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#1 Dec 13 2008 at 4:20 AM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
Can be seen here.

Very disappointed in that tanking sigil. The others aren't too shabby.
#2 Dec 13 2008 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
the tank sigil turns out to be like 1.29% avoidance while its up.
i think, at the least, it should be icy touch activates a 18 second def buff or something. as it is now thats garbage and the icy touch or scourge strike ones are better.

#3 Dec 13 2008 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Yay still using my starter sigil until I can get the one from badges.
#4 Dec 13 2008 at 12:21 PM Rating: Excellent
That thing seems pretty terrible to me Theo.

Anybody know it's proc rate?
#5 Dec 13 2008 at 12:36 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
That thing seems pretty terrible to me Theo.

Anybody know it's proc rate?

It's being changed to crit rating. Smiley: wink

Edit: and it's proc rate is supposedly 15%.

Edited, Dec 13th 2008 12:38pm by Theophany
#6 Dec 13 2008 at 2:04 PM Rating: Default
That's a horrible tanking sigil. I mean, every tank is gonna have 540 defense to be uncrittable. He's going to have it ALL THE TIME, not just a "chance" to become uncrittable. So this extra 53 defense is just going to bump us up to 593, which is a waste. If it wasn't a "chance" to increase our defense, but just a pure increase every time we used Icy Touch, then it would be worth it. As long as it lasted longer than the CD of Icy Touch it'd be great. But a "chance" to increase our defense is just plain stupid.
#7 Dec 13 2008 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
According to those on the PTR, the proc rate is 100% (although some believe this is a bug) and it has a 29 sec duration so theoretically you can keep it up all the time, but that's still not good enough IMO. Say there's a boss somewhere who's immune to frost damage. Or even has a phase where he's immune to frost damage. Or even something akin to offtanking water elemental adds (a la Shade of Aran)

The idea is to be crit immune not crit somewhat unlikely. I'd rather they changed it to a passive bonus or simply make the proc something else (parry or whatever)
#8 Dec 13 2008 at 3:26 PM Rating: Excellent
Crit rating would already make it massively better.

Still, 15% proc rate... how often is it up?

+90 to BS/HS seems hard to beat, especially for a Blood spec.
#9 Dec 13 2008 at 5:20 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
Crit rating would already make it massively better.

Still, 15% proc rate... how often is it up?

+90 to BS/HS seems hard to beat, especially for a Blood spec.

Not completely sure on uptime, but if we assume that you HS 6 times every 30 secs (6 HSs per rotation as 51/13/7), you're almost assured a proc once a rotation, giving you about 10-15 secs for every 30 that the buff isn't up.

So roughly 86.5 crit, full-time?

This is just rough math that I did very briefly, but it's definitely better than the starting sigil.
#10 Dec 13 2008 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
Just a comment, but apparently the tanking sigil is 100% proc rate, for 30s uptime.

It is intended to be up fulltime according to GC, and reliable, as long as you can IT once every 30 seconds (which shouldnt be a problem unless you are using the scourge strike glyph).

This makes it somewhat better, but I really don't see defense being a problem anymore, especially since the new runeforge enchant is 25 defense SKILL and not rating.
#11 Dec 13 2008 at 7:00 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
Statistical "caps" are not magic numbers. Even if you have 540 def, more is still good. Every bit of defense adds avoidance. 540 is just the amount of defense needed to remove crit from your life but that is not the end-all of your tanking stat needs.

More avoidance = less damage = more healer mana = happier raids.
#12 Dec 14 2008 at 12:17 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
If the tanking sigil is designed in such a way that you can be certain that the effect will be up on you 100% of the time during combat, I'd call it adequate. Lots of times you're spreadying diseases with pestillence though, and might not IT before it runs out (depending on its length) which is a downside.

