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Newb Healing, Grid etcFollow

#1 Dec 02 2008 at 2:57 AM Rating: Good
407 posts
I am trying to get my head round Grid. I keep getting told by guildies that they swear by it but I can't figure it out argh. I have only ever healed 5 mans and have always done it "out of the box" as it where. I used to be a pala healer so priest is still all new to me as well. I have so many spells and so much power and no idea how to make the most out of it yet. I have never raided in my life but will be the Guild's secondary healer to a friend of mine who has been doing it for a while so I'm starting to err panic slightly lol

Does anyone know of a good and simple guide for a noob idiot to:


Basically how to customize and get the best out of them? (Grid and Clique are the main ones I'm after, I'm kinda there with the others but help would still be good)

Also any input and tips gratefully received as right now I just look confusingly at these new things on my screen...

I have been reading up on tips in general and am starting to get my spell rotation down but still need a little extra boost and guidance.


#2 Dec 02 2008 at 3:47 AM Rating: Excellent
I use grid and love it. However, I select players with my mouse on the grid square and press a key with my other hand that has the spell keybound to it (no clique). If I was to start over and be a click healer, I would check out healbot (it might be a little simpler to setup).

If you don't mind working through getting it setup the way you like, grid will show you a wealth of information. Here's a nice starter article on grid.

I also recommend using Fubar. It creates a couple narrow strips on the screen (I move mine to the top) where addons can put information or be configured from. Grid can be configured from the icon it places in Fubar by right clicking it and going to its various options.

Grid's functionality can be enhanced by selecting other addons that add additional capabilities. Start with the basic Grid, but once you are comfortable with configuring and using it, be aware that it can be enhanced. I currently use:

GridIndicatorSideIcons - gives additional icons on 4 sides of player box
GridManaBars - Shows each party members mana
GridStatusCombatLogHealing - creates a mini icon for any heals received
GridStatusHostileUnit - indicates a hostile (mind controlled) party member
GridStatusHots - shows how many hots are on a party member and the time remaining of your renew
GridStatusIncomingHeals - indicates heal incoming on a player
GridStatusRaidDebuff - shows things like garote and other raid debuffs

Grid configuration is broken up into sections. Status lets you configure a specific indicator, like whether you want the inner fire buff to show an icon when missing on a priest. Layout and frame allow you to customize the display and select which indicator is active for a different area of the player square.

I have the outer border around the player square show when a player gets aggro with a yellow border, then turn to a red border upon taking some damage. I can easily see all players with disease or magic effects, or raid debuffs like garote. I see all player's health and mana, when players are missing buffs I provide, when they have renews ticking and how long is left on them, when a player is shielded, and where my PoM has bounced to. I also show when I am missing my inner fire or am clearcasting. The thing that makes grid powerful is the wealth of information it can show about the entire raid.

Decursive - Allows you to easily dispell magic and disease effects. Good, but kind of redundant if you are a grid user.

Clique - Allows you to easily assign multiple spells to your mouse... left click, right click, alt-left-click, etc. Great addon for those who mouse heal. Makes grid work like healbot.

Omen - This is a threat meter. It lets you know if your threat is getting close to the tank. You need it. Just get it.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 7:40am by dadanox
#3 Dec 02 2008 at 4:05 AM Rating: Good
679 posts
If you aren't going to be healing in raids you don't need grid. Its kind of unclear in your initial post if you will be. If you are then dadanox nailed it. If not, then a decent unit frame addon like pitbull would be just as good if not better for 5 man content only.

The only other thing I would say is to get clique and start using it now, decursive is good, but you really don't need it if you set clique up for decursing. You can also set up clique for casting heals, although I personally feel that priests have too many heals to bind effectively to clique and prefer using macros for it. There's a post on that in this forum somewhere also.
#4 Dec 02 2008 at 5:44 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
What Dadanox said, really.

