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Notes to GhostcrawlerFollow

#1 Nov 30 2008 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Some of these things haven't been confirmed yet.

Seal of Command procs don't reset the timer on the Vengeance buff.

Judgement of Light
Does not return the same amount of health as listed in tooltip (less).

Can cast judgements on targets that are dying, blowing mana and global cooldown, but without activating Judgements of the Wise.

Righteous Vengeance
Worst talent ever. How many Warriors would get Deep Wounds if it was in the ninth tier, cost five talent points, only proc'd off of Slam and Mortal Strike and could be dispelled? Increase damage or make it a vulnerability debuff.

Divine Storm
Low damage compared to position in the talent tree and the heals are ridiculous. Actually does less damage than Crusader Strike and heals less than Judgement of Light on single targets.

I've read some posts on the O-boards about people going OOM with a simple Judgement of Light -> Crusader Strike -> Divine Storm -> Judgement of Light rotation. Not very cool. I've skipped Divine Storm completely in my solo rotation. Only use it if I'm fighting multiple mobs.

At the same time, Death Knights are swimming in spells and attacks. Hell, my Death Knight is level 59 and already has:

Reverse charge (pulls the target to you)
Counterspell (melee range)
Pet (can stun)
2x DoT
DD spell

My Paladin still has to run up to stuff to pull them, because the range on Judgement is so short that you'll body-pull before you even get in range. How much would it hurt to give us a ranged attack? Give Judgement a 30 yard range, or make Hammer of Wrath usable at all times, but with a damage reduction.

We have heals to make up for the lack of silence (one might argue that a Blood Death Knight can heal as well - at least himself), but a counterspell would be nice, or something to prevent casters from kiting us.

Wait, this isn't Notepad.

Edited, Nov 30th 2008 5:00pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#2 Nov 30 2008 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Mazra wrote:
My Paladin still has to run up to stuff to pull them, because the range on Judgement is so short that you'll body-pull before you even get in range. How much would it hurt to give us a ranged attack?

GC in the recent Consolidated Paladin Changes thread wrote:
7) Hand of Judgement - All paladins receive a single-target, 30 yard taunt on an 8 sec cooldown. This spell also does minor Holy damage in order to break CC and the like for pulling ease.

Minor Holy damage on your single-target taunt should allow you to ranged pull.
#3 Nov 30 2008 at 11:26 AM Rating: Default
I would love to see Divine Storm buffed. For where it is on the talent tree as you stated it does terrible damage and the heals are pathetic. I am assuming Blizzard has noticed this and will make some changes soon?
#4 Nov 30 2008 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
tabstopper wrote:
Mazra wrote:
My Paladin still has to run up to stuff to pull them, because the range on Judgement is so short that you'll body-pull before you even get in range. How much would it hurt to give us a ranged attack?

GC in the recent Consolidated Paladin Changes thread wrote:
7) Hand of Judgement - All paladins receive a single-target, 30 yard taunt on an 8 sec cooldown. This spell also does minor Holy damage in order to break CC and the like for pulling ease.

Minor Holy damage on your single-target taunt should allow you to ranged pull.

I blame timezones for this awkward display of way behind by me.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#5 Nov 30 2008 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
1,004 posts
I am assuming Blizzard has noticed this and will make some changes soon?

I'm extremely sorry that I have to single you out for this comment. I don't know anything about you and don't want to sound offensive, but for dramatic effect...

How long have you been around? Paladins in general were largely ignored through Vanilla WoW. Which was alright.. Holy Paladins were actually quite strong and DPS and Tanking were really just pipedreams at the time anyway. With TBC, Protection became extremely viable. Blizzard began listening to Paladin tanks and over the course of the expansion's life-time the Protection tree got buffed to on par with other tanks. The Holy tree was buffed to make Paladins very strong healers. They had a special role in groups that almost belonged exclusively to them.

This whole time... Ret was ignored. The Ret community has always been the most vocal aspect of the Paladin community. Through the entire history of WoW, especially TBC, Ret players seemed to make it a point to be LOUD and get their message heared. When it got unignorable, Blizzard would throw Ret players a little bone. Some threat reduction here, Seal of Blood there. But in the end, none of it really addressed the problem, it just shut people up until the novelty of their new toys wore off and they realized that they were still getting the shaft and being ignored about it.

