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#1 Dec 11 2008 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Blizzard wrote:


* Fan of Knives: The cooldown has been removed. In addition, now deals 150% of weapon damage when used while daggers are equipped.
* Feint: Rank 8 now reduces the damage taken from area of effect attacks by 50% for 6 seconds in addition to its existing effects.


All I can say is "that's it???" Don't know about you folks but even with a lot of upgrades my raid DPS is still mediocre, TotT isn't as good as MD (due to our threat mitigation) and heroics? Don't get me started.

I went from Top 2 or 3 (on a bad day) in 3.0 to mid-field with all the buffs to other DPS/hybrid classes in LK. Hell, I'm scoring best-in-slot upgrades right now and I'm still struggling to be in the top5. There are some damage nerfs in the notes as well (Volley got hit hard), but I'm not sure it's enough to compensate rogues just yet. But we'll see.

NOTE: I'm not QQing that we need to be #1 on all fights. But for a pure DPS class to be consistently middle of the pack (or lower in Heroics) due to mechanics is broken in my mind.

#2 Dec 11 2008 at 12:00 PM Rating: Good
3,564 posts
DPS-wise this looks really weak, but the Rank8 Feint giving you a brief AoE protection can be invaluable in certain situations. When **** hits the fan it's just another way for Rogue to stay in the fight a little longer (I still probably wont use it though). The Fan of Knives cooldown being removed just feels like "fun" rather than "useful"
FFXI (Retired)
Naiya | Mithra | Windurst | Rank 10 | 1st Lieutenant | Ragnarok
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#3 Dec 11 2008 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
MasterOutlaw the Irrelevant wrote:
DPS-wise this looks really weak, but the Rank8 Feint giving you a brief AoE protection can be invaluable in certain situations. When sh*t hits the fan it's just another way for Rogue to stay in the fight a little longer (I still probably wont use it though). The Fan of Knives cooldown being removed just feels like "fun" rather than "useful"

It's next to completely worthless. AoEs are generally strong enough to outright kill DPS if they stay in them long enough for the 50% mitigation to play a significant role.
#4 Dec 11 2008 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
Overlord Theophany wrote:
MasterOutlaw the Irrelevant wrote:
DPS-wise this looks really weak, but the Rank8 Feint giving you a brief AoE protection can be invaluable in certain situations. When sh*t hits the fan it's just another way for Rogue to stay in the fight a little longer (I still probably wont use it though). The Fan of Knives cooldown being removed just feels like "fun" rather than "useful"

It's next to completely worthless. AoEs are generally strong enough to outright kill DPS if they stay in them long enough for the 50% mitigation to play a significant role.

It's kind of useful if you're staying in the nova for Loken. But yeah, it's a very situational ability - but at least it has some use now.
#5 Dec 11 2008 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
811 posts
TotT with FoK during aoe pulls will only keep my head above water on overall dps. Haven't really seen a fight where feints buff would be a massive increase in on-target dps.
#6 Dec 11 2008 at 2:30 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Even at 50% incoming damage reduction, it's mostly useless. Taking ANY otherwise avoidable damage from AOE is bad, bad, bad if only because it will divert healer attention and waste raid resources. That 6 seconds thing isn't long enough to use it for much. They're just trying to give us an "ohsh" button to use while we're running out of whatever... but Feint? Really?? I don't have it anywhere near my action bar. I think I used to use it a couple of times when I ran with this one terrible tank...... o.O

The change to FoK leaves me completely non-plussed. The cooldown has nothing to do with it's low value in raid, the Energy cost does. Not to mention the resource-to-damage ratio is pathetic. A couple FoKs are kitten-weak compared to even the most mediocre AoE abilities of other classes. It's a neat animation and a tiny utility at the very onset of combat when used after TotT. But... meh.

