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All wrong but having FUNFollow

#1 Dec 12 2008 at 10:39 AM Rating: Excellent
32 posts
Just my random thoughts. Started my troll hunter on Dec.1, 2008 as a first time WoW player after playing EQ for 7 years. At level 10 I tamed a scorpid but got tired of the clicking so I tamed a boar. I bought a slot at the Stable Master in case I wanted to go back to scorpid.

I chose skinning/leathermaking as professions plus fishing/cooking/first aid. I enjoyed upgrading my quiver by making it myself plus the armor packs. Fishing/cooking was nice to make stat food and feed my pet with leftovers. Armor and weps upgrades dropped regulary. Man I love this game.

I earn enough cash for spells from selling drops to vendors. Quests earn great experience and are fun to do. Only problem is bag space or the serious lack of. I get to Crossroads and a guy gives me an 8-slot bag for free then ridicules me for not saying thank you. When I finally figure how to whisper to him, I explain that it was only my second day of playing and I did not know how to chat yet. He apologises for the chastise and gives me a stack of cloth and silk which I have made into bags in Org for free by a kindly tailor. BTW - flying is really cool!

In Ratchet, I partner with a another player for the 1st time. She is a warlock that after we clear the fort, she gives me a Glyph of Hunter's Mark then goes with me to Org so I can mem/install it.

In Thunderbluff, a person shouts that he has extra 12-slot bags for free. He gives me 4. Ahh, bag space problem solved. I even buy 2 bank bag slots because I have all this leather saved up. Also in TB, I get invited into a guild that says they want to help teach me the game.

Leveling nicely, learning how to lay traps, which spell/talent to cast when, just having a great time. Wish more of the guild members would be on when I was, usually only a couple and they are not that chatty. I am not getting a lot of education from them. Nice guild bank I guess so I make some donations of materials that I don't need.

Then I dinged level 30 Tuesday night. I got my letter in the mailbox that I could get my mount for 44 gold (35 training + 9 mount). I have all of 4 gold on me. Uh oh, I apparently been handling my economy all wrong. I have dropped leathermaking, picked up herbalism and now have spent a couple hours trying to figure out the Auction House.

I put all that I hope could sell in the AH last night and hopefully when I get home from work today I will have some cash. If I don't then I will quit worrying about a mount and go back to having fun just questing and killing. I also think I will drop out of my guild, they do not seem all that helpful.

Also, the raid of Alliance people in Thunder Bluff was really great to watch. PvP could be interesting one day but not right now.

In summary, I have done everything wrong apparently from selling loot to vendors instead of using AH, joining a lame guild and not focusing on making money but I still enjoy the game. If I have not sells in AH when I get home then I am meant to just get around on foot.

Man I love this game.
#2 Dec 12 2008 at 11:20 AM Rating: Excellent
1,519 posts
Well, at least hunters get aspect of the cheetah. Sounds like you've had a pretty good first experience with the game. Herbalism was definitely the profession to go with right now because of all the lazy Scribes (Inscription) who want to do their minor inscription research, but don't want to go farm level 1 herbs... I've bought a stack of Silverleaf for up to 8g.

I actually just started my umpteenth hunter on a new server as an experiment. I know that there are some people I know on the server, but I haven't told them I'm there. As soon as I hit level 10 and do the pet quests, I'm going to hike my cute little Belf butt from Silvermoon to Teldrassil to tame an owl. I've never done it before, and it seems like an incredible waste of time :) I'm also seeing how fast I can make money. In the 3 years that I've been playing, I've actually never rolled on a server without someone I know IRL giving me a few gold to start out with.
#3 Dec 12 2008 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
The general rule is to sell as much on the auction house as is worth selling.
(anything green, any herbs, any skins you don't use, any gems you might have picked up somewhere etc)
As long as you pay attention to what things are being sold for, you'll make enough money to fund yourself and get all the mounts you'll need. (yeah, there's 3 more. although one of them is more luxury than pure necessity)

And well, nobody does everything right from the start ^^
As long as you focus on gear that has agility (with intellect and stamina as well wherever possible) you'll be fine.

And most importantly, have fun exploring WoW.
I know I did (it slowed my leveling, but I'm the kind of person who has to know what exactly is around the corner).

Oh, and the AH is for making money, not spending it.
There's many people who can't fund their spells/mounts/whatever because they wanted that shiny new piece of gear.
And while buying it forgot that it isn't good for their class/what they have is nearly as good or anything else like that.
Gear you get from questing is sufficient in most cases, if you feel you're lacking go do some instances your level to get better gear.
#4 Dec 12 2008 at 1:23 PM Rating: Excellent
830 posts
Wow... an enthusiastic new player! I love it! ^_^

I'm glad you got the communications and interaction down with others fairly early on, those are harder lessons to learn later. Always be polite, help others, and you'll never run out of friends to help you with things.