Alternatively though, you can just set up different unit frames with for example Pitbull; I've found that you don't need a healmod to heal effectively. The main prerequisite for healing effectively is being able to see everybody's health on your screen. Pitbull does that, and even the WoW standard UI lets you do that. The problems with that are that you'll have to replace the groups/health bars every raid, they're incredibly small and that there's absolutely no other options to select.
#5 Dec 02 2008 at 5:52 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
thegreatmothra wrote:
The only other thing I would say is to get clique and start using it now, decursive is good, but you really don't need it if you set clique up for decursing. You can also set up clique for casting heals, although I personally feel that priests have too many heals to bind effectively to clique and prefer using macros for it. There's a post on that in this forum somewhere also.

True, lots of spells, that's one of the reasons why I use grid + decursive + clique.

Clique is only active for my grid frames and target frames. That way if someone gets a magic or disease I can move down to the decursive whack-a-mole and remove status, then back up to grid to begin healing again.

At first I was a fan of healbot, but when I ran some AV's it was a space *****, so I switched to grid. There was some things meh about grid at first, but then I got use to it. Tried going back to healbot(because grid wasn't showing me which party member currently had prayer of mending on them, and all my corner notifiers were taken for more important things), but I had fallen in love with grid, so I couldn't go back. So I just downloaded the prayer of mending tracker. Now I'm a happy priest.
#6 Dec 02 2008 at 7:53 AM Rating: Good
407 posts
I will be raid healing. Thanks for the info I will start to read up and try and get my head round it all!
#7 Dec 02 2008 at 9:40 AM Rating: Good
SynnTastic wrote:
grid wasn't showing me which party member currently had prayer of mending on them, and all my corner notifiers were taken for more important things

I love the GridIndicatorSideIcons, so I have a border, 4 corners, big center, top, bottom, right and left icons. I watch my PoM icon bounce from player to player on a side icon, and have tiny side icons for things like fear ward, missing prayer of fortitude, prayer of spirit, and inner fire.

Add to that the ability to prioritize, and you can assign more than one condition to an indicator.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 1:08pm by dadanox
#8 Dec 02 2008 at 11:48 PM Rating: Good
244 posts
To the OP.

I've always used Healbot. It's very simple to set up and i find it a lot easier to read than Grid. For some reason there's this big "what's better" debate (i have this in guild a lot o.O) between Grid and Healbot. Both are great and have their pros and cons...I advise you to try both and see what works for you.

Healbot is very easy to set up, and you don't need Decursive as it will alert you to status changes. Tbh I don't even use Omen much as i can see aggro changes on Healbot (and the new default blizz threat change alert). I beleive Grid has something similar.

I found Grid indicators were too small for me to read quickly (maybe it's just my old eyes ;) )

#9 Dec 03 2008 at 6:55 PM Rating: Good
343 posts
4 Addons.
Equipcompare (so I can see if the new item is better than what I have in a flash)
Cartographer 3.0 (love this map)
I do use Omen, but I don't have it up on the screen. I just use it for the flash and sound it makes when I pull agro (which doesn't really happen, good tank in the guild).
I also use Healbot. I actually turn off the party pannel when I use healbot. I do leave mine up there, but that is more or less to monotor my mana, and that will go by-by when I get in and change the size of the mana display inside Healbot (if possiable) to something bigger. The other 3 addons I don't see, unless I want to. It really clears up my screen, and as I'm the top person in Healbot's display I can monotor my health quite well. I too have the same problem though, and Shield has saved me so many times I've lost count. As for Dispell or AbolishD, you can set healbot to show you which one to pick and who to do it on. Great addon.

