefit of easily showing combat status.

I use Bartender, and it was easy enough to fix it with conditionals, yeah. Though it never occurred to me to combine Revive/Rebirth with a macro, that's something I should look into.
#21 Dec 22 2008 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,970 posts
Lerning iz gud!

So I modified my feral dps rotation and I have noticed a fairly significant improvement in my overall damage done and DPS on Recount. On trash I've changed to:

Mangle > Rake > Savage Roar > Rake > Rip > Shred

On bosses I use just about the same thing but I sneak Berserk and Tiger's Fury in there whenever possible. Also, that rotation isn't precise and exact for each and every kill, but that is more or less what I've changed it to.

The reason I'll do shred last is because of the presence of bleeds. Mangle, Rake and Rip make for a more powerful Shred than my previous rotation which had Shred damage primarily off Mangle only. After that last shred at the end the rotation begins again with Mangle. Plus having the 15 Heroism idol for Shred, a glyph for Rip and my T7 two piece bonus for Rip helps as well in making sure that those bleeds stay on as long as possible.

In the last few Naxx and Obsidian Sanctum raids I've gone to as DPS I've averaged around 2000 dps overall and anywhere from 2000-2700 dps on boss fights. I imagine with a few more gear upgrades I can push myself over 3000.

Edited, Dec 22nd 2008 4:21pm by Tavarde
#22 Dec 22 2008 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
I'd put SR before that Rake, myself. More AP iz gud. And you should still be able to make Rip before SR wears I think...14 seconds is a lot.
#23 Dec 22 2008 at 1:49 PM Rating: Excellent
817 posts
Tavarde wrote:
So I modified my feral dps rotation and I have noticed a fairly significant improvement in my overall damage done and DPS on Recount. On trash I've changed to: Mangle > Rake > Savage Roar > Rake > Rip > Shred

On bosses I use just about the same thing but I sneak Berserk and Tiger's Fury in there whenever possible. Also, that rotation isn't precise and exact for each and every kill, but that is more or less what I've changed it to.

The reason I'll do shred last is because of the presence of bleeds. Mangle, Rake and Rip make for a more powerful Shred than my previous rotation which had Shred damage primarily off Mangle only.

1) Whatwhatwhat? Does Shred's damage really get increased by each bleed effect on the target? I've never heard that, and frankly can't believe that's the case.

2) Why hit 'em with a second Rake while the first is still ticking? Negates the DoT value, no? My M.O. is to make sure Savage Roar is up for me, and that Mangle + Rip are up on my current target, then I Shred 'em when I have the energy.

3) As far as opening from combat, I myself do Rake first for the cheap combo point, then Savage Roar to amp my AP, and THEN I Mangle to take advantage of the AP boost and boost my Rake damage. If I'm out of combat, I'll open with Pounce to get my SR-enabling combo point because that gives you such a nice long bleed DoT, then pop Savage Roar, then unload a Mangle to amp up the Pounce damage.
#24 Dec 23 2008 at 12:08 AM Rating: Decent
1,970 posts
So I spoke to some guildies and it would seem that Shred is not modified further by multiple bleeds so that was a misconception on my part.

As for the 2nd use of Rake, that too can definitely be changed. I can see the point about it being redundant. If anything I just do it for a quick 1-2 combo points.
#25 Dec 23 2008 at 2:11 AM Rating: Good
387 posts
Jeebar, you hit the hotpot on all three points. Cookies for you (and everybody else of course)!
#26 Dec 30 2008 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
thanks to everyone here for the great info on feral dps rotations.... i've just respecced back to feral from boomkin and this has answered ALL of my questions!!

oh, except for this: is there a consenus on how many points we should put into the Infected Wounds talent? Is one sufficient or is it best to max it out?

Edited, Dec 30th 2008 7:37pm by apothik
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