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DK Tanking Q'sFollow

#1 Dec 12 2008 at 3:53 AM Rating: Good
So this is a fun and sad story. I had just got done restoring my computer (beeping virus that seems to have come from my brother's laptop) and was finally online setting up my 173 addons back up again when I got a tell from someone who I ran with in Utgarde and Nexus wanting to know if I would like to tank Azjol-Nerub, I warned the guy that my UI was done, but if the party was willing to wait I would get a basic setup going so we could run. So away we go, my addons are stacked into one corner of the screen and I created 5 bars with macroon! (sp) trying to get everything I would possibly need for tanking.

To shorten this, we got wiped across the floor at the first boss. Mind you two things are against the group atm, first my UI wasn't setup yet (I make some really interesting and completely custom UI's. Second, it was my first time in Azjol-Nerub and hadn't even considered looking up any strategies on the place because I am questing through every area for my epic lol. A member in the group said that if I wanted to tank then I would need to get into frost, which I didn't personally get to excited over frost at first. So here I sit, waiting on yet another re-install because my bro turned that diease ridden laptop on again and it got my system again (Im formatting that laptop right now lol). While I sit and stare at the blank wall in front of me, I have been taking time to read on elitistjerks website about DK tanking and wondered if anyone had any personal experiences that they could share. I used to play hunter, so tanking wasn't really my forte. However, I have had some small tastes and I'm hooked like a crack addict lol.

Also curious what gear should I be keeping an eye out for? I am still deciphering that website and all of its numbers.
#2 Dec 12 2008 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
333 posts
Well as for gear, just pretend your a prot warrior. And for tanking tips i sugguest reading some of the previous post here about tanking, alot of good tips for every spec. And no, you do not have to be frost to tank. I am an awesome Blood tank.
#3 Dec 12 2008 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
All specs work fine for tanking. Blood is a little on the weak side right now, but the upcoming DK changes are supposed to fix this. I use Frost myself, just because I love the tree and think Frost is cool. A lot of top raiders use Unholy but only when they have so much avoidance, otherwise Bone Shield doesn't last long enough. But when it does it rocks.

This is the spec I use. When my Shaman buddy gets to 80 I'm speccing out of Icy Talons because there won't be a need for it. If you read Mongoose's thread around here somewhere about Frost he has some good specs in it. I think I'll spec to this when my friend hits 80.

And this is a list of gear that will make you uncrittable before Naxx. We have to sacrifice a lot of stats to get that Def up there. But they're supposed to be adding Two Handers with Defense soon so we'll be able to get better gear soon.

Personal experiences...hmm not many worth sharing. All I can tell ya really is get that Dark Command glyph. It doesn't seem like much, but trust me you do NOT want your taunt to fail :P
#4 Dec 12 2008 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
The first boss in AN kinda sucks for tanks and is a bad first experience :)

His adds are all immune to everything until you kill the 'guardian' mob which means that your Pestilence/UB/DnD or whatever you like to pop to pickup adds while AoE tanking won't work. Yet if you focus too much on the adds, you lose threat on the boss. The trick is to try and pick up the guardian if you can (and if you can't don't sweat it) and let the DPS keep the adds of the healer. It is perfectly doable and once you've got it down you'll wonder why it was so tough, but it's a poor introductory tank fight :)

And you are absolutely not forced to spec Frost in order to tank. Blood is being buffed somewhat and even now is viable (although to be honest, not as effective) I would actually argue that Unholy is a little better than Frost in terms of mitigation for the moment up until the Bone Shield nerf, but even then it's still a powerful tanking ability and Frost and Unholy are pretty much equally good. Frost has an edge when it comes to mitigating physical damage (Frigid Dreadplate, Unbreakable Armor) and Unholy is slightly better at holding AoE and mitigating spell damage ( UB, AMZ, magic suppression Bone Shield)

