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fury as the new pvp buildFollow

#1 Dec 04 2008 at 7:31 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
i kinda hate to say it, but my observations and experience up to this point lead me to believe that arms pvp may very well be dead as we know it.


1. burst damage. fury has higher burst, and it tends to be more controlled. death wish, recklessness, heroic strike > whirlwind will generate well over 8k damage on a clothie (this is with easily obtainable level 80 weapons and armor) in the blink of an eye. its rage-heavy yes, but comparatively far less so than the best burst arms has to offer (sudden death). fury burst is also, as noted, more controllable by a good margin (and in the case of bladestorm, doesnt CC you for six seconds).

2. heroic fury. its basically an anti-root trinket with a 45s cooldown that has the side effect of refreshing intercept.

3. deep wounds with two 2h's. getting a string of crits can really load up on the DW damage. ticks for over 500 are pretty common, and the max ive seen in pvp was over 1200 on a druid turtling in bear form. 1200 unmitigated damage every 2s is pretty crazy, and you have a decent chance to more or less refresh it every time you swing.

4. intensify rage. 20s CD on zerker rage means you never fall behind the psychic scream timer. 2 minute cooldown on death wish and 3.5 minute CD on recklessness means you get to use those skills that much more often, which translates into them being available more often.

5. bladestorm. AWESOME burst. long cooldown (about 30s too long) and the self-CCing nature of it makes it a niche move; great if you can set it up properly (sweeping strikes before hand is a must) but lackluster if you cant (and its easy to really minimize the damage you do with it).

6. the oft-mentioned "bipolar" nature of some arms talents. taste for blood and relentless assault (among others) make you want to stay in battle stance to keep rend up and keep using overpower. casters, kiting, and the restriction of pummel/intercept to zerker stance make you want to stay in zerker (the 3% crit is nice too). getting the new talents in arms generally means two things; you stay in battle stance a lot, and youre, strangely, even more proc reliant than before mace stun was removed.

7. the "randomness" of arms. when sudden death procs on a guy with about 30-40% life and youre sitting at 70 rage with a glyph of execute and recklessness is good. you can GUARANTEE that sucker dies. however, those kinds of event combinations are exceedingly rare. taste for blood and rend/overpower are another example of the randomness. you potentially have great burst, but it all requires MS to be off CD and two procced abilities to proc within a short time of each other. so while technically arms burst can equal or even exceed fury burst, the sheer unpredictability of the burst hurts arms more than it helps.

what does arms bring over fury?

well, first off, mortal strike. you use it, it hits, its on the enemy, done deal. furious attacks, due to the PPM nature, has a tendency to fall off from time to time. this is mitigated to a certain extent by the sheer burst fury has, but sometimes itll fall off at the worst possible time, and then the fight gets more or less reset. arms has a leg up on fury over this.

secondly, axe spec, endless rage and second wind. we all know the power of second wind, so i dont need to go there. axe spec got a much needed boost with the addition of extra crit strike damage bonus, and endless rage, now that it works properly, really does give you a lot of rage to work with. but that, as far as i can see, is about it.

thirdly, the gear. arms, just by virtue of the fact that you have a lower hit cap and only one weapon to worry about, is easier to gear for. TG fury needs a goodly amount of hit AND crit to perform best. you want at least 25% crit in zerker stance (more as resilience becomes a factor) and a minimum of 7% +hit before talents (precision will cap your specials at 10%). so for those warriors who are a bit undergeared, arms may still be the favorable route due to the gear constraints of fury.

i can see arms working in certain arena compositions, mostly 5's, maybe a few 3's. you want someone or something with a large aoe root or snare, so mage, hunter, or unholy DK is probably necessary. this allows you to set up some pretty overwhelming burst damage with a reck'd sweeping strikes > MS > bladestorm combination. the MS keeps heals down on the focus target, while the bladestorm and the sweeping strikes spread damage all over hell and creation, which further stresses healing. with the addition of a second MS effect (hunter or rogue) you can quite easily pull off a target switch mid-bladestorm, potentially knocking two targets out in the span of six seconds or less.

aside from that, fury i think brings better, more controlled burst DPS potential. if you can overcome the handicap of furious attacks and have the gear to make it work, my opinion is that fury greatly outperforms arms. as a long time fan of arms, im a bit saddened to say that, but my own experiences tell me its true, at least in terms of BG's and wintergrasp combat.

