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First venture into naxxFollow

#1 Dec 06 2008 at 2:58 PM Rating: Good
135 posts
So, I just did my first naxx run.
We cleared 3 bosses, and got a few tries in on grobbulus.
I'm afraid I didn't get any gear from it, but the experience alone (especially as I just migrated to a new server, which means I started a new guild with 3 rl mates = being with alot of people you dont know on vent for the first time ;p) was entirely worth it.

I went with a 51/0/20 spec, being in full blues except the axe from heroic halls of lightning.
I'll link my armory tomorrow, as I'm really sleepy atm.
I coulnd't resist being able to gloat that I not only topped the damage meter on patchwerk and grand widow whatshername, I also only lost by 34 dps to our leading boomkin druid who was in way better gear then me on maexxna.
I didn't had a rogue in my raid, so they might still wafflepwn me, but well, I'm quite happy with today's raid.
next raid tuesday, hope I can get my epic belt from the nexus by then ;d

Edited, Dec 6th 2008 5:58pm by NeroSeekerOfSouls

Edited, Dec 6th 2008 5:58pm by NeroSeekerOfSouls
#2 Dec 06 2008 at 5:02 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
51/0/20 is subpar to 50/0/21 or 51/13/7.

Refer to my DPS FAQ if you've got more questions.
#3 Dec 06 2008 at 5:47 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
Wow, Theo. You couldn't manage a, "Congratulations," or, "I'm glad you had fun," before you went straight to crapping in his cheerios?

Congratulations. I'm glad you had fun.
#4 Dec 06 2008 at 6:21 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Gaudion wrote:
Wow, Theo. You couldn't manage a, "Congratulations," or, "I'm glad you had fun," before you went straight to crapping in his cheerios?

Congratulations. I'm glad you had fun.

No, not really. Naxx isn't really an achievement. I mean, grats you can do Kara-level content passably well?

Give me a break.
#5 Dec 06 2008 at 9:29 PM Rating: Good
1,875 posts
congratz for what you did

not everyone ends up into teh hardcore of 'clear all of wow' so keep up the progress

although i got a feelin some of your guildies (and yourself, goin 51-13-7 imo would be best) could improve on deeps

but good luck, go get a sexy polearm for me..... slow leveling + lack of free time = i want naxx sooner damnit
#6 Dec 07 2008 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
676 posts
Although in a post yesterday Theo states he hasn't been to Naxx yet. hmmmmm....

Gratz Nero, glad you had fun. I'm still rocking Unholy Tank, testing out different builds at 73. Can't wait to get into Naxx myself.

#7 Dec 08 2008 at 12:40 AM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Galenmoon wrote:
Although in a post yesterday Theo states he hasn't been to Naxx yet. hmmmmm....

It would be hard to go into Naxx on one of my toons when they're 78, 77, 70, 70, and 70.

Rest assured, though, I'll have done a full clear of Naxx10 by next reset (i.e. 12/16). Smiley: wink
#8 Dec 08 2008 at 2:44 AM Rating: Good
387 posts

I am glad you know what is best at 80 raiding wise while you even do not have one yet. Theorycrafting is one, but this is just plain weak.

Aside from that, why you keep *****!ng from your self-built ivory tower is beyond me.

To the OP: great to hear you have had a great time!
#9 Dec 08 2008 at 4:31 AM Rating: Excellent
608 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Galenmoon wrote:
Although in a post yesterday Theo states he hasn't been to Naxx yet. hmmmmm....

It would be hard to go into Naxx on one of my toons when they're 78, 77, 70, 70, and 70.

Rest assured, though, I'll have done a full clear of Naxx10 by next reset (i.e. 12/16). Smiley: wink

Well Theo, that's just the point, all things being equal, the OP made it to 80 on his DK, and has started in Naxx (something which you have failed to do so far - you may be there soon, and totally ransacking the place, but you're not there yet). Then he decided to come and share the enjoyment he experienced ... and all you could do was cut him down because his spec isn't a spec you said he should use (even though he got great results with his).

Seriously dude, I know you enjoy playing the hard-core guru and all, but you need to take some posts for what they are sometimes, and this was a post started by someone sharing his experiences.

And before you raise the "I also have a 77 rogue, which is why my DK is not 80 yet" argument ... that was your choice, so you can't use it as an excuse.
#10 Dec 08 2008 at 4:56 AM Rating: Excellent
3,909 posts
You should only pay attention to Theo's snarky comments when they make points relevant to the thread.

