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I fixed warlock PvP.Follow

#1 Dec 16 2008 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
13,240 posts
Give them an ability that makes all enemies within 10-yds receive the damage that the warlock takes (Think Iron maiden from Diablo 2). Short duration, and moderate cool down time.
Just as Planned.
#2 Dec 16 2008 at 2:33 PM Rating: Default
Meet "Hellfire".
Hellfire, meet Timelordwho.

Also, the problem with warlock PVP, that most of us will agree, is stuns and interrupts. It's difficult to get enough distance between, and Fear is a joke. The damage we do, or dont do, is not the problem.
I was reading some of the comments on the official forum and MMO Champion, and they are talking about changing Demon Armor and Fel Armor, to suit these needs. I agree with that, but only if that does not include more armor, because armor is not what we really need.
Some sort of concentration buff or more ways to create distance would be perfect.

Edited, Dec 16th 2008 5:41pm by sederix
#3 Dec 16 2008 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Timelordwho wrote:
Give them an ability that makes all enemies within 10-yds receive the damage that the warlock takes (Think Iron maiden from Diablo 2). Short duration, and moderate cool down time.

Rogues would absolutely hate us.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#4 Dec 17 2008 at 2:40 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Make our pets scale with resilience. (no more 2-4 max shots)
Change fel armor back or adjust it.
Make Demonic Teleport useable while stunned and/or remove snairs.(up the cd to be fair).
Remove the combined dimishing turns on seduce & fear.

They should fix atleast 3/4 stated above.

Fixed xD
#5 Dec 17 2008 at 3:05 AM Rating: Decent
357 posts
Fel armor is fine, it's an offensive armor with a small health regen for longer fights. Change demon armor to add more survivability. Boost the bonus to healing to 25%-30% to make up for the loss of xtra spell damage from fel armor, increase the armor bonus a bit, but not too much as we still gotta remain a clothie, and give it a passive stun resist of 25% or 33% when talented. It'll turn Demon Armor into the defensive armor for pvp to help survivability.
Plus a good pvp player will take advantage of it and, mana permiting, be able to switch armors in mid-battle depending on if they are on offense or defense.
#6 Dec 17 2008 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
Meet "Hellfire".
Hellfire, meet Timelordwho.

Again, Sederix proves that his reading comprehension is below that of a grade schooler. He didn't mean something like hellfire, where we take the damage we cause. He meant something like Irom Maiden from Diablo II, where we deal damage caused to us from other sources. So rogue hits us and hurts himself too. Think like a Druids Thorns, or a Shaman's lightning Shield.

I also agree though, this is a terrible idea. I agree 100% with ccbutch's adjustments to Demon Armor though.
#7 Dec 17 2008 at 3:33 PM Rating: Default
Comprehension has nothing to do with it. My point is that we do not need any such thing, because what we have already is fine.
We're ranged DPS, not melee. If we start matching our close-combat with ranged, then we'd be over-powered, or be completely unlike those classes you just mentioned. There's your reading comprehension.
#8 Dec 18 2008 at 5:15 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Lathais wrote:
He didn't mean something like hellfire, where we take the damage we cause.


Timelordwho wrote:
Give them an ability that makes all enemies within 10-yds receive the damage that the warlock takes

.. both sentences could mean the same thing.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#9 Dec 18 2008 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
Give them an ability that makes all enemies within 10-yds receive the damage that the warlock takes

Enemies receive the damage we take from them, not we take the damage we deal to them. Also, by qualifying it with like the spell Irom Maiden in Diablo II and it becomes something entirely different from Hellfire. Iron Maiden was a curse placed on the enemies that when they hit you, they took the damage also.

Comprehension has nothing to do with it. My point is that we do not need any such thing, because what we have already is fine.
We're ranged DPS, not melee. If we start matching our close-combat with ranged, then we'd be over-powered, or be completely unlike those classes you just mentioned. There's your reading comprehension.

With not a lot of ways to get back to range, between rouges getting on us and stunning us and warriors charge, and mages freeze you in place thing, we need to be able to survive at melee range, especially in arena. We're supposed to be range, but have no decent way of staying there. CoEx helps some, but if your running, your not casting, cause we have very few Instant Casts, except DoTs, which take too long in arena's.

Edited, Dec 18th 2008 10:29am by Lathais
#10 Dec 18 2008 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
as long as our pets are so easily disposed of we are screwed.
maybe not so much in the quick fights in S5 but we will be in future longer lasting fights.

a good melee doesnt need more then 2 Gcd's to get rid of em
once S6-S7 gear/weapons get out our pets will be no more then elite critters.
#11 Dec 18 2008 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
64 posts
I say they just combine all the fel, demon, etc. armors together as one armor and give us back the bonus healing as well.

