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Upcoming Hunter Changes (12/9/08)Follow

#1 Dec 09 2008 at 9:35 AM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
Ghostcrawler on the Official Forums (DD) wrote:
Hunters of all specs, and particularly Beastmaster, are doing too much damage in PvE.

We tested this a lot internally in beta and knew hunters were high but we hoped other classes would be able to catch up in a way they have as yet been unable to do. We want to be careful not to hurt hunter dps too much in PvP, so we’re taking most of the damage out of Steady Shot and Volley. Beastmaster hunters are in addition losing some of their pet dps. We still want BMs to have the best pets, but pet dps numbers are a little high at the moment. We are also still concerned about hunter survivability in PvP and taking the opportunity to jazz up Deterrence into something that looks and plays a little more interesting.

These are not all of the changes we are working on for hunters, but those changes we feel are ready for testing. We hope to get these changes up on the PTR so players will have a chance to test them out and respond before they go live.

1) Steady Shot – now only gains 10% of attack power as damage (down from 20%).
2) Volley – reduced the damage by about 30% for all ranks. Note that AE damage from many classes is very high right now and we are looking at all of them. Volley in particular had reached the point where some hunters were using it to the exclusion of most other attacks.
3) Readiness – no longer affects the cooldown of Bestial Wrath.
4) Deterrence – has been completely overhauled. It now allows you to deflect 100% of incoming melee or spell damage for 5 seconds, but prevents you from attacking while active. You still must be facing the attacker to deflect the damage (this is a limitation we are trying and might end up removing). 60 sec cooldown.
5) Kill Shot – cooldown reduced to 15 sec (from 35 sec).
6) Kindrid Spirits – now only grants 3/6/9/12/15% pet damage.
7) Serpent’s Swiftness – now only grants 2/4/6/8/10% bonus attack speed to pet.
8) All hunter pet abilities with a cooldown longer than 30 sec have been moved off the global cooldown.
9) Growl— threat generation increased by 20% (same for Voidwalker Torment).
10) Call of the Wild – now benefits only the hunter and his or her pet.
11) Rake and Scorpid Poison – slightly nerfed to bring them into line with other pet abilities.
12) Spirit Strike – reduced the period on the dot so it will work better with Longevity.
Improved Tracking – now benefits damage to all included creature types as long as you are tracking one of them. You don’t have to swap around what you are tracking as much.
13) Aspect of the Wild – now raid-wide.

EDIT: Later in the same thread, we get a little more info.

Also, including a link to the original thread.
Ghostcrawler, later in the same thread wrote:
I did say these are not all the hunter changes we're working on. Some we haven't quite worked out yet and others (one exciting one in particular concerning ammo) won't be ready until Ulduar or so.

We think MM was too high and BM was way too high. Survival is probably a little low. We are looking at buffing Survival, possibly through Explosive Shot, but we haven't finalized that yet.

The Deterrence change is defintely something we'll need to see in action on the PTR.

I don't want to do a disservice to all the good PvP feedback by attempting to boil it down too much. However, in general a lot of hunters were concerned about being able to do damage as much as they were concerned about being able to survive damage. We don't expect the Deterrence change to solve the former problem obviously. We're still working on that one, but we wanted to go ahead and announce what changes we have now so that you guys can be chewing on them.

Nerfing classes is never fun. It means that our initial tests and estimates didn't play out in the real world, which is a failing on our part, not anything the players did wrong. While buffing is a lot more fun, we think we'd get to crazy land too quickly by trying to make current BM dps the new benchmark. That would mean touching virtually every other class and spec as well as many encounters. While it might produce more positive PR in the short-term, it's a ton more work in the long-term that we would rather spend on new content or other problem areas.

Also, the sky is not falling. We're posting here so we can get feedback. Threats of rerolling or that sort of melodrama aren't really giving us any information we need. I can understand while you might want to vent a little bit, but posts with nothing but QQ aren't helpful. :)

AAND, one more if it fits:
Ghostcrawler wrote:
One of the concerns with nerfing Steady Shot was hurting the dps potential for Survival hunters. One of the opportunities with the nerf was to make other shots more attractive so that hunter dps wouldn't be so much about auto + steady.

