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DPS problems and frustrationsFollow

#27 Dec 08 2008 at 7:49 PM Rating: Good
Jennave wrote:
Frostfire bolt does count as a snaring effect. Frostfire bolt also works with Torment of the weak. In 5 mans i can come in 3rd and higher. Granted I am an arcane mage.

My spell rotation that seems to work so far and i do change it as needed is

Frostfire bolt - opener
2-3 arcane blasts with an arcane barrage mixed in now and then(basically when it is up)and missles are thrown in when the barrage buff pops up

Frostfire bolt is then cast again before the snare effect is let up. then i cast accordingly.

Frostfire snare effect lasts 9 secs. With Haste gear my frostfire is about 2.5 secs or so, that gives me 9 secs after the cast to get in some of my others spells. Arcane Barrage is instant with 6 sec cool down so you can get 1-2 in with snare timer. my missles are down to 4.5 secs or so with haste gear and even fasters when i get a missle barrage proc.

PoM and Arcane power come in handy also, makes one of my frostfire bolts instant every 2 mins. Arcane Power will eat through mana like candy but it also increases damage nicely.

I also have recently hit the mage hitcap for Accuracy and you will see a major difference in damage once your hit cap. I will admit that crit damage seems to be how we do most of our damage though. I have had heroic runs where i am in first place, and I have had runs where I am in 4th. (this is in 5 mans)

FFb applies a snare, but I do not believe the snare counts/applies on bosses. only Slow works (and maybe a DK spell, not positive).
#28 Dec 08 2008 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
Grianne!! I gotta ask you a few questions!

I'm currently having a few problems still coming out ontop of Boomkins, Shammies, Hunters, Warriors and DKs. Especially in the trash department these classes litterally have done 50% of mob damage before I get any sort of damage into motion. The exception to this is an Arcane build but even after maximizing a Gearset and Talentset the damage in this department is VERY limited.

Furthermore, the Damage caused by Torment the Weak is almost EXACTLY negated by the GCD of the time it takes to keep Slow up. FFB snare will NOT work on anything considered a boss, and even has trouble sticking on some badder trash. From what I can tell through all the DPS tests I can use through Rawr, Torment the Weak is simply to help Single-target PVP damage. For PVE, as your Hit, Crit, and Spell Power increase you start to actually LOSE damage by attempting to use this tactic for PVE.

The alternatives are Scorch Spam for Hot Streaks and a number of different FFB rotations that either dabble in a bit of Arcane + Frost or pure Frost.

Grianne, it looks like you use a -- Scorch Scorch FBB FBlast FBB FBB -- spam that utilizes Hot Streaks for Pyroblasts, but I gotta ask if you've tried using a rotation that used Living Bomb as a DoT for constant damage increase. Apparently once you have any sort of good Spell this is supposed to be a nice bonus.

So my question is basically, what exactly is your rotation? How do you keep up on Mana? I'm impressed by your haste% and your sucess in magery brings up my spirits a bit.
#29 Dec 08 2008 at 10:08 PM Rating: Excellent
574 posts
I am deeply disturbed when you wrote:

Ciroccowind wrote:
but I ran with a shaman the other day and saw what he could do with the frog, and got even more depressed.

Are you trying to imply something that you mages do with your sheep also happened with shamans and their frogs?
#30 Dec 09 2008 at 12:53 AM Rating: Decent
1,228 posts
The frost mage was just using blizzard all the time for a while and was up to over 1800 DPS. He stopped when he kept drawing aggro. I was curious about the blizzard tactic. It's nice, but risky depending on the tank.

Blizzard spam is viable on trash in raids or 5 mans. Go deep frost spec with improved blizzard and all movement speed talents capped and channel away. You have to be mindful of which pulls have casters or ranged attackers and target them or use your hate dumps. I average about 1900-2200 in dungeons w/this spec on the final dps total in a 50/50 mix of blues and epics. In addition, during all the time you spend "tanking" mobs while they slog their way towards you at an 85% reduced speed, no one in your group is taking any damage from them. However, I've found my dps drops to around 1.5k-1.7k with this spec on bosses while other classes seem to have their dps go up to well over 2k. Still, it's my favorite dungeon grinding spec for the versatility.

