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Upcoming Hunter Changes (12/9/08)Follow

#27 Dec 09 2008 at 4:46 PM Rating: Excellent
830 posts
Pre-LK patch, Hunters topped the Raid damage meters if they were being run right. The only time I ever fell into the #2 or even sometimes #3 slot, in Kara, was when a MUCH better geared Hunter, Mage or Lock was with us and the Lock was only useful in some places in Kara. I never felt embarassed.

After the initial LK patch (but pre-LK), you couldn't strip me out of the #1 spot except for another BM hunter and we were usually very close. It was rediculous damage bonuses. Volley rocked so much that in the AOE mob groups I was routinely beating out a better geared Lock in AOE. Nothing lived long enough to hit me more than once or twice.

This is why the comments of 'you should have seen this coming' are being said.

Blizz will work out realistic numbers on the PTR so just take what you see as preliminary numbers, it says so in the posts. Let them work it out, almost all of us saw this coming after the first week of the patch release and we collectively went 'wow, whatta boost!' just look at the past threads.

Most hunters do not PvP because right now, PvP'ing Arena-wise is an exercise in futility. BG's are another matter, currently we rock if played right. World PvP, we suck if we don't get the first shot in we are dead against most melee classes. Against ranged classes, we should eat their lunch and dinner even if they get the first shot in. If you are a BM hunter, any ranged caster class should see you and run the other way unless they way out-level or out-gear you.

So when Blizz is talking PvP here they mean 'Arena'. There are a lot of problems with Hunters in Arena and I think they'll find that Deterrence won't fix crap. It's the build of the Arena's. Make 1 or 2 Hunter friendly ones and you might see some team balances change. As it is, a Hunters' strengths run opposite of the 'blood and gore' in the middle concept Blizz wants out of their Arenas. Hunters need to have slightly elevated, limited access, edge bound positions to overlook and fire across long LOS positions. Catwalks, raised pathways, etc. would allow a team to fully utilize a hunter as fire support. Mages do not need this, Locks don't need it. Hunters excel at these kinds of open field fights. We then need the tools to disengage when someone is in our face. Most are already there but need a little polish, now we just need the arena designs to cooperate. That's just my $0.02 on the Arena PvP and "Why Hunter Suck" topic. I could be entirely wrong... ^_^
#28 Dec 09 2008 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
377 posts

For example:

Locks do good DPS, are great at AOE, can summon people and make stones.

Mages do good DPS, are great at AOE, and can make tables.

Shammys do good DPS, currently only have a (relatively) significant aoe based on spec and one that irritates the **** out of the tank and everybody else with aoe, and drop totems that buff the whole raid.

Hunters do good DPS, have good AoE, and offer replenishment, a 10% AP buff, or a flat 3% dmg buff across the raid depending on spec.

If you are a raid leader looking to fill DPS spots, which classes do you want???

Fixed that for you.

Shammys are the only class on that list that actually offer something unique and fairly necessary. I can probably count on both hands how many times a healthstone has actually kept me alive during a fight (including while tanking) and everything else can be covered by another class/spec or can be solved by promptness and bringing your own food.

Nerfs were completely justifiable. The scale of these nerfs may be something to question, but whether or not nerfs (mostly to BM) were necessary is not. Not to mention these are possible changes which are being opened for testing not things that are getting hotfixed in tomorrow.

The sky isn't falling.

If you dps half decently you can and will get raid spots.

If nobody can Blizz will buff us.

If you go QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ on Allah, you will get rated down until we don't have to read your posts.
#29 Dec 09 2008 at 8:22 PM Rating: Good
28 posts
I know this is an odd question, but to a hunter like me, around level 22-23, does this do anything significant to hinder the fun of a hunter? I only PvE and I hear most of the changes are around that.
#30 Dec 09 2008 at 8:39 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
yeah, don't worry, it doesn't really affect leveling that much. Hunters are and always will be good at solo pve.
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#31 Dec 09 2008 at 9:19 PM Rating: Decent
i actually never used Volley so I'm not too disappointed

like the kill shot though! :D

#32 Dec 09 2008 at 10:19 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
Addressing a few of the more interesting comments...

Majority of hunters don't PvP? Since when. Just about every hunter I've seen since before LK was in full S1/S2. My server is dominated by hunters and it was VERY VERY VERY rare to see one in anything other than PvP gear. AV was dominated by hunters in the top DPS. Generally 10-15 hunters top DPS with the occasional lock or mage thrown in.

As for not finding a group...

The reason you weren't able to find a group had little to do with the short comings of your class and more to do with the fact EVERYONE and their dog had a 70 hunter. I ran more than a handful of heroics where my mage/rogue were scooped up by desperate groups trying to avoid a third hunter.

