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Upcoming Hunter Changes (12/9/08)Follow

#52 Dec 11 2008 at 10:49 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
MentalFrog wrote:
*looks around confused*

Am I? Am I on the oboards? Smiley: confused
Don't think I've ever rated down this many posts in 1 thread before...

Mulgrin wrote:
I think the nerf overdoes it a bit.

Nerfing the pet dps for beastmaster is also ok. While it is fun that my cat does 2.1k dps against patchwork, it is a bit too much. Reason behind this floats around forums for a while, so this buff was not very surprising.

The nerf to steadyshot is just plainly stupid.
I see this from a raiding POV and actually hunters do not do too much damage there. Yes hunters are a strong dps class, but other classes can compete. If you look at WWS Stats for the Patchwork fight (that is THE fight in lich king where you can compare dps since noone has to move ever in that fight).
So by nerfing AOE damage a bit and by nerfing pet dps a bit, they would have made things even.
If you want some data showing that hunters do not godly dps, just have a look at the WWS stats from Patchwork. In the top kills you'll see a lot of classes leading the dps. It is nowhere clear that hunters outshine other classes constantly. Thus overall a nerf to the dps potential is too much.
The nerf definately overdoes it by miles.
Hunters were royally topping dps for 1 very simple reason:
Pets hardly scale.

So pets are already very close to the dps they'll do when we're waiting for whatever the next expansion may be, and having all the gear possible.
This, of course also makes hunters as a total scale rather bad.
And what is Blizzards fix to our dps being extraordinary in the first 3 raid weeks of WotLK?
Kill even more of our scaling... yeah.. good fix Smiley: oyvey
Edit: to clarify: if we gain another 2000 attack power throughout WotLK, our pets will only get 440 AP.
Pretty much all buffs already give a pet more Ap than that.

Other classes are, as you say Mulgrin, already catching up on us now that everyone is getting T7 gear.
And these nerfs are a nerf of over 500 dps raidbuffed for many people according to the updated spreadsheet.
Which, in most cases, means going from nr 1 to nr 10 on dps.

So, in conclusion: all the utility changes are good, Kill shot change is good, Volley change is good too it was a bit overpowered.
Steady Shot change is retarded for obvious reasons.
Pet scaling nerfs are good IF they give pets scaling in different ways.
Such as scaling with a % of our crit, or with more of our attack power.
Without that, these changes are going to cause large issues later on.

Oh, and as a sidenote: apparently unleashed rage is also nerfed to 15% petdps increase as well.

The silly thing is, Hunters have been broken in PvP since the release of Arena, and Blizzard has done nothing but halfassed "fixes" including the upcoming change to deterrence.
However we are overpowered in PvE for 3 whole weeks and we get hit with the nerfbat...

Now I don't want this to come across as a QQ post too much, and I don't think we'll be hit by any of these changes too much right now.
But we'll still feel the pain from these changes in months to come, and that is what bothers me.
So I'm hoping that they'll stop the petnerfs and steadynerf before live when they see that other classes are closing in on us very quickly with new gear coming in.
There are enough rogues and warriors who are getting really close to us already, and in fights with any movement are topping us with ease.

Edited, Dec 11th 2008 7:56pm by Aethien
#53 Dec 11 2008 at 6:20 PM Rating: Good
343 posts
I'll admit it, I'm bummed about being nerfed. I loved/lived by Volley. Questing where you need X# of drops or kill X# of mobs and Volley was soooo nice. Actually I like Multi shot better but the timer is too slow. Multi shot is only shot that I see a high % of crits usually 3x 2k crits on even level mobs. Volley crits nicely too, but something about Multi that I just like.

I only started doing raids and 5-mans a few weeks before WoTLK came out, so I didnt get many chances to "old school" with me getting to trap a mob and dps the others down 1 by 1. Everyone was already getting into the AoE for fast runs. If not for Volley, I would have been at bottom of charts. Volley was my top DPS attack as was other AoE for other classes. If they bring down everyones AoE to a somewhat close balance, then ok, I'm fine with the Volley nerf. But if groups and raids continue with AoE runs, Hunter will be left behind in favor of the AoE dealers.

The Kill shot change is nice. Can't help but love faster big hitting instant shots.

Growl change is kinda meh. I guess they have to up the threat if they are gonna lower the pets damage. But I see no use of this in a raid or PvP. Most raids/groups are being burnt down with fast dps so your pet shouldnt be off tanking much if at all.

If they are going to lower of damage from "bread and butter" shots, then they should reduce mana cost of other shots to make them more attractive to mana/dps ratio. I used to love Aimed shot before the patch. Even with a long cast on it, I could finish a mob off quickly with 2k+ crits often. 2k crits were huge for me as I was not decked out in all epics.

