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Devs Discussing Possible Warlock Rotation ChangesFollow

#1 Dec 01 2008 at 10:07 AM Rating: Excellent
295 posts
Posted on the main page, but copied here for discussion.

Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street has responded to a thread on the O-Boards regarding Warlock rotations to confirm that the dev team has been discussing some different tactics regarding the topic. Although it's too early to announce any definite changes, it's interesting to see their possible plans.

We have been talking about a couple of different approaches to warlock rotations. One is to try and make more of the dots last around the same duration so you aren't watching them quite so much. Another is just to lower the standard rotation from having so many dots. These are both things we are working on but it's too early to say what the changes will end up being.

So what do you think? Would you rather your dots have similar durations, less dots in your standard rotation, or something else entirely?
#2 Dec 01 2008 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
There's a problem with the rotations? Sounds to me more like people are too stupid to figure it out, so Blizz is gonna dumb it down some more. Less separation between players that pay attention and those that don't will just make picking the right people to bring to raids harder.

IMO, the Affliction rotation is slightly bloated, but it's not bad, and it's what the tree is about. If you don't like it, spec something else. People keep talking about how bad Demo is too, and seriously, from what I have seen/tested in Heroics, it's the best spec.

With Affliction though, seriously, SB > Haunt > Corr > UA > Curse > Immo > SL Spam SB/Haunt and refresh when they wear off. A little bloated but not that hard to pull off, even when there's fights with movement. I think the problem people are having with it is they WANT a set rotation. That's not what this spec is about IMO. There is no set rotation. You HAVE to watch your timers, and that's what makes it interesting.

Demo, even easier. Curse > Corr > Immo > SB Spam, as Immo/Corr wear off at about the same time. 2 secs left on Immo, refresh Immo and Corr, you got a few seconds to get a Lifetap or 2 in, CoA and resume Spamming. Really easy, and I top DPS like this always. Pretty close to a set rotation, when there's movement, it gets messed up a little, but not too bad. Almost not enough to do in this rotation.

Destro, I'm not as up on, as I have personally tested this the least amount. I also did less damage with this than the other 2, but it seems to be what everyone thinks is the best. From what I understand here though, the toughest part is timing your Conflag right. Casting it to early can really cut into your DPS, and of course casting it too late will too. So what does it look like, CoA > Corr > Immo > Chaos Bolt/Incinirates, Conflag when Immo is about up, refresh DoTs when needed and keep on spamming.

Personally though, I LIKE the fact that more specs need to watch DoT rotations. It's part of what seperates the good from the bad. The game shouldn't be able to be played by binding all keys to one spell and just smashing your face against a keyboard. I really felt like I could have done that in TBC and still topped damage.
#3REDACTED, Posted: Dec 01 2008 at 12:52 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Greeting, I am a lvl 75 lock on a pvp server with affliction spec and mostly lower end gear ie pvp items ranging from s1 to s4 with about 425 resilience. My issue with my class is not with the rotations, a simple add on like necrosis can give you dot timers and keep track of your dots. I feel many of the cast times could use some serious reduction however especially the haunt/unstable affliction/immolation line 1.5 sec is very long and haste items taking off 1/100's of a second are retarded. In addition death coil could last longer and my fears could be resisted less.
#4 Dec 01 2008 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
PvP is an entirely different matter.

First of all, they screwed fear over big time a long time ago. I agree, Death Coil should actually probably last as long as fear, or give us a second Fear that uses the Horror effect like Death Coil, so they can't trinket out of it. Something needs to be done about Fear though.

The biggest problem with PvP ATM though, IMO, is the fact the Leather/Mail/Plate users can put up as much DPS as a clothie, yet they have much much more survivability. WTF is that?!?!?!

Fix Fear, give us another, longer lasting Horror Effect, or give us some more ways to stun opponents. Then find a way to make us just as survivable as plate wearers. I think those are the major things that need to be done to fix us in PvP.

