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Boomkin for the first timeFollow

#1 Dec 09 2008 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
My Current BuildI lvled up feral but wanted a change and also wanted to start getting gear for restro at 80 so figured i would try boomkin. wanted to know what glyphs i should go with and also maybe what spell chains i should use .. any ideas would be helpful. ( i have a 70 hunter and played the druid but never used a spell caster so im not so sure how to play it)

thanks in advance

also i have been lurking on this site (mostly the druid section) for about a year and your help has been great good community and lots and lots of help.
#2 Dec 10 2008 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Playing a Moonkin without force of nature is...odd. You do yourself a disservice with that. They are important to your damage output and are an essential part of your pve and pvp game.
You also left out Improved Moonkin form. You're a Moonkin. Damage and haste are important, and this talent gives both.

Lose the Owlkin frenzy, that's not even remotely as important as those I mentioned.

Edited, Dec 11th 2008 2:52am by Lomedae
#3 Dec 10 2008 at 6:30 PM Rating: Good
253 posts
Force of Nature is a godgiven as far as I am concerned. Especially while leveling. It gives me that much edge I can do 3-man quests solo without having to go bear or something. I agree on the non-importantness of Owlkin Frenzy. Another talent I personally don't have much love for is Eclipse, but that's personal. When you get the talent points, go for starfall as well. I know some find it overrated, but's a great AoE spell, especially when the stun from Celestial Focus procs.
As for glyphs, I chose both the glyph of moonfire and the glyph of starfire. Glyph of moonfire makes the initial damage less, but the DoT more. Combine this with glyph of starfire, which adds 3 secs to the duration up to 9 extra seconds each time you hit a moonfired target with starfire, and you get extra punch from the moonfire glyph for 9 more seconds. I realize that during leveling this might not be such a big deal, but in dungeons I tend to spam SF instead of Wrath, especially at bossfights. The extra DoT damage and length comes in handy.
As for minor glyphs, I haven't really given it much thought. I have the Unburdened Rebirth to save myself a bagslot and the thorns so I have to watch that spell's duration a little less.
#4 Dec 11 2008 at 5:04 PM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
*whooshes in on a giant boomkin ego*

Did someone say Boomkin!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?

Ok, after my slight attempt at a humorous intro to this post I'll run down with what will give you the best edge in leveling.

This is your best build to use. Now some of you may look at this and be a little confused but there is a method behind the madness, and surprisingly it all ties in together.

As you level in Northrend the amount of crit/spell power greens you're going to see from quest rewards is pretty good so you're crit rate will grow/shrink as you level and get gear, this is obviously a given. So to explain why this build works so well.

Balance Side.
Tier 1 - Starlight Wrath is a must it's the reduction of cast time which essentially means more damage put out.

Tier 2 - Moonglow is a reduction in your mana costs so you want that, and Nature's Majesty increases crit chance, also good.

Tier 3 - Brambles. I need to explain now why you take this because most people dont but the fact remains that if something is hitting you and its getting 300+ damage returned to it is this a bad thing? Also, a good reason to have it is eventually when you use Force of Nature the treants now have an increased amount of damage which makes for an even easier time. Throw in the fact that you can Barkskin and stun something on a 15% chance when they hit you makes brambles seem like an overlooked talent.
Nature's Grace is also something you want because its a .5 second cast time reduction after every crit, and has no internal cooldown.
Now some people may wonder why there is no Nature's Reach well, you're leveling not raiding or doing instances so a threat reduction talent is basically worthless, and the extra 6 yards you get from it is also pretty worthless when you're leveling. Almost everything you kill requires killing at least more than one thing so it just gets you closer to your next target

Tier 4 - Lunar Guidance is an increase in spell power and pick up Insect Swarm for more damage from another spell. Don't take Imp IS because you're not going to need it.

Tier 5 - Moonfury to increase your damage out put and Balance of Power to increase your hit chance by 4%. DO NOT TAKE DREAMSTATE, it is the worst mana regeneration talent you have and point for point against Intensity it is terrible.

Tier 6 - Moonkin Form and Imp Moonkin form, increase in damage and haste.