I know we will get a nerf of some kind, and we will just have to re-learn our jobs to get the max dps out of what we have. We will live on and hopefully still top the charts more often than not.

BUT, It does bother me that they are talking nerfs already and they still havent fixed the damn bugs from last patch. I guess they think doing to much damage is a bug that needs fixing first...

How about fixing pathing issues with pets? I'm tired of walking over a ledge or around a tree only to get my pet stuck on the terrain. Trying to run close enough to your pet and dismiss him and re-summon him while getting the crap beat out of you sucks.

How about fixing Prowl? Have to turn it off every time you get off a mount. Have to keep re-summoning your pet because he falls to far behind and fades away. Annoying, not game breaking, but annoying anyway.

How about fixing the missing pet bar when you exit a vehicle? Again have to dismiss and re-summon to get your pet controls back.

I dont PvP beside BGs here and there, so I'm not gonna QQ about any of that crap. I would like to try arenas but would have to be 4's or 5's for some back up.
#54 Dec 11 2008 at 10:33 PM Rating: Decent
Alright, this is warranted, the DPS nerfs and whatnot. I've only just gotten my Hunter to 68, and even I know that in PvP, Hunters are way OP; I come in at the top of the charts even when I'm taking it easy.

My question for you, is what about those of us that DON'T usually arena or PvP? What about those of us that don't raid? How will this help the Hunters that PvE, and do the occasional instance?

My answer; it won't. This is the biggest kick in the teeth that I've seen to BM Hunters PvE wise. Not only will our utility as a solo spec plummet, but if we get jumped while we're trying to solo that elite for a quest by a DK that's FIVE levels lower than us, we'll no longer be able to hold them off. Freeze Trap, buy yourself a few seconds, get your pet on him, damage him, try to keep the elite on your pet tanking, DK ends up killing you or you draw aggro from your pet and die.

I haven't played on the PTRs, granted, but this is what I see happening if all of these changes going into effect as they are written here. Again, this is not the final form of what will be changed, but seriously. Isn't this a little much?

BMs were more OP than MM and Survival. But this is going too far. Bring us down to equal, the class was begging for that. Make hunters a bit more equal as a whole if need be. But nerfs this hard are unwarranted and will only make the class suffer in PvE.
#55 Dec 11 2008 at 11:24 PM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
Hegeg wrote:
Alright, this is warranted, the DPS nerfs and whatnot. I've only just gotten my Hunter to 68, and even I know that in PvP, Hunters are way OP; I come in at the top of the charts even when I'm taking it easy.
We're not.
We work decent in BG's, but in arena without a team to hide behind and room to run away we're useless.

And we have been since the release of arena.
#56 Dec 12 2008 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
Well said.
#57 Dec 12 2008 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Added some new info to the OP, as Blizzard is going to buff Arcane Shot (lowered mana cost) and Explosive Shot (higher base damage, AP scaling, single-target) on the PTR to try to help out Survival Hunters that were going to get tossed in the dung heap with these latest changes.
#58 Dec 12 2008 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
115 posts
Sir Xsarus wrote:
Same with Phoenix...when the pet dies, the tooltip says, it is 'instantly' brought back to life.... Not so...he will stay dead...and you will then have a mob up in your grill trying to eat your face off. You have to manually click the skill for it to work...which is far from "Instant" and is yet one more thing I have to watch out for, and one more button I have to push.
This was actually changed during the beta. The current behavior is intended and far better if you think about it. Usually there is a reason a pet died, and if they insta rez they could simply die again. I think it's nice to have the control to rez them whenever we want.

Isn't that what autocast is for? I confess I haven't double-checked, since I know it's currently borked, but I assume it's a skill where autocast can be turned on/off? I agree, in many cases where my pet dies, it's because it's in a bad place and probably doesn't want to come back straight away, but it would be nice to have the auto-rez option for soloing.
#59 Dec 23 2008 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
So I finally got around to reading the 308 patch notes and I have to say its ridiculous.

First, if you think hunters are OP for PVP you're not playing at 80. This being said not only have they nerfed us, but as far as I can tell they're buffing death knights. As if the fact that they're always at the top in kills and dmg wasnt good enough for blizzard, so now they're lowering all their cooldowns, increasing damage on abilities and increasing health regen. WTF.

I dont see how you can blame hunters for leading raid dps. I'll concede the aoe thing...its been over the top dps. On average we've always been competing for the top dps slots. We do comparable dps to all the other range classes and we die the least. Of course we're going to end up on top. Its not our fault that 95% of the bosses are range biased fights.

