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another 'new to the game' thread...Follow

#1 Dec 02 2008 at 5:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Yes, I'm new.

Yesterday I did RFC with my warlock. My boyfriend uses one of those DPS meters called Recount. When I looked at it, I realized I wasn't doing as much damage as the other members (rogue, level 14 and shaman, level 16... I'm level 13, but still). So I was wondering what I could do to do more DPS?

After looking a while at recount, and realizing from the way the worms and troggs went down (fast...) I realized that my dot-s weren't doing much damage. I also know from having a tank for a boyfriend that dot-ing targets that aren't being killed currently is BAD GIRL. So, what I did was I dotted bosses and some level 16 elementals that looked like they wouldn't die as fast, but kept using Shadow Bolt (and Fire Bolt.. or what the Imp spell is called).

Despite this keen attempt of increasing my damage, I stayed several % below the other two (I kept above the tank though! :D ). Are there any suggestions you could give me?

I also got yelled at in this instance :( At the final boss a robe dropped. I though it was quite nice, so I needed on it. After I did so the healer (a paladin) started yelling at me and called me a noob. He said that warlocks don't need crit, but paladins do. I didn't really understand this, since I was mainly using Shadow Bolts the entire run. Should I have let him have it for healing? He kept pointing out that paladins rely very much on crit for their healing... and that I should go for spell damage.

Another question I have (hehe, it's starting to get long, this post :) ) in terms of equipment and stuff: How much should I focus on stam? I noticed something about this in the FAQ you have, but then I saw that it hasn't been updated since June -07 or something like it... and I guess I though things might have changed! For example (yes, you will notice I have had fun with the atlas addon) should one take Bloody Apparon in SFK, or are the Robes of Arugal better? (typical stam vs. int and stuff...)

Also, although this might have been answered somewhere else already, how should I spec? My boyfriend (although admitting he's rubbish at casters) told me to go Imp. Corruption, then Supression, then Improved Drain Soul in the Affliction tree, and after that go into the Demo. tree. But... after I go there, where to? What pet should I improve? Voidwalker or Succy, maybe even Imp. Imp (hehe :) ) is good? Shouldn't I improve any of them, since I'll only be using Felguard later? Should I just pick the one I like most (close draw between Succy and Void... Succy because she's hot <3 and Void because the "I obey" me LIKE!)?

I've played a little hunter before (I've played a little, the hunter wasn't that little :D ), but after I got tired of playing the usual "Whatever you like the most!"-pet I asked my boyfriend which was the best. We concluded I couldn't get the best until I got up to level 40 or something... so I got an ugly bird! :D But everyone knows looks doesn't matter, as long as it gets the job done... So, I've been through that. I just want to know which is the best pet, if warlocks have any there is. I also have a habit of wanting everything in a talent tree, so I always wait for council before I spend any of the points... However, I have this dilemma in the Demo. tree too. I want all the talents... should I click them all? I'm not very good at sorting the no:s from the go:s :P (Supression was a talent I thought was bad... but who knows, maybe I'm the one who's right? :D )

I feel this is getting a bit long now, and I need my beauty sleep... if anyone could help me with these things I'd be very grateful! I'm sure it's all been covered before, but I didn't feel like spending my evening reading... writing is much more fun! :D

Thanks! //Xyra

Edited, Dec 3rd 2008 9:49pm by Xxxyra
#2 Dec 02 2008 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
423 posts
Rfc,recount,worrying about dps and gear at lvl 13,ai ai ai :D ...why so early

Ok I'll try to answer some of your questions.

Dots do 100% of their damage through their duration time,so if a mob survives for,lets say 10 sec,in that situation its not smart idea to throw Corruption or Curse of Agony because they wont run their full duration and give 100% of damage,so its better to use Shadow Bolt for example.

Warlocks also need crit,dots can use them through talent and our direct damage spells also benefit from it.

Affliction is great for leveling,info about leveling specs and play-styles can be found in 1st and 2nd post on this forum.

