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fury as the new pvp buildFollow

#27 Dec 07 2008 at 10:13 PM Rating: Good
608 posts
Quor wrote:

funny you say that, because i was dismantled in SotA the other day and i swear my bloodthirst was still lit (and able to be used) for the duration. granted, i wasnt really paying attention to it as it was the heat of battle, but it makes me want to test it further. of course, given the new change, that would mean its a bug, which is /sadface, but if it does exist we can at least enjoy it until they fix it.

Tested it myself just after I made that post to ensure that I wasn't talking complete and utter BS. No weapons equipped, bloodthirst tooltip goes red on the line that says "Requires Melee Weapon" ... enter combat like that, and all I could do was auto-attack - every time I hit BT, I got a "This Requires a Melee weapon" message.

I was able to used it while "Disarmed" for a bit - then I realised that one of my macros have re-equipped my off hand ... I unequipped it, and ... no Bloodthirst.
#28 Dec 07 2008 at 10:33 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
Same can be said for the rogue. Communicate to you team if you have to shield wall and your team should try to control the rogue. Drop the dps incoming to you and make sure shield wall stays up.

thats something of an option, but rogues have ways of dealing with that thanks to evasion and clos. its not a perfect thing, but given that a rogue only need use dismantle on you, youve almost got to pre-emptively control the rogue. plus the rogue could just use dismantle in anticipation of a burst down; at which point youre screwed no matter what you do to hold the rogue down.

which leaves you with just flat out controlling the rogue for most of the battle; a proposition that is sketchy at best. not only do rogues have a lot of anti-CC measures they can use on their own, but theyll be supported by their team. priests and mass dispels on the other hand can be pre-emptively countered via controlled stuns, silences, fears, curse of tongues/mind-numbing poison. both CoT and MNP give you more time to interrupt the dispel (instead of relying on the crap shoot of interrupting a .5s cast) while silence, stuns, fears and other CC just plain keep the priest from doing anything. its also generally harder for priests to deal with those kinds of CC's; they dont have a magic wipe/immunity like clos, nor do they have a near-immunity to melee in the form of evasion. most priests just have trinket or the human racial (same cooldown, so humans dont have both) or for undead, trinket + wotf.

in short, its much easier to control a priest than it is to control a rogue. the only detriment the rogue faces is that they require melee range. but they only require a moments notice of melee range to use dismantle, and whether its used during or before shield wall it still serves the same purpose of gutting a defensive cooldown.

However you CAN counter dismantle by disarm. While the rogue removes your shield, your method for defense and mitigation, you remove their MH, their method for dps. It cancels out. That's a counter. Throw in shockwave and intimidating shout and you've got a decent amount of choices there.

the problem with that lies in rogues "natural" defense of high dodge. add in evasion and no, you wont be disarming the rogue because itll be a wasted cooldown. you cant shockwave either because it can be dodged. shout is unreliable at best, and speccing into deep wounds actively works against it in a solo or small scale environment. the bottom line here is that dismantle provides too much of a benefit for too little cost (the cost in this case being just energy, which is effectively negligible given the benefit). being able to push a button and completely strip a class of any real offensive ability (in addition to removing a key defensive cooldown) is, as ive said before, complete and utter *********

So this goes back to my point. While it does suck to be dismantled, it doesn't make you useless. I understand you want things to be fair and balanced but this game has been trying to do that for 4 years. If dismantle is the worst thing a rogue has against us, I'm not gonna complain.

thing is, it isnt the worst. there are stuns, control, high dodge rates, and a great deal of survivability in the rogue class. the last thing they needed was a tool to completely disable one class, which lets be honest, thats what it amounts too vs the warrior class. when disarmed we are effectively CC'ed. if specced for it we can piercing howl, which is the extent of the "control" we can exert. near everything else that isnt specced becomes useless, and many things that ARE specced still become useless. i want a higher cost of some kind attached to dismantle. make it use CP, with each CP adding 2s to the disarm duration (from a base of 0). so at 5 CP, you get a 10s disarm, 5s with a chain or the right talents. that would be a much more fitting cost given the inherent power.
#29 Dec 07 2008 at 10:49 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
I kind of think that Dismantle serves as a sop Rogues whose avoidance (mainly Dodge) got gutted by the DR put in place for tanks.

Dismantle also allows Rogues to not get *********** during Evasion by any Warrior who specs into Imp. Overpower + Unrelenting Assault. And even with Dismantle Rogues are still extremely vulnerable to focus fire in organized PVP.

Personally, I wish the Devs had come up with a more elegant solution, but I don't think they're going to change it until they see how Season 5 rankings turn out.
#30 Dec 08 2008 at 12:01 AM Rating: Good
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#31 Dec 08 2008 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
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dismantle has no counter in game that doesnt require talent point investment or a weapon chain, and both of those still dont stop it from removing shield wall.