Tier 7 - Wrath of Cenarius for an increase in damage.

Tier 8 - Eclipse. This talent is amazing, I was once one of the naysayyers about it but I was easily proven wrong. The reasoning is you should always be pulling your mobs while leveling with Starfire, and then either doing one more Starfire or switching to wrath. If you proc eclipse thats more damage on your wrath spells. This is awesome. Take up Typhoon because its nice for when something either gets too close or you need to put room in between you and something else. A good tactic is SF/Typhoon back to back because it is good damage up front and then pushes something back if you need to root it, IE: Good vs elites. Force of Nature because treants are absolutely amazing for your first pull against an elite and it keeps the elite off of you.

Tier 9 - Earth and Moon is imperative because it's a 13% increase in damage from all spell types even though you're limited to Nature/Arcane.

Tier 10 - Starfall, when you learn how to use this spell properly it's a very good mana/damage spell. It has a huge range so learning to use it can be a total pain in the ***.

On the resto side, it's up to you honestly. You can go 2/2 Imp MotW or you can go 2/3 Nature's Focus. The reason I would use Nature's Focus is because paired up with the glyph of wrath you're at a 96% chance to resist pushback on all wrath casts.

As for glyphs don't use the glyph of starfire. That glyph is terrible when you are leveling, everything will die in the amount of time moonfire is up anyway so there is no point in using it. I would use though the glyph of moonfire for the extra increase in damage over time, glyph of IS to also increase the damage of IS and the glyph of wrath, which I previously stated gives you an extra 50% for pushback resist. Also get the glyph of thorns, its a minor so it increases your thorns timer to an hour.

One of the things about this build is you hardly if ever will be utilizing ER, now there are cases that you will need too but for the most part against mobs they should die within 1 or 2 swings of you if you follow this pretty general pull rotation.

Starfire first to pull them, as they come towards you you'll have two GCD's to combat so throw up moonfire and IS. By then you should have cut down between 3-8k depending on your spell power/crit and then you can switch over to wrath. If you did crit starfire you'll have an Eclipse proc and Earth and Moon, so you're wrath will crit for a much larger amount. If things do end up getting a little hectic pop typhoon and that will usually be enough to kill them or push them back long enough for dots to do what they do, damage over time.

Also remember, this build will get you hit sometimes and having thorns up is a must. Always use barkskin if you have too and level up your first aid, because the less mana you spend casting healing spells you can cast that for damage spell and speed up your leveling.

Well, thats all I have to say about leveling and all that fun jazz. Hopefully you got some good pointers and ideas from this, but don't be afraid to try different things out yourself. The best way to learn is to do it yourself.
#5 Dec 12 2008 at 4:10 AM Rating: Good
387 posts
ArexLovesPie, thanks for the above!

A bit offtopic, but not so far: would you be able to do the same for a level 80 instance-spec?

I for one would be VERY grateful!
#6 Dec 12 2008 at 9:13 AM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
Of course I can show you an instance build, it really isn't much different. But remember there are quite a few good instance builds that do different things so it will depend on what you want.

But at the moment I'm being dragged away from my man cave by my girlfriend to go shopping for god knows what, so I'll have to write it up later.
#7 Dec 12 2008 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
94 posts
I am doing a build almost identical to Arex's. I assume that he may take different talents than I at 80 but who knows.

On top of Arex's choices I have Natures Splendor to increase DOT lengths in order to get an extra SF off before refreshing IS and Natures reach to keep my distance and aggro down. I really like Gale Winds for now as I have yet to hit 80, and it is great for the extra AOE while leveling. This may change once I hit 80 and am only doing instances.

#8 Dec 12 2008 at 2:04 PM Rating: Default
I'm going with this, which is mostly what has been suggested minus three talents.

Brambles is not a good PVE talent, for a couple good reasons.
You should not even be getting attacked in an instance, because you're DPS. If you are, the last thing you need is building more threat (Thorns counts as AOE threat).
Your DPS will go down, because you spent points in something that relies on being hit, or has a cool-down.
Players stop building threat on stunned targets, which makes this undesirable in an instance, not counting the possibility the treats could aggro something not intended.
The "stun" mechanic is clearly superior in PVP situation, because a lot of elites and no bosses can be stunned.