Get a good 'helping' guild. Most end-game guilds don't fit that mold, but friend based guilds and 'starter' guilds are good places to start. They can make life most comfortable as you go up in levels. If you find a bunch of folks you like playing with and they are all in the same guild, ask to join. Usually you'll have built in sponsors that will show you the ropes of the later aspects of the game. A good guild can make or break your WoW experience.

The AH is an interesting place and it varies by server. Not all greens are good sellers, you'll rapidly learn which "... of the..." items to sell on AH and which to vendor. Anything blue generally sells well on the AH. I've only had to vendor a blue once and because it was more than useless. As you get later on in the game, you'll find enchanters love it when you swap them worthless greens and blues to disenchant. It generally gets you free enchanting and sometimes free mats! If you are in a good guild, go by whatever their policies are. Some guilds are devoute in keeping the greens in-house for disenchantment for guild mats. These guilds are good because you almost never pay for mats, but you must contribute! If you have a good enchanter or two in the guild, you almost always get the mats and the enchants for free. That's solid gold right there.

I actually made decent money fishing Kara for a while there, but now with Lich King out, the market has died. Darn that! So level your cooking and first aid faster than the fishing. It can wait.

So, welcome to the game, and keep up the fun! Your on-line friends will likely be where your continued enjoyment is at in the later stages of the game.
#5 Dec 12 2008 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
747 posts
The next thing on your list of things to learn/ try should be interface add-ons if you don't already have some. Go to to find them and I'll give you a list of some that have helped me immensely.

First and foremost, Auctioneer Suite, it is a godsend for anyone who ever sells or buys anything from the AH, it scans the AH for you and adds a tab to your AH pop-up that allows you to post but see what everyone else posting the same item has it posted for so you know how much to charge, which is also great for knowing when to buy because it also gives you a percentage of the market value ( ie silk cloth stacks normally go for 5g and someone is selling it for 3g so it's at 60% market value) It can also tell you whether an item is worth more as the item or the regents it might disenchant too. Anyway.. just go check out the auctioneer site for more info.

Second, Quest Helper, some people would put this first, but I think of it more of a huge luxury than a necessity like Auctioneer. This prioritizes your quests and shows you on your minimap and normal map where it would be best to go for your quests to be more efficient in your questing process and waste the least amount of time between them. It updates automatically based on where you are, where you're flying and when you get new quests. it doesn't include dungeon or group quests in the list UNLESS you are in that dungeon or in a group in that zone (ie group quest for Barrens won't show up on list if you're in Stranglethorn Vale in a group). It's great, not because it leads you everywhere (which is nice) but I find it to be a bigger help because I don't ever find myself stopping what I'm doing to read quest logs to find out where I go next, the list is always up on your screen so you always know what your doing, so you never find yourself going "OK done with that quest.... what now?"

Third, Atlas Loot. People will disagree with me, but I find this to be very practical. This is a database of all equipment you get as faction rewards, PvP rewards (Battlegrounds and Arena), dungeons, raids and quests (not all quests but quests involving dungeons and raids). I find it to be incredibly helpful in making a "wishlist" for gear so I know what dungeons I want to run, what quests I need in the dungeon to get the reward, whether running a dungeon is worthwhile or just plain fun to go in a check out what gear I will never see because it drops from some end-game raid boss that I will never fight because of real life time constraints (wife, new baby, etc...).

Anything on top of these three will help, or make life easier but these three have helped me the most. Once you get in to raids/ high end instances, Omen will be talked about along with some action bar organizers and things to clear up your screen, but don't worry about them while you're leveling.

Keep having fun, play the game the way you want to, know your class and youll be having fun for a LONG time. Welcome to World of Warcrack.....<cough> Warcraft...
#7 Dec 14 2008 at 4:09 AM Rating: Good
979 posts
Nice to see you are learning and the others have said what is needed to progress a lot better and easier but i will add what little i have found anyway.

First tip is i use Auctioneer Suite as like you i used to vendor everything , it does need to scan every day if possible to get the best results ( i scan while off to eat or getting a drink or reading here ) but watch out for the crazy high prices it can sometimes throw at you as some players will put low worth items up for very very high prices which increases the items worth far above its real price , for example on my server recently i saw a stack of linen cloth up for 1500g which as we all know should be less than 1g .

And do try not to buy to much at the Auction House unless you have made a hell of a lot of gold from selling your stuff as there is little point in buying armour and weapons that will need to be replaced in a few levels anyway.

