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What do you think about warlock now?Follow

#1 Dec 10 2008 at 3:48 AM Rating: Excellent
I have played wow since burning crusade, and as u know warlock was finest class.

Warlock was perfect at PVE and PVP .(I remember that first dealing rate at raid dungeon was almost always warlock)

So, I predicted that warlock wouldn't be so good on expanstion pack,(rich king) compare to burning crusade.

But what about now -_-.... warlock is now just a weak and not speciaized class.

Some say warlock is now a POS, and one of warlock user erased his warlock character.

Now warlock is 'insignificant' class.(at least, it's true in my region. I play wow in korea)

Most of warlock have difficult with making high-dps.(comparte to mage,hunter, even druid, it's hard to make same dps

with same-tier items. High rank dealers are almost hunters and mages, warlock can be found at low rank)

And, PVP is more terrible. A lot of class now have resistance to 'Terror'(is it right? skill of makes player runaway)

and melee characters now can make damn high damege at moment(as you know, warlock doesn't have escape skill unlike mage).

However, warlock couldn't kill other classes at a momet. Dark arrow(right? I can't sure; I've never played english wow)

is not as powerful as mage's one.

Consequently, warlock is now very 'rare'class in my server. 'No one'(almost) needs warlock. There are a lot of classes

make higher deal, and good at kill player.

I want to hear your opinion. North America(home of wow) user's opinion.
#2 Dec 10 2008 at 6:32 AM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
Two of the three top DPS in my guild are as you say, a Hunter and a Mage. However, I am right there with them. As for whose in first, it's anybody's guess. Sunday I was, and I'm a lock, but early Monday my girlfriend was, she's the Hunter, later in the night the mage passed her.

Locks still rock, you just gotta figure out how. More specs are viable now, but you still can't make stupid talent choices. You are able to pick a spec that matches your playstyle now though.
#3 Dec 10 2008 at 6:53 AM Rating: Good
'') Than, may I ask your spec and talent?

And your dps.

I saw screenshot that some of Lock reached 3800dps at naxx

But, he is 'Named' player and maybe higest spec(4set of tier 7?)

And most of lock have difficult with their items.maybe tier6 to some of tier 7 or northland dungeon items.

Anyway, I want to know your spec,talent, and dps.

Could you help me? T_T Actually talent is hardest problem. So there're a lot of discussion about talent.

But, still there're not specific talent tree that best fit to PVE or PVP
#4 Dec 10 2008 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
check my Naxx10 thread, it has the WWS report which will show my DPS and my talent spec.
#5REDACTED, Posted: Dec 10 2008 at 9:33 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If you don't like it, don't play it. All that results from coming in here with a whiny complaint post about our class is that you are really a fugitive from the o-boards and want to bring some of that o-board drama here. Go away.
#6 Dec 10 2008 at 9:50 AM Rating: Excellent
1,729 posts
It sounded more like he was trying to sort fact from fiction is what he has read other places. Combine that with poor english(not a problem here, but can be other places) and it sounds like he's just trying to decide if he really should switch to another class. Apparently, the perception people that he plays with is that we suck, and he's looking for info to prove them wrong because he enjoys playing the class.

Stick with it friend, it is well worth it. I mean besides the fact that we can still rock the DPS if we play smart, who else brings an "extra potion"(Healthstones) and a Soulstone to the raid?
#7 Dec 10 2008 at 11:36 AM Rating: Default
Blizzard is trying to homogenize the game, so that players are more important than any specific class (which is pointless in this type of MMORPG). Warlocks are not a problem; it is the systematic attempt to even the playing field.
Instead of rolling their own warlock, people complain, and Blizzard listens instead of looking at what the problem really is.

Edited, Dec 10th 2008 2:38pm by sederix
#8 Dec 10 2008 at 3:21 PM Rating: Default
194 posts
can someone please rate up the op? i down rated him before i saw he was from korea, and english obviously isn't his first language. I thought he was trolling, but it seems as if he wants to have a legitimate discussion.
#9 Dec 10 2008 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
we're completely fine pve. haven't had much issues in world / bg pvp.. yet to try arena so no idea there. overall, no worries :D
#10 Dec 10 2008 at 7:53 PM Rating: Excellent
To <<ohmikeghod the Venerable>>

I think you're too hasty. Fugitive? and go away? I have had honor to playing lock. And I love my class now.