DO NOT TAKE DREAMSTATE, it is the worst mana regeneration talent you have and point for point against Intensity it is terrible.

I have to disagree. I do not run out of mana easily, and my down-time is very short. This is accomplished with Dreamstate and Intensity. The only reason to get Dreamstate is so that you get the maximum amount of regeneration with Intensity.
I checked your armory, and I notice that you have much better gear than my druid (Shaudra, Nathrezim). However, I have more mana regeneration and in-combat regeneration than you do. So, I hope you will re-evaluate the usefulness of Dreamstate.

Personally, I do not like to rely on procs, which is why I no longer spend points in Vengeance or bothered with Eclipse.
Improved Faerie Fire seems to have a lot of potential. It buffs everyone's damage, and has the same effect as Improved Insect Swarm. With Balance of Power, I would get a total of 7% chance to hit without gear. So, I chose that instead of Eclipse.

To the OP: you are missing some core talents. You need Improved Moonfire, Improved Moonkin Form, and Insect Swarm. These are signature talents, and the latter is good for mitigating damage in longer fights and soloing.
I would not bother with Vengeance, but put those points into Genesis to sustain DPS. It's better to do damage all the time, then do the same damage some of the time.

Edited, Dec 12th 2008 5:42pm by sederix
#9 Dec 12 2008 at 2:48 PM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
Sederix, the build I showed is a pure leveling spec, not a pve raiding or instance spec. Brambles is more useful than you would ever imagine when you grind solo for levels.

Genesis isn't worth it at all. I'll do this in pure simple math. You tic for 1000 if you're glyphed with moonfire, Gensisis adds 5% more damage so you're looking at 50 more damage per tic. So the 5 points you took for Genesis you could put into Vengeance which gives you 100% more crit strike damage. You receive way more damage from Vengeance than you ever will with genesis. I crit for roughly around 8-9.5k damage and I'm only around 1670 spell power. If I wasn't spec'd into Vengeance I wouldn't crit for near that much.

You also do not need to have Imp Moonfire, 10% more crit and 10% more damage is only going to add a little bit more of damage. So once again if you're glyphed and you're normally going to tic for 1000, now you add another 100 damage across the three seconds it tics. This talent is not a core necessary raiding talent and will severely hinder your dps when you can use Eclipse which does rely on a proc but a starfire crit will ALWAYS 100% of the time give you the wrath eclipse proc. If you do go with the wrath proc you'll do less dps than you would with the SF eclipse proc. SF Eclipse procs should only become part of your rotation once you've reached 40% crit rate or higher.

Sederix you also lack OOC which is a core mana regen talent in disguise. OOC is so important now that it affects all your spells.

Here is my armory, and a link to the build you'd perform the best with for raid/instance dps.

And now explanations as to why. This build leaves you with a choice here. You can either take the three points from Imp IS and put them into Imp FF. If you're crit rate is good and you're not near the hit cap put the 3 points into Imp FF, if you have the hit cap and are working on your crit strike rate you'll want to go with Imp IS.

With this build you'll end up with these bonuses.
Starlight Wrath, .5 second reduction in wrath casting.
Moonglow, 9% reduction of mana costs for Wrath/SF/MF
Nature's Majesty, 4% Increase in crit strike with Wrath/SF
Nature's Grace, 100% chance to reduce cast time by .5 seconds when you critically strike
Nature's Reach, 30% reduction in threat and 6 yard increase on your range
Vengeance, 100% increase in critical strike damage
Celestial Focus, 3% increase in flat haste rating and 15% chance to stun trash mobs with starfire
Lunar Guidance, 12% increase in spell power by way of your intellect
Imp IS, 3% increase in critical strike with SF if MF is on your target
Moonfury, 10% increase in damage done by SF/Wrath/MF
Balance of Power, 4% increase in hit rating
Imp Moonkin Form, 3% haste rating given to all party members, 15% of spirit converted into spell power
Wrath of Cenarius, 20% and 10% increase in wrath and sf by your bonus damage
Eclipse, when used correctly shows an increase in dps of 300+
Typhoon, a 20 second cooldown instant cast that will crit for 3k and up
Force of Nature, the absolute best mana/damage spell you can possibly cast. When used correctly will push o ut the highest possible damage.
Earth and Moon, 3% increase in spell damage and 13% more damage when on a target.
Starfall, Another one of the best mana/damage spells you have. As well w hen used correctly will push out amazing damage on single target boss fights.