I use Koordinatoor to get cords to find places i need to be as it is a far more simple addon than others and does use less memory for those that have memory problems.

I use Carbonite as it also seems to use less memory than Questhelper and to me is a far better addon as it only shows me what i want to know and so simple even a dunce like me can easily use it without having to say to friends what do i do with it , and as i have only just got it i can tell you after all the years i have been playing it is one hell of a fun way to find things instead of all the hours i used to spend looking up the cords here , i still look up quests on here though as i like to know what awaits me ( no point in rushing in to a place only to end up ghost running as i have done a few times in the past ).

Your guild is not that bad there are many worse than that about.

#8 Dec 14 2008 at 5:31 PM Rating: Excellent
Ah, I can remember my first character. My first exploration. My first adventure and hunt...
How I foolishly went (as alliance) up to Undercity so I could check things out there, fished a little in the slimepond in the tunnel, and somehow ended up on the Zeppelin to Grom'gol. Not too bad, really, since I would be needing the Stranglethorn Vale Flightpath later... All these little mishaps and rookie mistakes which in turn became great experiences and fun little adventures.

Don't worry about things going a little wrong. It's how it works the first time you get through WoW. You make mistakes, and learn from them. Much better than to just follow the beaten path and doing the right thing without understanding why it's the right thing to do.

I actually suggest not using too many interface addons or doing things 100% by the book. Figure it out by yourself, and ask questions. Don't just take "well this is how it is" for an answer. Make them explain why things are how they are, and why you should do this and that. Don't worry about performance and fast leveling. It's a game, and you've got so much content ahead of you, and around you. Spend the extra time exploring the zones and enjoying the sights. The next time you come there on another character you might not bother as much, nor enjoy it as much.

The first time through WoW is a fabulous experience. Don't spoil it by taking the path most traveled.

What server are you on, by the way? I've got a couple of Horde characters myself, so if coincidence works in your favor, I just might be on that server.
#9 Dec 14 2008 at 9:08 PM Rating: Good
1,150 posts
NorthAl is right, dont rush through all the content and I would reccomend not getting a quest helper add on. I am still on my first alliance character (my first character to ever go over 25) and I enjoy exploring all the different areas and figuring out all the quests.
If I get a quest that tells me to search the Woodpaw Gnoll camp for an item I have two options. Use a quest helper to point me directly to the item. Or I could fight my way through the camp, gaining experience and loot for my troubles, while I search for the chest myself. I find the second option far more satisfying.
The only addon I have is Auctioneer because it useful to see what my items are really worth before I auction them off. Made the mistake of selling 2 Blues with a combined value of 50g for less than 5g... and that was when I still couldnt afford a mount.
Ive met people in the game who have their only goal as rushing to level, one of my friends has all the addons she can find and follows a levelling guide, she started 20 levels below me when I met her and in the past 4 days is now 7 levels above me, but I think I am having more fun as I level.
Someone might tell you not to scour Stranglethorn Vale for the Book Pages, I enjoyed doing that because it inspired me to explore and find all the different killables in there.

Sure I make some mistakes when I choose to step off the beaten path, attacking a level 59 Elite because he had fairly low hp was a big mistake, chasing a tauren druid into the Crossroads was another, but it is all part of the experience of your first character and I wouldnt want to miss it for the world.
People may tell you not to spend your cash at the Auction House, spend all you want! I just spent about 100g on 2 items that were marginally better than my current items, but I want to be as good as I can be and I dont see the need to hoard my cash if there is things to spend it on.
Enjoy your first time through Azeroth, I know I am.

Edited, Dec 15th 2008 12:13am by EbanySalamonderiel
#10 Dec 14 2008 at 11:57 PM Rating: Good
175 posts
One other thing:

Make a bank alt.
A nice little character that you put in a capital city, to whom you can send your greens,cloth etc.;
This is a real time- and moneysaver.
No more endless running around from your questing zone to a city, this will significantly boost your leveling process.
And if you're not on your main toon, you'll be less tempted to buy stuff of the Auction House!

Anyway, you think the beginning of the game is great? Well don't worry, since it's all uphill from here :-)
Happy hunting and stay safe!
#11 Dec 15 2008 at 5:30 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
Wonderful to see a new player enjoying it.
As an ex-EQ player I know what you mean about the feeling of actually being able to craft something useful.