Along comes Wrath. Rets *think* that their voices are finally being heared because early reports from the beta show an OP Ret tree. In reality, this all comes from a sweeping rebalancing of ALL classes and retooling for Northrend. Not only that, it also comes from the sweeping change across the board to normalized stats. Over the course of the beta, Ret was balanced and given the new abilities that are required when an expansion hits. And it brings us to today. Nothing has changed. Rets have some fancy new toys and their stats play much nicer together now than they used to. In theory, they have all the core abilities that make them as viable as any other DPS class. Not a result of the cries of the Ret community for change mind you, but rather the sweeping class balancing that EVERY class underwent.

For some people, some of that shine is starting to wear off. The nifty new Divine Storm is starting to look a little tarnished. Ret CC isn't all that was desired for raid use, and Ret damage output at 80 -- while buffed in general, does not stand on par with the other utility DPS classes. Of course it will be lower than pure DPS classes, but it should compete with utility classes. Some tanks, given favorable conditions, can generate more DPS than equally well played Rets. A testament to Ret's state, and the over-emphasis on tank power at the same time.

And after reading that whole post... this is the most important part. The Ret community is getting loud again, and what does Blizzard do? Ask for feedback on how to make Hunters and Warlocks OP again. The voice of the Ret community continues to go unheard. So yes -- I'm sure Blizzard has NOTICED, but don't count on them having devoted too many resources to fixing anything yet.
#6 Nov 30 2008 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Mazra wrote:
Righteous Vengeance
Worst talent ever. How many Warriors would get Deep Wounds if it was in the ninth tier, cost five talent points, only proc'd off of Slam and Mortal Strike and could be dispelled? Increase damage or make it a vulnerability debuff.

It's not as bad as you think. The DoT stacks with further crits and it's now 40% of crit damage, so it's an overall DPS boost compared to the previous version. Admittedly, it being a Magic effect sucks balls for PvP. If I was going to buff it (not that I think it desperately needs buffing) I'd either make it undispellable or make it apply on all attacks instead of the short list it has now.

I've read some posts on the O-boards about people going OOM with a simple Judgement of Light -> Crusader Strike -> Divine Storm -> Judgement of Light rotation. Not very cool. I've skipped Divine Storm completely in my solo rotation. Only use it if I'm fighting multiple mobs.

This is true, and I expect a JotW buff would fix it. Not to its previous 33%, but maybe 20% or 25%, some more reasonable number. The current numbers just don't sustain a rotation, especially after you change out your 70 Ret gear with its minimal mana boosts for 80 Ret gear which is basically just warrior gear - your mana pool actually goes down.. The best way to cope with mana problems as it is is to judge Wisdom instead of Light, make regular use of Divine Plea, stop using Consecrate and self-heals and to skip out Divine Storm every other rotation. That keeps you going.

My Paladin still has to run up to stuff to pull them, because the range on Judgement is so short that you'll body-pull before you even get in range. How much would it hurt to give us a ranged attack? Give Judgement a 30 yard range, or make Hammer of Wrath usable at all times, but with a damage reduction.

Those two suggestions are kinda ridiculous. For one, changing HoW would suck. I love HoW as it is. It's a ranged Execute that deals more damage than Execute does. And that new taunt we're getting has a long range and deals a little damage, so it's there for our solo pulling needs.
#7 Nov 30 2008 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
1,609 posts
I have to disagree with Losie regarding PvE dps. I've found that, even just wearing a handful of heroic blue upgrades, i can easily compete or exceed the damage of a more traditional dps class. I know for a fact that a properly played and specced ret paladin does more dps than a either a combat or mut specced rogue. Of course rogues famously scale frighteningly well with gear upgrades but from venturing into a few heroics and raids upon just hitting 80, ret dps is very competitive.

I'd say the players that really do surprisingly high dps are hunters (don't know enough about hunters to comment on the why of it really) and Prot warriors/paladins. Tanks are invariably high on damage charts.
#8 Nov 30 2008 at 8:17 PM Rating: Good
713 posts
The class in general has come pretty far since Vanilla Wow where paladins were known as cleanse/healbots. You now have the spells/abilities to play a Paladin well as a tank, healer or damage dealer.

I dont know how the other Rets feel right now but I'm content to be running about without the concrete boots strapped on.

Edited, Dec 1st 2008 4:26am by arthoriuss
#9 Dec 01 2008 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
You know im not really aware of any huge problems with ret spec so far just switched from prot to ret not long ago and im still wearing some of my tanking gear and im pushing out numbers i never even dreamed of before.

