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Back to prot at 77. Blizzard wins.Follow

#1 Dec 01 2008 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
Not to disappoint, but this isn't a "fed up with ret" post. This is all about the glee that is gearing to tank in WotLK.

For a new player on a new realm in TBC, all I ever heard about was how hard it was to gear a tank...any tank...for heroics. I know it was a bit rough for my druid. I recall many, many heroic Mech runs with my hunter trying to get a certain warrior his Sun Eater because it was a "must have". I got my paladin geared for heroics/Kara in about 4 hours (excluding SSO rep grind, of course). I didn't put much stock in the "ease" at that point...WoW was already in "get them through the content before the expansion" mode.

Lately, PUGs in Northrend have been no better than they were in Outland. I didn't have much trouble with my druid...I was well geared to be tanking and the changes to feral itemization very much worked in my favor to stay that way. How would it be for a plate wearer?

Since my guild is short on tanks...woefully so...and my druid, now at 80, is not fairing well in the "new WoW" of "CC is for nubs AY OH EE GOEZ!!" it was time to rethink my plans of holding out until 80 to go back to prot.

For starters, 80%+ of the gear you need to get crit immune for level 80 content is crafted. Tempered Sardonite gear isn't spectacular, but it fills the bill. It's's got good armor, nice strength (+block value), very decent stamina, and oodles of defense. There is question about that, but for starter gear? Pfffft. Bring it.

I splurged a bit and made a shiny new set of the epic engineering tank goggles. Shoulders, chest, bracers, gloves, legs, boots, and shield are all Sardonite pieces (can't use two of the pieces (legs and gloves?) until 78, but meh). Weapon is the Tempered Sardonite Beatstick (decent damage and fast as hell). Green cloak and one ring, blue neck and second ring (all quest rewards). Trinkets are meh so far. Blacksmithing belt buckle to add a socket to my belt (one glaring omission on the Tempered Sardonite set) and my meta gem is up and running (I went with the +21 stam/+5% block value). Easy.

And the mats for all of this? Two words: Sholazar Basin. Not only did I come away with enough Sardonite and eternals to get my entire set crafted, I wound up with enough leftover Sardonite to donate extra mats to our leading guild BS so he could get to 440 and make me the Titansteel shield for 80. I also wound up with enough Titanium Ore and eternals to make all of the Titansteel I need for the shield, as well as the 8 titanium bars I needed for my goggles.


Ahh...but the kicker still remained. Now a entry heroic/raid tank spec, will it take me another month of grinding to get to 80 because I kill so damn slow? I was a bit concerned until I respecced, equipped my new shinies, and flew out to Dragonblight for a quick "test" (and to level my 1h mace skill...302/385 >.<). First Shield of Righteousness...crit...2864 damage.

Ya, that'll work.

So now, at 77 with defense skill of 383/385, my defense is 497, armor just over 20k, HP just shy of 16k, avoidance (using old macro) of 82% w/Holy Shield. Add 17 defense (for cap of 400/400 at 80), and easily 150+ defense rating from gear I already have in the bank but can't equip yet and I'll be crit immune as soon as my defense skill recaps. Throw in the extra stamina from said gear and base HP increase for 3 levels and I'll be showing up to 80 with a minimum of 19k HP. Not ideal for heroics, but still room to upgrade some gear between now and then.

Baseline test with badly underleveled 1h mace skill at 77 vs. 72 elites had me sitting at 2500-2800 tps (w/ RF, no AW and no Avenger's Shield spam...couldn't afford the mana vs. 1 target with no outside healing).

Blizzard said they wanted tanking to be more fun...I always assumed they were referring exclusively to the actually gameplay mechanics while tanking. I'm glad they included the preparation phase in that as well.

Well done, Blizz.
#2 Dec 02 2008 at 3:38 AM Rating: Default
if you have mana problems, either you are not using BoS, either spamming too much consecration, or you forgot about divine plea
Else, get more mobs to hit you and use BoS.
#3 Dec 02 2008 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Pretty sure it's called saronite.