So basically, you're saying you have to pay some kind of toll to defend yourself against dismantle. Guess what I have to do against JoJ, faerie fire, or whatever?

Discussion from this point on is kind of pointless because it's PvP; I argue that Disarm cancels out Dismantle. You argue that Evasion cancels out Disarm. I argue that attacking from behind removes dodge chance and cancels out Evasion. You argue that you can't get behind me while crippled. I argue that you can trinket it.

In the end, we keep argueing until we reach that one point PvP arguments always point at: PvP isn't balanced around 1v1 combat, it's mostly impossible to state that óne specific skill is overpowered and especially in situations like these a lot depends on your partner.
#32 Dec 08 2008 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
dismantle has no counter in game that doesnt require talent point investment or a weapon chain, and both of those still dont stop it from removing shield wall.

Actually in arena combat unless your faced with a team that is full of casters and a rogue (euro comp) you can counter it.

Say there are at least 2 melee dps on the team and you get dismantled and focus fired. If your intercept and intervene cooldowns are up and you have a weapon chain or weapon mastery, you can kite the melee effectively cutting your incoming dmg by 2/3 or 1/2 until you get your shield back. Unless of course your stunned and have no trinket or pally with hand of freedom.

Don't get me wrong Quor I agree that an ability akin to kick (not reliant on CPs and meager in energy cost) that totally shuts down 2 classes is a little bit obsurd. I'm just saying that it can be countered by mobility.

#33 Dec 08 2008 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Quor wrote:

the problem with that lies in rogues "natural" defense of high dodge. add in evasion and no, you wont be disarming the rogue because itll be a wasted cooldown. you cant shockwave either because it can be dodged. shout is unreliable at best, and speccing into deep wounds actively works against it in a solo or small scale environment. the bottom line here is that dismantle provides too much of a benefit for too little cost (the cost in this case being just energy, which is effectively negligible given the benefit). being able to push a button and completely strip a class of any real offensive ability (in addition to removing a key defensive cooldown) is, as ive said before, complete and utter bullsh*t.

If disarm, int shout, AND shockwave all fail while I'm also getting blasted by a mage and a hunter, my trinket is burned, and I don't have weapon chain and both my team mates are dead, then I'm one pretty unlucky warrior. Yes in that case, not being able to shield wall sucks.

Dismantle against a hunter is far more absurd for them than it is for us. Blizzard needs to fix it, I just don't want us to get any more buffs or abilities because I think we're good as we are, I don't want to see this class touched anymore, it's nice.
#34 Dec 08 2008 at 2:38 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
So basically, you're saying you have to pay some kind of toll to defend yourself against dismantle. Guess what I have to do against JoJ, faerie fire, or whatever?

you're forgetting that against JoJ or FF you specifically dont have to pay any kind of "toll" because there are other means of removing those effects that dont rely on your cooldowns.

there is no way of removing dismantle aside from death, HoP, or waiting it out. while HoP is a perfectly acceptable response if a melee-heavy group is focusing down a warrior, melee heavy groups typically wont be going after warriors first. theyll be choosing a much squishier target.

which brings me to...

Actually in arena combat unless your faced with a team that is full of casters and a rogue (euro comp) you can counter it.

see, therein lies the problem. the ideal time and place for this kind of strategy is when a euro comp-style team is fighting a team with a warrior. heavy melee teams wont be focusing the plate class down first, because even with no shield the warrior is still in def stance with 13k+ armor. thats not real friendly to melee burst. however, in a euro comp or other caster-heavy setup all that plate armor is useless, and all the warrior is going to be able to rely on is def stance, spell reflection and shield wall. i wouldnt be surprised to learn that dismantle removes spell reflection either, since they both have the same shield-reliant mechanic.

Discussion from this point on is kind of pointless because it's PvP; I argue that Disarm cancels out Dismantle. You argue that Evasion cancels out Disarm. I argue that attacking from behind removes dodge chance and cancels out Evasion. You argue that you can't get behind me while crippled. I argue that you can trinket it.

im looking at it from the perspective of a 5's team with 2-3 casters winding up spells on the warrior while the rogue locks him down. the warrior probably has a priest healer, and a shammy or pally of some sort, with either a mage or warlock as casting dps and a hunter or druid to round things out depending on the specific specs and stuff. based on my experience using a composition outlined like that against a euro-comp style team, trinket will be saved for the KS so i can intervene to my priest and then begin the LoS pillar humping. i sure as hell wont be using it to break a crip poison that will likely just be reapplied in one second by the OH.

in solo combat, its actually not too hard to deal with dismantle. all the things mentioned earlier like IS, break snare > intercept > disarm, or even PH kiting can work until the debuff wears off. its the group application that is the strongest part of dismantle, coupled with the fact that its nearly impossible to stop a rogue from using it in an organized group environment.
#35 Dec 08 2008 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
you're forgetting that against JoJ or FF you specifically dont have to pay any kind of "toll" because there are other means of removing those effects that dont rely on your cooldowns.