As far as mana goes i havent had a problem so far at all just keep judging though until 71 you will have slight mana issues but you butcher things so quickly that it should more then make up for the time lost drinking every now and then.

In pvp i still wouldn't want to face a ret pally over a deathknight at least with them i dont die instantly (usually).

Edited, Dec 1st 2008 10:16am by Aldredge
#10 Dec 01 2008 at 9:28 AM Rating: Good
370 posts
Mazra wrote:

I've read some posts on the O-boards about people going OOM with a simple Judgement of Light -> Crusader Strike -> Divine Storm -> Judgement of Light rotation. Not very cool. I've skipped Divine Storm completely in my solo rotation. Only use it if I'm fighting multiple mobs.

Do these people know about Divine Plea? There is space in that standard rotation. It can be used to fire off instant FoL's, and once a minute, instant DP. There is no way you will go OOM if you are using divine plea as intended.
#11 Dec 01 2008 at 9:29 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
zepoodle wrote:
This is true, and I expect a JotW buff would fix it. Not to its previous 33%, but maybe 20% or 25%, some more reasonable number. The current numbers just don't sustain a rotation, especially after you change out your 70 Ret gear with its minimal mana boosts for 80 Ret gear which is basically just warrior gear - your mana pool actually goes down.. The best way to cope with mana problems as it is is to judge Wisdom instead of Light, make regular use of Divine Plea, stop using Consecrate and self-heals and to skip out Divine Storm every other rotation. That keeps you going.

And here is my problem with the whole... "Ret thing". I don't understand why the bolded part there is not common sense. You should not be able to spam every ability in your ******* all the time and expect to never go OOM. That's not a problem. That's natural. It's the curse job of every class that functions on the mana mechanic to balance output with duration.

Now, back to Mazra's original post...

Mazra wrote:
I've read some posts on the O-boards about people going OOM with a simple Judgement of Light -> Crusader Strike -> Divine Storm -> Judgement of Light rotation.

For starters, I would say replace JoL with JoW in that rotation and then let's see where you stand. Me personally? I've never seen a Ret Pally come even remotely close to going OOM when maintaining a Judgement > CS > DS > Judgement rotation whether they're using Wisdom or not, but I haven't yet partaken in 10-minute raid boss battles, so I'm willing to believe the possibility exists.

However, based on the Ret community's reactions to all the recent changes (in particular to Righteous Vengeance, which you highlighted nicely, Mazra), I would, in fact, need to actually see Ret Pallies being so "crippled" by their mana management before I'd be willing to buy it.
#12 Dec 01 2008 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
Gaudion, obviously you haven't done 2k dps while spamming consecration and exorcism with your dmg rotation. obviously i cant use JoW cuz i will die w/o JoL to cancel out my SoB dmg. Divine Fleas? i aint got not time for that...i need to Holy Wrath. plus i need my mana to spam myself with FoL when i pull aggro.

dont get me started on PvP. just yesterday i had to sit and drink cuz i ran out of mana farming GY kills.

#13 Dec 01 2008 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Gaudion wrote:
And here is my problem with the whole... "Ret thing". I don't understand why the bolded part there is not common sense. You should not be able to spam every ability in your ******* all the time and expect to never go OOM. That's not a problem. That's natural. It's the curse job of every class that functions on the mana mechanic to balance output with duration..

That's great advice, but the problem is that we're running out of mana with a standard rotation. That's just using judgements, DS, and CS. It's very bare, and we're still running low using it. It doesn't happen in the first minute of a fight but it definitely happens in the third and fourth. The early bosses in Naxx which I've seen have been mostly quick fights, but there are guaranteed to be longer ones, and it's kinda odd that retadins are being cherry-picked out of all the melee DPS classes and told that they have to hobble their DPS or run dry halfway through and become totally useless. Other mana-based classes can afford to build a large mana pool; their class is designed that way. Paladins can't do that.
#14 Dec 01 2008 at 9:07 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
I haven't seen this oom thing being such a big deal with a standard rotation, yet. I've been leveling Ret, and I very rarely have to sit to drink. When I do it's usually because I got a pretty large pull and needed to Consecrate then Holy Light afterwards. Hardly grounds for saying we go oom too easily. With a normal rotation though, using Light even instead of Wisdom, I can go on and on and not need to drink. Also I generally use Command or Vengeance while soloing to reduce the need for heals.

In instances the need to drink is even less. I use Martyr in instances, and so the healer topping me off is enough to help keep my mana pool up, even if I am Consecrating now and then.