One hunter did almost 1700 DPS, the other was about 1400, and I was around 1200. Damage wise, I could not come close to the hunters.

Just wait until you see what some people who are geared and talented well do for raid dps... I did a pick up 25 man raid on the vault in wintergrasp today and the top 4 on the charts were all above 2.7k on a single target 4min fight. It was 2 DKs, a Rogue, and a Lock. I came in at ~1950 with FFB spec and felt sorta ok about that.

But, I have to agree with your point here. The lock was a guild member of mine and I searched him in the armory afterwards to find that his casting stats are inferior to mine and his mana pool is the same size yet still he was doing 800dps more than me. I was pissed so I went and tested my dps for 4 minute "fights" on a target dummy going balls out and the best I could do after 3 or 4 tries was still about 100 less than he had done on the raid boss. Anyway, I felt I had to prove myself after that so I challenged one of the noob level 80 DKs in my guild to a dummy bash-a-thon and the first time we went at it he did 2250 single target dps. This dude still had 3 pieces of green gear on, and only 1 epic. He had GREENS on FFS! and He was doing over 2k. He was some bs unholy spec I think but anyway, it was annoying.

My hope is that once mages equip very nice gear their dps will go up disproportionately due to FFBs massive crit mod.
#31 Dec 09 2008 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
This seems to be a tough time for Mages. Maybe it's that things are still getting sorted out since the expansion, and a new patch down the road will even things out a bit. I don't mind being equal to all other DPS classes, I just hate being let in the dust. I ran Ahn"kahet last night on heroic as arcane (most annoying bosses ever-Loken was easier) and I got 3rd on overall damage behind a DK and Warlock, but my DPS was 1st, if only just. Got around 1400dps, which, while nice, is nowhere near what a hunter would be, and the DK wasn't super well geared. Not sure about the Warlock, but from what I've seen of them lately they aren't doing much damage-wise. Did they just stop trying?

I noticed that at least half the bosses in Ahn"kahet were immune to slow. It sucks seeing that dirty word pop up. I'm still not convinced that slow and the Torment the Weak effect is really worth it. As a previous poster pointed out, the gcd takes some casting time away, forcing us to make up that lost damage over time. I can't quite tell. I know the math works, but the reality may be something different when you factor in changing situations and skill.

I just got hit capped and want to see how much of a difference that makes. I somehow managed to do it with a ton of quest items and random drops, with only one gem, although to get it, other stats have suffered. Had to give up some +dam, crit, int, and a ton of spirit. I was really enjoying the high mana regen. Just have to drink more now, and manage things better.

We haven't been tops on DPS overall in quite a while, but we were damn close before the expansion, and sheep is such a powerful spell, it made up for any DPS shortcomings. Now, we are even further behind. It seems to me in attempting to make the DPS classes more even, Blizzard let some classes actually slip. Many more classes can do so much damage so much faster, it stands to reason that Mages, with our long cast times, would fall behind.

So, what is the solution? We can see how much difference gear makes. But as we get tougher with the better gear, everyone else will too. Shorter cast times would make a big difference. Imagine a 1.5 second fireball, or no cooldown on Arcane Barrage. Mana, of course, would simply disappear, so, a mana adjustment is necessary to make that viable. Increased survivability would be nice too. Right now we are a lower end DPS class that dies quick. Kind of a glass elephant gun rather than cannon. Our damage potential is there, but something is missing. Things just don't feel right. On the upside, though, I am thinking about every fight much more carefully, and choosing spells and rotations based on what is happening rather than blasting away with a single nuke all the time.