What else,umm,dont worry about gear until you reach lv80 cuz you will replace them every few levels anyway.
#3 Dec 03 2008 at 3:08 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
Ok, dont worry about causing a lot of damage until lvl60 or 70, at your level it just shouldnt be a concern. Put it this way, below level 60 most people havent even installed a damage meter, so you're likely the only one who knows you're behind.

Secondly, being more than 3 levels below another player almost guarantees they will beat you on DPS, that's what levelling up is about. They have better spells and better gear, if they arent beating you then they are making a terrible error in their playstyle.

Thirdly, in terms of gear you should aim first for Spell Power, then Stamina, then Critical Strike, then Int, and then whatever. Spellpower and Stamina are the lifeblood of Warlocks, without them you cant really succeed, but these things will only become an issue later in your character's life. For now, try to avoid using gear with a lot of Spirit unless its your only option (Warlocks dont benefit much from it), and also mp5 gear ("Mana per 5 seconds") is a bit of a waste as you have Lifetap.

These concerns aside though, dont worry about gear. Enjoy your game, enjoy levelling and exploring, dont worry about damage or anything else. Once you're max level you can start fretting about performance, the initial levelling of the game is a unique time that you'll want to enjoy as much as possible.
#4 Dec 03 2008 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
I have to agree, worry about it more at 80. While your leveling, not much matters. A warlock can level to 60 practically naked.

As far as what stat's to look for, your primary concern should always be Spell Power, until your 80 and ready to raid when Hit Rating becomes more important than all else. Other than that Spell Power, Crit, Sta and Spirit are useful stats to get while leveling. The previous poster mentioned that Spirit is not worthwhile to us, but they changed the way it works for us. Fel Armor(which you may not have yet), adds a percentage of your Spirit to Spell Power. So it is an important stat to look for, at 80 it may even be more beneficial than Sta, though not for PvP. Just grab items you run across with those stats as you level though and you'll be fine. Don't waste time going out of your way for gear though, as someone else mentioned, it will be replaced shortly anyway. Running an instance 20 times for one robe that you will replace in the next instance you run is a waste of time. Go for it once to see the dungeon if you can get a group, but don't sweat it if you don't get it.

As for spec, I am a firm believer that Affliction is the best way to go leveling. At least until late 50's when the Felguard becomes viable. You want to go down the Aff tree until you get to Siphon Life at least. From there you have to decide what playstyle you like the best and go from there. As for talent selecetion in the Aff, suppression is a great talent, for raids if your short on Hit. For leveling it is entirely unnecessary. Here is what I would go with until 40:

Check back here often, as in the next couple weeks I should have a very comprehensive warlock guide up to hopefully replace the current stickies. It will include how all the different stats affect you, leveling builds, gear to look for on your way from 70-80 to start preparing for Heroics, Profession selection and 80 Instance and Raid builds. I'm only maybe 1/4 of the way done with it, but havn't really sat down with the express idea that I'm gonna work on it yet either. Seeing the few new warlock posts here recently may get me moving on it a bit more though.

Good luck, and welcome to the evilness that is Warlock.

Edited, Dec 3rd 2008 10:40am by Lathais
#5 Dec 03 2008 at 12:49 PM Rating: Excellent
Thanks for all the replies! Looking at the second post I apologize for my evil wall of text.. I should write posts more like English essays :) Will probably edit it to make it look better..

I understand what you're saying about now worrying about DPS and gear.. but I just don't want to get excluded in instances because I don't pull my weight. I also don't farm instances, the only reason I did this one was that I got almost 1.5 levels from the run itself and the 4 Q's (+ preQ's). If there are more instances with that many quests in them I reckon I'll do them just for that!

So I was right about Suppression? :D That's great, there are some talents in the build that I also consider bad.. but since you've played much longer than me I'll just take your word for it!

Is it correct that I should be affliction until I can get Felguard? Not speccing any particular pet?

Thanks a lot for the help guys! :)
#6 Dec 03 2008 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
Tell me what talents you think are bad and I will explain to you the reasons why I would take them. I'd rather a newer lock understand the reasoning behind it then just take it because I said so.