Now I have to agree with Gaudion's comment that in a longer raid boss fight the potential is there for having mana issues, but I can't say for myself: I can only say as to what I've experienced. And for what I've seen, the "mana issue" isn't as big in a solo/5 man scenerio is people claim.
#15 Dec 01 2008 at 10:14 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
I never run out of mana soloing and only very rarely in 5mans. The mana concern is coming solely from the raid area.
#16 Dec 02 2008 at 8:39 AM Rating: Excellent
370 posts
tommyguns wrote:
Gaudion, obviously you haven't done 2k dps while spamming consecration and exorcism with your dmg rotation. obviously i cant use JoW cuz i will die w/o JoL to cancel out my SoB dmg. Divine Fleas? i aint got not time for that...i need to Holy Wrath. plus i need my mana to spam myself with FoL when i pull aggro.

But thats the point cannot expect to go all out on damage only talents every time you have a cooldown up and not go oom. You should go oom running like that. If you crash on minute 2 of a raid boss fight because you were trying to take dps to the limit, you phail. that's not actually your sustained dps max.

What about runic mana pots? also, in a raid, every boss is certainly going to have JoL and JoW down if the pallys are coordinating. If you're not in agreement as to who throws what judgment, you phail. Running out of mana still? well guess you better make time to throw divine pleas, make sure you're by a mana regen totem, and/or convince a druid to throw rejuvenation on you.

Its utterly crazy to demand that you should be able to indefinitely span your highest casting cost attacks and never run out of mana. Warriors/rogues have a max amount of rage/energy usage per second. While the old rate of ret oom was too fast, to demand never going oom is too much.

In summary: There's no problem I can see with ret mana usage at 80. Learn to use all your skills in a rotation, or accept that you'll burn brightly for two minutes then stand there like a doofus.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 11:44am by Tsarducci
#17 Dec 02 2008 at 8:49 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
And here is my problem with the whole... "Ret thing". I don't understand why the bolded part there is not common sense. You should not be able to spam every ability in your ******* all the time and expect to never go OOM.

Why not? What other melee class runs out of mana?

Warriors, rogues, and DKs don't even have mana. Druids don't either, as long as they stay in Bear/Cat. Don't know much about shamans, but I doubt they ever run out unless they're wasting time on casting lightning bolts.

I run out of mana using the three core ret abilities. No heals, no consecrates, maybe a stun every once in a while.

Why do I have to drink when the other five melee classes don't?

Edit: But at the same time, any change to Ret mana control would be a problem to holy. As ret, doing DPS, I run out of mana. As ret, in holy gear and healing, I rarely drop below 80%. Judge, gain mana. SoW, run up into the AoE and Divine Storm, and I gain mana. Either of those crit and I get an instant heal to make up for the GCD I used. The heal crits and heals 60% more, so I use less mana. Its very rare that I'd prefer to be Holy to heal something.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 11:55am by Ehcks
#18 Dec 02 2008 at 9:57 AM Rating: Good
370 posts
And why should ret be the only mana using dps that never goes oom?

Ehcks, tommy's everything at once for four minutes in a raid problem is one thing. But there's no way you can go oom in any reasonable solo/5 man situation using the rotation you're describing. Seriously, throw wis and use divine plea. You've got plenty of space in that rotation. Glyph flash of light and throw that when the instant comes up; the HOT FOL version takes care of my SoM damage no problem. Hell I even (shocker) switch between JoL and JoW depending on what I need at that moment. Christ, thinking about what spells to cast? Makes your head spin.

And how do you have enough time to go OOM during a five man or solo fight? Or are you really claiming that you, as a mana using class, should never have to drink? Even when all the other mana users in your group have to stop to drink every fiveish fights? YOU USE FREAKING MANA. It makes just as much sense to compare ret to the ranged mana users as it does the melee non mana users.
#19 Dec 02 2008 at 3:22 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Actually, Shaman do use a lot more mana now then they used to (Enhancement Shaman being the focus here). The difference between them and Ret Paladins though is Shamanistic Rage. They can go oom and then pop SR and go right back up to full mana, even while continuing to cast their full rotation. At least this has been my experience. Ret Paladins have Divine Plea, which is better than nothing at all, but certainly isn't a nigh guaranteed full second mana bar.
#20 Dec 02 2008 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Tsarducci wrote:
And why should ret be the only mana using dps that never goes oom?