All this is from the point of view of someone who doesn't really PvP. So my points may be totally invalid, but whatever.
#5 Dec 01 2008 at 5:20 PM Rating: Default
Sorry, but I had to reply to this post. Try to make it short to get the topic back on track.

dedleygnome wrote:
Greeting, I am a lvl 75 lock on a pvp server with affliction spec and mostly lower end gear ie pvp items ranging from s1 to s4 with about 425 resilience. My issue with my class is not with the rotations, a simple add on like necrosis can give you dot timers and keep track of your dots. I feel many of the cast times could use some serious reduction however especially the haunt/unstable affliction/immolation line 1.5 sec is very long and haste items taking off 1/100's of a second are retarded. In addition death coil could last longer and my fears could be resisted less.
My main issue is with the inqualities you have produced between the classes in regards to pvp. In my opinion there should be a close equality between every class in regards to pvp with the main advantages being with equipment (ie the tier 6 guy is gonna waste you) and with skill in pvp and playing your class. You have so overpowered many of your classes that the standard lock is already at a disadvantage from the start. For example Ret pally stun locks the hell out of you, you do not get to resist the spells and basically has been amped up dps wise to a level that you die before your fears and dots start working then the pally heals and that is that. Rogues same deal if they get you stunlocked game over and if I do get spells on them they cloak and resist your stuff basically carving you to pieces. Deathknights similar deal they can summon you and the dps is so overwhelming that a well equipped one will own you then depending on spec they ghoul out for another 8k hp. Hell with soulstone I only get back half my hp and even less mana and it costs shards as well as only has a 30 minute duration. What about warriors with their fear resistance? What about arcane mages with the mega nuke that has little to no refresh timer? Standard pvp with locks is the coil followed by fear and if you are affliction based I try and COE melee classes before I dot them up and attempt to keep some distance and keeping them fear locked. These days the way you all have redone many of the classes it is easier for me not to fight back and just go back and get my body. I do not claim to be some great pvp'r, I hold my own for the most part but man I should not get my **** handed to me like I am from under to poorly equipped players.
It is time to turn up the locks dps to be comprable to other classes. Here are some possible solutions:
Improve death coil duration and allow it to be cast on target regardless of direction you are facing.
Dramatically reduce cast time of existing longer cast dots ie less than a second. Create a snare type dot that lasts in the 20 second range to allow us to get away from melee (except deathknights I suppose). Implement a fast cast shadowbolt comprable to arcane mages nuke speed because shadowtrance is too unpredictable and not there all the time. Maybe you could reduce resists to some of our spells especially the fear line. The main thing to take home is that our class seriously lacks in certain aspects compared to classes they will fight in pvp.
There are some suggestions to improve on warlocks. Warlock dot rotation is not the issue guys like I said with the necrosis add on you can time all your dots without an issue (Maybe you could design some of those type of dot timers in the game for warlocks). The real issue is that it is time to unnerf warlocks so that they are on par with all the other classes that you have unnerfed.

Firstly, the cast times of spells being 1.5 seconds is because of one reason. All spells are equalized at a 3 second cast time. Why does UA deal more damage then CoA? Why does Fireball deal more damage then Ice Lance? Why does Greater Heal heal for more then Flash Heal? The longer it takes for your spells to be cast, the more powerful they'll be. Instant cast spells have lower spell power co-efficents then longer cast ones. Also, the GCD(Global Cool Down) is 1.5 seconds for all classes other then Rogues. So, basically, you're asking for weaker spells that take just as long to cast due to GCD. I guess you could run around and hope they don't catch you...

Secondly, PvP has always been, and always will be, about a Scissor Paper Rock game, with just a bit more depth. A PvP speced Rogue will trounce a PvE speced one. Same goes for all same class fights, unless gear/level/skill is vastly superior. Cross-class works like this: Rogues beat Locks. Locks beat Warriors. Warriors beat Rogues. Yea, there are abilities that allow you to fight back against the other classes, but it takes skill to reverse this. Warriors have one fear break, Berserker Rage. They have to be in 'Zerker stance to cast it. Oh, they are also taking 3% more damage for being in 'Zerker stance to begin with. Then there's trinkets. Undead and Humans have a racial as well, though they seem to have been tied to the trinket CDs. Everything has trade offs; Can't give people homes they can't afford and expect them to make the payments.