No, not if I happen to have a partner that A) can dispel the spells in question and B) has the time/mana/opportunity to do so. In that case they're paying my toll (aside from the fact that I'm still losing time on sprint).

There is ALWAYS a toll to counter anything in PvP. That's the thing here; the toll differs depending on who, when and where you're trying to counter what ability.

I could also argue that disarm could do exactly the same thing to a rogue. And add in that we can't even pick talents to reduce it's duration.

im looking at it from the perspective of a 5's team with 2-3 casters winding up spells on the warrior while the rogue locks him down.

In that case your teammates should be buying you time.

based on my experience using a composition outlined like that against a euro-comp style team, trinket will be saved for the KS so i can intervene to my priest and then begin the LoS pillar humping. i sure as hell wont be using it to break a crip poison that will likely just be reapplied in one second by the OH.

What you're basically saying here is that trinketing crippling poison is too big a toll to get rid of it. Which is tough luck for you, because in this case (if your teammates can't help you) I win the day. But just look at how far we've come... we've already thrown dismantle, crippling, evasion and attacking from behind into the pit. You can't make a 'counter-rotation' so to call it. That only works so far in PvP. A thousand things could happen that save your life and wreck up mine whenever one of those named skills is used.

You can't say "Dismantle > Shield wall" because there's too much possibilities for other stuff to happen. It's never a rogue standing still facing a warrior and using dismantle when the warrior used shield wall. You can only say something like "Dismantle > Shield Wall when you're getting focussed down, your trinket is burned, your partners can't help you, you're slowed, etc etc".

(I hope that post made any sense)
#36 Dec 08 2008 at 7:09 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
You can't say "Dismantle > Shield wall" because there's too much possibilities for other stuff to happen. It's never a rogue standing still facing a warrior and using dismantle when the warrior used shield wall. You can only say something like "Dismantle > Shield Wall when you're getting focussed down, your trinket is burned, your partners can't help you, you're slowed, etc etc".

it did sort of make sense.

the point is tho, even if your partners are doing everything to help you, dismantle can either pre-empt a shield wall (disabling its use) or remove it completely after its used. the rogue needs only enough contact time with the warrior for the command to go thru.

if anything, what needs to happen is that shield wall needs to be changed so that the removal of a shield doesnt remove the effect. that is a sore oversight of the age-old change that was made so a warrior couldnt shield wall then swap to a 2h and still retain 10s of -75% damage. dismantle happens to remove a shield, which as far as the game is concerned is the same as the warrior de-equiping it.

i still wouldnt like dismantle at that point, but at least it wouldnt be the total BS it is now.

What you're basically saying here is that trinketing crippling poison is too big a toll to get rid of it. Which is tough luck for you, because in this case (if your teammates can't help you) I win the day.

from my experience at the 1900+ level, yeah, thats pretty much the double bind youre in. its very much a "damned if you do, damned if you dont" kinda thing, and theres not a damn thing you can do about it either way. i hope you see the frustration that can cause, and appreciate my desire for a means of dealing with it (outside of the "get a healer" solution currently in game).
#37 Dec 09 2008 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
the point is tho, even if your partners are doing everything to help you, dismantle can either pre-empt a shield wall (disabling its use) or remove it completely after its used. the rogue needs only enough contact time with the warrior for the command to go thru.

If that's your only point, you're completely right. In your first post about it however, you said that this phenomenom was ********* that is something you could argue and argue about endlessly.

from my experience at the 1900+ level, yeah, thats pretty much the double bind youre in. its very much a "damned if you do, damned if you dont" kinda thing, and theres not a damn thing you can do about it either way. i hope you see the frustration that can cause, and appreciate my desire for a means of dealing with it (outside of the "get a healer" solution currently in game).