Other than that, I've been struggling to keep my defence rating at the levels I want it to be. I'm sitting on something like 21k health, 22k armour, and still at 492 defence. Got the titansteel shield wall and still way below the defence cap. Not sure how Blizzard really expects me to reach it.
#4 Dec 02 2008 at 4:14 AM Rating: Decent
my stats unbuffed are
* Armor: 21920
* Defense: 508
* Dodge: 18.8%
* Parry: 15.09%
* Block: 11.33%
* Resilience: 0
Health: 22394
Mana: 5644

with back,head, shield, boots epics crafted, and i still have low def. yes i could enchant what i have, but either i'm getting them now (i mean the gold or mats to do it) for the epics, or i'm waiting for epics to enchant them
i ran 25/10 and eroics and with a proper healer is not such a big deal, yet is still hard to heal me in 10/25 raids, getting too much dmg
as far as i saw, the def rating is pretty low on the future epics, so either you drop some avoidance to get def, or ... i don't know

#5 Dec 02 2008 at 5:54 AM Rating: Good
You should not be raiding with less than 540 defense at 80. Ever. Nope, no excuses, ever. You're going to die and take the raid with you.

My tank. He's actually got a little more defense than that (got an epic plate pants drop last night that I haven't enchanted/equipped yet) but defense rating is by far and away your biggest problem. It's very hard to get up there and even harder to keep there as most other epics have less defense than the blues. You need to enchant and gem for defense AS MUCH AS POSSIBlE. This is made easier now that orange gems have defense rating values too, but still.

Your avoidance is going to take a large hit, but it won't matter too much. I can MT Naxx fine at the moment, or so it seems. Once you have the 540, worry about keeping it. Avoidance will come in time.

Edit: AND RUN HALLS OF LIGHTNING NORMAL. Loken drops a trinket with +65 defense rating, and Thaddius in Naxxramas drops a trinket with 87 defense rating. These 2 are your key to avoidance gear later on.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 8:56am by Galkaman
#6 Dec 02 2008 at 6:42 AM Rating: Default
and yet i did not wipe :P
what you should do and what you can do are 2 different things.
as far as i do it with my guild, i know what everyone is capable of doing, i know their gear since we got it together in heroics, we will still raid the heroics for better items.
that's is my point in all this, if you know the people and their skill, go for it. If you failed once, try again, no one was born with the knowledge (even if it's strongly recommended to know the tactics, and yet all the heroics i've done so far were tank and spank, blizz lowered maybe a bit to much the standards)
#7 Dec 02 2008 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
I am Prot ATM and I am level 78. My Def is 533 ATM with no Titansteel gear on and I dont have the Trinket from HOL yet. I do not see reaching my Def goal being a problem at 80. For me as well DEF is first followed by STA then everything else will fall in to place. If my Def is in place Heroics will not be an issue and I will be prepared for Naxx also.
#8 Dec 02 2008 at 8:30 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Just a note about making the crafted set. The best place in the game for finding saronite if you are a miner is lake Wintergrasp. There are such an abundance of nodes there, it's easier to farm the metal on a ground mount, than it is with a flying mount in Sholazar. And since titanium is a rare spawn off those nodes, you'll find a lot of that too. If your faction controls wintergrasp, more powerful elementals called revenants will appear who guarantee a drop of between 1 and 3 of their corrosponding crystallized element. It's a crafter's paradise in that tiny zone.
#9 Dec 02 2008 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
fyredeamon wrote:
and yet i did not wipe :P
what you should do and what you can do are 2 different things.
as far as i do it with my guild, i know what everyone is capable of doing, i know their gear since we got it together in heroics, we will still raid the heroics for better items.
that's is my point in all this, if you know the people and their skill, go for it. If you failed once, try again, no one was born with the knowledge (even if it's strongly recommended to know the tactics, and yet all the heroics i've done so far were tank and spank, blizz lowered maybe a bit to much the standards)

If you're always running with the same people and they're OK with it, by all means carry on. Not being crit immune in raid content creates space for a lot of problems that you can't predict. A string of unlucky crits = wipe. That can easily be avoided by spending a couple of hours touring Sholazar Basin and sweet talking your friendly neighborhood blacksmith. I'd rather be crit immune that meet the old standards for uncrushable which for me means putting defense over avoidance until I reach 540.
#10 Dec 02 2008 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
If you happen to be a blacksmith and a Prot Paladin, it is ridicuously easy to get to 679 defense rating (the defense rating required to have 540 defense at level 80). I am level 78 and already have 679 defense rating, and as soon as I get to honored with Wyrmrest Accord (which I should have done already... lol) I will get a cloak that has even more defense than my current one (which is still a Kara cloak).

I have socketed my own bracers and gloves (blacksmiths can add 1 socket to each of these) and I have an eternal belt buckle (which anyone can use) that adds one socket to my waist. All 3 of these sockets are filled with gems that add a mix of stam and defense.