Massive Armor bonus + SP bonus + HP5 + bonus healing from drain life = survivable (and yes, I honestly think we need all 4 to become survivable)

And while were at it, I would love some sort of stun/disorient/snare mitigation of some sort, whether its resistance or shortened duration, I don't care, but throw that into the armor spell as well please.

On a slightly more down to earth note (since my armor suggestion will never happen) I think we should have 2 armors to Choose from, and this is what they should do:

1. Fel armor = bonus spell power, bonus spell haste, thorns effect

2. Demon armor = Bonus Armor, bonus healing effect, bonus HP5

imho =)
#12 Dec 18 2008 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
I think we should have 3 armors, that funtion similar to warriors stances so that we don't have to recast them.

1. Fel Armor - Keep it as is, it's great and any more probably make it OP in PvE

2. Demon Armor - Have it reduce all damage by a set%. Nothing huge, 5-7%ish maybe.

3. Something in between that also offers some stun/snare resistance. A little Spell Power, a little dam reduction and some HoT.

Edited, Dec 18th 2008 3:21pm by Lathais
#13 Dec 21 2008 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
i think...we need new ability that makes during 7seconds damege 50% down from all enemies or rogues.
i hate rogues...
#14 Dec 22 2008 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
Give Warlocks Curse of Mending. Seriously.
#15 Dec 22 2008 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
interesting idea... it'd definately be a big help vs melee (caster nuke i find isn't to OP...) best thing is that it wouldn't entrence into what other classes have OR be simply another "iceblock"... personally I don't think this would be enough... i'd also give demonic tele the ability to remove stuns too.

I done a look through wowheads list of 'curses' a few others that could be interesting (maybe with a 30sec/1min cd) are:

Banshee's curse: decreases targets chance to hit by X% for Y seconds

curse of Exertion: increases cost of spells and abilities by 100% for X seconds (i love the sound of this one, pretty much a 50% dps decrease for most melee classes, and a good way of 'burning' a healers mana quick)

Curse of Fatigue: Curses all enemies in a 5 radius around the target, dealing 2828 to 3172 Shadow damage, slowing movement speed by 30%, attack speed by 30%, and casting speed by 30%. Lasts 10 sec. (ZOMG, gief. hehe)

Curse of horrors: Curses an enemy for 2 min., causing it to be periodically haunted by malevolent ghosts. (could be fun if the ghosts done stuff like slow/damage/fear etc.. ^^)

Curse of the Bleakheart: Curses for 2minutes, periodically stunning the target ^^

Curse of the Plague Rat: Transforms an enemy into a rat, forcing it to wander around and deal 500 Nature damage every 2 sec to nearby allies for up to 14 sec. While wandering, the rat cannot attack or cast spells, but regenerates very quickly. Only one target can be cursed at a time. (lol, what fun this could be :D)
#16 Dec 22 2008 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts
My suggestions are simple. Firstly, Demonic Teleport is useable while stunned; that is an unforgiveable oversight.

Siphon Life is no longer a DoT; it becomes a passive effect layered on with each DoT application and stacks up three times with Corruption/CoA/UA. Damage reduced, healing increased: each stack 50% current SL damage but 75% current healing.
Unstable Affliction doesnt cause a Silence effect; instead, while active ANY dispelled Affliction effect is transferred to the dispeller. This essentially means Dispel classes cannot Dispel themselves, too.
Why?: Affliction is still waaay too vulnerable to dispels and Siphon Life isnt worth the GCD. This way, Affliction becomes stronger with DoTs stacked correctly but weaker without

Demonic Sacrifice is baseline and effect reduced. Nobody likes it anyway.
Demonic Empowerment moved to 21pt talent; it's crap as a 31pter.
31pt talent, Demonic Fury; while either the Warlock or Demon is crowd-controlled, the other causes 30% more damage.
A talent somewhere that provides Stun and Interrupt resistance (say say 10/20/30%) while standing on Demonic Circle.
Why?: Demonology lacks burst AND control so requires CC resistance; it also relies on the Demon, so Banishing or trapping it (very, very easy) should have serious compensation. The Warlock gets CC'd more often, but 30% of pet damage isnt that unbalanced)

Shadowburn doesnt cost a shard; a killing blow with Shadowburn produces a shard.
Shadowburn causes a very limited knockback (say 3-5yds); only useful as a spell interrupt really.
A real 21pt talent; the crit increase should be rolled into Ruin.
Improved Soul Leech rolled into base Soul Leech.
Chaos Bolt critical strikes reduce the cooldown and cast time of your next Chaos Bolt to zero.
Why?: Compared to the ruling Mage, Destrolocks badly lack burst and control. Shadowburn offers a better way to shut down healers, Chaos Bolt offers a nice RNG boost to PvE damage and some solid burst for Arena. Not subject to abuse because of the cooldown on CB.

