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Prot Spec?Follow

#1 Dec 02 2008 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
I have been poking around and still haven't found the premier Prot Spec, yet.

I would like to see what you guys are rolling with.
Please post your Prot specs.
#2 Dec 02 2008 at 11:12 AM Rating: Good
#3 Dec 02 2008 at 4:52 PM Rating: Good
1,395 posts
TPS build.

Heroic build.

Progression build.

Rage Gen build. (pretty meh, but should you find that you're always rage starved..)

Leveling build. The other build are pretty straight forward, ad or drop a point here and there (preferences). This build I'd like to write some more about though. It's something I can really recommend (or something similar). It looks like it's spread out and doesn't really have a main damage dealer. However, it does. Basically, 80% of your damage will be Revenge. You'll see 1.5k-2.5k crits.

I stumbled upon this by making my current spec. I was looking for great solo utility AND great tanking utility, and I can tell you... 1 sec Revenge is nothing to laugh at in instances. My spec works fine for me.

I've leveled for quite some time in Def. Stance using Revenge. After a while I got bored of it and switched to 2h and am now Slam and OP spamming. Shit dies fast, but more down time. Think it evens out in the end, it's the versatility of playstyles that appealed to me.

If you're not looking for versatility, but know that you'll level with sword and board, I'd recommend this build before the usual X/X/51. This one is roughly as good for survivability in instances. Just as good, if not even better, TPS in instances. The punchline though: Grossly superior while leveling. Sure, you might get 2.5k crits with Shield Slam. You might even get it quite often with the 'Sword and Board' talent. However, you won't see a build with more DPS if you're leveling in tanking gear.

The stun problem with Imp. Revenge is easily fixed with pulling 2 mobs at a time as often as you can. Of course you're wondering: What do I do with Casters? Well, you Shield Bash -> make them hit you -> Burst them down. Should Revenge be unprocced just Use a Shield Slam and it'll be up before GCD finishes. Shield Bash in conjunction with Spell Reflect is a very powerful way to deal with Casters.

This build also has a lot of PvP utility. I always find I get slaughtered by Casters as prot, and unless they make Imp. Spell Reflect reduce the CD it's gonna stay that way. You have some nice options with Rage kept while Stancing, Imp. Hamstring, Iron Will and Second Wind. Oh, and you'll absolutly Destroy Enhance Shammies, rogues and other warriors. Pallies are tougher, but then again: Who beats them anymore?
#4 Dec 03 2008 at 5:32 AM Rating: Good
Improve rend: You dont need that.
Take the one next to it : Deflection.
Ommiting focused rage or puncture is one of the main reasons tanks turn to dps: Rage starvation-- > Gameplay loss.
So lift your rage a bit with focused rage.Its more of a gameplay upgrade than actual upgrade.(dps-threat)
Improve disciplines: set it to 0/0 . The cooldown is still bad even with improved talent.Use it only as a panic button.
Booming Voice: hm...2 points there. I wont advise you not to get that.Has pros and cons. If your bored clicking it every 2 minutes (as I am) leave it as it is.Take also the Glyph for 1 more min.(This also enchances gameplay not TPS-DPS or anything else)

Concussion Blow and Vigilance: For raids not that super (Under consideration-Requires lot of thinking. I cant ommit them though cause they increase my gameplay and I do most time (90%) 5 mans.There they are more usefull).Then there is allways pvp considerations...(1 more stun)

Improved spell reflection: 1st I thought it was cool. But the fact that you dont get threat out of the reflected spells from other party memebers and also the fact that is a 'shy' ability... that is people-dps-healers will not give credit to us for spell reflecting...might cause y to think it a bit more about putting 2/2.Then there is PvP usefullness...

Some go the impale way in arms...leaving other stuff.

Improved Disarm: Again Debatable.