Perhaps. But how often does this happen to you? If you seriously lose games regularly because of rogues dismantling you when you shield wall, I'd say you're damned unlucky. Even though I've got an ******* of +stealth talents/gear, I still lose matches because somebody gets the opener on me. I'm not going to say that's overpowered because face it; it happens so rarely I can't really complain about it. As for frustration; yeah, I get that. It Ãs damn annoying to not have the opener when you've put so much talent points and gear into +stealth, mainly because I should technically have the opener on pretty much every rogue around. But that's PvP.
#38 Dec 09 2008 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
quor wrote:
Jimpadan wrote:

Actually in arena combat unless your faced with a team that is full of casters and a rogue (euro comp) you can counter it.

see, therein lies the problem. the ideal time and place for this kind of strategy is when a euro comp-style team is fighting a team with a warrior. heavy melee teams wont be focusing the plate class down first, because even with no shield the warrior is still in def stance with 13k+ armor. thats not real friendly to melee burst. however, in a euro comp or other caster-heavy setup all that plate armor is useless, and all the warrior is going to be able to rely on is def stance, spell reflection and shield wall. i wouldnt be surprised to learn that dismantle removes spell reflection either, since they both have the same shield-reliant mechanic

Well if we only have to worry about euro comp teams I wouldn't say it's that horrible. This is also why earlier in this thread I pointed out a team with two warriors, one prot one fury.

I seriously doubt any team would try to burst down a prot warrior given their mobility and massive heath pool. If the fury warrior was being burst down (or anyone for that matter) his prot warrior teammate has tons of tools at his disposal to help him out. Including safeguard, vigilance, imp spell reflect, gag order, and a nice ******* of stuns. (also TC and DS but we're talking about caster heavy teams right now)

More than enough to help him through the 5 seconds of dismantle.

I think that would be a prot warriors roll in 5's. Simply assist the melee and prevent gibbing of his teammates.

I know I'm pushing prot pvp alot but it's just so cool with the tools and mobility it has now. Not to mention we're no longer just an annoyance in the dps department.
#39 Dec 09 2008 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
Dismantle is not a giant disadvantage in team or group enviroments but in one on one duel it can be a big disadvantage. I think is more of this advantage to arms & prot specs. because they have no way of making it shorter.
#40 Dec 09 2008 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
darmaster wrote:
Dismantle is not a giant disadvantage in team or group enviroments but in one on one duel it can be a big disadvantage. I think is more of this advantage to arms & prot specs. because they have no way of making it shorter.

This is pretty much what we've been fighting about this whole thread. I say it doesn't matter against a prot warrior in 1v1 or 2v2 but can be utterly devastating, given the right circumstances, in 3v3 or 5v5. However, unless we're talking like 2000 rated teams, I don't think most teams are going to be able to be coordinated enough to kill a prot warrior during the 10 seconds he is dismantled in the middle of the chaos of a 5v5. And I don't know many teams that would pick the prot warrior as 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd choice to kill. And by that time, if most of my team is dead, I already lost with or without a rogues dismantle.

The thing is is that in BGs, I'm usually up against 3 or 4 players by myself anyway. It's ONLY during those times that I feel I'm actually fighting a fair fight. Granted I almost always lose those fights, but before prot, I almost always lost 1v1 fights. Now when its 1v1 or when I have a healer, the opposition doesnt stand a chance.

Arenas start soon, we shall see what is broken and what isn't.
#41 Dec 09 2008 at 11:55 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
Perhaps. But how often does this happen to you? If you seriously lose games regularly because of rogues dismantling you when you shield wall, I'd say you're damned unlucky.

its more a matter of the number of euro-comp style caster+rogue burn teams there were last time i played arena (few weeks into S4) and how fast they managed to eat warriors, such to the point that being a warrior was more a liability than anything else. ive no reason to believe that kind of a team setup wont change, which is basically taking a bad situation and making it much much worse.

its basically "spell reflect" syndrome. blizzard gave spell reflection to warriors, yet in the same xpac that they got it (and still in LK) there are about as many spells in pve that work on SR as there are spells that dont. it made a lot of warriors wonder why the hell we were even given SR if theres so much important crap out there that cant be reflected.

applied to dismantle and shield wall in LK, warriors are given shield wall on a 5 min CD (arena useable). this is awesome, as it will help warriors survive in the situation (caster/control heavy teams) that they are weakest in. yet in the same "breath" so to speak, rogues (a key component of a caster/control heavy team) are given a shield wall removal tool. its made me (and lots of other warriors) wonder what the hell the point was of giving us shield wall in arenas, since itll be effectively useless against the teams that its most valuable against.

I know I'm pushing prot pvp alot but it's just so cool with the tools and mobility it has now. Not to mention we're no longer just an annoyance in the dps department.

i hear ya there jim, and i understand. i still think its completely wrong for dismantle to fully remove shield wall. like i said, remove that aspect of it and id be (more) fine with the skill. i just find something very wrong about a low-cost ability that essentially guts a much more valuable skill. add in the fact that warriors are supposedly "anti-rogue" and it really just makes me go "wtf?"
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