Edited, Dec 12th 2008 1:52pm by Rasen
#5 Dec 12 2008 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
OP was talking azjol-nerub, not old kingdom

azjol nerub is the 3 waves of ******** into boss with enrage and spawns little **** adds

the boss you mentioned is old kingdom

my advice for OP is

1- try learning to tank without the mods.... its not that hard but will give you a firmer grasp (i say the same to healers... better to learn on the stock ****, then mod to taste)

2- grab whatever tanking talents your tree has, and gear for tanking best you can (while leveling, defense rating and stam are your aces in the hole.... when you get higher up theres other things to consider.... rule of thumb, if its plate and has dodge/defense/parry rating or a ******* of stam, good for tanking)

3- try and take a read on the instances via wowwiki or w/e, at least familiarize yourself with the bosses

tanks tend to mark the run with dps marks, and its useful be able to lead the run fully... including describing peoples roles in a boss fight

if you get on those 3 things, you should be fine with tanking the leveling instances.... check out some of the tank threads in this forum for details on what to do or builds are good

any more questions, feel free to ask, but take a look around... i know theres answers for most the basic tanking stuff floatin around
#6 Dec 12 2008 at 1:30 PM Rating: Good
3- try and take a read on the instances via wowwiki or w/e, at least familiarize yourself with the bosses

tanks tend to mark the run with dps marks, and its useful be able to lead the run fully... including describing peoples roles in a boss fight

lol I wasn't even planning to do anything last night other than set my ui up. I don't have very many tanking mods for my character. I have omen of course because it is the gold standard for dungeons. I also have fast mark so I can mark the pulls quicker.

If I was setting out to do the dungeon I would of read wowwiki before even logging in so I could gain an understanding of what I was getting into. I also have wowwiki opened on my laptop so if needed I can research after a wipe and see if there is another way to kill the target.
#7 Dec 15 2008 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
I know from experience that with IT--->Pestilence---->Howling Blast you will sweep all of the aggro. and if you throw a deathchill in there you'll be able to do enough damage to hold that aggro until the end of the fight or if its a 1337 boss until the deathchill cd is up. I'm not pure frost though, no that'd be stupid, i went 11/52/6 (no I'm not 80 yet will be on wednesday). With blood's amazing survivability and frost's defense and aggro sweeps you will be an amazing tank. And about that 6 in Unholy i figured what the heck might as well get a lil more hit in there and put a point in the far right talent of the second tier.

(Sorry about the slang/short-hand)
#8 Dec 17 2008 at 7:16 AM Rating: Decent
I have a question regarding numbers. I've read what is necessary for Nax, but what armor/hp/def rating/dodge/parry for heroics? I just turned 80, and most of my gear is blue. I've done a ton of tanking with my guild, done everything except UP and HoL on nomral settings. Frost spec.

Right now I have 19988hp, 21000(and some change) armor, 444 def rating, 11% dodge, and 15% parry. From talking to some warrior friends, my dodge and parry seem a bit low. I know I want def capped by Nax, is that important for heroics too? I know I want def rating capped ASAP, but that's just the gear I have from normal dungeons and quests. I know the ratings of what to get etc, I'm just asking what are the hard numbers a frost DK needs to start heroics. Thanks everyone!
#9 Dec 17 2008 at 7:40 AM Rating: Good
115 posts
Thank the lord that people on Allakhazam realize that you don't have to be Frost to tank. Every time someone states that "Frost = Tanking" in the General channel I think, yup, there goes someone who's heard it from someone, who heard it from someone, and thus is convinced it must be true.
#10 Dec 17 2008 at 8:18 AM Rating: Excellent
2,069 posts
I just switched to frost from unholy for tanking. I liked unholy a lot, but I was reading on Elitist Jerks that Frost is better until you can get enough avoidance to keep bone shield up for at least 20 seconds. I haven't tried tanking in frost yet, but I like the playstyle about as much as unholy (plus I don't have to worry about my minion this way). Seems like good AoE potential and a bit of an advantage on single targets over unholy with the Frost Strike.