Thirdly, fears. Note the "s" on that. While your fears have been nerfed, there's someone else that's hurting far worse then you in that area. Priests. Every fear nerf has killed Priests Psysic Scream. So, their only way to "get away from melee" is nerfed with your fears and doesn't even have a horror effect, so most classes can break it. It's all part of the Scissors Paper Rock game from above.

Finaly, Death Knights. They are an Anti-Magic class. Everything they have is meant to take down casters. They have an Anti-Magic shield, "Get over here" taunt, a root, DoTs from their hits for when you DO get away and a health regen attack. Basically, they pull you to them, hit you a few times as you get away and chase you untill they repeat the process. That's without talents. Of course they're going to eat you alive... They are built to. Think Cats to Mice. You're the mouse, DKs are cats.

Now, I'll give you that the self port thing shouldn't be seen by anyone other then in your own group, but there's a reason the other things are that way. Now, back to the topic.

As Lathais said, there isn't a whole lot wrong with rotations. As Lath said, bloated at times, but that's the way the class works. Three spell rotations are for fire mages. Locks are all about the slow death, savoring the pain and agony induced by them. I believe if they mess too much with the rotations, they'll end up like Prot Warrior rotations, which used to be SS, Revenge, Dev, Dev. Replacing the second Dev with a shout refresh, TC or whatever needed to be put in. Now it's "Spam Devastate until Shield Slam comes back up and mash Shield Slam! Toss in Shockwave every 20 seconds too!" Without challenge, there is no desire to play. Making rotations more about button mashing and less about skill makes for a dull game. It's already bad enough that on my server, people don't want to run Heroics due to "Not having Purples" in every slot, let alone in one. Quite a few players have lost the ability to run things AT the gear level, let alone when they out gear the place. I digress though.

All in all, the "rotations" are something that the Devs should not even be concerned with, unless it's game breaking. A DK being able to summon 2000+ ghouls is game breaking. How a lock strings his or her spells together is all up to the player, much like which quest do I want to do now. Rail roading takes away from the whole Open Ended feeling you get when stepping into WoW. With Rail Roading, you end up having "flavor of the week" specs and rotations that, if not followed, disclude you from doing anything other then soloing. Fixing a class to make it playable is one thing, much like Warlocks at release compaired to now. Making things that take skill to accomplish within the realm of key smashing is something entirely different.
#6 Dec 02 2008 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
96 posts regards to:

Demo, even easier. Curse > Corr > Immo > SB Spam, as Immo/Corr wear off at about the same time. 2 secs left on Immo, refresh Immo and Corr, you got a few seconds to get a Lifetap or 2 in, CoA and resume Spamming. Really easy, and I top DPS like this always. Pretty close to a set rotation, when there's movement, it gets messed up a little, but not too bad. Almost not enough to do in this rotation.

I absolutely love the felguard and meta. That being said, I've always been addicted to affliction due to the fact that I can take on 6-8 mobs of equal level, and sometimes a level or two higher, and walk away with full mana, and health. I basically just cast a SL > Corr > CoA > and haunt when it's up (usually every other mob). Once they are all dotted, I just basically manatap to full.

I spend most of my WoW time grinding for rep/gold, and doing BG's. I spend some of my time doing instances, raiding, and PVP. Can I be as effecient (low downtime) running demo? Can you let me know of your experience, and is it possible to link your spec? Thanks!!

#7 Dec 02 2008 at 6:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
My spec will not work as well for grinding/farming. It does ok, but is not the most mana efficient. I go just about everywhere, farming too, with a Hunter by my side though. It works though. Where it really shines though is in Heroics. Will probably be good for PvP, I dunno yet, just got my Frostsavage set, and gonna get in enchanted up soon.