This build is tried and true to raids. There are other ways to spec yes, but this is the way I would spec and am spec'd. It allows you the most possible single target dps you could imagine and pre wotlk I would raid with 1250 spell power, 40% crit strike and I would generally push around 2000 dps on most boss fights. Mind you I was only in za/kara/badge gear.

Sederix, I hate to say this but the information you're presenting is bad advice.

Edit: Oh and as for the dreamstate comment, intensity is all you'll need. 30% of your mana regen incombat plus the in combat mp5. Or you could have your in combat mp5 with the addition of probably at max 70 mp5, which converts to roughly 20-30 mp5 while casting.

Edited, Dec 12th 2008 4:50pm by ArexLovesPie

Edited, Dec 12th 2008 4:51pm by ArexLovesPie
#10 Dec 12 2008 at 3:20 PM Rating: Default
The problem with what you describe, is that your "little bit" of extra damage from Moonfire is more effective than the "little bit" from critical hitting, simply because one is happening all the time. You dont critical hit 100% of the time, and if you did, then I would be more incline to agree.
If I was better at math, I would grind the numbers for critical hit damage, versus damage over time. In order for either of our positions to be validated, we need these numbers. Telling me your current DPS does not prove anything, simply because you're a higher level and with better gear. We would have to use an arbitrary number, then apply the appropriate calculations. I can only determine DPS at the time of a crit, not a consecutive number of crits equal to critical chance.

The OP is not a lowbie, but level 80. He is not leveling, but already able to raid BC and Wrath instances and heroics. This is why I said that Brambles is less desirable for PVE.
I had Brambles when I was leveling before 70, and it was good then.
Also, Omen of Clarity has an internal cool-down, with a very low chance to proc. A "free" spell would not compare to simply having more regeneration and/or more critical hits (which proc 2% base mana). It may work for you, but I cant see it being useful for my playing style.

Edited, Dec 12th 2008 6:23pm by sederix
#11 Dec 12 2008 at 5:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Out of interest, I called up Arex in Rawr and added in the usual 25man raid buffs (basically everything).

Without mana considerations (ie. just raw DPS) the talents are listed are worth the following (per point invested in the talent) :-

Force of Nature         333.22 
Moonfury                106.52 
Starlight Wrath         105.03 
Nature's Grace           98.31 
Moonkin Form             97.84 
Vengeance                82.91 
Balance of Power         65.96 
Wrath of Cenarius        62.36 
Nature's Mastery         54.49 
Eclipse                  38.82 
Lunar Guidance           37.86 
Improved Faerie Fire     27.75 
Improved Moonkin Form    24.95 
Celestial Focus          20.25 
Improved Insect Swarm    17.97 
Brambles                 16.61 
Improved Moonfire         8.88 
Master Shapeshifter       6.75 
Earth and Moon            2.90 

As far as comparing mana conservation/return etc it ranks the following talents :-

Moonkin Form            742.15 
Moonglow                221.52 
Omen of Clarity         138.93 
Intensity               133.24 
Furor                   119.67 
Dreamstate               97.00 

I also loaded up a guildy boom and got similar results.

#12 Dec 12 2008 at 6:05 PM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
Rarebeast, I can always count on you for my failed ability to do math.

There is all the information you need rating our mana regeneration talents and dps per talents.
#13 Dec 12 2008 at 7:13 PM Rating: Default
... I spoke with some people better at math than I am, and this is the formula one can use to determine the over-all damage value of critical hits within a certain amount of time. One can then compare this to a consistent amount of damage.
We'll compare two rotations: one with just Vengeance (5), and one with Improved Moonfire (2 points) and Genesis (3 points), so that an equal amount of points are spent. I also have to make some other assumptions, like base spell damage and the length of the fight, but you could use your own values with the same formula.