But I agree that anyone who thinks frost is the only tank spec is teh suck.

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#11 Dec 17 2008 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
I know I want def capped by Nax, is that important for heroics too? I know I want def rating capped ASAP, but that's just the gear I have from normal dungeons and quests. I know the ratings of what to get etc, I'm just asking what are the hard numbers a frost DK needs to start heroics. Thanks everyone!

Regardless of being Frost or whatever, or even a DK at all:

For raid bosses (Level 83) you need 140 defense SKILL from gear to avoid critical hits. That's 689 defense RATING at 80.
For heroic bosses (Level 82) you need 135 defense SKILL from gear to avoid critical hits. That's 665 (664,2) defense RATING at 80.
#12 Dec 17 2008 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
Regardless of being Frost or whatever, or even a DK at all:

This was just a typing error on my part, my fingers were just typing and I added that frost part, I realize all def stats will be the same.

For heroic bosses (Level 82) you need 135 defense SKILL from gear to avoid critical hits. That's 665 (664,2) defense RATING at 80.

I thought 540 was the def cap? Or is that simply based on vs. an 80? I could of sworn I read that after 540 was no benefit at all.

How about armor and hp going into Heroics? Thanks again.
#13 Dec 17 2008 at 9:57 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Kanngarnix wrote:
For raid bosses (Level 83) you need 140 defense SKILL from gear to avoid critical hits. That's 689 defense RATING at 80.

(that is what you need against level 83 bosses)

Kanngarnix wrote:
For heroic bosses (Level 82) you need 135 defense SKILL from gear to avoid critical hits. That's 665 (664,2) defense RATING at 80.

(that is what you need against level 82 bosses)

Keep in mind that this is Defense Skill, not to be mistaken for Defense Rating.

After you hit 540, defense is still worth a small amount of dodge, parry and chance for mobs to miss. The block it adds is obviously worthless to us.

You'd be better off stacking straight dodge and parry rating after you hit the 540 mark, but having extra defense doesn't hurt you, as long as you aren't stacking it on purpose. Point for point, dodge/parry rating gives more avoidance than defense after the cap.

The advantage to extra defense on gear is that it allows you to gem for more stam and avoidance instead using them for Def rating gems.

Edited, Dec 17th 2008 1:06pm by Galenmoon
#14 Dec 17 2008 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
Gikkers wrote:
Regardless of being Frost or whatever, or even a DK at all:

This was just a typing error on my part, my fingers were just typing and I added that frost part, I realize all def stats will be the same.

For heroic bosses (Level 82) you need 135 defense SKILL from gear to avoid critical hits. That's 665 (664,2) defense RATING at 80.

I thought 540 was the def cap? Or is that simply based on vs. an 80? I could of sworn I read that after 540 was no benefit at all.

How about armor and hp going into Heroics? Thanks again.

The 540 isn't really a cap. It's where crit gets pushed off the table. And that's for lvl 83 bosses, which I believe are raid bosses. For the 82 bosses, which I believe are the heroic bosses, you need 535.

Even after 540 then defense still adds chance to miss, dodge, parry, and block. However DKs don't use block so that part is useless. It's usually best to hit the 540 mark and then start going into stamina and avoidance, dodge, etc. There are benefits to adding more than 540 def but you're better off going into the straight stats, dodge, etc. Usually I put stamina at the top of the priority list after my defense has hit the mark. I also stay a little above the mark for variations from upgrades. Sometimes a piece will be a nice upgrade in other stats but drop your defense a little. Staying slightly above the mark will keep you at or above the mark when you equip these pieces.

As for stamina/hp and ac (armor) last I checked, and it's been a while, you want to try to maintain a 1:1 ratio for maximum benefit. So for a 15k tank they would want 15k of ac. At least that was my understanding of the math behind it. I researched that a long time ago before pre-wotlk patch and it may be different or wrong now.