A Prot Pally that is not a blacksmith will have a SLIGHTLY harder time getting to 679 defense due to the lack of 2 sockets, but if I had the Wyrmrest Accord cloak and enchanted either my chest or my shield with defense I would still be at or over 679 defense rating without the extra sockets, so it still isn't that hard.

Here is a link to my armory so you all can see what I have on. I don't even have any really expensive enchants, just using mostly heavy borean armor kits, the aldor shoulder glyph, and the KoT head glyph.

As I mentioned, the Wyrmrest Accord cloak (available at 78 for honored) has better defense, and at 80, the titansteel shield wall has better defense than my current shield, so I will be able to gem for pure Stam and still be uncrittable.

Even if you are not a Blacksmith, you can get everything you need from a few rep rewards, a bunch of crafted items off of the AH, and a defensive enchant or 2 (steelweave to cloak, defense to chest, defense to shield, or whatever) to get to 679 defensive rating by the time you are level 78. Basically, don't worry, it isn't that hard to accomplish, and you can be ready to hit Heroics as soon as you hit 80 and hit Naxx almost immediately as well.

Edit: My rings and neck are quest rewards, but they weren't hard to get at all.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 2:31pm by jeromesimina
#11 Dec 02 2008 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
ArtemisEnteri wrote:
Just a note about making the crafted set. The best place in the game for finding saronite if you are a miner is lake Wintergrasp. There are such an abundance of nodes there, it's easier to farm the metal on a ground mount, than it is with a flying mount in Sholazar. And since titanium is a rare spawn off those nodes, you'll find a lot of that too. If your faction controls wintergrasp, more powerful elementals called revenants will appear who guarantee a drop of between 1 and 3 of their corrosponding crystallized element. It's a crafter's paradise in that tiny zone.

I haven't been to Wintergrasp for any reason yet (though that will change soon), so thanks for the tip on farming there.

I do have to say that Sholazar Basin is indeed insane as well though. With my new epic flyer and my 20% speed boost from Crusader Aura, I was able to farm for 3 hours last night and got:

240 Saronite Ore
18 Titanium Ore
60 Crystallized Shadow
75 Crystallized Earth
8 Crystallized Water
10 Crystallized Air
15 Crystallized Fire
1 Chalcedony
1 Huge Citrine
1 Scarlet Ruby
1 Monarch Topaz

Not bad for 3 hours of work.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 3:37pm by jeromesimina
#12 Dec 02 2008 at 11:11 PM Rating: Decent
@AureliusSir : i enchanted last night some of my items , still have 522 def :) guess i'll go farm the trinket
i'm using the crafted tank cloak wich has no def (besides the enchant) but has better stats as far as avoidance and stamina
since i had bad luck at drop so far, only dps plate items :( i'm still waiting to change most of my items
#13 Dec 03 2008 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
fyredeamon wrote:
@AureliusSir : i enchanted last night some of my items , still have 522 def :) guess i'll go farm the trinket
i'm using the crafted tank cloak wich has no def (besides the enchant) but has better stats as far as avoidance and stamina
since i had bad luck at drop so far, only dps plate items :( i'm still waiting to change most of my items

I hit 78 tonight which enabled me to equip the last couple of pieces of my Tempered Saronite set. I also hit Honored with Wyrmrest Accord which gave me access to the tanking cloak and a very decent 1h sword to start with. At 78 with defense skill capped at 390, my overall defense is 544. I'm still using my Dabiri's Enigma from the Netherstorm quest and a miscellaneous trinket (no tanking stats on it at all) until I get the trinket from HoL. I also still have the Titansteel Shield Wall sitting in the bank waiting for me to gain 2 more levels.

If I add no other gear between now and 80, once I recap my defense I'll be sitting at 554. That gives me a bit of room to swap out some defense for the sake of stamina/avoidance (currently at 93% avoidance w/ Holy Shield).

I ran Halls of Lightning tonight. When I started the run I was level 77 and the crits hurt. I hit 78 shortly after we downed the first boss, equipped my last two Tempered Sardonite pieces and the rest of the run was absolute cake...especially considering I was 78 vs. 81 bosses.
#14 Dec 03 2008 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
true, it's a piece of cake to tank as paladin, more like aoe grinding with personal healer :)
i didn't have time last night for heroics, i was broke :) and needed the enchants, and i spent my time minning / skinning in Sholazar basin
hopefully today i'll be lucky and get the trinket, if not there is another try tomorrow and so on
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