Really, we always used to have to rely on active-abilities to push crushinng blows of the table, there's nothing wrong with relying on an active ability to become crit immune. But it has to be reliable. You have to be CERTAIN that if you're casting the spell it WILL be up. None of this "chance" garbage.
#13 Dec 14 2008 at 10:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Not completely sure on uptime, but if we assume that you HS 6 times every 30 secs (6 HSs per rotation as 51/13/7), you're almost assured a proc once a rotation, giving you about 10-15 secs for every 30 that the buff isn't up.

So roughly 86.5 crit, full-time?

The way I see it, your 2 Blood Rune HS every cooldown, and 1 set of your FU rune HS every other rotation, meaning 18 HS every minute of uninterrupted dps.

15% of 18 is 2.7ish, so we can assume that the sigil proc will be up an average 27 seconds per minute, so 45% of the time. That's assuming no internal cooldown of course.

Now, assuming 51/13/7 as a spec and going by the numbers we have here...

173 Haste = 107.5 dps

107.5 X 45% = 48.375dps

Now if it's crit...

173 Crit = 194.45

194.45 X 45% = 87.5dps

So yes, by going from Haste to crit, the Sigil almost double it's effectivness - and it's even better for non-blood spec, because Blood gets more out of Haste then the other specs and less out of crit then the other specs.

Although keep in mind Frost/Unholy only do 12 Blood Strike per minute, not 18, so that does change the calculation somewhat, still, the new sigil will still be better.

This is just rough math that I did very briefly, but it's definitely better than the starting sigil.

+90 damage per HS/BS means 90X18 for a Blood spec so 1620.

1620/60 (seconds) = 27dps

And it will of course be much weaker for a Frost or Unholy DK (18 dps only). Even if the 90 damage is boosted by the 9% of Bloody Strikes or the 15% of Blood of the North, it is still fairly weak.

So the current sigil of the haunted dream is actually better then the starting sigil and the new crit one will be much better.

I guess people say it sucks because it costs 15 Emblems and only increase your dps by about 21... considering people easily push 2.5k+ dps, 21 dps more is nothing to write home about.

Now the 2 big questions are:

1 - How do those new level 74 Sigil compare to the new Sigil of Haunted Dream.

2 - The Sigil of Haunted Dream's Haste will be converted to Crit, but will it be converted to the same amount (175 crit rating)?

Statistical "caps" are not magic numbers. Even if you have 540 def, more is still good. Every bit of defense adds avoidance. 540 is just the amount of defense needed to remove crit from your life but that is not the end-all of your tanking stat needs.

More avoidance = less damage = more healer mana = happier raids.


I don't think the tanking sigil is meant to allow you to reach Defense Cap, but rather meants to give you a touch more avoidance once you've already reached it.

I know I'm personally sitting at 521 DEF in my tank set, and I'm still short a few piece. The new Glyph will put me well into the Uncrittable range by itself. This new Sigil is just icing.

Edited, Dec 14th 2008 2:07pm by Tyrandor
#14 Dec 14 2008 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
Statistical "caps" are not magic numbers. Even if you have 540 def, more is still good. Every bit of defense adds avoidance. 540 is just the amount of defense needed to remove crit from your life but that is not the end-all of your tanking stat needs.

More avoidance = less damage = more healer mana = happier raids.

This is true, however after 540, since DK doesn't block, defense doesnt really provide as much per point as the other avoidance stats. That being said its still good to get, just not something you stack.

The sigil is about 1.3% avoidance i believe.
#15 Dec 14 2008 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
I know I'm personally sitting at 521 DEF in my tank set, and I'm still short a few piece. The new Glyph will put me well into the Uncrittable range by itself. This new Sigil is just icing.

New glyph?
#16 Dec 14 2008 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Dodge and Parry are still in there. Even without block, avoidance from def rating is still golden for DK tanks. 1.3% of not getting my face smashed in? I'll take it, kkthx ;)

But I have to agree with Tyr, I wouldn't rely on the sigil to keep me at the crit cap. I'd use it on top of the def needed from gear.