I'm at the point where the frustration has turned to resignation. I go into an instance not expecting much, and if I do well DPS or damage wise, it's a pleasant surprise. My only goals damage wise are to keep ahead of the tank. Pally tanks seem to do a lot of damage, making that goal a little harder. Maybe I should stop running with good hunters, and avoid pally tanks.

On a side note, what we do with the sheep is our business. Get your own animal to abuse.

#32 Dec 09 2008 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
top dps depends on skill and gear, not the class. The fatalist view may fly on the oboards, but don't bring it here.

We scale quite well, especially in a buffed environment.

Again, don't base your overall dps on a non-heroic 5-man. Those fights cap dps with all of the breaks/stops at every 20/25% etc. Unless you are going up against patchwerk or are test-dummying with another player, it isn't worth an argument.

I was #1 dps in all but 1 fight in Naxx10 last week (hit 4.2k dps on Patchwerk), and consistently in the top 5 in Naxx25 (of course depending on my roll these numbers changed).

The reason that your suggestions will/would not work is due to balance. Instant cast arcane barrage would be obscene in pvp (enough already complain as it is with a 3 second cooldown). 1.5second fireball is the same way (that and it would really hurt it's coefficients).

Edited, Dec 9th 2008 12:35pm by Anobix
#33 Dec 09 2008 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
I understand that gear and skill are extremely important, and I have never based anything off a non-heroic 5-man. I believe the one I referenced in my last post specifically mentioned Heroic Ahn'Kahet. I do run non-heroics, but don't expect to base anything off of them damage wise. In my opinion there is something wrong with the current DPS situation. Rogues are feeling it too. I simply want to be in line with the other classes, not necessarily the top of the pack all the time. As it stands, Mages are not in line with some of the other classes.

My gear isn't bad. I can run heroics without trouble. I'm a pretty good mage, certainly not the best, but I understand how to play the class. I've tried several specs and approaches, and after several instance runs(heroic), my DPS and damage are not as competitive as they once were.

When I get to Naxx 10 and 25, I'll see how it goes. But the majority of my runs will always be 5 man heroics, and I think that is the case with many players. To have a DPS class that only shines in 10 or 25 man raids is simply wrong.

I would like to see shorter cast times, but doubt I ever will. 1.5 second fireball would be interesting. As for Arcane Barrage, PvP players complain all the time about other classes being OP. Cloth wearers will never be overpowered in PvP.

I may sound fatalist, but I do have hope that things will work themselves out. Like I said before, my skill is improving because I have to work harder to keep up, which is a good thing. Not caring as much about who tops the DPS board is a good thing too. Third in a 5 man is fine, as long as it isn't a distant third. But I don't like feeling resigned to the bottom no matter what. Damage is what we do, and we should do it well, and do it big.

Hunters, I notice, are getting nerfed. I'm curious to see how this affects the DPS world. I'm actually sad in a way, because I'd rather see other classes get buffed, but the reasoning behind the nerf is sound. My usual group has two hunters, so I have gotten to see their big DPS a lot.
#34 Dec 09 2008 at 1:48 PM Rating: Good
Mages benefit in two situations:

Very fast burst (6 second or faster fights) or longer fights (3-4 minutes of straight dps). In situations where there is a lot of movement or capped pauses (like I mentioned, almost all 5 man bosses have phases that start at %s that stop what you are doing... just like the last boss in old kingdom and others) drastically hurt our dps as we do much better over spread out fights. In my opinion Blizzard cannot increase our dps for 1 minute fights without either killing our mana efficiency or by hurting some other facet from the larger world that it works. If you are doing enough dps to beat an enrage timer with the other people you should be fine. Also, don't forget, that you are getting almost 0 buffs from those hunters. If it was a rogue there with you and you had a boomkin or ele shaman you would be doing a lot better because of the synergy.
#35 Dec 09 2008 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
62 posts
Frostfire snaring effect might not snare the boss, but it is considered a snaring effect thus it counts for torment of the weak or atleast I believe it does. My damage seems to be higher and I have used it on raid mobs. I have seen bosses that are immune to slow. IE I cast slow and it says Immune. the Slow icon does appear on most mobs but not those that are immune, the drip and snare from frostfire appears on all mobs. I could be wrong about frostfire, but currently it seems to be working and counting as a snare effect and the nice thing is frostfire is one of the spells that works with Torent of the weak
#36 Dec 09 2008 at 7:10 PM Rating: Good;jsessionid=4C80454DECF7DBD8C65FCF92EF52F7A8.app23_02?topicId=12891372112&postId=128900223227&sid=1