Grats on Naxx, man. Our guild hasn't got enough healers at 80 to raid yet.
#11 Dec 08 2008 at 5:39 AM Rating: Excellent
135 posts
I never really played a rogue myself, but a good friend of mine did, and I just like learning stuff about wow (even if its not my class lol) so I'm quite known with theo's attitude, but well, even though he's a total *** I guess he does tries to help me by suggesting a better spec.

While we're on that, are you sure the gargoyle is better dps then dancing rune weapon with my weapon?
From what I read there was a point at which dancing rune weapon becomes better so gargoyle, so at what point ( how much dps does the weapon have to have?)
The first thing I need to replace are my gloves, asap, but I just bought them from ah because I had green gloves.
Did another naxx raid yesterday, cleared another 3 bosses, all one-shotted :)

Oh, and I did 2700 dps in hc violet hold yesterday.
Kind of biased to me because the boss died a few seconds after my cooldowns were over, but well :D

Hope everyone is enjoying his new deathknight as much as me :P

Depends on gear level and weapon. Once you get to the epic weapons (~186 DPS or so) DRW seems to pull away from Garg.

That's just what I've seen, though.

I saw you say this in the other thread theo, so does that mean, with my weapon (collosal skull clad cleaver) drw is better then gargoyle?
I'll have to respec anyway, probably going to that 51/13/7 spec you posted, or do you think the gargoyle spec will still yield better results?

Edited, Dec 8th 2008 8:51am by NeroSeekerOfSouls
#12 Dec 08 2008 at 5:56 AM Rating: Good
18 posts
It's pretty foolish to tell someone their spec is subpar when you don't actually know the full extent of the group they ran the instance/raid with.

The points you've told him should be moved may be taken care of in another player's spec. comparing this 51/13/7 to the unholy build I'd used from the start. Blood has given more room during combat to change your approach, but overall dps dropped a lot.

Oh and gz Nero!

Edited, Dec 8th 2008 8:56am by MetaCreep
#13 Dec 08 2008 at 9:29 AM Rating: Excellent
Although in a post yesterday Theo states he hasn't been to Naxx yet. hmmmmm....

Theo's very knowledgeable of the game... but if you look at his WoW TBC and WotLK 'career':

- He established himself as a pvp Guru, despite never breaking 2k Arena rating.

- He established himself as a raider, despite joining his guild's raid when they were already in advanced content and getting easy gear that way.

- He's giving tips on which build to take to level and dps as DK, when he isn't even 80 yet.

- He claims he can do more AE as blood then as unholy ;p

Regardless of all this however, the fact remain that Theo's advice is almost always sound and most of the time highly accurate. Even thought I had a 2k+ arena rating every single season in TBC, I still went to his thread for theorycrafting. And when I took a break from WoW, I knew he'd be the one to answer my question about what changed for the rogue class in patch 3.0.

It's like the old saying goes, "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach."

And yes, Nero, I'm also fairly confident you're hurting your dps by going 51/0/20 instead of 51/13/7.
#14 Dec 08 2008 at 9:38 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
And yes, Nero, I'm also fairly confident you're hurting your dps by going 51/0/20 instead of 51/13/7.

Of course, I agree. But the OP wasn't making any claims of having a superior build or anything like that. He simply stated what he took in, the experience he had, and took the time to share the result with the rest of us. He's entitled to be pleased, I think, and considering that RL has kept me from reaching 80 on my main, much less my DK alt, I'm still impressed by people making it into Naxx. I likely will be until I begin to experience and clear that content for myself.

There's nothing wrong with offering advice, but I mean... come on. Not all of us have a guild funded by the UAE.
#15 Dec 08 2008 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
- He established himself as a pvp Guru, despite never breaking 2k Arena rating.

This alone in many circles prevents you from ever calling yourself a guru. That's like... giving raid tips without ever being in naxx... oh wait.

- He established himself as a raider, despite joining his guild's raid when they were already in advanced content and getting easy gear that way.

Nothing wrong with that. I was in a guild that worked its way to Kael back when Kael was hard, then left to join a guild that was clearing illidan when he was the last boss in the game.

- He's giving tips on which build to take to level and dps as DK, when he isn't even 80 yet.

That's fine and all as well, but you can also ask me if you want. I've been playing a DK for months (played for 2 months before the expansion was even released) and ALL I DID was sit there and try out and come up with different specs for different situations. Heck I even started a spec review thread, but it died because so many people didn't see it and just made lots of "rate my spec" threads.

