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Is Haste the new Crit?Follow

#1 Nov 30 2008 at 10:20 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Hey guys.

I have a similar question to another post here but I thought I would ask anyway.

A lot of the new gear in WotLK has spell damage and haste associated with it.
Haste is virtually on everything now, nothing seems to have crit.

For me to replace some items with new ones that have haste I would lose crit as a lot of what I currently have, armour wise, has a crit factored into it.

Unbuffed I have around 27% crit depending on what I'am wearing, buffed I can get it to over 30% which I assumed was the number we were all looking for.

If I replace my items with crit associated with them those number will drop significantly.

My current Haste number is around 7.0 to 9.0 unbuffed and again depending what I'am wearing.
FFB casts at 2.7sec and Fireball at 2.9sec.

I've purposely not updated when haste replaces crit regardless if other factors like spell damage/stam/int. have been better.

Am I looking at this all wrong now?

Should I be concentrating on Haste build up to cast more but be prepared to lose crit as a result?

I've kept all my higher level Haste items and as a Tailor I can craft some pretty nice Haste gear until I start raiding again shortly and it will be replaced by badged items and drops.

So I'am confused which way to go.
It's to hard atm to balance both Crit and Haste with so much Haste being thrown at you.

Plus I feel my cast times are way to slow for where I'd like them to be but I do crit a lot atm.

I'am pve only and have followed the same talent tree as Anobix so I class myself as an Elemental Mage now leaning more towards fire.

Thanks for any advice given, appreciate it.

Edited, Dec 1st 2008 6:22am by RodStorm

Edited, Dec 1st 2008 6:24am by RodStorm
#2 Dec 01 2008 at 6:01 AM Rating: Excellent
I just checked out your armory, don't forget to put that last point into imp scorch :-)

FFB itself requires a lot of crit to be viable. From the things that I have read at EJ and other places it may not be worth gemming for, but seeing how crits both give us mana back and increase our damage by a hell of a lot (330% crit multiplier, 335% after 4pc T7 I believe). It is very much worth grabbing crit gear and stacking damage, which is what I have been trying to do at the same time increasing my hit rating to try to get closer to hit cap for scorch and living bomb (3% higher for those guys than FFB). Grab haste if it is on a direct upgrade of what you are wearing, but I wouldn't strictly go for haste gear.
#3 Dec 01 2008 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
266 posts
I'm assuming that if I start rading as frost that Haste is more important than crit. I've my frostbolt down to 2.3 secs right now, but I could see getting that to 2.1 with 2 additional items.
#4 Dec 01 2008 at 10:39 AM Rating: Excellent
haste is better for frost as your crits come from proc usage as opposed to direct crit chance (although it doesn't hurt). I would still take whatever haste your gear gives you and gem for straight damage.
#5 Dec 01 2008 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
794 posts
haste for frost is better since FoF does not really have a ppm mechanism (needs some verifying from Anobix as I have yet to hit raiding level for my mage). The more frostbolts you throw the more FoFs you get. More FoFs also mean more free fireballs.

The playstyle is quite opposite to Fire. Its burst is quite controllable (hot streak = great), if your spellhit cap then spellpower and crit will take pirority. Take note that with the current raid buff setup, its quite possible to hit 50% crit rate. FFB mages need to really take note of their threat though.
#6 Dec 01 2008 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Thanks guys, has the hit cap now increased with the expansion or is it still the same?

I class myself as an Elemental Mage now and enjoy the spec a lot but as always want to maximise the full potential of what I have and do.

I'll keep going for damage and crit over haste but I've never really known how to look at it.
More haste means less overall damage per single hit but you cast less damage more often and have a reduced hit time by mobs,not sure it that over rides more damage but slower cast time and possible more interrupts from mobs concentrating moreso on spell damage and crit.

In a raid situation damage and crit for sure over haste and now that I'am almost 80 thats what I'll be focussing on.

Thanks again for the help.
#7 Dec 01 2008 at 9:15 PM Rating: Good
RodStorm wrote:
Thanks guys, has the hit cap now increased with the expansion or is it still the same?

I class myself as an Elemental Mage now and enjoy the spec a lot but as always want to maximise the full potential of what I have and do.

I'll keep going for damage and crit over haste but I've never really known how to look at it.
More haste means less overall damage per single hit but you cast less damage more often and have a reduced hit time by mobs,not sure it that over rides more damage but slower cast time and possible more interrupts from mobs concentrating moreso on spell damage and crit.

In a raid situation damage and crit for sure over haste and now that I'am almost 80 thats what I'll be focussing on.

Thanks again for the help.

the hit cap changes as you level.

it now takes (at 80) 26.235 (I believe) hit for 1% hit instead of 12.6 at 70.

if you want to know what could be better for you and your spec:

EJ mage section

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 12:20am by Anobix
#8 Dec 01 2008 at 9:20 PM Rating: Good
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Anobix the Wise wrote:
I would still take whatever haste your gear gives you and gem for straight damage.