Frankly I imagine these changes read as overpowered, and maybe some of them are, and Im not suggesting they are all applied simultaneously. One thing is certain, Warlocks need help badly and any one of these changes could provide it.
#17 Dec 22 2008 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
924 posts
A simpler fix...

Warlocks can now wear plate.
#18 Dec 22 2008 at 3:33 PM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
that's already happened, they're called death knights :P
#19 Dec 23 2008 at 5:47 AM Rating: Default
MMO Champion wrote:

Ultimately I think we actually do want locks to survive through mitigation (when compared to survival through CC or escape mechanisms). The trick is nailing this compromise between plate-wearers who stand and take it and glass cannons who run away. There is probably something to the fact that locks and hunters both feel like they can't stand and fight and can't get away from melee. It's the mail-wearer paradox. I know you don't wear mail per se, but we're pushing you closer to that than we are the slippery mage.

Survive through mitigation.
This sounds great, but I need to insist that it not be done through actual armor. Armor will not prevent interrupts and stuns, and when you're getting raped by some rogue or warrior that can penetrate armor, we'd have to stack more armor to compensate which cant reasonably be done, as far as clothies are concerned.
Siphon Life, Fel Armor and Soul Link have interesting possibilities, and I feel that they work perfect for mitigating damage (my mitigation is comparable to a Balance druid). So, taking damage is not the real problem, and this person obviously is not addressing the real one that we keep screaming.
#20 Dec 23 2008 at 8:26 AM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
Here's a really weird idea that may just work.

Let us equip shields then replace demonic embrace with something that increases our chance to block substantially. Blocking an attack would probably have to interupt our casting, but that's ok. It would have to be done in a way that we can get close to 1/2 - 3/4 what a warrior can avoid with parry/dodge/block combined, hence the talent to increase it.

I mean, Shammie Healers wear shields, so why not? I'd give up my off-hand for a shield in PvP.

Edited, Dec 23rd 2008 11:28am by Lathais
#21 Dec 23 2008 at 12:06 PM Rating: Default
Conjured shield!

Actually, in the same post, he said they wanted people to use our voidwalker for PVP more (ew!) If they do this, then one of his special abilities could be to intercept either hits or stuns, and reduce casting interruption. That's about the only way I would want to PVP with a voidwalker.

Edited, Dec 23rd 2008 3:10pm by sederix
#22 Dec 25 2008 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
I'll be back later, but Curse of Mending = raid curse just as much as PvP. So no one can truly complain about it. :D
#23 Dec 25 2008 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
lets turn locks into healers :D
#24 Dec 27 2008 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
8,779 posts
aoe unlimited range no cost no cooldown no DR death coil that also roots people in place and pierces thru immunity shields.

problem solved. for locks anyway.
#25 Dec 28 2008 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
4,639 posts
Make an armor that causes any snare, debuff, or stun effects effect the enemy for 50% of the duration (A Rogue Cheap Shots you, it lasts 4 seconds, the Rogue gets stunned for 2 seconds). Wouldn't really be overpowered by any means. Make an ability that can swap the pets location with the warlocks location, and switch all the buffs and debuffs. Like a mix of Cloak of Shadows and Blink. Except you lose your buffs.

Since DK's are allowd to come back alive and deal out 2k damage per hit, why not let the warlock come back for 45 seconds as a demon? *Shrugs*
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
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Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

#26 Dec 29 2008 at 6:07 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
aoe unlimited range no cost no cooldown no DR death coil that also roots people in place and pierces thru immunity shields.

problem solved. for locks anyway.

Begrudging Warlocks a buff at this point absolutely boggles the mind, Quor.

If you want to troll that's fine (well, it's not but hey...), but choose a more contentious issue; apart from the old 'omaigawd lox op lawlololol' crowd almost everyone I talk to pities Warlocks immeasurably.

Do you have issue with a specific suggestion? If so please bring it up and lets have a chat.
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