I do not know from personal experience, but have read that it will slow down a bit in a raid due to mana problems. However, I think the people at the site I read alot of lock stuff at are all in T6 still though. With the itemization changes to warlock in WotLK I don't think they are getting an accurate representation of what we can do. I've also read that it will scale better than affliction, which makes sense in a way.

The best part, or my favorite part anyway is Demonic Pact. I have 1926 Spell Power self buffed, so that's 192 Spell Power buff to the whole raid when my pet crits, which is all the time. Healers love me, and while that may give a mage the boost he needs to top my DPS, I can contribute it to myself.

If you still wanna see it, it's in another thread. Level 80 Demo SB Spam.

On the other hand, before I was running heroics, and when I was truly quest grinding, I was using a SiLi/Felguard Build. Hard to go wrong with, though not having Bane will seriously hurt your DPS in Instances, you can grind like no tomorrow. Send Felguard, CoA, Corr, SiLi, Immo, nothing will live through that, send him to another rinse repeat, life tap while running between mobs and SiLi will keep you up. Sure, some mobs will come off the Felguard to you, but you've got SiLi on 4 mobs by then, so no big deal, just stop and Drain Life one if things get too bad.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 9:46am by Lathais
#8 Dec 02 2008 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
Hi there. I have to say, i agree with Lathais and Dedleygnome. Rotations are not the issue with locks. Timers are part of game play. Rotation variability adds desirable customization of gameplay. I don't think timers all need to be the same, just as long as they are not so short as to require refreshing them too much.

I've played Destro and Demo, currently Demo, lv 73. Personally, i think this topic totally misses the point. For me, PvP is the issue. PvP should be enjoyable for every class. As a lock, it is positively lame. Even with exceptional gear, locks get owned by Rogues, Warriors and especially Pallies. I can accept that each class has its own advantages (rogues can stealth up and surprise, warriors can take dam, pallies can both take dam and heal) but the disparity is alarming in PvP.

Far from suggesting that the other classes be nerfed, i would suggest that locks get some spec choices that could give them some real defenses against melee classes. Fear is nice, yeah, when you can get it off--but how many locks out there have spent the seconds to cast it only to realize the target has immunity? I'd almost rather just dot them and see how much damage i can get on them for the bg's. I understand that when you pull a fear off on someone they are basically helpless, but what about all the trinkets available from the bg vendors that eliminate loss of control? Isn't that enough mitigation, not to mention the immunity abilities classes/undead have?

How about shaving some time off the casting time for fear?
How about some creative skills in each of the specs to provide for more balanced PvP play?
How about a new, more PvP-friendly demon? Hunters can tame how many pets? Locks get how many? I thought with LK we would get at least one new minion. Are you telling me these are the only demons we can subdue?

As it is, we barely have time to cast fear once we've been attacked by a melee class before we are rendered totally hopeless. PvP is highly unenjoyable as a lock IMO. Melee classes see a lock and immediately target them for the kill. Our only hope is to stay in a large group and hope you don't get noticed.

The following is off the point, but I would still like to mention it:

Other lock issues

Drain Mana is lame! While i don't have specific numbers i have done an informal investigation into comparing its mana cost with the mana gain. It sucks! Once you click the spell, YOUR own mana is drained. By the time you finish channeling the spell (assuming it doesn't get pushed back or interrupted), you've only gained a very small percentage of mana over what you already had. This spell needs to be made more useful. As it stands now it's just a waste of time. I could do an instant lifetap and drain life instead which would actually deal some damage to the mob.

The Doomguard spell is ridiculous! First of all it takes an entire minute for the damage to be done (not so unreasonable in and of itself) and to release the demon. Finally, once he's released he almost immediately turns hostile, usually dealing more damage to your party (if not killing some of them) than it did to the mobs it targeted in the first place. Why would any sensible warlock cast that spell? Give us a longer time to control it at least!

Bug: My lock pets phase in with about 60% health after i dismount. I've submitted a GM ticket about it but haven't heard wind about a fix yet. The GM i talked to about it said he thought it had been resolved via patch, but not it my experience. Anyone else getting the same? I'm on Blackrock server. Anyway.... he said he'd pass on the info....