This, though for a frostie who needs a yellow gem, go with an orange haste/dmg. Unless you need the hit.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 12:36am by Poldaran
#9 Dec 02 2008 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Thanks Anobix, I use Rawr as per your advice some time ago but havent looked at it until I hit 80.
So I'll be doing that after this post :)

The old hit cap number was around 164 or 174, I cant remember which.
I'am not good with the percentages but moreso with whole numbers so at 80 what are we looking at now?

Thanks for the help.
#10 Dec 02 2008 at 3:10 AM Rating: Good

More haste means less overall damage per single hit but you cast less damage more often and have a reduced hit time by mobs

I don't quite understand that, because haste doesn't reduce your damage, eh? Same damage, just faster, which = more damage overall. Yell at me if I have misunderstood. :)

I have heard that the new hit cap is about 454 (if you are not assuming any specific raid buffs). I have also heard that it is 8%, which is much lower than 454 (lol much). I think the latter has been proven a myth by now?

Anyway, I'm lookin at the problem of low dps and not using all my mana, so I'll probably try to stack some haste. Lots of crit in my talents, though I wouldn't mind more in my gear. So I think that, yeah, for frosties, haste has become more important than crit, gear-wise. However, that whole ffb/frost thing has got me confused, but that's for another thread. Just working on gear upgrades for now, tho, mostly.
#11 Dec 02 2008 at 4:13 AM Rating: Excellent
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29,527 posts
Trilliandent wrote:

More haste means less overall damage per single hit but you cast less damage more often and have a reduced hit time by mobs

I don't quite understand that, because haste doesn't reduce your damage, eh? Same damage, just faster, which = more damage overall. Yell at me if I have misunderstood. :)

It's a matter of opportunity cost. You hit for less because instead of budgeting your items for straight damage, you've put item budget into faster casting. So no, a point of haste doesn't reduce the damage you do, but it does mean you do less than if you had instead taken a point of damage.

Trilliandent wrote:
I have heard that the new hit cap is about 454 (if you are not assuming any specific raid buffs). I have also heard that it is 8%, which is much lower than 454 (lol much). I think the latter has been proven a myth by now?

Unless something has changed in the last day or so, no, not proven a myth. Just only functional for FFB(meaning you need more than that to be capped for your other useful spells, such as Scorch and Pyroblast). I think it's widely believed to be a bug. Assume 3% gained from the Spriest/Boomkin debuff and 3% from Elemental Precision and you'll be good on all your spells. Add in the 3% extra for the FFB Elemental Precision bug, and you'll see that 8% left. Add in a Draenei, and you'll need only 7%.

Trilliandent wrote:
Anyway, I'm lookin at the problem of low dps and not using all my mana, so I'll probably try to stack some haste. Lots of crit in my talents, though I wouldn't mind more in my gear. So I think that, yeah, for frosties, haste has become more important than crit, gear-wise.

Haste hasn't become more important than Crit for frosties. It always has been more useful, point for point. Now, however, it has become even more powerful considering you'll get a lot of crit from new talents.

Trilliandent wrote:
However, that whole ffb/frost thing has got me confused, but that's for another thread. Just working on gear upgrades for now, tho, mostly.

FFB has a build all its own. Consider it a new version of fire for the most part. It's highly dependant on how often you crit, so, in a way, the opposite of frost.
#12 Dec 02 2008 at 5:06 AM Rating: Default
And what should be the reasonable, minimum crit % in a classic deep frost PvE build (3/3 Winter's Chill, 2/2 FoF etc.) at lvl 80?
#13 Dec 02 2008 at 7:31 AM Rating: Good
I would normally shoot for about 20%+ self-buffed, as a fire mage should be going for around 30%+ at least.
#14 Dec 03 2008 at 2:12 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Hey guys thanks for the replies.
I'am more of a Fire Mage than anything else so around 30% crit is what I aim for.

What I was trying to say is if I stacked haste over crit I would cast more often but with less critical strikes so overall my dps would be lower.
If I'am casting more often it gives mobs less time to interupt me as I'am hitting them more often.

If I stack crit over haste then I'am doing more damage but casting slower and I'am open to more interupts as my cast time is longer.

So thats what I was trying to say :)

The new hit cap is 454????
Thats quite an increase over 10 extra levels.

Thanks again for the feedback.
#15 Dec 04 2008 at 9:19 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Hey guys, no one knows the actual new hit cap number?

Is it really 454?

That seems like a really big hike from 70 levels to 164 and the remaining 10 to 454.

Do I still look at the cap before spell damage and crit?

And do I look at haste as a third option after the other 2?

#16 Dec 04 2008 at 9:20 PM Rating: Good
RodStorm wrote:
Hey guys, no one knows the actual new hit cap number?

Is it really 454?

That seems like a really big hike from 70 levels to 164 and the remaining 10 to 454.

Do I still look at the cap before spell damage and crit?