The same applied to the few raids I did participate in and the raids of friends. They usually had WAY too many hunters.

Huntards? As far as I've seen in my battlegroup DKs have replaced the hunters. I don't see many in PvP and I don't see many hunters standing around town anymore. They went from coming out the whazoo to few and far between. At least for now, at least on my server, most of the hunters are people who actually were decent at it and enjoyed the class. The huntards have moved on to Dork Knights for now.

As for volley, nobody likes a nerf, but it was ridiculously over power. Your AoE isn't getting nerfed into the ground. Just nerfed. It was ridiculously powerful. Compare it to what it was before LK-patch. It was an almost useless skill. Even with these nerfs its far better than it ever was pre-WOTLK.
#33 Dec 09 2008 at 10:30 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Also, just in case it wasn't clear in the original post:

It's confirmed that the proposed nerf to Serpent's Swiftness only applies to the pet. So fully talented (5/5) Serpent's Swiftness would read:

"Increases ranged combat attack speed by 20% and your pet's melee attack speed by 10%."
#34 Dec 10 2008 at 5:13 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
so now where does that readiness talent point go?

love the kill shot, although I've basically been using my arcane shot as my kill shot 2/3 of the time.

volley is indeed warranted.
#35REDACTED, Posted: Dec 10 2008 at 5:41 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ok i've read the posts. I love my hunter (MM spec) the way she is. And if we are so over powered how did a Death Knight 5 levels lower than me just wipe the ground with me? and please don't say I don't know how to play my class. I don't PVP all I want to do i survive in PVE and sometimes when I am ganged up on its nice to be able to kill a few of the the attackers before i die. Why cant they nerf the death knights? Just my 2 cents worth.
#36 Dec 10 2008 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
I think the nerf overdoes it a bit.

Nerf for volley is more than ok. It is fun running 8-10k dps on trash, but it is too much. Cutting the damage by 50% would have been ok.
Nerfing the pet dps for beastmaster is also ok. While it is fun that my cat does 2.1k dps against patchwork, it is a bit too much. Reason behind this floats around forums for a while, so this buff was not very surprising.

The nerf to steadyshot is just plainly stupid.
I see this from a raiding POV and actually hunters do not too much damage there. Yes hunters are a strong dps class, but other classes can compete. If you look at WWS Stats for the Patchwork fight (that is THE fight in lich king where you can compare dps since noone has to move ever in that fight).
So by nerfing AOE damage a bit and by nerfing pet dps a bit, they would have made things even.
If you want some data showing that hunters do not godly dps, just have a look at the WWS stats from Patchwork. In the top kills you'll see a lot of classes leading the dps. It is nowhere clear that hunters outshine other classes constantly. Thus overall a nerf to the dps potential is too much.
If hunters do more dps in 5mans than other classes. Who cares? Those instances are very easy, no matter the group with which you go.
PvE damage of hunters has to be compared in raid scenarios and there hunters are not too good. A small nerf would have been sufficient.
#37 Dec 10 2008 at 6:22 AM Rating: Decent
My hunter is only 75 but I seem to be topping instance DPS without my pet included.

I agree Hunters need a nerf but I think this might be overkill.
#38 Dec 10 2008 at 6:51 AM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
katifitz wrote:
ok i've read the posts. I love my hunter (MM spec) the way she is. And if we are so over powered how did a Death Knight 5 levels lower than me just wipe the ground with me? and please don't say I don't know how to play my class. I don't PVP all I want to do i survive in PVE and sometimes when I am ganged up on its nice to be able to kill a few of the the attackers before i die. Why cant they nerf the death knights? Just my 2 cents worth.
These are pve nerfs. That's why they left the instants alone or buffed them. Don't worry, this won't hurt you in pvp, where hunters will still suck Smiley: glare

Edited, Dec 10th 2008 8:52am by Xsarus
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#39 Dec 10 2008 at 6:55 AM Rating: Good
Kelnoen the Malevolent wrote:
My hunter is only 75 but I seem to be topping instance DPS without my pet included.
I agree Hunters need a nerf but I think this might be overkill.

You know, comparing damage while leveling in 5mans is not a very good base for a fair comparison.
While leveling I also topped DPS charts, by quite a bit. With a full set of T6 + Sunwell gear + Thoridal and all enchants you can get, most had not the slightest chance to compete.