Bottom line. YOu got to figure out 1st what y enjoy more:instances or raids.Then figure out what abilitys you just cant leave without(playability).Then act accordingly.Ther is simply not an ultimate way to do leveling,Raids,5 mans,PvP in one build :((

#5 Dec 03 2008 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts

For tanking and pretty much soloing too, I suggest this build. Are there things you can change? yeah, Vigiliance is really not that important, if you're atleast semi decent you don't need it but it's a judgement call. Same with last stand. Hopefully your healer is good enough and when you solo you definetly don't need it.

Improved spell reflect and improved disarm are situational. Whatever you feel you run into more. Hell might not need either and you can grab puncture, but you shouldn't be that rage starved in dungeons.

I don't even have improved thunder clap

This is my PVP prot build, and I can't imagine any other way to spec it. Really, this seems pretty much like the end all prot pvp build, but it's really up to you how you want to play it
#6 Dec 05 2008 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
146 posts
I'm hating Prot so far. Sure I have more HP and stuff, but it doesn't matter when it takes you 2 minutes to kill something. It has to be me doing something wrong, because otherwise Prot just plain sucks. What could I be doing wrong? Attack order? Skills on my action bar?
#7 Dec 05 2008 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
CaffeineJunkie wrote:
I'm hating Prot so far. Sure I have more HP and stuff, but it doesn't matter when it takes you 2 minutes to kill something. It has to be me doing something wrong, because otherwise Prot just plain sucks. What could I be doing wrong? Attack order? Skills on my action bar?

Secondary gear set.

As prot I obtained 2 sets of gear. One is stacked with def/hp/ac etc. The other is stacked with ap, str, crit, etc. When soloing I use my dps set and usually stay in berzerker stance.

The gear can make a huge difference. I also use an addon where I can setup gear sets that I can swap using the press of a button, like outfitter or closet gnome. Makes switching between the two easier. Some pieces can be used in both sets. Things like my head and shoulder enchants are different for my dps and tank mode.
#8 Dec 05 2008 at 10:07 AM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
I am loving my spec so far for soloing and tanking.

I'm gonna go with THE prot spec as being 5/8/56 +2. What this means is you put 5 points in Deflection, 3 points in Armored to the Teeth (yes AP is important for prots now), 5 points in Cruelty (when wasa this ever not in a tanking build), and get the 56 points I have in prot.

After doing this (at level 80), you will have 2 points left over to put whereever you like. You can put them in Imp Charge which will help with initial rage while soloing. You can put them in Imp Demo Shout for a little bit more mitigation while AOE tanking. You can put them in Puncture for cheaper Devastates. You can put them in Imp Spell Reflect. Yiu can put them in Imp Bloodrage so you get more rage when you use this ability (this meshes very nice with the Bloodrage Glyph btw).

You can, literally, put them anywhere you want as they are basically "flavor points" since the 56 you spend in the prot tree will get you all of the talents you need to tank any instance or raid in the game.

The only talents I chose I feel I should defend is Imp Revenge. Yes multiple stuns can leave you raged starved while tanking. However, I have not single-target tanked anything yet except for bosses, which are immune to stuns. The beauty of Imp Revenge is the 20% dmg increase. At level 80 in pretty meh gear I have already seen Revenge crits approaching 4k and when AOE tanking Revenge is up every cooldown.
#9 Dec 05 2008 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
MentalFrog wrote:
CaffeineJunkie wrote:
I'm hating Prot so far. Sure I have more HP and stuff, but it doesn't matter when it takes you 2 minutes to kill something. It has to be me doing something wrong, because otherwise Prot just plain sucks. What could I be doing wrong? Attack order? Skills on my action bar?

Secondary gear set.

As prot I obtained 2 sets of gear. One is stacked with def/hp/ac etc. The other is stacked with ap, str, crit, etc. When soloing I use my dps set and usually stay in berzerker stance.