Rotations are Wrath versus Moonfire; each rotation compares damage with and without talents. Base damage for each spell will be 1000. Length of the fight is 60 seconds. DPS = damage/60. I will assume there is a base critical chance of 15%, which is close to both our base chances.

Determine the number of casts in a fight:
60/1.5 = 40 (Wrath)
60/12 = 5 (Moonfire)

Number of critical hits in that fight (C) =
(Critical chance) x 40
(Critical chance) x 5

Number of non-crits (N) =
40 - C
5 - C

Determine the total amount of damage in a fight (D), with and without the added bonuses (T).
(H x D) + (N x D) = T

Rotation #1, Wrath:

1000 x 2.5 = 2500 (crit with Vengeance)
0.15 x 40 = 6
40 - 6 = 34
6 x 2500 = 15000
34 x 1000 = 34000
T = (15000 + 34000) 49000

1000 x 1.5 (crit without) = 1500
6 x 1500 = 9000
34 x 1000 = 3400
T = (9000 + 3400) 12400

Rotation #2, Moonfire (+10%) with Genesis (+3%):

1000 x 0.13 = 1130
0.25 x 5 = 1.25
5 - 1.25 = 3.75
1.25 x 1130 = 1412.5
3.75 x 1130 = 4237.5
T = (1412.5 + 4237.5) 5650

1000 (without talents) = 1000
0.15 x 5 = 0.75
5 - 0.75 = 4.25
0.75 x 1000 = 750
4.25 x 1000 = 4250
T = (750 + 4250) 5000

Wrath gains 55% more damage.
Moonfire gains 82% more damage.

Edited, Dec 12th 2008 10:18pm by sederix
#14 Dec 12 2008 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
fast question for ya alex. Do you use a diff set of gear for raiding? just wondering cause atm your low on hit. personaly i'm still feral guild is needing me to tank 10 naxx atm so i have worked on boomkin gear too much. I did manage to get enough to get hit caped with BoP and IFF(wich i noticed no one has piked up in any build so far). Sadly doing this set has my SP and crit real low. just thought hit was number 1 thing to get minus 1% or so. but even picking up imp ff in your build you would still be 140ish under hit capped for tallents.
#15 Dec 12 2008 at 10:44 PM Rating: Excellent
355 posts
sederix wrote:
Determine the number of casts in a fight:
60/1.5 = 40 (Wrath)
60/12 = 5 (Moonfire)

Number of critical hits in that fight (C) =
(Critical chance) x 40
(Critical chance) x 5

Number of non-crits (N) =
40 - C
5 - C

Determine the total amount of damage in a fight (D), with and without the added bonuses (T).
(H x D) + (N x D) = T

Rotation #1, Wrath:

1000 x 2.5 = 2500 (crit with Vengeance)
0.15 x 40 = 6
40 - 6 = 34
6 x 2500 = 15000
34 x 1000 = 34000
T = (15000 + 34000) 49000

1000 x 1.5 (crit without) = 1500
6 x 1500 = 9000
34 x 1000 = 3400
T = (9000 + 3400) 12400

Rotation #2, Moonfire (+10%) with Genesis (+3%):

1000 x 0.13 = 1130
0.25 x 5 = 1.25
5 - 1.25 = 3.75
1.25 x 1130 = 1412.5
3.75 x 1130 = 4237.5
T = (1412.5 + 4237.5) 5650

1000 (without talents) = 1000
0.15 x 5 = 0.75
5 - 0.75 = 4.25
0.75 x 1000 = 750
4.25 x 1000 = 4250
T = (750 + 4250) 5000

Wrath gains 55% more damage.
Moonfire gains 82% more damage.

Edited, Dec 12th 2008 10:18pm by sederix

...No. There is just an immense amount of wrong here. Assuming your numbers, as I don't have any better to go with:

Using same rotation for both. Just a simple moonfire, wrath x7, repeat.
1000 x 2.00 = 2000 per wrath crit. Base crit bonus damage for spells is +50%. +50% + (100% x 50%) = +100%. Modified crit damage is +100%, or 2x reg hit.