- He claims he can do more AE as blood then as unholy ;p

I can claim to be Jesus, but it doesn't mean it's true. Yes a good blood could out AoE a bad unholy. And trust me, we're still in the stage where more than half the DKs out there have NO idea what they're doing and are complete idiots. I'd wager his blood AoE couldn't beat ME as unholy, I tell you that much.
#16 Dec 08 2008 at 10:53 AM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
Well, fair enough, I wasn't looking to flame Theo so much as maybe give a dose of humility. I just think it would be prudent if we all remember that this forum, although brand new, tends to have a collection of people intelligent enough to come to these forums for advice.

Most of us have at least one 70 (as do I, note my sig) and have been in the wow community for quite some time. Granted, the usual influx of noooobs is going to happen, but we have to keep in mind that most of us have a general understanding on how to play.

In this case we probably need to also understand that attempts to theorycraft, write guides, or in general become an authority on this class is going to take some time, tested and proven experience before anyone can make the claim to be one of the best and gain the respect deserved it.

I know Theo's reputation on the Rogue forums, Gaudion's reputation on the Shammy forums and I've seen a few druids over this way from the forum I frequent the most. Obviously people are going to trust in you guys to give the best advice you can, and you usually do.

The reason I haven't gone any further than throwing out my build and experiences is because I haven't hit 80 yet, I haven't raided yet, and I don't think I have found the "cookie cutter" build for Unholy yet. I can tell you I do over 1k dps on solo mobs at level 73 unholy. I can do closer to 1.5k dps on multiple mobs and I usually run 1k or higher tanking as unholy in Nexus, UK, and AN.

I think we just all need to have fun, learn the class and help each other without degrading anyone's experience. That is what makes Alla so much different from the WoW forums and Wowhead in my opinion. We should keep it that way.

PS: If you armory any of my toons, they will be lacking gear. I unfortunately just got hacked last night and hopefully will be getting all my stuff back within the next 2 weeks. Damn work computers :-(

Edited, Dec 8th 2008 1:54pm by Galenmoon
#17 Dec 08 2008 at 10:58 AM Rating: Excellent
Nothing wrong with that. I was in a guild that worked its way to Kael back when Kael was hard, then left to join a guild that was clearing illidan when he was the last boss in the game.

When the only reason you're killing Illidan is because you jumped guild and you wouldn't even be able to zone in BT had Blizzard not remove the attunement process... I call that being carried, but to each it's own :P.

Edited, Dec 8th 2008 1:59pm by Tyrandor
#18 Dec 08 2008 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
Galenmoon wrote:
Most of us have at least one 70 (as do I, note my sig) and have been in the wow community for quite some time. Granted, the usual influx of noooobs is going to happen, but we have to keep in mind that most of us have a general understanding on how to play.

You'd think that but a lot of people like to talk out their rear about things they know NOTHING about or things they can only think about, but have not experienced.

In this case we probably need to also understand that attempts to theorycraft, write guides, or in general become an authority on this class is going to take some time, tested and proven experience before anyone can make the claim to be one of the best and gain the respect deserved it.

Take time? I've been playing the class for hell, I dunno, 4 months now? Sure there are things I still need to perfect, but there's no reason we have to WAIT for an authority. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say I'm an authority or anything, because I still have a lot to learn before I feel confident in saying that, but there's no reason why there can't be authorities right now. I personally think the player who played Sunny in beta is a HUGE authority on DKs, and he was one before the expansion was even released.

I know Theo's reputation on the Rogue forums, Gaudion's reputation on the Shammy forums and I've seen a few druids over this way from the forum I frequent the most. Obviously people are going to trust in you guys to give the best advice you can, and you usually do.

Go ask the paladin forums about me and they'll tell you I was that 'lawl ret' guy. Any time (this was before ret became buffed) anyone posted about ret in raids I'd just respond lawl ret and leave it be. I wrote a holy gear guide too, but they're such a hassle to keep updated...

The reason I haven't gone any further than throwing out my build and experiences is because I haven't hit 80 yet, I haven't raided yet, and I don't think I have found the "cookie cutter" build for Unholy yet. I can tell you I do over 1k dps on solo mobs at level 73 unholy. I can do closer to 1.5k dps on multiple mobs and I usually run 1k or higher tanking as unholy in Nexus, UK, and AN.

Unholy Tanking
Unholy DPS
Unholy Leveling

Yes, you can move points around to where there isn't, nor should ever be, a true "cookie-cutter" as there was with my huntard. There are always key talents and talents that you can pick up and still be OK having. The above are the 3 specs I've personally found to be the best for what I need.
#19 Dec 08 2008 at 11:09 AM Rating: Good
Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
When the only reason you're killing Illidan is because you jumped guild and you wouldn't even be able to zone in BT had Blizzard not remove the attunement process... I call that being carried, but to each it's own :P.