Also, that's not the only way to go, Demo can work very well too. I'm actually one of the few that will say that. Most forums will tell you Aff is the only way to go for leveling. I will not support Destro though, as it is just way to mana inefficient while leveling.

Edited, Dec 3rd 2008 3:59pm by Lathais
#7 Dec 03 2008 at 3:42 PM Rating: Excellent
Lathais wrote:
Tell me what talents you think are bad and I will explain to you the reasons why I would take them. I'd rather a newer lock understand the reasoning behind it then just take it because I said so.

The only one I was thinking about was "Grim Reach". Why would I pick being able to stand 20% further away over getting an extra 24% damage to my Corruption (one of my most used dot-s!)?

Think that was it :)
#8 Dec 03 2008 at 5:29 PM Rating: Good
92 posts
I actually leveled to Outland as Demo. Granted, the tree has changed a bit since I was leveling (I hadn't even hit Outlands by the time 3.0 was released) but this was kind of how my tree looked:

It was okay... but I found that I killed rather slowly and it places where lots of mobs aggro'd (like that Orc fortress place), I was getting my *** whopped. After that I respec'd to my current Afflic build and I've had so much more fun playing my lock. I'm not sure if it's the increased damage I see, which results in faster killing, or just a different play style, but it became more fun for me. I've currently put my lock aside for the moment and am leveling a Paladin (my guild's short on tanks) but here's my current build for leveling (will change it when I get to 80 for heroics/raiding if I still use him then.

I screwed up with the point in Eradication, but since I'm probably going to respec at 80 (and since I haven't been playing him lately) I've left it as-is so far. Demo and Afflic are two pretty different styles of play. If you prefer to have your pet tanking while you DoT up your targets, Demo is probably more your thing. If you prefer to kill your mob while they're hitting you instead of your pet, or running around like a headless chicken, Afflic is probably more your thing.
#9 Dec 03 2008 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
Empowered Corruption is an amazing talent. However, so is Grim Reach. Being able to start casting with the mob further away means more casting time. It also means being further away from the tank in instances, and helps to avoid AoEs.

Also, Empowered Corruption doesn't increse the total damge by 36%, it increases the bonus spell power applied to it by 36%. The gear with really great Spell Damage on it isn't available until later. So at that level, Grim Reach is preferable.
#10 Dec 03 2008 at 10:26 PM Rating: Excellent
Lathais wrote:

Also, Empowered Corruption doesn't increse the total damge by 36%, it increases the bonus spell power applied to it by 36%.

I'm sorry... I'm not sure I understand the difference. If my Corruption is 90 dmg over time (can't remember the seconds) and I have +12 spell power, won't it be 102 dmg over time total?
#11 Dec 04 2008 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
That's basically how it works, but your spell damage gets multiplied by a co-efficient first. It's different for every spell. For Corr it is 93%.

The point is though, it isn't the 90 + 36%, it's you bonus damage + 36%. Therefore, if you have 12 Spell Power, 12 x 0.96 = 11.52. Then the increase after Empowered Corruption would be another 26% of that, so 11.52 x 0.36 = 4.1472.

So with 12 Spell Power, Empowered Corruption only adds 4 Damage to the entire duration of the spell.

Even with say 100 Spell Power, so it would be 96 after to coefficient is applied, and only 34.56 damage added to corruption.

So basically, it's really adding next to nothing until you get a lot of Spell Power, and there isn't much Spell Power gear available before 40.
#12 Dec 04 2008 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
All of you were low levels, so as stated by the others, DPS isn't too important.

You SHOULD be casting your DOTs on mobs that are attacking the party, as long as you don't draw them to yourself. Sticking to the mob that the tank is attacking will cause the runs to go slower. If others (not including the tank) are attacking something, feel free to cast DOTs on it. Don't stick to just DOTs either. Throw in some wands (wands can shoot from a distance) and if you can spare the mana, some shadow bolts.

A paladin complained about you needing a robe and called you a newb? I'd have laughed at them as paladins shouldn't be wearing cloth. Granted that other armor types may not come later for them, but he should be at least in leather. I can't imagine a paladin tanking in cloth and even if they did, they'd be replacing it fast.
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