I guess its finally time to face the fact that ret paladins are no longer the red-headed step child and we apparently are.
#60 Dec 31 2008 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
I am of two minds about these changes.

First let me thank you for raising Growl, it needed it. Now maybe I can use something other than my damn monkey and not pull aggro of him. I have had to use misdirection on my pet far more than I should have to.

Second Volley. Before boosting the damage on this AOE I never used it because it just didn't do enough. I think nerfing the the damage output of it is a bad idea as it will likly stop getting used, save for when you want to run low level characters through dungeons and don't want to spen all day doing so.
My suggestion would be to put a cool down on it. Enough of one so it acts as a mop up, or a save the healer sort of thing.
Third steady shot. Again don't nerf the damage give it a longer cast time. Getting it off fewer times means lower damage output. Sure you can gear up with haste rating, but ask any hunter, what they would rahter have higher crit rate or haste rate. the answer will always be crit.

Fourth Deterence. Great 5 secs of immunity. Which will give the warriors and rogues more time for their Cool down to cycle stun us and kill us, as we can't turn and run. Perhaps combining Deterence and Disengage might make more sense here. Or maybe we can just macro this? someone want to pass me a viable macro for it?

Fifth kill shot. Good choice, it is a useful, and now will become part of everyones shot rotation.

sixth Pet nerfing. If we are going to nerf ANY Pet lets have a look at our friend the Gorilla(din). Solid DPS, and can hold aggro as good as most pallys. Now I am not complaining here, but if we are going to adjust pets, lets knock down the primate, and give the Bear either a similar AOE or better AI to use his swipe.
While I am thinking of the wishlist. I would love to see all three trees available for all pets so you can spec them to your liking. I personally think a Bear would be a DPS monster, and a moth an effects Cunning pet. But thats just me.

Talitha <Blue Sun>
Kul Tiras
Hunter (Marksman)

"This is my BOOMSTICK! S'marts top of the line. This baby was made in Grand rapids MI. Retails for about 109.95. Coblat steel, Walnut Stock, and a Hair Trigger." -Ash, Army of Darkness
#61 Dec 31 2008 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
146 posts
Dethsbane wrote:
I am of two minds about these changes.

Third steady shot. Again don't nerf the damage give it a longer cast time. Getting it off fewer times means lower damage output. Sure you can gear up with haste rating, but ask any hunter, what they would rahter have higher crit rate or haste rate. the answer will always be crit.

No. Just no.

There is NOTHING wrong with Steady the way it is right now. 2.0 second cast that can be reduced through haste, and the damage is fine the way it is.

This nerf is exactly where Blizzard is going overboard. Regardless of what the devs say, only BM was OP on boss fights, and really even then it was due to gimmicks like stacking Call of the Wild and readiness resetting TBW. Nerfing steady shot in any way only serves to gimp every single spec a hunter could conceivably take.

MM were not OPed at all. If anything, they are slightly underpowered. Mana concerns mean way too much time in viper to do zomgdamage without Judgement of light, mana totems, and any other buffs staving off mana starvation. Where MM topped the charts was on trash, or boss fights where lots of AoE was needed (I'm looking at you, Noth). If volley is truly OPed, it is exceptionally OPed in a MM hunter's hands who specs to make it even stronger (for the record, a 30% reduction seems harsh - 15-20% would be just right). Nerfing steady shot kills a lot of the synergy MM hunters had for single target DPS. Granted, if they fix the bug that keeps glyph of steady shot from working for MM, maybe it'll even out somewhat, but it's still bad.

Explosive shot being buffed MAY make SV a very good DPS spec (assuming a buff actually goes through when they seem determined to nerf us into the ground). But a lot of that boost will be cancelled out by a steady shot that barely hits for the same amount as autoshot (autoshot!), and will scale even worse.

They already took windfury away from us. Now all of this too? In a time where other classes are quickly catching up to hunters in DPS as gear level rises? Way too much, way too soon.

I also don't want to appear as if I'm just QQing. But we sat through 4 seasons, over a year of near complete uselessness in arena, and were always told they needed more info, wait and see, yadayadayada. But give us 4 raid resets tops, and out come the nerfhammer for PvE. WTB: consistency.

#62 Jan 01 2009 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
I do agree with you on steady shot, but it seems we are getting the nerf bat no matter what, so I figured I would offer up my ideas. WHo knows maybe someone will listen to all this, or maybe we will get nerfed and everyone will stop playing hunters because they are annoyed with the nerf, and switch over to Death Knights ( lol).
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