Actually my paladin had ALL attunements completed before they removed them. I completed the SSC attunement when it was required, I completed the TK attunement when you had to flask to be able to beat arcatraz, I also had the Hyjal and BT attunements done. Yes that guild did kill kael, and actually knocked out the first few bosses in hyjal/BT, but then some players left, we had to go back to kael, and the new players SUCKED and we did nothing but wipe on kael. The main tank left for the illidan guild, and told me that he liked having me as his healer and that he wanted me to go with him. So I did. That said, the new guild was hella better than any guild I had been in before, and while I was one of the better healers in my old guild, the new one had me at the bottom. I guess that still qualifies as carrying though.
#20 Dec 08 2008 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Short reply because my time is limited today:

Tyr, within a week of joining my guild's raiding progress, I was top DPS. This is over rogues with better gear than mine, warriors with better gear than mine, and locks with better gear than mine. This comes down to I'm better at my class than they are; there's no way you can get around that. I'm not trying to brag, but those are the facts. I also got to 2100 this past arena season (granted post 3.0, but we all know how hard it was to pass ret teams, especially as feral/rogue).

To everyone commenting on DPS and how I shouldn't talk about Naxx having not been there:

LOL. I was in Naxx two and a half years ago!

Either way, DPS is about theorycrafting. It requires no experience except that you have knowledge of how fight mechanics work and how the mechanics of the talents work.

Since I know all of those things, I can accurately crunch numbers and give advice based on gear, fight, and spec.

I apologize if my disposition isn't always sunshine and puppies, but I'm here to help out the class as much as I can, and for me, that's helping with theorycrafting. It's what I do best.

Feel free to sub-default posts of mine that deserve it. I take no offense. But you should listen to my views on DPS, because I know what I'm talking about when it comes to game mechanics. I was in bleeding-edge content in the das of Naxx/AQ40, and I helped my guild out by boosting our rDPS so to make ROS easier and help show the other rogues in the guild how they could to slightly better in DPS to push out that last 200-300 DPS that they were missing. Again I say that not to brag, but to show my credentials of where I'm coming from.

Regardless what you guys think, PvE is a scripted event with predictable variables. Granted, it's a really ******* cool scripted event with predictable variables, but it is nonetheless. It's possible to say "this is the DPS you should be able to obtain on this fight with this gear and this spec, and you'd do more DPS with this spec", and if it's possible, I will always be the harshest critic, because some people need that to understand that they're not playing to their limits.

If you take my criticism with a grain of salt (or a helping of "lol it's Theo" as the rogue forums have), you'll be just fine, I promise. Smiley: wink
#21 Dec 08 2008 at 12:09 PM Rating: Excellent
608 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:

To everyone commenting on DPS and how I shouldn't talk about Naxx having not been there:

LOL. I was in Naxx two and a half years ago!

As a Death Knight? at level 80?

I jest ;-)

Seriously .. I'll give it to you, you know your stuff, and I'm sure there are a few (ok, maybe more than a few) people here who appreciate your input, it takes time that a lot of us (well, maybe I speak only for myself here) cba to put in ... My only piece of advice to you is to stop treating every thread as a platform to air your knowledge / opinion / Conclusions.

Some threads here (such as this one, which we've very effectively derailed), are posted here simply to, you know, share. Those who don't want to simply chat and compare notes and experiences go to EJ, and that's great, because that's expected. What's expected here is a little more relaxed atmosphere, and not to be shot down because of a slightly sub-par spec when you're sharing a great experience.

Overlord Theophany wrote:
Again I say that not to brag, but to show my credentials of where I'm coming from.

Yeah, and again, your method of sharing that knowledge could be refined ... perhaps some of your fine tuned theorycrafting can be put into the "Delivery mechanism for imparting knowledge amicably" ;-)
#22 Jan 01 2009 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
1,006 posts
Lol it's theo

#23 Jan 09 2009 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
How did this thread turn into Theo...

Damnit're invading other forums as well now, trying to become king of the forums are you?

On topic, mucho grats! Its always nice to get content down for the first time, though I think you'll find yourself wtfpwning Rogues in DPS.

EDIT: Holy Necro post Batman! Didn't realize this was from over a week ago since it was on the first page...

Edited, Jan 9th 2009 3:11pm by GodOfMoo
#24 Jan 09 2009 at 1:52 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
GodOfMoo wrote:
EDIT: Holy Necro post Batman! Didn't realize this was from over a week ago since it was on the first page...

I blame EonSprinter. That guy always ***** things up.
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