even though it says "immune" to slow, the debuff still goes up. The snare for FFB from all testing that I have read at EJ and other places does not count as a working snare and thus does not count for TTW

Edited, Dec 9th 2008 10:18pm by Anobix
#37 Dec 09 2008 at 10:48 PM Rating: Good
39 posts
I did notice the slow debuff go up even though it said "immune". Kind of surprised to see it, but it was there.
#38 Dec 09 2008 at 11:39 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Those of you worried about hunters should check out the news page here. Seems they're getting nerfed a bit.

As for my DPS experiences, I've found myself doing decent, but not great in 5 mans. I have little difficulty keeping a fairly high lead over the tank's DPS, which is good, but when I get into a group with melee or hunters, there's not much chance of me staying above anyone but the tank and healer. I've fared better against other mages, shadow priests and boomkins, but I haven't run with elemental shamans or warlocks really yet. I usually run 5 mans with a paladin tank, a druid healer, a shadow priest and a boomkin. We are fairly slow on trash DPS(things die just quick enough that we can't really ramp up our DPS but too slow for my more bursty damage to matter) but tend to kill bosses quite quickly.

In my Naxx 10 runs, the first two nights I found myself in a raid with people who have always outDPSed me in raids(except during the glory days where my Hyjal AoE somehow put me ahead of everyone, even those ******* locks and their SoC spam). So I can't really say how I did, other than my DPS wasn't as high as I'd hoped(just shy of 3k on Loatheb). The third night I was dead last on DPS(nothing but 4 horsemen) behind two warriors and a hunter(we ended up with a 4 healer, 2 tank setup) by a large margin. To be fair, I was lacking any kind of group synergy(no CoE equivalent, no moonkin/SP, neither paladin was judging wisdom etc) and I actually went OOM at a point, but nonetheless, it was disheartening. Though the Gown of Blaumeux I got certainly lifted my spirits.

#39 Dec 10 2008 at 8:31 AM Rating: Good
For a bit of insight into 25man Naxx:

I had pretty bad RNG on some of the fights (that and the other mage had Focus magic almost the entire time from Dnev, so that helped as well, plus his 175 extra crit rating :-()

Consistently in the top 5 as frostfire.
#40 Dec 10 2008 at 8:47 AM Rating: Good
39 posts
Now that hunters are getting nerfed, I wonder if the DPS situation will even itself out more. Running with two hunters over the last few weeks was really depressing. I think the new changes should bring us more in line with them at least.

I ran heroic Nexus last night with my usual pally tank, priest healer, hunter, and a warlock from a different guild. The hunter had a lower level pet, and it affected his DPS in a big way. He was last up until half way in. My computer crashed and I lost all the data on my damage meter, but judging from the numbers I was looking at before, I was able to keep pace with the Warlock fairly easily.

The problem is mainly the speed at which the trash is downed. Even the bosses seem to go down fast. Any class that can produce damage quickly, either casting or melee, is at an advantage.( Except for rogues it seems. That leather armor is not holding up well under any aoe from bosses.)