Moonfire initial damage is assumed as .36% of total damage, based on base values of the spell.

Crit chance = 15% (given). Given 40 casts (5 MF, 35 wrath) with a crit chance of 15%, you have 6 crits (5.25 wrath and .75 MF). Each crit knocks casting time down by .5 seconds, giving an extra 3 seconds of spellcasting in your minute from nature's grace. Which is two wraths (will assume neither of these crit). In that minute, you would therefore have 31.75 reg wraths (35-5.25+2) and 5.25 crit wraths, in addition to 4.25 regular moonfires and .75 crit moonfires.

31.75(1)(1000) + 5.25(1.5)(1000) + 4.25(1)(.36)(1000) + 0.75(1.5)(.36)(1000) + 5(.64)(1000) = 44760, as a control, with neither of the talents in question.

With modified crit bonus, this is 31.75(1)(1000) + 5.25(2)(1000) + 4.25(1)(.36)(1000) + 0.75(2)(.36)(1000) + 5(.64)(1000) = 47520 damage in one minute, a net increase of ~6.16%, unless I made a typo with the calculator.

With moonfire talents:
1000 x 1.1 x 1.03 = 1133 damage.

40 casts = 35 wrath and 5 MF. 35(.15) = 5.25 wrath crits. 5(.25) = 1.25 MF crits. 6.5(.5) = 3.25 seconds of extra casting. 3.25(1.5) = 2.6 extra wraths, for a total of 32.35 reg wraths, 5.25 crit wraths, 3.75 reg MF, and 1.25 crit MF.

32.35(1)(1000) + 5.25(1.5)(1000) + 3.75(1)(.36)(1133) + 1.25(1.5)(.36)(1133) + 5(.64)(1133) = 46144.925, a net increase of 3.09%.

Our results are conflicting in quite a huge way. One of us is an idiot, and my bias tends to make me think it is you.

Edited, Dec 13th 2008 1:48am by anonymosity
#16 Dec 13 2008 at 2:16 AM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
I haven't had a lot of chances to raid punkspider so my gear isn't near as what it was when I was raiding BC. I know I'm below the hit cap so yes my goal is to be able to play more and get the hit gear I need and then work on my crit/haste/sp and what not.

/sigh work is killing my raiding time QQ

Edit: Sederix, I also want to mention that you're not understand that having a lower crit chance will affect the amount of damage out put by having vengeance, which essentially makes it look like a talent you would want to skip for some reason.

Edited, Dec 13th 2008 4:19am by ArexLovesPie
#17REDACTED, Posted: Dec 13 2008 at 8:11 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Assumed, by whom, and how do you get that number?
#18 Dec 13 2008 at 8:48 PM Rating: Excellent
355 posts
sederix wrote:

Using same rotation for both. Just a simple moonfire, wrath x7, repeat.
1000 x 2.00 = 2000 per wrath crit. Base crit bonus damage for spells is +50%. +50% + (100% x 50%) = +100%. Modified crit damage is +100%, or 2x reg hit.

This is not correct. Critical damage is 150%, and with Vengeance, that totals 250%, as I shown in the math. You can read about this in the WOW Wiki page.
Also, I have no idea where you got the forumula you just used, and you did not explain like I did. Of course there's a conflict, because one of just just made up a bunch of numbers, while the other shown exactly how each figure was calculated.

Moonfire initial damage is assumed as .36% of total damage, based on base values of the spell.

Assumed, by whom, and how do you get that number?
My math assumed 1000 total base damage, no matter if it was a critical hit, or if it was the total damage per cast. So, it did not matter what Moonfire's initial damage was, because it would always do 1000 TOTAL damage.

An "idiot" would take into consideration talents NOT being discussed, as it was my disagreement between the differences in Vengrance and Improved Moonfire with Genesis (same amount of talents, total). Nature's Grace has nothing to do with this at all, because we are disagreeing on the amount of damage gained from the latter talents.
So, what you did was basically avoid addressing the calculations that were made on those talents. Nature's Grace had nothing to do with the difference that were suggested, which was a "little bit" of damage versus a lot critical damage. Nature's Grace does not increase critical damage, n'or does it increase Moonfire's damage, therefore it is irrelevant to the problem.