Edited, Dec 4th 2008 7:34am by Quor
#2 Dec 04 2008 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Yes, yes! All you PvPing warriors, spec fury so my dismantle screws you over even more and I lose the MS debuff *wicked grin*

On a more serious note;
5. bladestorm. AWESOME burst. long cooldown (about 30s too long) and the self-CCing nature of it makes it a niche move; great if you can set it up properly (sweeping strikes before hand is a must) but lackluster if you cant (and its easy to really minimize the damage you do with it).

I feel myself seriously agreeing with that. Whenever a warrior pops Bladestorm I pop sprint and proceed to bandage, /dance or even restealth. It's literally killing me whenever I'm getting CC'd near it, though.

All this from a rogue's POV, of course.
#3 Dec 04 2008 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
Have you tried prot pvp yet quor?

While it won't serve the same purpose as fury or arms pvp (burst dmg with a healing debuff) I believe it will find it's place in 5's very comfortably.

The sheer amount of mobility and control it exibits (especially against casters) is rediculous. Add in the fact that prot is no longer the brick wall with no spikes on it and your more than just a nuisance.

Offensive dispell, armor debuff, AP debuff, attack speed debuff, 5 and 4 second stuns that don't require combo points or have very long cooldowns. With a properly set up spell alert mod you can see that incoming sheep or cyclone on one of your allies and reflect it if timed right.

Also you could just run your raid gear. Given you'll be crit more often but you'll also be sitting at 30k+ hp with more mitigation than anyone would dare try to burst down. (weakness being a heavy caster opposition)

I could easily see a War(prot), War(fury or arms), Shaman(elem), Priest(disc), Paladin(holy) team working quiet well.
#4 Dec 04 2008 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
I hate finding myself agree with a rogue but I don't think you have a chance against any decent rogue if your fury warrior. Least I can lure most rogue close enough to destroy them w/sweeping stike>retaliation>bladestorm--dead rogue(evil grin)

I do see your point that fury warriors with correct gear can really hurt somebody really bad if they get the jump on them.

I am not saying fury not as good as arms but it still think it takes better gear to make it work as efficient and even with the better gear it is questionable if really better then arms in BG.
#5 Dec 04 2008 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I could easily see a War(prot), War(fury or arms), Shaman(elem), Priest(disc), Paladin(holy) team working quiet well.

Why an elemental shaman? With 2 warriors, wouldn't an enhancement shaman be better for windfury?
#6 Dec 04 2008 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
The damage fury can put out is, awesome. I don't think people quite yet understand what the ability to use recklessness in arenas means. It's really good to be a warrior right now. I can safely say that you can pretty much spec anyway you want, and be extremely effective.

And if you worried about DKs....well I destroy them as any spec. I mean maybe thats just me, but I'm pretty sure that's going to be the general case.

I will make this claim however, challenge it if you wish. Prot > Fury > or = Arms

Heroic Fury and Furious attacks I feel put Fury over Arms. Those two abilities allow a fury warrior to deal with casters better than Arms. And from my experience, casters are pretty much the bane of my existence. However if the warrior can't consistently get the jump on other players and basiclly start the fight on their terms then they are better off as arms.

But Prot...Warbringer and Spell reflect. When I cant charge, I'll spell reflect, when I cant spell reflect, I charge. Mages need to get better and fast. And now with shield wall and enraged regeneration things are only better. Does that mean casters will always lose? No. Sure I can reflect 1 frostbolt, but with spell haste, I can't do anything about 50,000 frostbolts.

Is dismantle a problem? of course, but when I'm sitting with 25,000 layers of fortified plate, I'll just stomp the ground (shockwave), rip their weapon off their hands (disarm) and punch the rogue in the face for trying to fight a warrior. Silly rogue
#7 Dec 04 2008 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
Yes, yes! All you PvPing warriors, spec fury so my dismantle screws you over even more and I lose the MS debuff *wicked grin*

fury is the one with the disarm reduction yo. thats actually another mark against arms i forgot to put in; if you go down to bladestorm, you cant pick up weapon mastery, which means you need a weapon chain on your weapon or disarm effects CC you for 10s.