Edit: And, unless I'm mistaken from not doing a whole lotta research yet, but I don't know of any threat generated from being hit (like a pally or via rage for warriors/druids). So, all the avoidance I can stack sounds good to me. /shrug

Edited, Dec 14th 2008 2:56pm by TherionSaysWhat
#17 Dec 14 2008 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
TherionSaysWhat wrote:
Dodge and Parry are still in there. Even without block, avoidance from def rating is still golden for DK tanks. 1.3% of not getting my face smashed in? I'll take it, kkthx ;)

But I have to agree with Tyr, I wouldn't rely on the sigil to keep me at the crit cap. I'd use it on top of the def needed from gear.

Edit: And, unless I'm mistaken from not doing a whole lotta research yet, but I don't know of any threat generated from being hit (like a pally or via rage for warriors/druids). So, all the avoidance I can stack sounds good to me. /shrug

Edited, Dec 14th 2008 2:56pm by TherionSaysWhat

Yes, it shouldn't matter one way or another whether a DK gets hit.

In fact, avoiding those hits via parry/dodge increases your threat output via Rune Strike.
#18 Dec 14 2008 at 6:49 PM Rating: Default
947 posts
In fact, avoiding those hits via parry/dodge increases your threat output via Rune Strike.

Rune Strike doesnt work that way, it activates after your attack is parried/dodged not after you dodge or parry, that's Riposte.
#19 Dec 14 2008 at 10:32 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Sinstralis wrote:
In fact, avoiding those hits via parry/dodge increases your threat output via Rune Strike.

Rune Strike doesnt work that way, it activates after your attack is parried/dodged not after you dodge or parry, that's Riposte.

Funny, because it works exactly the way I've said. Read the tooltip more thoroughly, and understand why it's considered a "tanking ability".

Read the comments. If it's proccing when a mob dodges your attacks, it's bugged.

The reason that people use it as a "rogue killer" currently is because rogues hit you so often that you're bound to get a parry/dodge in there somewhere, thus enabling you to pound them back even through evasion.
#20 Dec 14 2008 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
Rune Strike doesnt work that way, it activates after your attack is parried/dodged not after you dodge or parry, that's Riposte.

The tooltip is unclear, GC himself said it. they are going to change the text in the patch.
It's a tanking ability. It activates similar to how revenge activates (in contrast to what you said which would be overpower)

Edited, Dec 15th 2008 1:13am by EnthalpyTheBurninator

edit: got confused by the above poster. final exam studying burns the brain.

Edited, Dec 15th 2008 10:31am by EnthalpyTheBurninator
#21 Dec 15 2008 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
EnthalpyTheBurninator wrote:
Rune Strike doesnt work that way, it activates after your attack is parried/dodged not after you dodge or parry, that's Riposte.

The tooltip is unclear, GC himself said it. they are going to change the text in the patch.
It's a tanking ability. It activates similar to how revenge activates (in contrast to what you said which would be overpower/riposte)

Edited, Dec 15th 2008 1:13am by EnthalpyTheBurninator

Actually, Riposte works the same way as Revenge/Rune Strike.
#22 Dec 15 2008 at 4:26 AM Rating: Default
From the sigils that are linked in the first post, both as frost dps and tank id go for the one that adds damage to icy touch tbh ><
10 defense isnt gonna do much good once ur def capped, and with the new runeforge defcap shouldnt be a problem anymore.

#23 Dec 15 2008 at 7:41 AM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
For the sake of clarity it would probably be easier for all if we stopped referring to 540 def as "defense cap" (which it isn't) in favour of crit immune. There's too many people, tanks included, who believe that any point above 540 is wasted.
#24 Dec 15 2008 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Alastaironsiren wrote:
For the sake of clarity it would probably be easier for all if we stopped referring to 540 def as "defense cap" (which it isn't) in favour of crit immune. There's too many people, tanks included, who believe that any point above 540 is wasted.

Those tanks are idiots. As are most people.
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