Go for the 540 or 535 mark and then start with stamina and avoidance. If you're missing your taunts and special moves then increase your hit. If you keep dying then keep boosting your stamina and avoidance.
#15 Dec 17 2008 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
1,039 posts
For tanking you'll want an avoidance and stam set.

Against magic based targets and things with long enrages or very high hits consider trying the stam set to give your healers some breathing room.

if something is more physical based in damage or doesnt hit so hard that your healers need the buffer, start putting avoidance on. DK can get very high avoidance on their own (they tend to be 10-15% more than other tanks right when you get them, depending on spec), and if you pick up lichborne and unbreakable armor you have a powerful combination that will let you spike upwards of 80+% avoidance for 20 seconds.

Anyways, since it looks like gikkers asked a question that wasnt answered completely, lv 77+ blues, mostly from the AH, get as much defense rating as you can first. I wouldnt recommend doing heroics until you are at 500 defense minimum, and make sure your healer knows about you being under the cap (i had an rl friend healing me and he's very good so i didnt care), and work on gems/enchants/etc for heroics. wyrmcrest has a good cape, and i think argent crusade has the head glyph which helps a lot so work on your rep.

at 500 defense you should see ~5% bonus to parry and dodge. that means that you should have at a minimum 45% avoidance
(5 base dodge + 5 base parry + 5 anticipation + 10 blade barrier + 5 from agi and str conversions to dodge and parry respectively).
20k hp is decent, a little more would be nice, just dont expect to walk into H-hol or something. stick with h-uk, OTing vault and sartharion, things like that.
#16 Dec 17 2008 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
I appreciate the explanation regarding the def rating "cap".

I think there is a misunderstanding of what I was asking beyond that. I was not asking armor:hp ratio. I was not asking for priority on stats. My armor pieces are not blues from AH, but mostly blue questing/rep items. The question I have is the solid hard numbers of how much HP and Armor (as well as def rating but that was already answered) is needed. Is there a set number people prefer/feel safer with?

To reiterate in another way: I have 20k hp, 21k armor, and 444 def rating. We have established that I definately need more defense rating to do a heroic, but do I need more armor and hp?

Thanks for all your explanations, but my curiosity is with the actual numbers. Thanks again.

Edit: To be fair, I do want to mention the previous post did talk a bit about HP.

Edited, Dec 17th 2008 4:58pm by Gikkers
#17 Dec 17 2008 at 8:34 PM Rating: Default
right now, i am sitting at 504 defense with all my defense gear on. As a lvl 80, I would like to try to tank some heroics, but I know i am a bit shy of the 540.

now, what gear would give me that magic number of 540? I do have the daunting leggins, and daunting handguards.
#18 Dec 17 2008 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
in general, if you have enough def, you have enough hp/armor for heroics.

20k each is enough to get started.
#19 Dec 17 2008 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent
ok so 540 is cap for dk's now my question expertise v/s hit rating cause i don't always plan on being a meat shield and i was told for a tanking dk that hey need expertise/+hit as well
#20 Dec 18 2008 at 2:39 AM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
expertise/hit is always good. I'd say get enough hit so that you're not missing much* I wouldnt worry about being at the hit cap as tank though.

Expertise is great as it reduces your mobs chance to dodge/parry meaning that you're reducing your chances of being parrygibbed on bosses.

*I realise 'much' is a relative term. You need to hot somewhat consistently so that your diseases are always up and you can maintain threat vs raid DPS/healing.
#21 Dec 18 2008 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
ok so 540 is cap for dk's now my question expertise v/s hit rating cause i don't always plan on being a meat shield and i was told for a tanking dk that hey need expertise/+hit as well

For hit and expertise,
i believe you want 6.25 or 6.5% expertise. This is more of a trash cap, as on most bosses you can never knock all the parry off. Expertise is nice because up till this point it reduces both dodge and parry equally, making it "twice" as good as hit.