Have you tried prot pvp yet quor?

a little. when 3.0 dropped i didnt really have the gear to make it work, and i kinda feel that prot pvp requires an even steeper level of gear than fury pvp does. the best prot pvp'ers i heard of in 3.0 were the ones with a large number of T6 (for the 4-pc) and four pieces of the arena set (s3 or s4). the problem with gearing prot for pvp is that you need block value for it to be really successful (among other stats of course) and warrior pvp gear lacks that. until (if) they put in a prot pvp set that has lots of block value AND resilience, pvping in tank gear will be as much of a detriment as it is a boon. casters will still be ignoring all your armor, and youll have no resilience to chew away at that extra crit damage.

id really like them to put in a prot pvp set however. that would be quite full of win.
#8 Dec 04 2008 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
I was in Wintergrap as Prot the other day and was loving it.

I was easily taking down Dk/Rogues/warrior with 5x tenecity buff, I would stop at /lol at thema fter I had killed them.
Even mages have hard time kiting me now with Warbringer I am on top of them no matter what slows they put on me.

The dmg i was puting out wasnt all that bad either critting for 6k with revenge and 5k with shield slam is amazing, I only have 3k AP atm with my gear I have obtained from leveling and a few heroics, I cannot wait until I start raiding/ getting some S5 epixx(I am a PVPer so I won't be a Wintergrasp raid grinder.)

I even managed to get the fast flag capture Achievement in WSG on my warrior the other day with the help of the speed buff + engi tinker feet buff.......Prot has defo ome up the ranks of PVP viability.

I do have a hard time beating an Arms warrior anda lock but these are the only clases, everything else i can either blokc my way or spell reflect my way out of.( I killed a mage by spell reflecting a 8k fireball and getting a 5k shield slam)

Prot is awsome for PvP xD I LOVE IT
#9 Dec 04 2008 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
I agree a pvp prot set would rock. Could be itemized exactly how raid gear is except replace defense rating with resilience. I don't have a clue what their respective item values are but it's a start.
#10 Dec 04 2008 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
fury is the one with the disarm reduction yo. thats actually another mark against arms i forgot to put in; if you go down to bladestorm, you cant pick up weapon mastery, which means you need a weapon chain on your weapon or disarm effects CC you for 10s.

Aye, I know. It just seems logic to me that disarming two 2-handers is a better thing than disarming one 2-hander. Then again, you're probably right; if you can disarm the one 2-hander for twice as long...
#11 Dec 05 2008 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
Also disarming a fury warrior doesn't completely disable him. Bloodthirst requires no weapon.
#12 Dec 05 2008 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
Also disarming a fury warrior doesn't completely disable him. Bloodthirst requires no weapon.

And shield slam doesn't require you to have a weapon...
#13 Dec 05 2008 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
devioususer wrote:

And shield slam doesn't require you to have a weapon...

True, but Dismantle also removes your shield unless they've changed it.

Shockwave (Prot) and Disarm though will both work without a weapon though.
#14 Dec 05 2008 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
tabstopper wrote:
devioususer wrote:

And shield slam doesn't require you to have a weapon...

True, but Dismantle also removes your shield unless they've changed it.

Shockwave (Prot) and Disarm though will both work without a weapon though.

I sure does take away your shield as well. but as a prot warrior, it doesn't hurt you at all. You have shockwave, disarm, and you also have Intimidating shout and enraged regeneration. if by some miracle the rogue can actually get an attack in, you have a ton of plate and are healing yourself so it won't eve matter.

Dismantling a hunter however, that's one sad hunter.
#15 Dec 05 2008 at 1:51 PM Rating: Default
Maybe I'm wrong but shields are not main hand weapon so for most disarm ability shields can't be disarm except by rogue who can disarm main/off hand/throwing slots at once.
#16 Dec 05 2008 at 6:13 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
dismantle removes shield wall. 1 minute CD > 5 minute CD.

yes. its *********
#17 Dec 06 2008 at 7:47 PM Rating: Default
40 posts
Quor wrote:
dismantle removes shield wall. 1 minute CD > 5 minute CD.

yes. its bullsh*t.

Did you not read what I said? Dismantle doesn't matter for a prot warrior lol. We have ways to deal with it.

EDIT: Now dismantling a hunter is ******** because it makes them basically utterly worthless. They can't do anything without their ranged.

Edited, Dec 6th 2008 10:55pm by ZerosMayhem
#18 Dec 07 2008 at 1:00 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
i did read what you said. what i said in no way had anything to do with what you said. i was talking about how its ******** that dismantle removes a five minute conditional cooldown effect.

but, to refer to what you said, no, prot doesnt really have much to "deal with" dismantle, at least not vs a good rogue. shockwave can still be dodged and all other prot-specific skills take weapons. that isnt to say prot doesnt do well vs rogues, just that prot warriors shouldnt be as unconcerned about dismantle as you make it sound.
#19 Dec 07 2008 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
dismantle removes shield wall. 1 minute CD > 5 minute CD.

yes. its bullsh*t.