Edited, Dec 13th 2008 11:15pm by sederix

Actually, all talents taken would have to be taken into consideration, if you want results to have any sort of relevance at all. Nature's grace is quite relevant, as every balance druid takes it. For this to have more relevance, an actual rotation should have been used, instead of your weird spam wrath and "cast-moonfire-and-watch-it-tick-while-doing-nothing-else" rotations or my better, but admittedly flawed, moonfire/wrath rotation.

Vengeance. You can, in fact, read about this on the wowwiki page. Idiot.

Moonfire could not always do 1000 total damage, as crits would do more damage. Idiot.

I assumed moonfire's initial damage as 36% of total damage (not .36% as I first stated, that was a typo. I started it off as .36, and forgot to remove the decimal when I decided stating it as a percent would be more valid), like I said, based on base values of the spell. Moonfire. Direct yourself to rank 14.406-476 initial damage is an average of 441 damage. 441/1241= .355, rounded up to .36, or 36%. I can see how you wouldn't be able to see how I got that, though I explained it was based on initial values of the spell.

My formulas were pretty decently explained, I thought. I might be wrong on that, though. I would like to get a second opinion on that, though, instead of that of someone I don't trust the opinion of.

#19 Dec 14 2008 at 5:19 AM Rating: Excellent
387 posts
Sederix, I try to tell you this the politically correct way: with your math you will never get a grade that will make you graduate. It is very wrong and your talent interpretation also is.

The way you present it and try to prove anonymosity wrong, WHILE HE IS RIGHT, makes you look like an idiot and I would like to urge you to stop trying.

Please do.

*failed politically correctness*

And to anonymosity: second opinion granted.

Edited, Dec 14th 2008 8:20am by Immunios
#20 Dec 14 2008 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
355 posts
Immunios wrote:

The way you present it and try to prove anonymosity wrong, WHILE HE IS RIGHT, makes you look like an idiot and I would like to urge you to stop trying.

Please do.

But...I kinda like it when they don't realize they are wrong for a while. Makes me look better in comparison...
#21 Dec 14 2008 at 11:00 AM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
Heh, I feel the same way. Perhaps there is a reason why our names are in green eh Anonymosity?
#22 Dec 14 2008 at 11:25 AM Rating: Excellent
355 posts
ArexLovesPie wrote:
Heh, I feel the same way. Perhaps there is a reason why our names are in green eh Anonymosity?

Abuse of basic math skills?
#23 Dec 15 2008 at 4:55 AM Rating: Good
387 posts
anonymosity wrote:

ArexLovesPie wrote:
Heh, I feel the same way. Perhaps there is a reason why our names are in green eh Anonymosity?

Abuse of basic math skills?

This, or it might be the <font color=green> tag...
#24 Dec 15 2008 at 6:52 AM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
Or it could be that guys like me take a few weeks off the druid and therefore the druid forums to level a DK and come back to this hilarious thread and give the appropriate parties rate ups ( Arex/ Anonymosity) and rate downs (sederix)

Missed you guys, only drood I keep seeing over in DK forums is Quor and we have to deal with people like Theo and Gaudion :P

#25 Dec 15 2008 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
355 posts
Galenmoon wrote:
Or it could be that guys like me take a few weeks off the druid and therefore the druid forums to level a DK and come back to this hilarious thread and give the appropriate parties rate ups ( Arex/ Anonymosity) and rate downs (sederix)

Missed you guys, only drood I keep seeing over in DK forums is Quor and we have to deal with people like Theo and Gaudion :P

I feel the love. Get your hand out of my pants...
#26 Dec 15 2008 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
anonymosity wrote:
Galenmoon wrote:
Or it could be that guys like me take a few weeks off the druid and therefore the druid forums to level a DK and come back to this hilarious thread and give the appropriate parties rate ups ( Arex/ Anonymosity) and rate downs (sederix)

Missed you guys, only drood I keep seeing over in DK forums is Quor and we have to deal with people like Theo and Gaudion :P

I feel the love. Get your hand out of my pants...

That's Arex's hand...mine's in my own pants O.o
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