This is my UI, just take off the Omen window.
#10 Dec 04 2008 at 3:43 AM Rating: Excellent
407 posts
Thanks all for your help. I think I will try Healbot and Grid and see which I can understand better. I hate having too many things and like the idea of all in one solutions.
#11 Dec 04 2008 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
well i love grid, and ill swear by it all day now that i got it all on lockdown

heres my setup, take from it anything if you like

1- the center text

i got it set to player names if they are 100% hp, the moment the drop to 99% or lower, it just shows the hp they LOST in white text(like, if they got hit for 800, itll say -800)

that way, if you know what your things hit for, you can math it out to save mana

also in my center text, i have it set to..

show if they are further then 40 yds out (text of OOR in black) makes BG healing way easy, since you can know whos in range (white numbers = in range, black OOR = not close enough)

also, itll say if offline or dead in white text (OFF or DEAD respectively)

grid has a priority system in the options, in which is have..

more then 40 yds away=98
and all other prioritys less then 97, so the most relevant thing shows up (99 is max priority in grid, 1 is least)

2- corner markings

top left = red dot, when they gain aggro
bottom left = green dot, incoming heals
top right = pale green dot, if they have a disease
bottom right = purple dot, if they have a magic to dispel on them
outside box outline thing (colors the border of a player's box) = green if they have a renew on them, red if they are below 30% hp (low hp warning having priority over renew)

makes all your basic priestly dutys for BG or 5 man healing a breeze (or even raid healing if you are spot healing, or any kind if you know which boxes are your priority)

the few problems i had with this setup...

i dont have some kind of warning for unstable affliction, so being unattentive gets you silenced (im sure theres an option somewhere, but it hasnt been issue enough for me to worry about it)

i also tend to spot heal in raids, regardless of my duty, so with the out of range warning, you dont know who it is just by looking at the box.... so being assigned to particular targets, i can see that being an issue (someone on vent yells 'heal me', might be hard to find his box if a bunch are blacked out by OOR warning)

it works for me though, healed up to ssc in BC with this setup with no problems, if you want some screenies of my setup menus, or if this setup in action, id be glad to help
#12 Dec 04 2008 at 10:28 AM Rating: Good
mongoosexcore wrote:
i also tend to spot heal in raids, regardless of my duty, so with the out of range warning, you dont know who it is just by looking at the box.... so being assigned to particular targets, i can see that being an issue (someone on vent yells 'heal me', might be hard to find his box if a bunch are blacked out by OOR warning)

I spot heal also if I can, at least throwing extra renews around where needed.

I have widened my player box a bit and show I think around 8 char of the player name unless he is my target. Then I just have it say Target. Personally, I couldn't do as good a job if I didn't see the non-targeted player names at all times. I want to be able to identify them by name if something comes over voice chat. Also, It lets me more easily remember which squares are the tanks / clothies / etc.

To show out of range, my entire player box darkens. I have the health and mana bars horizontal and have inversed the colors so I ended up with a bright green health bar when full health, changing to dark red health bar around 50%.

That's the nice thing about grid. It is very customizable for what you want to show.
#13 Dec 04 2008 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts

i actually dont use class colors at all, all red

full hp is empty/black, and red fills as you take damage

i do a pretty decent job remembering whos who, since i only run 5/10 mans really (and i focus target the MT, so i dont need to find his box)

but i can see why youd wanna see the names, i just never really hit the situation where i needed to
#14 Dec 10 2008 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
129 posts
First off... Take a look at the Priest Forums on Read ANYTHING by Nightshroud, I hope the link I am adding below works. but if not, find her post titled "Lux et Umbra - A PvE Priest Handbook". I have been playing a priest for years and she still manages to teach me ways to improve my techniques...

I'm a dumbass when it comes to Grid/Clique/Healbot ect. I've been healing for too long and do not have the will power to break my habits just yet. I try to keep my screen as simple as possible. I use Xperl Unit Frames and move the raid warnings right above the raid grid and a huge red aggro warning to the left of my frames. Bartender 4 allows me to cluster the action bars the way I need them. I use these macros to save time on healing (mouseovers macro keys show you who is in range and out of range of heals).
I have to both main tank and raid heal since we hardly ever have a shammy or druid in the group. mouseover macros allow you to keep it simple, keep a main target, and spot heal as you need.
/cast [target=yourtoonsname] power word: shield
/cast [target=yourtoonsname] renew
/cast [target=mouseover] greater heal
/cast [target=mouseover] flash heal
/cast [target=mouseover] circle of healing
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