Here are two changes we are going to try on the PTR.

Explosive Shot -- damage increased substantially (e.g. from 260 to 520 base at rank 4), and additional scaling added to compensate. No longer deals AE damage to other targets.

Arcane Shot -- mana cost lowered to the cost of Steady Shot.


Edited, Dec 9th 2008 2:26pm by tabstopper

Edited, Dec 12th 2008 3:26pm by tabstopper
#2 Dec 09 2008 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
It was fun while it lasted but I do feel kinda wierd just spamming volley 90% of the time anymore. Doesn't feel very hunterish to me. I think we'll still be extremely viable AOE even after the change though.

I love the change to Kill Shot!
#3 Dec 09 2008 at 10:12 AM Rating: Good
184 posts
Saw this coming.
#4REDACTED, Posted: Dec 09 2008 at 10:24 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I hate u blizzard...
#5 Dec 09 2008 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
Volley was too amazing...i did find myself using it almost without anything else.

oh well time to adjust
#6 Dec 09 2008 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
12,049 posts
Ouch, that's rough!

I think my lowbie hunter (level 60) might need a new pet besides a gorilla... not sure how AoE attacking will work with the Volley nerf.
#7REDACTED, Posted: Dec 09 2008 at 10:50 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Guess instead if doing 40-50% of the damage in groups I'm in I'll be down to 30-40%...rats...
#8REDACTED, Posted: Dec 09 2008 at 11:03 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) How about instead of nerfing hunters and pets they work on fixing the $%&!ing bugs that we have been dealing with for weeks on end. No mention of that?
#9REDACTED, Posted: Dec 09 2008 at 11:06 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Intelligent Response:
#10 Dec 09 2008 at 11:43 AM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
well, there goes readiness spec. A change I like, I want to be using my 51 pt talent.

I'm going to miss ripping up the charts though. I think this will make MM equal or better to BM as they depend less on steady shot. I wonder if this will cause us to work arcane back into our rotations. Don't have time for math atm, off to EJ and tka.

I think this nerf is not needed
We were doing way too much dps. In what world is a nerf not needed at this point. As to getting into groups, I never had any problem getting groups, and honestly this won't change that.

I think my major concern, which is echoed at EJ and TKA and on the oboards is that changing the scaling of steady affects MM and SV too much, and of course has fairly significant possible impact as more raids are released. Hopefully this doesn't put our scaling behind other classes so that as people gear into t8 and t9 they don't go way past us. We'll see. At this point it's just going onto the PTR and so isn't finalized. I'm reasonably confident that Bliz will do their best to bring hunters into line and not below other classes.

Edited, Dec 9th 2008 2:28pm by Xsarus
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#11REDACTED, Posted: Dec 09 2008 at 12:15 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Well guess its time to hang up the Hunter and start playing the Death Knight again.. seeing how they do way more DPS then a hunter.
#12REDACTED, Posted: Dec 09 2008 at 12:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hunters gettig the nerf bat :( Lowering my DPS=lowering my Surviviability.Ever since Wolk, I have did countless quest only to have to vendor almost all the mail/leather STA+attack power gear. AGI is now a myth! I was handing the lack of "hunter" gear and pet buggs only by "out DPSing" the mobs. (one at a time)I might add! I watched coutless classes out level my hunter by their "new" abblities and gear from the expansion;/ But hey! "I have DPS" that alone made my beloved hunter (Maki)playable and still enjoyable. Now I see this post. and I gotta say-NO WAY! I agree hunters ARE powerfull. But, That is what makes a hunter a hunter ..right? When I look at what my hunter will have to offer a group,and ask myslef.What does a hunter offer now? Heals?-no Buffs?-no DPS? (inset nerf here) I seen this post and can't understand the logic behind the upcomming nerf. Wolk has brought nothing but power and ablities and great gear to every other class. BTW the new Dk's are just stupid powerfull. My hunter used to roam the lands and not fear much of anything! So, do what you will to my hunter. And "I swore to myslef I wouldnt say it" DK alt-here I come:(-PS This is my second post-so go ahead and flame the hell out it. I feel better having said what was on my mind already:P
#13REDACTED, Posted: Dec 09 2008 at 12:25 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Well it made a change to be able to fight in pvp and actually kill someone instead of getyting ganked over and over. Sure made the allies think twice before coming in range of my volley and exsplosive trap. I dont see them nerfin warrior who goes round pulling every rhino in the zone cos they got a trinket that heals them on block. All I can say it was fun while it lasted. Fed up watching other classes like shaman two hit mobs that take me 30 seconds to kill. Guees we goner get gimped again and back to the old days of target shoot and wait ages for mob to die and of course get pawned by anything that comes close to us.
#14 Dec 09 2008 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
377 posts
Saw this coming, but it was a bit more heavy handed than expected to be honest, the volley nerf in particular though still quite warranted.