An addon I found invaluable is Autodecline. Perhaps I'm a tad unsociable but it stops the duel and invite messages getting in your way. Maybe its because of the EQ background but I kind of like people to talk to me before inviting (unless its one of those mid-fight situations where either you or they are obviously offering to share the quest credit)

The bank alt is a great suggestion. I also make sure that I buy a full quiver of arrows - and maybe some pet food - and send it to the bank alt who returns it. Then I have fresh ammo and food as close as the nearest mailbox

Good Hunting
Wherever I go - there I am.
#12 Dec 15 2008 at 8:20 AM Rating: Good
32 posts
I want to thank everyone that replied. I had a great WoW weekend. I got a few of the addons: Auctioneer suite, Questhelper and Cartographer. I joined a different guild and I think that has made a huge difference. The members are all extremely helpful with answering questions.

I finally started making money selling my skinnings and herbs once I used Auctioneer to help me price things.

Joined a group yesterday to do my first instance which was in Undercity. I now know what it is like to be in a bad group in WoW. The leader (hunter) ran out of arrows within the first few minutes and was begging for food. I am a new hunter and I knew to make sure my quiver was full before heading out.

We all died pretty quickly and everyone just quit the group. I started to run back for my corpse and decided that was not a good idea. After rezzing in the graveyard, a level 80 guild member ran me thru all the instances there just so I could see them and finish my quests; thanks Rentaur (sp?)!

I now have my mount, got several blue pieces of armor and weapons plus 40g in the bank. Feeling good from having a great WoW weekend.
#13 Dec 15 2008 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Welcome to the game.

What class or classes did you play in EQ?
#14 Dec 15 2008 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
Welcome to the game!

I remember reaching level 10 in Elwynn Forest, and using general chat to announce I was LFP! After a while, getting questions like, "Why do you need a group?", to which I said, "To level of course!"

And running Deadmines in pick up groups, over and over again, to get those nice green named items, that sold oh so well with the vendor NPC. That's how I made my first gold... slowly, and painful. Hehe, good times.
#15 Dec 15 2008 at 5:51 PM Rating: Excellent
32 posts
In EQ, my first and main was a warrior after that was a shaman then I moved the shaman to another account to 2-box warrior/shaman. After that I 2-boxed cleric/magician. At the end I was 4-boxing magician/ranger/cleric/shaman.

It got too complicated plus friends started dropping out so I was looking for a game with less drama. So far WoW has provided that since I know I can solo to the top levels. No more worries about LFG.

BTW-I use the term gating also.
#16 Dec 16 2008 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
Brings back memories for sure. I remember when my guild made a mass exodus from SWG to WoW and about 20 of us got to experience all the original game had to offer. One mistake I'll never live down is getting to level 43 without realizing I had training points to spend! I didn't discover it on my own where I could have just kept quiet on the matter, I asked in vent "what are these "specs" you all are talking about?"....

Many many fun times were had as we finally got high enough and good enough to do DM tribute runs and eventually ZG and MC though by that time so much had changed from the original group that migrated that it was just never the same.

Enjoy every bit of the leveling experience just as you have been. You can do it as many times as you want but it'll never be the same again.
#17 Dec 17 2008 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
797 posts
Wait, did I just read about less drama in WoW? You must have a decent guild. ;)
#18 Dec 17 2008 at 2:56 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Noth and dwarfchapke made excellent suggestions for a new player.

The bank alt is an extreme convenience and will save you much time and money as stated. Plus you never have to juggle hearthstone CDs and AH runs.

Not using QH or getting all mod crazy is a good idea. It is your first toon enjoy getting lost in the woods. Maybe after a bit some UI mods might help but not until you have a better idea of what you want and need. QH is better, in general, for people who want to rush through or alts IMHO. If your really stuck just enter the quest name in the Alla search bar.

Welcome to WoW and Alla.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#19 Dec 18 2008 at 8:05 AM Rating: Good
32 posts
I have created a bank alt, thank you for that suggestion. It is nice that I dont have to constantly go back to a city to put stuff up on auction or to buy arrows. The alt deals with the AH and keeps a bag full of arrows on her so that I can stay out in the field questing and killing. Mail boxes are generally easy to get to. I made her a tailor/enchanter so that she could make bags with the excess cloth/wool/silk once I reach the appropriate first aid level. Enchanting so that she can disenchant the green stuff that does not sell in AH.

I don't follow QuestHelper even though I have it. I do the quests in the order I want to do them which really confuses that arrow that QH provides. I am learning that PUGs are as bad in WoW as they were in EQ. I solo hunt but socialize by chatting with guildmates who are all a lot higher level than me but mostly a lot younger RL.

I am not rushing to 80, I do all the quests I can before leaving an area even if it is greyed out just to do it and if I do group with other people that are incapable of playing correctly I just leave the group. I pay to have fun!

I can't wait to get on Friday night and finally go hunt with my new pet gorilla.
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