But I'm really confused by change and I feel heavy about the situation. I hope you could understand that.

And to all other people, thanks to your opinions. Yes, it's not trolling or something. English is not my mother language.

So my english is not fine, I know. In addition, it's first time I write something on other country's BBS.

Just I try to show my opinion in english. And I want to have legitimate discussion about

warlocks place now. :)

(Some of Lathais's comment is right. Actually I'm not 80 level now.(72 now) But I go to korean wow forum everyday and read

articles about lock. So I want to make sure that if those stories are true. Or just complaint. But gloomy atmosphere is


Ok, I got a power from Lathais and Jenovaomega's comment. Really appreciated it. Your mean is we have no problem with PVE

but still have some problem with PVP or arena right?

And fianlly, I have a lot love to my class, and I won't throw away my character easily. I have honor that I have warlock.:)
(but, big change on warlock makes me stupid momently)

p.s May I come here oftenly when I have problem with my lock? Could my suck english be welcomed? :-<

<<It sounded more like he was trying to sort fact from fiction is what he has read other places. Combine that with poor english(not a problem here, but can be other places) and it sounds like he's just trying to decide if he really should switch to another class. Apparently, the perception people that he plays with is that we suck, and he's looking for info to prove them wrong because he enjoys playing the class.

Stick with it friend, it is well worth it. I mean besides the fact that we can still rock the DPS if we play smart, who else brings an "extra potion"(Healthstones) and a Soulstone to the raid?>>

Lathais, how could you understand my feeling so exactly? In spite of my poor english, you got a point perfectly.

I was so impressed and surprised by your comment.
#11 Dec 11 2008 at 2:40 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
In pve they are in good shape like most here said.
Im just a little sad that affliction will be outscaled like before (but this should be fixed by blizzard since they wanted it to be top dps)

Im one of the locks that wishes to focus on pvp more this expansion with real life friends nothing to serious.

Sadly we will be creating a 2vs2 and maybe a 3vs3 in the future and i dont see any lock being high up the ladder in 2vs2 think 3vs3 or 5vs5 is still good.
(this is what i assume and experience not facts)

ive played 54/17/0 and 0/17/54 mostly.

i love my lock regardless of their state and possible succes in the future and will be trying the grim looking 2vs2 with a DK which is one of the better options for us i think.

but i must admit im also leveling a shaman to become resto in arena's cause im just a little sick of getting focus fired almost every match and i just want a bit more diversity in this game. So i will be playing both on different teams with different players. ( i must also admit that ive played mostly bottom rated matches @ 70 and i didnt wish to focus on pvp untill now)

I know locks are being looked at on pvp terms and there is allot of QQ on the official forums about our "defence" but sadly (understandable to some point) this wont be fixed until the mid/early stages of the next season when they get more useable data.
(allot of classes still have problems but i think locks are one of the classes with the biggest worries)

Ive also seen some server statistics and seen locks are pretty low but what do we care. Personally i would rather play a more uncommon class then a overplayed class as long as they are balanced.
#12 Dec 11 2008 at 3:50 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
i probably should of elaborated when i said 'we are fine'

warlocks, prior to WotLK were SOOOOO easy, every babies monkey's second aunt.. and their loved ones was re-rolling warlock to play because they were topping everything with no effort.

now warlocks actually require quite a bit of skill to play. Afliction being very good dps currently, AND it's probably the hardest of each spec to play simply due to how many spells needed and how tight a rotation there is to cast... so now all the IDIOTIC REROLLING NUBS WHO KEEP ON WHINING ABOUT OUR CLASS BEING UNDER POWERED who are trying to pvp/pve as afliction/destro/ any other spec + trying to decipher between a wide variety of talent and glyph choices to choose from to maximise your dps/pvp viability are now complaining because they are VERY **** PLAYERS. whine less, re-roll more. we don't want you in our class
#13 Dec 11 2008 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent

we don't want you in our class<- Do you say it to me or players you mentioned?

Ok, I think I should research about my deal cycle more.
#14 Dec 11 2008 at 6:41 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
I aim it at anyone who thinks we're underpowered in solo/5man/10man and 25man pve as well as world and BG pvp. arena i don't know, supposedly we're a bit underpowered there (have yet to try), but in all other situations we are balanced. we're perfectly fine and don't need any changes. so yes, learn to play your class OR just quit and re-roll another
#15 Dec 11 2008 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
the thing about rotations, is that they don't exist anymore for warlocks. There is no set cycle that you can cast over and over again and win.