That's a bit of an off statement though. Judgement of Justice is on a 10 sec CD and it > Sprint, a 3 minute CD.
#20 Dec 07 2008 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
jimpadan wrote:
Also disarming a fury warrior doesn't completely disable him. Bloodthirst requires no weapon.

Not as of patch 3.0.2 ... bloodthirst DOES now require a weapon (please let's not get into that debate again ... it raised about a hundred threads when they changed it, I really don't feel like arguing about it again). It was changed to ensure that the TG hit penalty applied to Bloodthirst as well.

devioususer wrote:
And shield slam doesn't require you to have a weapon...

Yes, but shield slam requires a shield ... which is removed with dismantle.

Edited, Dec 7th 2008 8:18pm by robertlofthouse
#21 Dec 07 2008 at 11:24 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
Mozared wrote:

Aye, I know. It just seems logic to me that disarming two 2-handers is a better thing than disarming one 2-hander. Then again, you're probably right; if you can disarm the one 2-hander for twice as long...

If you disarm an arms warrior (compared to a TG warrior), you're removing only 61% of the white damage for 100% longer ... so actually, disarming an arms warrior is more devastating to him that it is to a fury warrior.

Edited, Dec 7th 2008 8:24pm by robertlofthouse
#22 Dec 07 2008 at 3:39 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
That's a bit of an off statement though. Judgement of Justice is on a 10 sec CD and it > Sprint, a 3 minute CD.

JoJ can be dispelled/cleansed/trinketed. just gotta fucking deal with it.

Not as of patch 3.0.2 ... bloodthirst DOES now require a weapon (please let's not get into that debate again ... it raised about a hundred threads when they changed it, I really don't feel like arguing about it again). It was changed to ensure that the TG hit penalty applied to Bloodthirst as well.

funny you say that, because i was dismantled in SotA the other day and i swear my bloodthirst was still lit (and able to be used) for the duration. granted, i wasnt really paying attention to it as it was the heat of battle, but it makes me want to test it further. of course, given the new change, that would mean its a bug, which is /sadface, but if it does exist we can at least enjoy it until they fix it.

or just not report it, which is what i plan to do if its true.

Edited, Dec 7th 2008 3:39pm by Quor
#23 Dec 07 2008 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
JoJ can be dispelled/cleansed/trinketed.

I can't cleanse... All I can do is cloak or trinket. Which means I'm still wasting either a 1 or 2 minute CD to counter a 10 sec CD spell. While you're right that it's kind of lame that dismantle can > shield wall, I'm just saying that you can't really state that it's per definition ******** that a 1 min CD > a 5 min CD.
#24 Dec 07 2008 at 5:52 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
ok, lets put it this way:

a 1 minute CD completely negates a 5 min CD that is designed to provide protection and there is no way currently in game that counters it.

as you stated, you can cloak to counter JoJ if you want/need too, and there are other third party counters to JoJ as well that can help (or trivialize if used correctly). most importantly tho, as you stated, you can something about it.

there is nothing that can counter dismantle. the best you can hope for is to mitigate its effects, but even with a weapon chain or disarm reduction talent a warrior still loses a five minute "oh sh*t" button with absolutely no way to stop it. even mass dispel vs pally bubble can be mitigated to a certain extent by controlling the priest via stuns, fears or silences. dismantle, once used, will always remove shield wall, and theres nothing anyone can do about it. thanks to its instant nature and relatively low cost, a rogue only needs the briefest of contact with the warrior to negate shield wall entirely.

in contrast, JoJ is something a rogue can prepare for if hes smart. you can couple your sprint with CloS to ensure that you don't get judged. you can wait until the pally judges something else before sprinting away. but there is absolutely nothing that a warrior can do to stop a rogue from dismantling when shield wall is up. this is complicated by the narrow application of dismantle; a rogue is only going to use it on melee classes or hunters. judgements will be used by pretty much every pally nearly every time its available. if a druid is in your team, and maybe a shammy too, chances are you have very little to worry about in terms of being judged with justice. however, if theres a warrior on the other team, and he hits shield wall to survive a rushdown then of course youre going to dismantle him to remove that defense because lets face it....youre not going to be using dismantle on anyone else in that situation. but even them, youll have four more dismantles available in the time it takes the warriors shield wall to cooldown.

in short, its total and complete bullsh*t, and it doesnt in any way compre to JoJ and sprint (i figured that was obvious so i didnt expand on it). JoJ has many counters in game amongst the various classes. dismantle has no counter in game that doesnt require talent point investment or a weapon chain, and both of those still dont stop it from removing shield wall.