And do I look at haste as a third option after the other 2?


cap at level 70 was 202, not 164. If you want to be at the 11% raid capped (ignoring the extra bonus that is bugged from frostfire) it is 289.
#17 Dec 05 2008 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
202 at 70?
With the arcane talents I had and what you and Pold said in prior posts at the time I'am sure it was around 160 to 170'ish.
I cant find my original post for the quote but I'am sure thats what it was.
I have asked another person who posts on here and they said with Anobix's talent tree, which I and they have copied, 218 was the number to be looking for.
So now at 80 its 289?
Yes I'am confused.
It looks like Ebonweave gear for the short term to get some spell hit but I'am still not sure what number I'am striving for.
Do I sacrifice crit ans spell damage for the cap?
If it is 289 then something has to give.
Thanks, one confused mage.
#18 Dec 05 2008 at 9:20 AM Rating: Good
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29,527 posts
RodStorm wrote:
With the arcane talents I had and what you and Pold said in prior posts at the time I'am sure it was around 160 to 170'ish.

For fire at 70, it was 202 without talents and 164 with elemental precision.

For frostfire nowadays, it's 454 without talents and 289 with elemental precision.

Hope that clears it up.
#19 Dec 05 2008 at 10:17 AM Rating: Good
Look at my chart in the frostfire bolt thread.


The goal is 17% chance to hit with your main nuke (at least), at this time Frostfire Bolt currently double-dips elemental precision giving only that spell 6% benefit while the rest get 3% (it is unknown if this is intended or a bug that will be hotfixed later).

Our hit increase talents:
Elemental Precision (+3%/6% for FFB)
Imp Fairy Fire/Misery (+3%)

1% hit = 26.232 hit
% Spell Hit Rating (lvl 80)
17%.....445.94387624....hit cap
14%.....367.24789808....Spriest/Boomkin (or Elemental Precision 3%)
11%.....288.55191992....Elemental Precision (6% FFB, or 3% (other spells) +3% with Boomkin/Spriest)
8%*.....209.85594176....Spriest/Boomkin + EP (For frostfire bolt = 9% hit)

This table is what makes us different (currently) than what we used to be. Where similarly to melee classes, we can cap our main spell (or for them their yellow damage) and have other damage not capped yet. This means that assuming FFB is your main nuke after you cap it (depending on group makeup, let's assume your cap is the minimum 8%) which means that every point of hit after that 8% is not quite as important, although they will prevent scorches and living bombs and pyroblasts from missing, they don't qualify as a huge enough % of your dps (about 20% total assuming normal crit%s and such).

Edited, Dec 5th 2008 1:37pm by Anobix
#20 Dec 05 2008 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Thanks guys for the info.

Elemental Precision is what I was thinking of to make the 70 cap 164 so thanks Pold for pointing that one out.
So 289 is what I'am aiming for, at least it gives me a number to aim for now.

And thanks for the table Anobix, ffb isnt the problem its just the other spells I really need the hit points for so I'll start working towards that.
I just have to try and balance everything to make it work :)

Thanks again guys.
#21 Dec 13 2008 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Hey guys.

Confused again, Pold said with elemental precision the cap would be 289.
Annobix said to aim for 17% to be capped.

My current hit is 330, with the food buff its 370, I have elemental precision 3/3 which makes me around 13% on the cap.

So my numbers arent matching up.

It looks like I need 454 but I do have elemental precision, my guild's Mage leader saids 368 is the number to look for.
Well that doesnt give me 17% as I'am already past that and have a lower percentage.

Drag the crayons out guys because I'am not getting it.
#22 Dec 14 2008 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
Do you have a boomkin/spriest in your raid?

If so (and you have elemental precision) you need 289 to be capped (11%) -- ignore 8% now as it will be fixed in the next patch.

The chart that I made should show you everything you need to know about hit.

To get 17% with NO buffs [no elemental precision, no misery/imp fairy fire] you need 454 or whatever.

If you have 3/3 EP, subtract 3% from that (your character sheet needs to show 14% on it) meaning you need 368

If you have an spriest/boomkin and elemental precision (3/3) you need 11% on your character sheet: 289.

Edited, Dec 14th 2008 3:18pm by Anobix
#23 Dec 15 2008 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Thanks mate, 368 is the number most seem to agree on and I'am not to far of it.

I used your table in one of my guild forum posts, all I got back was dont beleive everything you read in forums but I took that with a grain of salt.

Thanks mate for the help :)
#24 Dec 15 2008 at 5:24 AM Rating: Good
I can see the reasoning for 368, (so as to avoid resists if your spriest/druid dies) but in all honesty, if you are at 368 and the spriest/boomkin stays alive almost the entire time you could be gearing for a lot more damage. I guess if you never run with an spriest/boomkin though then I could see why.
#25 Dec 16 2008 at 4:28 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Group composites do change depending on raider status and the raid involved, ie numbers required, but theres usually a druid in there somewhere.
I'am around 350 on the cap without the food buff so almost there near 368.
Once achieved then back to looking at getting the spell damage to over 1600+.
Thanks mate for clearing this up for me :)
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