Think of it more in terms of priorities now.

For Affliction, Priorities are Haunt then Shadow Embrace Effect, Then DoTs. Anytime all of those are up, you cast Shadow Bolt, any time they are not, you put them up. It really is that easy. People make it sound so hard though.

Demo priorities, DoTs up, main nuke. That's it.

Destro priorities, DoTs up, Chaos Bolt, Incinerate.

Other than that, for all specs, just remember to Life Tap. I like to Life Tap somewhere between 50-75% Mana, so that I never get too low on health. I'll usually break this rule last 20-30% of a bosses health though, and just not Life Tap unless I totally run out of mana. Also, always try to Life Tap when all your DoTs are up, so you don't lose as much DPS.

Edit: Added the bit about Life Tap and fixed an error jenova pointed out.

Edited, Dec 11th 2008 10:32am by Lathais
#16 Dec 11 2008 at 7:29 AM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
i believe you mean haunt > shadow embrace effect.. for two reasons:

1. haunt 20% bonus, SE, 10%

2. haunt causes the SE effect

Edited, Dec 11th 2008 10:30am by Jenovaomega
#17 Dec 12 2008 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
I love my warlock. I went with the Demonology talent tree to get the Felguard and now I'm going down the Affliction route with my remaining points. It works for me and in the instances I've run with my guild I've just focused on keeping my DoTs on the enemies and casting Shadow Bolt or Drain Life (depending on when I've Life Tapped) in between. PvE in general I have no problems really. I can handle a reasonable sized group of enemies at a similar level to me and get through quests as quickly as most other people I know. So no, I don't think the warlock is a PoS like some say.

I do seem to get overlooked when I'm looking for a group though. We don't seem to have much going for us in some respects when it comes to grouping. We have no buffs to cast on others, we can't heal anyone, we can't freeze, entangle or stun enemies to help with crowd control and we can't take much damage since we only wear cloth. Higher level warlocks can create healthstones for the group but lower level ones don't have that to offer. I don't know where I stand DPS wise but I know I can do a fair amount of damage with barely any danger of drawing aggro by using my minion, keeping my DoTs up and careful, well timed use of my higher damage spells.

I can't really comment on PvP since I think I'd suck just as much with any other class. I'm trying to improve but whether it's a complete lack of skill on my part or that the warlock just isn't that good for it I don't know.
#18 Dec 19 2008 at 4:53 PM Rating: Excellent
947 posts
To <<ohmikeghod the Venerable>>

I think you're too hasty. Fugitive? and go away?

Please ignore Mike when he tells you to go away and don't come back. I don't know why he says it to so many people considering he behaves worse than they do. Thanks for posting :).

As for Warlocks.... I've rerolled DK permanently until/unless they change the class significantly. Warlocks are currently trapped in some timewarp in the developers' mind, wherein they are not allowed to have the mobility of a Mage or the damage resistance of a Priest, so are stuck in the middle where all is pain. My guild's Warlock classleader is a solid PvPer and the highest-damaging Warlock I've ever seen play, and now he has started Arena at 80 he just can't work out what the problem is.

In PvE, Warlocks are fine. You don't do top damage, but mainly because Hunters/Mages/Druids are currently doing a bit too much damage. That's well known and will change in the future. In PvP the situation is diabolical and doesnt look set to change. A Rogue can currently pop an 8k Ambush followed by a 4k Mutilate before even applying a Stun; that's an impossible advantage to overcome. Even with resilience, this is still the case. Just look at the current Arena representation above 1700; it's almost zero.