At 80, with everyone having replaced their equip (my raid group is currently in 70-90% lvl 80 epics) things look a bit different.
Yes, I really stomp the charts in 5mans and heroics (though some classes can compete there).
But in raid instances, the dps output of all classes is lot closer. Hunters do not lead the charts in every fight. There are some fights where hunters are really strong, and there are quite some fights where are other classes come out 1st.
A small nerf is warranted, but the nerfs discussed here are just a bit too much.
#40 Dec 10 2008 at 7:07 AM Rating: Default
I can understand the Volley nerf. Most hunters saw this coming. 30% seems a tad harsh, but these are just preliminary figures as they stated. But truthfully...if your CD on FD is up and you are on trash or just farming multi-mob groups can boost Volley back up by running in, using explosive trap, using FD, running back out and then popping off volley...explosive will tick for the entire time Volley is channeling...and Viola'...there is your AOE DPS back where it was or better.

I think the Steady-shot nerf is going to make Hunters of ALL spec's mad/disapointed...but once again...preliminary.

Kind of disapointed on BW's nerf in synergy with readiness.

One thing that makes me take issue with these changes to Hunters in general is that Hunters have had ISSUES with other "Bugs" with their skills/talents since patch 3.0 came out...and yet they haven't been seen as "Important" enough to fix.

For instance, many times when in PvE and You are soloing...when you FD the pet stops attacking and the mob evades and runs back to it's position and resets. {and my pet was actively attacking it before} Or...even hit FD and the mob doesn't run away and your pet doesn't disengage...but the mob's HP's reset to 100% again... I have talked to many Hunters who have also experienced this repeatedly.

Also...Lick your wounds doesn't work properly nor does Phoenix. You can't rely on the pet to manage THEIR OWN skills...which is a bug..and is a well known one. With lick your wounds, the skill should automatically go off on your pet when it is down to about 30% HP' doesn' have to manually click it. If you can't or don't notice because you are trying to deal with an you have a Dead pet. Same with Phoenix...when the pet dies, the tooltip says, it is 'instantly' brought back to life.... Not so...he will stay dead...and you will then have a mob up in your grill trying to eat your face off. You have to manually click the skill for it to work...which is far from "Instant" and is yet one more thing I have to watch out for, and one more button I have to push.

To me, the above are pretty significant "Bugs" that should be addressed BEFORE the DPS issue. Bugs>nerfs first IMO
#41 Dec 10 2008 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
184 posts
I believe blizzard is looking at this the wrong way.

Alot of classes are doing significant DPS right now and the reason is the near complete removal of the threat cap. It also makes playing dps classes alot less challenging. I almost never need to FD now, hardly ever look at omen, ect. This used to be one of the challenges to playing the game and has made everything alot easier.

There are WWS out there with rogues/mages/warriors doing sick dps on patchwerk.

Nerf to volley and slight pet nerf was in order for sure, but until aggro management comes back a group can be heavily weighted for any class to do crazy DPS.
#42 Dec 10 2008 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
500 posts
There have been so many changes and 'potential changes' to hunters lately that I've put mine on the back burner. I'm tired of changing my play style to suit the games infrastructure ... so when they make up their mind on what they'd like hunters to be, I'll log mine in again and see if it's still the character I want to play.

#43 Dec 10 2008 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
ok, volley was definatly comin, so it a mile away. i think its to much but won't qq till i see what actually happens. Same with the pet dps. I do think that exotics however should have 10% dps or so over normal pets just to give BM's a reason to spend the point in BM. Right now there is no reason to carry that huge and loud devilsaur around if it dosen't out dps the cats or raptors. deterrence sounds great and would proably help a lot more with a faster cool down on disengage. I'm dreading losing dps on steady shot, think you guys could try the volley and pet nerfs first, that seems like enough to bring us down to par with other classes. Also could try a bigger armor buff for our lack of survivability, Just my thoughts though, i'm not a dev.
#44 Dec 10 2008 at 1:04 PM Rating: Default
one more thing that i have issue with our range limits. no other ranged dps class has a limit as to how close they can get to the target. perhaps if we could still shoot at point blank range we could compete in the arenas.
#45 Dec 10 2008 at 4:39 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Same with Phoenix...when the pet dies, the tooltip says, it is 'instantly' brought back to life.... Not so...he will stay dead...and you will then have a mob up in your grill trying to eat your face off. You have to manually click the skill for it to work...which is far from "Instant" and is yet one more thing I have to watch out for, and one more button I have to push.
This was actually changed during the beta. The current behavior is intended and far better if you think about it. Usually there is a reason a pet died, and if they insta rez they could simply die again. I think it's nice to have the control to rez them whenever we want.
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#46 Dec 10 2008 at 11:58 PM Rating: Default
I agree with you 100% about the "Control" issue over Phoenix. The problem lies with the fact that you cannot even click the pet-skill for it to work. {The button itself is borked somehow} You have to make a 'separate' macro command that takes up a spot on your already crazily overpopulated action bars. Then, even after you do this...50% of the time when the pet rezzes back to's pet-bar is grayed if you had paniced and put your pet on passive and he died anyway...when he rezzes he comes obediently back to your side...and simply stands there. If...God-forbid I know not had him on aggro.....he goes on an aggro spree when he rezzes. Neither of which you can change, because it's pet-bar is greyed out.