Alright... i've said my piece. Sorry so much of it has been off topic, but I've been waiting for these issues to be resolved for a while and i think they're much more important than worrying about timers and rotations!

Has this topic opened up a can of worms, or what?

#9 Dec 02 2008 at 7:50 AM Rating: Decent
Not going to add much except to say that on the PvP issue I fully agree.

If it's PvP you are after, don't roll a 'lock.

I know how to play my class. I know how to spec for PvP even. Makes no difference. You can't win.

BUT - you are playing, in general, as part of a team. In BGs 'locks can play a massively useful role if specced and geared correctly. iHoT and dot, kids. Yeah, you're gonna die - eventually - but the amount of damage you could do by dotting up multiple mobs with SL/SL in place should mean that the rest of your team has a much easier time.

That's our BG role and I'm fine with it.

Then we come to arena. Forget it. You're screwed. :o)
#10 Dec 02 2008 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
96 posts
Lath and others...thanks for the input. Maybe I'll tweak with it a bit.
#11 Dec 02 2008 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
Ok whoever says 1.5 secs is a long cast time needs to be ***** slapped, seriously don't complain. Paladins have a 2.5 cast time with Holy Light and Shamans are even worse, about 3 seconds for chain heal i believe. Even with spell haste of about 324 and some minor talent buffs that speed up my time, it drops down by about a second, so I'm looking roughly at 1.3-1.5 second cast. I have a lock, about lvl 35, and I been around locks long enough to know they aren't too difficult in instances to keep with rotations, of course at that level i don't have many things to rotate. SB > Immo > Cor > CoA Not that hard.

But in raids and heroics I've noticed locks aren't useful against trash mobs because if you get a group with good DPS, the locks are pretty much wasting mana. If you could give the locks something like a DK's pestilence, but with affliction spells it'd make them more useful to just target one mob not being targeted and let it spread from there.
#12 Dec 02 2008 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
My DPS on trash is great as Demo. Corr all non CC'd targets and SB Spam away. With Glyph of corruption, I'm fine on DPS. As Affliction, I can see it being a little less effective, but still working. Corr on all non CC'd except main target, then Corr > Haunt > SB Spam on main target. Still won't top Damage on trash, but you'll beat the tank and any other crappy DPSers. Good enough as long as you bring the pain on the boss.
#13 Dec 02 2008 at 10:06 AM Rating: Default
Every game i have played the lock has always been low toon..A toon that anyone and everyone can kill..We take that risk playing our locks..I understand what some are saying..Your non magic users is suppose to be a non magic user..Wrong all toons rely on magic in these games..Your rogue relys on magic when he uses invis, your pally when he heals and uses the power to buff up his hitting abilities, your hunter when he shift changes..Your locks is a toon that a player with skills and the ability to think has to play..The others to me is non brainers anyone can play them.. Your lock is more a spec breed of players..The only thing id like to see changed is the heal..By the time you life drain youve used up alot of mana then if you mana drain by that time your dead end of story..I'd like to see something like what the pally has in heal no cool down or waitting period..As for the armor keep it where it is that is a locks clothing to change that would be to change the lock in away.
#14 Dec 02 2008 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
I wasn't saying give us leather or anything like that, but maybe something similar to a mages mana shield. Something like Shadow Ward, only works on all damage, not just Shadow. Maybe Shadow Shield or something, that further reduces damage we take on top of soul link.

Simple fact of the matter is, if we get stunned, and are dead before we get out of it, we need more survivability. If we DO live through it, which can happen sometimes, we need a way to get the guy hitting us off of us so we can Drain Life a little and get it back to even footing before they stun us again. The little teleport circles may help with that some, haven't really played with it much yet though. Not knowing when I am out of range of it is annoying though, cause for it to be most effective, I'd have to use it while at max range, so far, when I've tried to do that, I'm out of range, then get stunned again, and I'm dead.
#15 Dec 02 2008 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
357 posts
Maybe a buff to demon armor would work. I don't really pvp so I might be off base but it seems that an armor boost and plus to healing effects would be the pvp armor. Unfortunatly it seems that the damage boost of fel armor out weighs this. The survivability would shoot up if demon armor was buffed enough to make a noticeable difference on drain life/siphon life and doubled your current armor. Use fel armor when your on the offense and switch to demon armor when your on defense.
#16 Dec 02 2008 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
You know, I didn't think about that, lol. We already have an armor. Like you said though, the damage increase from Fel Armor is just too good to pass up currently.