Edited, Dec 7th 2008 5:59pm by Quor
#25 Dec 07 2008 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Quor wrote:

in short, its total and complete bullsh*t, and it doesnt in any way compre to JoJ and sprint (i figured that was obvious so i didnt expand on it). JoJ has many counters in game amongst the various classes. dismantle has no counter in game that doesnt require talent point investment or a weapon chain, and both of those still dont stop it from removing shield wall.

Edited, Dec 7th 2008 5:59pm by Quor

I understand your point. From a basic statistical view point...1 is not greater than 5. Following that simple line basically makes dismantle an OP skill. When a rogue dismantles me, I can not pop shield wall for the 10 seconds. I don't even think weapon chain works here either. Because the chain must be applied to a weapon, I don't think you can attach it to a shield (I could be wrong).

However you CAN counter dismantle by disarm. While the rogue removes your shield, your method for defense and mitigation, you remove their MH, their method for dps. It cancels out. That's a counter. Throw in shockwave and intimidating shout and you've got a decent amount of choices there.

Also, I do not believe that dismantling WHILE I'm under the shield wall buff, removes the buff. Yes, I know that it would make sense that it would...but following the spell wording and how buffs work, I don't think it does. Again I could be wrong.

So this goes back to my point. While it does suck to be dismantled, it doesn't make you useless. I understand you want things to be fair and balanced but this game has been trying to do that for 4 years. If dismantle is the worst thing a rogue has against us, I'm not gonna complain.
#26 Dec 07 2008 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
ZerosMayhem wrote:
Quor wrote:

in short, its total and complete bullsh*t, and it doesnt in any way compre to JoJ and sprint (i figured that was obvious so i didnt expand on it). JoJ has many counters in game amongst the various classes. dismantle has no counter in game that doesnt require talent point investment or a weapon chain, and both of those still dont stop it from removing shield wall.

Edited, Dec 7th 2008 5:59pm by Quor

I understand your point. From a basic statistical view point...1 is not greater than 5. Following that simple line basically makes dismantle an OP skill. When a rogue dismantles me, I can not pop shield wall for the 10 seconds. I don't even think weapon chain works here either. Because the chain must be applied to a weapon, I don't think you can attach it to a shield (I could be wrong).

However you CAN counter dismantle by disarm. While the rogue removes your shield, your method for defense and mitigation, you remove their MH, their method for dps. It cancels out. That's a counter. Throw in shockwave and intimidating shout and you've got a decent amount of choices there.

Also, I do not believe that dismantling WHILE I'm under the shield wall buff, removes the buff. Yes, I know that it would make sense that it would...but following the spell wording and how buffs work, I don't think it does. Again I could be wrong.

So this goes back to my point. While it does suck to be dismantled, it doesn't make you useless. I understand you want things to be fair and balanced but this game has been trying to do that for 4 years. If dismantle is the worst thing a rogue has against us, I'm not gonna complain.

1) Weapon chains reduce disarming affects by 50%, this includes dismantle. There is no need for a second chain on a shield even if you could equip one.

2) Quor is getting at the arena perspective of this. If he is getting focus fired down and pops shield wall a rogue can completely negate his shield wall buff with dismantle.

3) Being dismantled with shield wall up does remove the shield wall buff from you.

On the flip side

even mass dispel vs pally bubble can be mitigated to a certain extent by controlling the priest via stuns, fears or silences

Same can be said for the rogue. Communicate to you team if you have to shield wall and your team should try to control the rogue. Drop the dps incoming to you and make sure shield wall stays up.

If your going up against a rogue solo and you have your cooldowns dismantle isn't that big of a deal. If you get dismantled you can intimidating shout and quickly disarm, depending on server lag and your opponents reaction time. If you're prot you could also shockwave or concusive blow but they can be dodged.

Intimidating shout can be resisted of course but it's far less of a chance than a rogue's dodge percentage.

Anyways can we get this back to pvp specs and experiances instead of just one tangent?
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