I like the imp tracking change though. Have to see how everything pans out in the end.

Kill shot and growl change are definitely nice. Not sure it will even be possible to pull of my gorilla anymore, at least until I'm wearing a lot more purples than I currently am.
#15 Dec 09 2008 at 12:34 PM Rating: Default
I think it is pretty interesting on how they talk about how we are not in many arena matches in one thread then in another, they lower our damage.

I could see the volley coming, really, i could. it went from being a useless aoe, to a great one, and now it looks like it be a so-so aoe.

I really don't see the rest of those changes at all though. the deterrence in pvp will still be a joke. yes, you will have 5 seconds of immunity, but what good will that do if you cannot turn around and get some space?

We still have too many buttons to deal with. Why can't they just combine a lot of them? dismiss pet and call pet, immolation trap and explosive trap are just some that come to mind.
#16 Dec 09 2008 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
830 posts
Volley was awesome. I was competing with mages so I knew it was going to get nerfed. Use it while you can.

Sad to see the nerf to steady shot, certainly not at half the boost value. This will definitely take BM down a notch.

Didn't see a nerf to RAKE so Cats may still be the predominant dps pet since all pets will be affected by the other things.

I'm a little disappointed that they are focusing on Hunter DPS as a problem and not DK issues. Also Hunter bugs are pretty nasty at the moment. Improving Growl won't help much if the pet keeps kicking Cower on.

If they are so interested in making Hunters PvP survivable, you only need to give us 5 seconds of invulnerability to being immobilized and leave the dps alone. If you can't hold onto us, we can clear range and get down to business. As is, we still appear to be melee bait. Oh yeah, give our pets better PvP armoring that works against spells and physical. The pets aren't surviving.
#17REDACTED, Posted: Dec 09 2008 at 1:12 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Did it ever occur to Blizz that a great number of hunters DON'T PLAY PVP???!!?!?!! And outside of PVP, what is the problem with doing a lot of damage (like in raids)?? Does it imbalance the cosmos in some way?
#18 Dec 09 2008 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
We were doing too much damage. If you don't see that you're an idiot. We should be doing similar dps to other classes. This will go to the PTR where they will do more testing, and then they'll implement that parts that seem to work. Stop it with the idiotic rants. This has nothing to do with pvp, and everything to do with how overpowered we were in pve. Feel free to debate the method of the nerfs, but the fact that we needed to be nerfed is not in question.


Didn't see a nerf to RAKE so Cats may still be the predominant dps pet since all pets will be affected by the other things.
They nerfed rake and scorpid sting. l2read Smiley: tongue