The gear can make a huge difference. I also use an addon where I can setup gear sets that I can swap using the press of a button, like outfitter or closet gnome. Makes switching between the two easier. Some pieces can be used in both sets. Things like my head and shoulder enchants are different for my dps and tank mode.

Gear is an unfortunate part of a warrior's life. But as a tank you won't have an issue getting into groups to get gear. I also have a dps set but I love survivabilty so I solo in tank gear. Granted my gear is all blues that I bought from the auction house. I can pull 10-13 mobs at once and then eat, versus like 4 as fury then eat. The point being is that I never pull 13 mobs, I pull whatever is in my way. And I never eat.

#10 Dec 05 2008 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
CaffeineJunkie is all about killing many thing at once that trick. I likes arms I can kill 8 thing at once using bladestorm but when you play as prot. kill alot more thing and have room for error and that nothing to sneeze at. If start doing 2 & 3 mans group by yourself you will start loving prot spec.
#11 Dec 05 2008 at 2:29 PM Rating: Excellent
CaffeineJunkie wrote:
I'm hating Prot so far. Sure I have more HP and stuff, but it doesn't matter when it takes you 2 minutes to kill something. It has to be me doing something wrong, because otherwise Prot just plain sucks. What could I be doing wrong? Attack order? Skills on my action bar?

Secondary gear set.

As prot I obtained 2 sets of gear. One is stacked with def/hp/ac etc. The other is stacked with ap, str, crit, etc. When soloing I use my dps set and usually stay in berzerker stance.

The gear can make a huge difference. I also use an addon where I can setup gear sets that I can swap using the press of a button, like outfitter or closet gnome. Makes switching between the two easier. Some pieces can be used in both sets. Things like my head and shoulder enchants are different for my dps and tank mode.

You would really rather sit in Berserker Stance when soloing? Not saying that your way is wrong, but I just cannot justify losing my 3-5k Revenge crits (900-1500+ normal hits) over 3% crit chance and Whirlwind. Hey, whatever works for you though bro.
#12 Dec 06 2008 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
I lvl prot specced and tank instances prot specced at lvl 32 atm, and im loving it! :D

Currently am 0/3/20, will add some points to Deflection next lvls, should i put points in Cruelty as well?
#13 Dec 08 2008 at 2:26 AM Rating: Default
CaffeineJunkie wrote:
I'm hating Prot so far. Sure I have more HP and stuff, but it doesn't matter when it takes you 2 minutes to kill something. It has to be me doing something wrong, because otherwise Prot just plain sucks. What could I be doing wrong? Attack order? Skills on my action bar?

Yes It could suck if :

a.Gears sucks (get descent gear,have updated gear while leveling ( blue if possible),focus on plate Gear,Strength,Stamina,Armor,Defence,Shield Block value-dodge-hit-expertise if possible)
b.Poor choise of talents(Armed to the teeth -cruelty helps,Bottom 6 talents should be aquired in prot tree and improved def stance talent)
c.No help form guid.(ask guilies to help you do quests that gives good gear)

You are descent geared if you can kill a mob (of same lvl)in 13-17 seconds with a shield in def stance-prot gear and health loss varying from 0 to 1/10 of total hp. (1/10 if you sleep or be unlucky while interupting a spell)

Attack order: there are simply few things you can do in prot (def stance) like(only as an example-not a rule):
a-Booming voice,( you could boost Booming Voice to 5 min in case it bores you)
b- Auto attack-charge,
c-Devastate all the time,
d-when available shield Block (every 1 min) -(You could create a a macro binding Devastate with Shield Block in case SB bores y)
e-when available Shield slam or Revenge( Be carefull with the use of Revenge in case it stuns...)

pop somewhere a Thunder clap and a demo shout.
Do a HS-Shokwave-Disarm-rend somewhere if you like.Chamge stance if you fancy going Berzek..

Skills on Action bar:If you use a,b,c,d,e have those buttons close to you...