In order to rescue the class from this deep, dark pit Warlocks need a new trick or speciality in Arenas; my first suggestion would be Demonic Teleport is useable while stunned, and clears the Stun. That would solve a lot of problems.
#19REDACTED, Posted: Dec 20 2008 at 8:27 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) OK, the warlock is not a POS, but it's insignificant. Yeah, this makes perfect sense.
#20 Dec 20 2008 at 8:49 AM Rating: Default
2,754 posts
nothing wrong with the class (maybe in arena, haven't tried there yet), pve i'm still topping the dps charts and i'm competing against some very good players.. they're all in 2-4 piece T7/T7.5, i'm in 1 piece T7, the rest being naxx(10 and 25) epics, a few heroic loot, a blue off hand and still 4 pieces of level 70 gear.. personaly I'd say we're still a little bit OP in pve, but shhh, don't let the GMs know ;)
#21 Dec 20 2008 at 10:35 AM Rating: Excellent
1,729 posts
again Mike, with the language barrier it's hard to pick up on, but he was basicaly saying thengs from the point ov veiw of the people he plays with, and on other forums he has read. He was coming here to find the truth. I know your a grumpy old man and all, but have some leniency towards those who don't speak English as a first or even second language, and try to get what they are really asking. If you can't, STFU and GTFO of the the thread.
#22 Dec 21 2008 at 6:19 AM Rating: Default
Lathais wrote:
I know your a grumpy old man and all, but have some leniency towards those who don't speak English as a first or even second language, and try to get what they are really asking.

So, what you're saying is that if he'd posted "Everyone else says that warlocks suck. (with many examples) What do you think?", I should have given him some slack? Sorry, but even speakers of perfect English would get a ratedown from me for a post like that.

Edited, Dec 21st 2008 6:21am by ohmikeghod
#23 Dec 21 2008 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
423 posts
My warlock has been doing very solid damage in heroics (with felg/emberstorm) and naxx (affliction).
PvP situation is,however,much different,but I don't want to beat on that dead horse.

I have started doing arena
2v2 with my paladin friend (ret ofc) 1600 rating,im going with 0/51/20 spec
3v3 with mentioned paladin and discipline priest,we got to 1590,probably could go more.

It's not so bad but lack of any deeper tactic,timing and strategy is really bringing me down.

But I have been reading all of blue posters in last couple of weeks and they are fully aware of situation,in PvP and as well warlocks in pvp.
#24 Dec 21 2008 at 3:02 PM Rating: Good
We're fine in PVE. I would not change too much.
We're underpowered in PVP. And, Blizzard is completely aware, and CLAIMS to be working on it, yet they been sitting on their hands for over a year. What they have done, is buff all the damn melee classes, then nerf us some more, because some newbs whine about Fear.
I had not done too much Arena, but the experience was better than in battlegrounds in some ways. At least there, the fight is more evenly matched, so play-style actually matters.


Now warlock is 'insignificant' class.(at least, it's true in my region.

All classes are insignificant. Blizzard has been homogenizing all the classes, so it really does not matter what you are, because we all will have the same potential.
I think this is a stupid direction, pandering to people not happy with a character they played for seventy levels, so instead of rolling something else, they complain and ruin it for the rest of us that actually enjoy ROLE playing.

Edited, Dec 21st 2008 6:03pm by sederix
#25 Dec 22 2008 at 11:59 AM Rating: Excellent
947 posts
ohmikeghod wrote:
I stand behind what I posted.

Really? Because pig-headed intransigence is so unlike you.

IS the finest class. This is a warlock forum, and I've always been proud of being a warlock.

Misplaced class pride shouldnt get in the way of common sense. I loved playing a Warlock since release, I continued to play it even as the nerfs mounted, and only gave up on the class when it became so blatantly apparent that it had gone downhill. Outmatched in PvE, slaughtered in PvP (of course you dont care about that Mike but the rest of us do), you can be as proud of playing a Warlock as you like but arguing it to be the 'finest' class devolves to 'the finest class for me' when the class is now outperformed by others in every gameplay mode. Bottom line; I loved being a Warlock as much as anyone, since the nerfs and expac I enjoy all my alts more, except my Shaman which sucks even worse.

whine, whine, whine.

Whining about whining.

So, what you're saying is that if he'd posted "Everyone else says that warlocks suck. (with many examples) What do you think?", I should have given him some slack? Sorry, but even speakers of perfect English would get a ratedown from me for a post like that.

There is a significant difference between rating someone down and abrasively telling people to **** off because you disagree with them. I have disagreed with people on these forums over much more ridiculous statements than seen here and I don't generally tell people to leave the entire website over them, because I dont presume to have the right to do so. Spam and completely incomprehensible three-line posts are a different matter; this guy did actually try to make a point and asked for the opinions of others. If his post is inflaming some alpha-male territorialism (or even worse, some passive-aggressive nerdish intellectual elitism) of yours then at least try to restrain it long enough to close the browser.

The world does not craft it's forum posts to your exacting specifications, mike. It's tragic, I know, but we get by a day at a time.
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