Edited, Dec 9th 2008 4:10pm by Xsarus
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#19 Dec 09 2008 at 2:16 PM Rating: Default
This seems pretty far overboard to me. Yes my pet does sick dps but isnt this the point of being a beastmaster hunter? My fire mage is even on the back burner in WoLK because I am having so much fun with my hunter but I dont see myself running away with the dps meter. What I want to know is what the benchmark is because if you are basing the dps standard on ret pallies and dk's now, I am still behind while mages and locks have been trashed so bad they are behind me. I am in a group with every different class every day and from what I see on recount my hunter is usually right in the middle. So what would be the real problem with making BM hunters the new bench mark? You need to put in the work to bring casters up where they belong and you need to put in the work to bring dk's and ret pallies down where they belong and before someone cries about their dk or their pally I have one of each, they are OP, period, while you have failed miserably at making DK's viable for main tanking.
Yes volley is a NOW a useful aoe but you have given every class in the game a powerful aoe at this point. Why should my hunter be nerfed back to aoe gimp land and forced to single target mobs with a pet who is apparently castrated? This issue that you have of instances being cleared by aoe is not the fault of giving huters a useful aoe spell. It is the fault of giving every class in the game so much powerful aoe and it is the only way hunters can keep up without looking stupid. I am completely confused as to why you buffed every class for aoe and then complain because we are using it. Am I a little bored with it? Do I miss having to mark sheep and sap and actually think? Yes I do. But nerfing volley into oblivion isnt going to solve this issue.
And finally, DON'T KILL MY PET!!!!!!! I am a beastmaster. I get my rocks off seeing my pet chew things to death. If you just absolutely cant stand it that I have dps to bring to a raid now now instead of being the class that got picked last for the raid because there werent any mages available, then nerf a shot, take away my bow and give me a slingshot, stock all the vendors in Dalaran with plastic bullets for BM's but #*%((*_& leave my pet alone!!! He rocks, he chews up mobs and spits them out and when I look at the meter I look for Frostbite because I am a beastmaster hunter and I really couldnt care less if my steady shot crits for 4K I want my pet to be chewing someone's balls off. That's the point of being BM. Please get it.
#20 Dec 09 2008 at 2:25 PM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
Despite the link, this is not the official forums. Try to keep it rational (especially for those who have not posted before).

Blizzard is trying to balance pure DPS classes (Hunter, Rogue, Warlock, Mage) so that with "equal skill and gear" they put out equal DPS. Hunter was too far ahead of the curve, and bringing the other pure DPS classes in line (and hybrids within 5-10%) would have meant a redesign of every class in the game and a rebalancing of any raid encounter designed to test DPS (read: with an enrage timer).

Getting nerfed sucks, but most good hunters I know saw this one coming a mile away.
#21 Dec 09 2008 at 2:57 PM Rating: Excellent
19,369 posts
*looks around confused*

Am I? Am I on the oboards? Smiley: confused
#22REDACTED, Posted: Dec 09 2008 at 3:01 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Apparently I am too much of a noob to make valid points being a new poster and all. I only have about 10,000 hours playing WoW, leading raids, and running a large guild. This is my first post because it is the only thing I have seen that is so totally ridiculous I had to throw my 2 cents out somewhere. Maybe my recount is broken but hunters are always near the middle on overall dmg in a group with similarly geared people unless its a dk 4 levels below me then I am always under them. Thanks for pointing out that this is not a "real" forum. I will take my post to the Blizzard forum where it can be properly ignored. I didnt realize I was going to be castrated in forums as well as in game...Bad Kitty huh?????
#23 Dec 09 2008 at 3:51 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
Good grief, have you never heard of the enter key?

Hunters are ahead of the game with dps. It's nice that you suck personally, but all competent hunters are doing far more dps then any other class. Maybe what your recount is doing is showing you your dps without your pet. In this case you should be below the other dpsers and not in the middle. Of course if you were really a raid/guild leader you would know this.Smiley: oyvey

Again, we needed a nerf, there is no getting around this. If you want to discuss the way to nerf us, that's fine, but don't make idiotic rants about how blizzard sucks.

MentalFrog wrote:
*looks around confused*

Am I? Am I on the oboards? Smiley: confused

Edited, Dec 9th 2008 5:53pm by Xsarus
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#24REDACTED, Posted: Dec 09 2008 at 4:06 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Just because I haven't posted here before doesn't make the points invalid. Let me break this down in a different way.
#25REDACTED, Posted: Dec 09 2008 at 4:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Why?? Why do we "need" a nerf? All we offer a raid is DPS. I'm not sure why you would call me an idiot because I don't agree we "need" less DPS. If you want to have every DPS class do exactly the same DPS as every other class, then give hunters another ability to bring to a raid - otherwise we won't be invited.
#26 Dec 09 2008 at 4:43 PM Rating: Default
391 posts
Hunters definitely needed a nerf. When a hunter that is geared less then me can do 600 dps more then me as a dps spec cat, there is something wrong. Hunters will still have good aoe and they will be fine. If you want more raid utility, spec mm and give all the melee trueshot aura. Last I checked that is a pretty big raid buff.
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