Again, I'm not really complaining so much as pointing out why these two changes are so meaningless as to be laughable.
#7 Dec 11 2008 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
To me it looks like they're focusing more on other classes. Maybe to get a patch out sooner. I've noticed there's some pretty meh changes and some very small 'oh that's nice' gems but nothing huge in some of the classes I play. I doubt the classes that were hardly touched in this patch are where Blizzard wants them to be. They're focusing on the classes that need more major tweaking first.

At least how's what it looks like to me.
#8 Dec 11 2008 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
190 posts
the fok change for mutilate is kinda eh ok. I mean if you have enough crit, and there are enough mobs you're gonna get a lot of energy back from the attack. I used it last night in COT and got nearly ALL of the energy back. but its still lack luster.
#9 Dec 11 2008 at 3:22 PM Rating: Good
This isn't necessarily the final patch notes that will get to the live version though right? Its possible they have one more round that they'll add in some rogue love.
#10 Dec 11 2008 at 3:31 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Mental's probably right. Maybe they're "happy enough" with us right now to focus on other stuff that needed the attention (I mean, hunters? really?) ;)

My reaction to seeing the changes is really summed up by "non-plussed." Just... meh. Guess I was hoping for just a little something to help with out struggling raid DPS. /shrug

We can't say that they're final for 3.0.8 Live of course, but they're posting 'em. So I'm guessing probably close.
#11 Dec 11 2008 at 4:01 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
This is one big "meh".

They said in a blue post they were taking a serious look at Rogue PvE status, this clearly isn't it.
#12 Dec 12 2008 at 2:53 AM Rating: Default
Well I must say Hunters needed the nerf, My IRL friend who is a hunter, Is a keyboard turner, a clicker and doesnt use a single macro is usually top of damage meters in heroics he runs, i havent run with him yet.

I was hoping to see a bit more out of rogues this patch, Im not looking for EZ mode, i remember how mages could do kara badge runs and double everyone elses total damage just because of spec, and rogues COULD be very average, but with proper itemization, gemming, enchanting, maths, mechanichs and rotation research, we could be awesome dps. I loved that i was considered invaluable dps, because i knew my class mechanics backwards, a lot of which was learnt from alla, EJ and other sources, it saddens me to know that my huntard friend can outdps me by being a clicker.

Rogues are dps, purely and simple. we dont get brought because of raid buffs, we get brought because we can put numbers on the table, i know bliz want raids to take a player not his/her class, but thats hardly the fact with huntard superiority as it is.

#13 Dec 12 2008 at 3:09 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
kxy wrote:
Well I must say Hunters needed the nerf, My IRL friend who is a hunter, Is a keyboard turner, a clicker and doesnt use a single macro is usually top of damage meters in heroics he runs, i havent run with him yet.

This doesn't have any bearing on DPS. My brother keyboard turns in PvE and he's usually #1 or #2 in our guild as a feral druid (when he's not tanking). BM Hunters are blessed in that they pretty much just need to press one button in PvE and they can do fine.

Yes, hunter's damage was too high and needed to be reduced, but I fear these changes affect scaling more than they truly affect damage.

And you're wrong about "rogues are brought for DPS". No class is brought for DPS anymore. Classes are brought for their buffs and their DPS potential, and currently the only reason to bring rogues is if they're HAT specced, as most other rogues are doing mediocre damage at best (Therion has posted anecdotes of him only being #5 in his guild). The only reason I would--as a raid leader--take a rogue specced mut or combat currently is if I was missing their raid buffs (MP/SC).