In the WotLK world, mages will never be DPS kings, but we can overcome that by playing well, and sheep is still one of the most powerful and useful spells out there.
#41 Dec 10 2008 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
I can't really argue that much about sheep now... I haven't used it yet in an instance (and obviously not a raid as everything is either dragonkin, a boss, or undead/non-specified).
#42 Dec 11 2008 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
266 posts
This week I finally got extended runs on multiple Bosses in Naxx 10-Man. I ran primarly as a frost build with focus magic since I didn't think my crit was high enough for the FFB build. I have to agree with Anobix about Raids vs. Heroics. There wasn't nearly as much stop and go dps in Naxx as the heroics I've run. Even when there was stop and go on the boss I was able to use AOE on ads. On some of the boss fights I was in the top 3 as frost because of the AOE. I was usally in the top 5 or 6 without AOE. I chalk that up to 2.2 second frostbolts I can cast due to my haste rating. I actually think I would have been even higher with a FFB build, I was still criting a lot and I missed out on ignite and Hot Streak. I can definetly say for me, even with a FFB build I'm going to put 1 point in Imp Blizzard. There are a lot of multipe mob fights where that kicks my DPS way up. I've gotten 3 new upgrades from Naxx so my crit is ever expanding. My experience this week plus the upcoming Hunter Nerf have me excited again.

I will repeat and agree with Anobix has said, don't base your DPS decisions around Heroics. If you are going to be doing mainly heroics I suggest a Deep frost build with Foucs Magic. Blizzard every chance you get, even if it's only 2 mobs.

One more note. Is it just me or is Mirror Image almost useless to everyone else as well.
#43 Dec 11 2008 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
mgjr wrote:
This week I finally got extended runs on multiple Bosses in Naxx 10-Man. I ran primarly as a frost build with focus magic since I didn't think my crit was high enough for the FFB build. I have to agree with Anobix about Raids vs. Heroics. There wasn't nearly as much stop and go dps in Naxx as the heroics I've run. Even when there was stop and go on the boss I was able to use AOE on ads. On some of the boss fights I was in the top 3 as frost because of the AOE. I was usally in the top 5 or 6 without AOE. I chalk that up to 2.2 second frostbolts I can cast due to my haste rating. I actually think I would have been even higher with a FFB build, I was still criting a lot and I missed out on ignite and Hot Streak. I can definetly say for me, even with a FFB build I'm going to put 1 point in Imp Blizzard. There are a lot of multipe mob fights where that kicks my DPS way up. I've gotten 3 new upgrades from Naxx so my crit is ever expanding. My experience this week plus the upcoming Hunter Nerf have me excited again.

I will repeat and agree with Anobix has said, don't base your DPS decisions around Heroics. If you are going to be doing mainly heroics I suggest a Deep frost build with Foucs Magic. Blizzard every chance you get, even if it's only 2 mobs.

One more note. Is it just me or is Mirror Image almost useless to everyone else as well.

MI is good for 2 things:

I pop it right at the beginning of a fight with my cooldowns, it allows me to go all out because I have no aggro table effectively and it gives tanks plenty of time to get an aggro lead. I also pop it when/if I happen to pull aggro from trash or things like that (like the Gothik fight) and for a tiny bit of dps increase on other fights (as long as there isn't a significant aoe damage).
#44 Dec 16 2008 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
I was having DPS problems too so i cam here thinking i would find a solution....but i didnt. I see that most mages are going though these tough times....seeing other classes do over 2k DPS while im doin like 1.4k and barely beating the tank is just downright embarrassing. It is, if anything, reassuring to know that I am not the only one having difficulties.
#45 Dec 18 2008 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
355 posts
Finally got into Naxx last night, and we worked on Anub'rekhan and Patchwerk.

My DPS on Patchwerk fights was hanging around 2400 over 3-4 minute attempts, right on par with the DK in our group. I had just respecced to a staple FFB spec and buffed up was around 1500 spellpower, hit capped (FFB buf and a moonie) and had 550 blended rating of crit and haste. And I'm still not close to where I need to be for him. That guy is a serious gear check, and I failed.