However for hit,
295 is what you need to guarantee all hits and special attacks will work on a boss.
5% is what you need for lv 80 mobs.
The spell hit is slightly higher, 3% i think, but virulence will help close that.

Expertise carries more weight for tanking, but for dps it does not. Try to get some of both, getting them both capped is not possible w/out raiding gear.
DK threat is based on dps done, but at the same time you cant sacrifice your avoidance/mitigation to be hit/expertise capped.
#22 Dec 18 2008 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
1,131 posts
If you have rolled a DK and plan to tank, the following list is all stuff you can get by level 78 that will enable to you to tank anything you darn well want to tank including heroics.

Tempered Saronite Helm (crafted) Defense Rating +83
Blood infused Pendant (quest reward from group quest in Grizz Hills) Defense Rating +29
Tempered Saronite Shoulders (crafted) Defense Rating +32
Cloak of Peaceful Resolutions (Wyrmrest Honored) Defense Rating +43
Ivory-Reinforced Chestguard (Kalu'ak Honored) Defense Rating +56
Tempered Saronite Bracers (crafted) Defense Rating +48
Daunting Handguards (crafted) Defense Rating +71
Tempered Saronite Belt (crafted) Defense Rating +57
Daunting Legplates (crafted) Defense Rating +88
Tempered Saronite Boots (crafted) Defense Rating +36
Kurzel's Warband (quest reward for DTK dungeon quest) Defense Rating +19
Ring of Misinterpreted Gestures (quest reward for solo quest in Sholazar) Defense Rating +26
Eternal Belt Buckle (crafted) with +16 Defense Gem (crafted) Defense Rating +16
Enchant Chest +22 Defense (enchant) Defense Rating +22
Dabiri's Enigma (Trinket from a group quest in Netherstorm that a DK could solo at level 75) Defense Rating +30
Enchant Cloak - Steelweave (enchant) Defense Rating +12
Enchant Bracer - Greater Defense (enchant) Defense Rating +12

If you had everything on this list, your defense rating would be 680. Every single thing on the list is either crafted, an easy-to-get rep reward, or a quest reward. Yes, you would have to go back to Netherstorm for a trinket, but it isn't hard to get.

680 Defense rating is not quite 540 defense, but it is OVER the 535 Defense you need to tank Heroics. With this equipment you can at least tank H UK, H VH, H Nexus and probably H DTK to get started and start getting better gear through dungeon drops and Emblem of Valor rewards.

You can also go for the trinket from Loken in regular Halls of Lightning (Seal of the Pantheon, +65 Defense Rating) which gets you over the 540 uncrittable number for raiding. Getting this trinket will also let you enchant/gem for more stamina since you won't HAVE to enchant/gem for as much defense anymore.

There is a better chest piece at Wyrmrest Revered, but you will probably already be tanking some heroics (and championing Wyrmrest) before you get to revered with them. There are also better gloves from Kirin Tor Exalted, but getting exalted with Kirin Tor requires a LOT of championing.

There are also "enchants" available for your shoulders (Son's of Hodir - Honored for lesser, Exalted for greater) and your head (Argent Crusade Revered) that will add to your defense. The purple Tempered Titansteel Treads and Tempered Titansteel Helm have MUCH better stats, but have less defense, so you may NEED the trinket from Loken as well as the head/shoulder enchants in order to upgrade to these purples and still keep your defense at/above 540.

Edited, Dec 18th 2008 1:56pm by jeromesimina
#23 Dec 18 2008 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
1,039 posts
I have to highly agree w/loken's trinket.

its a 20% drop rate in regular HoL, i had my guild and myself run in about 7-8 times in a row. we were aoe pulling everything and got the instance down to 15~18 minutes per run.i was also getting argent rep for the head enchant (which i also recommend).

that trinket is huge for defense and the on activation bonus is pretty nice too.
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