WotLK has changed raiding, and I personally feel it's for the better, even if it's at the detriment of classes that normally would have been stacked in TBC.
#14 Dec 12 2008 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
is your brother a skill clicker too? or does he use the odd macro and keybind? thats more of the concearn to me than just the keyboard turning

and yes i know that no class is brought along for DPS anymore, but what i was talking about, is that rogues are never brought to heal (bandages anyone?), and only in very famous certain cases were they brought along to tank, Blizz have done a good thing by not making certain classes mandatory in raids, but in a class that has no option in raids other than dps and limited CC, it would be nice to have the potential to have top dps (gear and skill dependent), without being less usefull than every other average dps class.
#15 Dec 13 2008 at 12:47 AM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
kxy wrote:
is your brother a skill clicker too? or does he use the odd macro and keybind? thats more of the concearn to me than just the keyboard turning

and yes i know that no class is brought along for DPS anymore, but what i was talking about, is that rogues are never brought to heal (bandages anyone?), and only in very famous certain cases were they brought along to tank, Blizz have done a good thing by not making certain classes mandatory in raids, but in a class that has no option in raids other than dps and limited CC, it would be nice to have the potential to have top dps (gear and skill dependent), without being less usefull than every other average dps class.

You're making my brain hurt.

So what about DKs? We either tank or DPS, and when we DPS, we only bring a buff that other classes bring, so what about our DPS? Should we suffer just because we can tank, too?

If so, then what's the point to bringing a DK?

You have retarded ideas, and no idea what you're talking about.

Rogues provide Master Poisoner, or Savage Combat. They also do damage. Blizzard has said they are looking at rogue damage, as it's fairly lackluster at this point.

So shut up and save my sanity.
#16 Dec 13 2008 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
My point was that im sure your brother has a bit more skill than my friend, and that my friend does way too much damage for what his skill entails, and that im happy hunters got nerfed, and i hope they look into rogue dps next patch
#17 Dec 13 2008 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
My brother keyboard turns in PvE and he's usually #1 or #2 in our guild as a feral druid (when he's not tanking).

Do you leave mean posts on your brothers door like you do on the forums?
#18 Dec 13 2008 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
Keyboard turning and clicking have nothing to do with skill. Some of the top PVE guilds have a handful of people that play that way among them, and some of the best PVPers out there do it as well.

People always talk down on keyboard turners, when the fact is it takes alot of skill to be good at and there are some out there that are just straight up better at this game then the people talking down on them.

As far as us not getting much, I said they would need to eventually do that to Fan, but I agree, the energy cost is ludicrous. I've noticed that when I get a new upgrade, my dps doesn't really go anywhere. But give that piece of gear to someone else, and I need 2-3 pieces to catch up. They are doing alot to tone down hunters, which is lame since I was just going to level one to reroll maybe (guess i'll just do war now). Eventually hopefully they'll fix something, just wonder if it's going to be pre ulduar at this point.
#19 Dec 13 2008 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
EnthalpyTheBurninator wrote:
My brother keyboard turns in PvE and he's usually #1 or #2 in our guild as a feral druid (when he's not tanking).

Do you leave mean posts on your brothers door like you do on the forums?

When he keyboard turns in PvP I yell at him on vent. Smiley: grin
#20 Dec 13 2008 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
...and some of the best PVPers out there [keyboard turn] as well.

I have never seen a video of a 2k+ arena rogue key-turn. Maybe I missed a few videos?

Key-turning as ranged can work out just fine but that doesn't of necessity make it "better." Being more highly mobile is the added value of mouse turning and that mobility is vital in certain "what's a void zone" type situations.

I'm only mentioning it for the newer players to the class who may be reading this. Key-turning as a rogue is generally not as useful as mouse-turning for either PvE or PvP.
#21 Dec 13 2008 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
Key-turning as ranged can work out just fine but that doesn't of necessity make it "better.

Nah, it fails hardcore as ranged, too.
#22 Dec 14 2008 at 5:15 AM Rating: Decent
I know there are good hunters and ranged classes that keyboard turn, the bigger sin in my opinion is clicking abilities, just clicking steady shot, aimed shot, arcane shot and the major cooldowns as they come up, thats definitely not skill, in one fight in some 70 raid, he asked me to take over while he goes to the bathroom, i said i dont know how to play a hunter, and he said, just keep spamming steady shot and arcane shot, and hit the trinket every 2 mins. the boss went down, he came back and no one in the raid was any the wiser, I just think his spot in the raid could go to someone more deserving thats all
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