Maybe though, they could make our armors function like stances/forms/auras. Fel Armor is fine currently, make Demon Armor better, then put one that kind of combines both, but way less of each, and maybe gives some extra stun resistance/stealth detection.

Kind of a silly idea, but just might work.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 3:27pm by Lathais
#17 Dec 03 2008 at 2:04 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
As an ex-lock who's rerolled a Death Knight, I agree with all the PvP concerns raised in this thread, and a great many more besides. It seems the Season 2 Warlock was so strong that the devs have resolved never to allow them pre-eminence again. The general (and inevitable) shift towards burst damage as gear levels increase from Vanilla->TBC->Wrath disadvantages Warlocks terribly.

Warlocks have zero defensive mechanics now, Fear has been nerfed so heavily it's barely worth the cast time, Soul Link, while moved to a more accessible position, is now seemingly factored into all Warlock PvP discussions so you simply cannot PvP without it. You need SL just to approach the performance of other classes.

Many of my best friends in-game are fellow Warlocks in my guild, including my former classleader, and although they are sticking with the class and trying to make it work, I get the feeling that even with T7 pieces rolling in they are getting more and more frustrated with it. Every buff to the class seems minute and grudgingly given, this discussion about rotations smacks of the Shaman posts, which raise concerns the player base doesnt even express. As with Shamans, the discussions from the devs seem almost magnetically deflected away from the topics of greatest concern (Fear/Demons/survivability/mobility/stuns) and instead focus on this non-issue of rotation mechanics. I can only assume therefore that at some secluded Class Designer meeting, certain things are agreed upon (no anti-CC for locks, no snare break for Shamans) and thenceforth not discussed in Blue posts.

In PvP, locks are currently boned as much as Shamans; Rogues can whine about Demon Form all they like, but it doesnt really help against any competent opposition, it's a glittery ball for the idiots to gawp at "OMGAWS I IZ ILLADAN!" etc etc. If it broke Stun we'd be talking, until then it's just polished brass on the Titanic.
#18 Dec 04 2008 at 5:49 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Update on Warlock changes
Unfortunately I don't have any new news and I hesitated to post after the posts above that didn't want to see a claim that we're looking into something. (Sorry, man, that's what we do.)

Our goal hasn't changed and the bullets you posted at the top of the thread are still generally valid. We talked about locks just this morning, but I don't have any upcoming announcements yet. I'm sorry I can't always grace every thread with promises of buffs and new abilities, but we try to be careful with the changes we make. The fact that we still manage to break things sometimes suggest that we might not even be careful enough. Fear not, locks. We hear you.

That last sentence is just a terribly poor choice of words...

#19 Dec 08 2008 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
There's a problem with the rotations? Sounds to me more like people are too stupid to figure it out, so Blizz is gonna dumb it down some more. Less separation between players that pay attention and those that don't will just make picking the right people to bring to raids harder.

This should not surprise any of us. They have nerfed rogues ONCE in the past 4 patches, that I recall. Then, they ruin fear and spell criticals for everyone. So, I can only sum-up the over all complaining to be from newbs that whine and moan, because someone can do something they can not. Look at the deathknights: one giant glob of everything, and it has a free power-level; does that not scream whiney newb?
And, now they have this "bring the player not the class" BS. Sorry, but I dont play one class, just to be completely homogenized, or else, what is the point of being anything.

Personally, fewer DOT but stronger ticks sounds nice. But, I have never felt like rotation was a problem. My issue is with stuns and interrupts, which Blizzard has not addressed at all.
We dont need armor; we need to stay clear of stuns and interrupts.

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