#14 Dec 08 2008 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
i like to gather my mobs...
run past one mob, aggro, charge to 2nd mob, run a bit while they follow, taunt the 3rd on to me...

if there's more, i TC or Demo Shout all around me,... i walk backwards a bit... Shockwave, then it's revenge, ss, dev, dev, hs/revenge, cleave here and there...

concussion blow does nice dmg too... but be smart about how much you want them to be stunned... we do need some rage...

mobs drop dead... hardly used any potions... and that 30% HoT thing we got is pretty sweet too!
#15 Dec 08 2008 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Kinghong wrote:
mobs drop dead... hardly used any potions... and that 30% HoT thing we got is pretty sweet too!

Enraged regen will get nerfed...I know it will
#16 Dec 09 2008 at 12:47 AM Rating: Default
So what is the popular pve prot spec now. Is this one: or maybe something similar to one. I've been asked by my guild to level a warrior. My warrior is starting from level 20 with no talent points spent. Seeing as I stopped playing it and unlearned all his talents. I'm going back to it. Gonna level as protection. Going to start tanking dm, sfk and wailing caverns. Just wanted a leveling prot build. Looking around I havn't quite seen one that most have agreed on. The one up above is what I've come up with. Strictly pve with occasional instance run to practice tanking.

Though I know nothing about warrior and have read the stickie a couple of times. Maybe you all can offer some insight as to what my warrior should look like at 20. Then at 40. From there I can pretty much take it. Thanks to those who reply. :D
#17 Dec 09 2008 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Souliken wrote:
So what is the popular pve prot spec now. Is this one: or maybe something similar to one. I've been asked by my guild to level a warrior. My warrior is starting from level 20 with no talent points spent. Seeing as I stopped playing it and unlearned all his talents. I'm going back to it. Gonna level as protection. Going to start tanking dm, sfk and wailing caverns. Just wanted a leveling prot build. Looking around I havn't quite seen one that most have agreed on. The one up above is what I've come up with. Strictly pve with occasional instance run to practice tanking.

Though I know nothing about warrior and have read the stickie a couple of times. Maybe you all can offer some insight as to what my warrior should look like at 20. Then at 40. From there I can pretty much take it. Thanks to those who reply. :D

I would level as arms or fury at least till level 50 or 60. You'll still get experience tanking but the majority of your leveling xp will come from questing and soloing. You'll have absolutely no problem tanking anything under 60 as fury or arms.
#18 Dec 09 2008 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
I've tanked black rock depths as fury, in berserker stance, dual wielding. The trick? Don't do the instance at the minimum required level. Fighting mobs higher level than you are as a warrior results in "MISS MISS DODGE RESIST LOL NOOB"

Don't try that in outland though :) Once you get to outland spec prot
#19 Dec 10 2008 at 5:13 AM Rating: Default
Awsome. Think I'm going to go the arms route. Level 12 now and puting first 5 in cruelty then working my way down the arms tree. Just wanted you all to look at what build I'm shooting for soloing on quests ect. and the occasional instance run were I'll be using sword and board. :D What do you think?
#20 Dec 10 2008 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
This is Monk: 12/3/56 (my warrior)

I have been playing around with him a bit.
So far I really love this spec, I have only ran Naxx about 4 times now, but I never ever have a rage problem.
Infact I can pretty much spam HS the whole time if I wanted.

I have started tanking a bit different as of late though, I have a Glyph of Cleave which reduces the rage cost by 5.
But I replaced Cleave with HS.

My main reason for this is just due to the fact their are tons of AoE type mobs though out Naxx, so I figured hitting 2 mobs at 1300-1400 Dmg will end up netting me more TPS then a single HS on 1 mob. (Could be wrong I dont care, my DPS is higher thats what I was concerned about)

At the moment, No one can catch me on my TPS so I am not worried that much.

I am also giving Haste a try, I have a haste enchant, and I have been eating the new +40 Haste food too.
I really like the play style..
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