Anub'rekhan was an entirely different matter. Hung around 1600 DPS for the fight due to target switching, some light AOE and just having to move a lot. And still I was on par with the others in the raid. Picked up Gloves of Dark Gestures and threw a +16 gem in it. Fun fight.

Trash was, well, trash, and I don't care about my DPS on that, as long as they die.

I think that some people may get the sense that Naxx is EZMODE and try to get in there undergeared. It's really, really not. You have to spend some time doing heroics and getting your rep up to be viable in there.
#46 Dec 18 2008 at 1:48 PM Rating: Good
Anub takes very very little movement. Really, the tank should be kiting him outside of the circle (on the far edge of the room outside of the slime) where everyone else can pretty much stay in the center and dps. Switch to a guy if you need to and continue dpsing. As long as everyone is spread out enough to not all get hit by the thorns thing in the group it shouldn't be that bad.
#47 Dec 18 2008 at 7:12 PM Rating: Good
355 posts
Anobix the Wise wrote:
Anub takes very very little movement. Really, the tank should be kiting him outside of the circle (on the far edge of the room outside of the slime) where everyone else can pretty much stay in the center and dps. Switch to a guy if you need to and continue dpsing. As long as everyone is spread out enough to not all get hit by the thorns thing in the group it shouldn't be that bad.

Well, the strat that we used pulled Anub all the way to the entrance, then we would kite him and the crypt lord clockwise around the room while insect swarm was up. Which meant that I had to be standing on the right side of the room and loiter around the corpse until the scarabs popped. Since I was the only mage and really the only AOE in the group, I had to move a bit to get situated when the crypt lords popped as well, since they were appearing at the opposite end of the room. And with the room being a bit bigger than 80 yards in diameter, you can't totally stand still in the center of the room all the time. Living Bomb and Scorch won't let you do that.

You do what you have to to win, I guess. Our raid comp wasn't exactly ideal (warrior/bear, 2x trees, boom/mage/2x rogue/DK/SVtard) so you make do. It was a good win and a guild first, so I'm happy with it.
#48 Dec 18 2008 at 9:48 PM Rating: Good
why were you kiting crypt guards?
#49 Dec 19 2008 at 6:48 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Anobix the Wise wrote:
why were you kiting crypt guards?

I vaguely remember reading a strat that called for doing that.
#50 Dec 19 2008 at 6:56 AM Rating: Good
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Anobix the Wise wrote:
why were you kiting crypt guards?

I vaguely remember reading a strat that called for doing that.

Our strategy:

Tank Anub 1st where he stands, pick up crypt guards with offtank as they spawn and kill them. When swarm pops main tank drags/kites Anub along the outside of the circle (outside of the slime being careful not to step into it) to the other side of the circle). (180deg from where he was). The dps can pretty much stay in the middle of the circle (or off to the side a tiny bit opposite of the side where he is kited) while killing the guard if he is up. Ranged/aoe focuses on scarabs when they spawn (mage + boomkin should be plenty as long as they are picked up or at least rooted/novad). Go back to Anub and rinse and repeat.
#51 Dec 19 2008 at 7:35 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Anobix the Wise wrote:
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Anobix the Wise wrote:
why were you kiting crypt guards?

I vaguely remember reading a strat that called for doing that.

Our strategy:

Tank Anub 1st where he stands, pick up crypt guards with offtank as they spawn and kill them. When swarm pops main tank drags/kites Anub along the outside of the circle (outside of the slime being careful not to step into it) to the other side of the circle). (180deg from where he was). The dps can pretty much stay in the middle of the circle (or off to the side a tiny bit opposite of the side where he is kited) while killing the guard if he is up. Ranged/aoe focuses on scarabs when they spawn (mage + boomkin should be plenty as long as they are picked up or at least rooted/novad). Go back to Anub and rinse and repeat.

That's pretty much how we do it too. Just saying I vaguely remember a strat that involved kiting.
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