Those are the things I am talking about that need fixing NOW...before DPS or PvP "issues" are. Bugs with a classes' skills should be THE top priority.

That's all I am saying. :P
#47 Dec 11 2008 at 5:25 AM Rating: Decent
203 posts
Taking BW off of readiness simply kills the 50/21 build.

I understand these are for now just PTR changes, and that they are over-doing the nerfs to see how bad it really hurts our dps then they can scale the nerfs back to bring us back in line.

6) Kindrid Spirits – now only grants 3/6/9/12/15% pet damage.
7) Serpent’s Swiftness – now only grants 2/4/6/8/10% bonus attack speed to pet.

I think either one of these is a huge nerf by themselves and would probably fix the problem. The nerf to steady shot is just insane and I can't see that making it live. That would probably put us from #1 to #10 on the 25man charts. Our advantage is only slight, and the moment our pet can't dps (either becuase its dead or has to back out of aoe damage), we are no longer #1. The change to serpents swiftness not only will hurt pet dps tremendously, its going to lower FI uptime and we are going to lose out on invigoration procs since the pet is attacking slower and getting fewer crits becuase of it.

I don't think the change to volley is a bad one. Especially since they are saying they are going to probably nerf the aoe of most classes. But I don't think volley is over-powered either. In my raids if there is any type of AOE the shadow priest is raping the charts, not the mages or locks, much to my surprise.
#48 Dec 11 2008 at 6:17 AM Rating: Decent
10,601 posts
we are going to lose out on invigoration procs since the pet is attacking slower and getting fewer crits becuase of it.
Invigoration only procs off specials, which are of course unaffected by the nerf Smiley: schooled

Our advantage is only slight
1000 or more dps is not slight.Smiley: schooled Now of course this is with entry gear. I think we need a nerf, and the ones they chose are fine, aside from steady. It just really really worries me to make our primary attack scale so badly. I assume this will be obvious on the PTR and they'll change it again.

I also think that part of the insane dps was due to the 50/21 build on short fights. That was obviously broken, and so the change is completely expected.

/hope on
I expect the PTR will show a much higher decrease then they thought, and so they'll undo the steady nerf.
/hope off

Edited, Dec 11th 2008 8:21am by Xsarus
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#49 Dec 11 2008 at 7:17 AM Rating: Default
/changed stance

/hope on

Hmmm,...After reading these and many other threads on this elsewhere, I have been crunching some numbers. I like Xsarus also think that SS nerf may not make it to live. After looking at it from all angles, I declare the glass to be "Half-Full".
#50 Dec 11 2008 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
184 posts
Ghost Crawler said
Another reason we like the Steady Shot change is it puts more emphasis on the instant and other hunter shots. Steady is a good bread and butter ability but it's not much more interesting than auto shot. We'd like to see Aimed Shot, Multi Shot, Arcane Shot and other abilities be what the player focuses on. When you get such a big chunk of damage from auto + steady, it makes those other attacks feel puny and the fact you have to use them feel annoying.

This leads me to believe that they are married to the steady shot nerf.

DON'T ENCHANT YOUR SAVAGE COBALT SLICERS - next patch their itemization will be reduce to a LVL 74 weapon.

Edited, Dec 11th 2008 11:17am by Sweathog
#51 Dec 11 2008 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
203 posts
Sir Xsarus wrote:
we are going to lose out on invigoration procs since the pet is attacking slower and getting fewer crits becuase of it.
Invigoration only procs off specials, which are of course unaffected by the nerf Smiley: schooled

Oh yeah, missed that one.

Sir Xsarus wrote:
Our advantage is only slight
1000 or more dps is not slight.Smiley: schooled

Its not 1000dps every fight, all the time. Our latest patchwerk we had 4 hunters in the raid, 2bm's, 2 marks. The 2 bm's were #1 and 2, one MM was 4th, adn the other was not in the top 10, as his gear wasnt on par with the rest of the raid. Mages, boomkins, and even shadow priest are competing, all of us being within 5-6% of the #1 dps. On Grobulus, the mage and shadowpriest are tops, and the hunters were more middle of the pack because our pets can't really dps the boss there most of the time. I still contend we are not miles ahead of other pure dps's with similar gear.

What has changed the most for hunters is how well pets are scaling with our stats. As gear improves, this difference will be less and less, and the QQ'ing should be less also. Pet dps will eventually top off (hit a soft cap, if you will), but everybody else's will continue to improve.
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