Ehcks, tommy's everything at once for four minutes in a raid problem is one thing. But there's no way you can go oom in any reasonable solo/5 man situation using the rotation you're describing. Seriously, throw wis and use divine plea. You've got plenty of space in that rotation. Glyph flash of light and throw that when the instant comes up; the HOT FOL version takes care of my SoM damage no problem. Hell I even (shocker) switch between JoL and JoW depending on what I need at that moment. Christ, thinking about what spells to cast? Makes your head spin.

And how do you have enough time to go OOM during a five man or solo fight? Or are you really claiming that you, as a mana using class, should never have to drink? Even when all the other mana users in your group have to stop to drink every fiveish fights? YOU USE FREAKING MANA. It makes just as much sense to compare ret to the ranged mana users as it does the melee non mana users.

The problem is not apparent when soloing, where fights last fifteen seconds. The problem is not apparent in 5-mans, where fights last a minute or two. The problem is in raids where certain fights can push the five minute barrier, and it's pointless that ret runs dry.

Here's the thing. We do a lot of good DPS normally. We do pretty insane DPS if we push it, using consecrate, exorcism, hammer of wrath, so on. Because people were doing this insane DPS and coping because of the 33% return on JotW, Blizzard nerfed JotW to the point where we can still do good DPS normally, but now we run out. We are an unsustainable resource. Rogues can keep going and going and going like a perpetual motion machine. So now our DPS is competitive over a two-minute fight. Over a four-minute fight, we run out near the end. The only way to not run out is to do less DPS than the other classes. We're in a bind here. We can't use our raid utility mechanics without running out of mana. We can't deal damage without running out of mana. We do not have a ******** of mana to begin with.

BoSanc is pretty insane mana return, and for a good reason. Tankadins can't do jack without mana. No tankadin will admit that he has a mana bar. He has a blue rage bar that is always full. He would have to try really, really hard to run out of mana while tanking. This is because the alternative is to nerf his mana return, which makes him a two-minute tank. Blizzard can't do that with tanks, but they've gone ahead and done it with ret. If they thought our frontloaded damage was too high, they should have nerfed our frontloaded damage, not our mana bar. All that does is make us sprint racers in a marathon.
#21 Dec 03 2008 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,594 posts
The problem is not apparent when soloing, where fights last fifteen seconds. The problem is not apparent in 5-mans, where fights last a minute or two.

*tap tap*

Soloing, it's Judge Light, Crusader Strike, Divine Storm, dead mob. Repeat for 2 minutes. OOM.

In a 5-man, it's still Judge Light, Crusader Strike, Divine Storm. It just takes two or three rotations per pull. Every two pulls I'm below 30%.

That is ALL I DO and still. I'm only slightly better off when I'm able to justify judging Wisdom, which did not happen yesterday.

Or are you really claiming that you, as a mana using class, should never have to drink?

I'm claiming that as a MELEE class, I should not have to drink. I end fights with more mana as Prot. I usually end fights with more mana as full Holy. I end fights with 95% mana as ret in my healing gear. I drink every two pulls actually trying to DPS with just Judge/CS/DS.

Edited, Dec 3rd 2008 11:50am by Ehcks
#22 Dec 03 2008 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
What about Crusader Strike secondary effect?
#23 Dec 03 2008 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
I'm level 78, and still wearing my arena gear from 70. I must admit, I'm pretty scared to see what happens at 80 when I trade it all in for gear that doesn't add any Int.

I've been considering swapping my belt,bracers,and boots for Hunter or enhance shammy gear at 80.

It still has attack power, it's mail so it does have less armor value, it has agility which isn't optimal but still provides minimal crit+, and most importantly has intelligence on it.
#24 Dec 03 2008 at 11:27 AM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
Zepoodle wrote:
I never run out of mana soloing and only very rarely in 5mans. The mana concern is coming solely from the raid area.

Ehcks wrote:
*tap tap*

Soloing, it's Judge Light, Crusader Strike, Divine Storm, dead mob. Repeat for 2 minutes. OOM.

Very very different takes ...

Let's make a few assumptions and you tell me which one is wrong.
(1) Start at 90% mana (for ease of calculation)
(2) Glyphed Crusader Strike
(3) One mob per 10 seconds (syncs timer with DS and CS for your 1-2-3 combo)
(4) Benediction talent (I'm assuming this only affects Judgment, not CS or DS)
(5) Judgments of the Wise talent
(6) Judging Light
(7) Max mana = Base mana
Time		Spell			Minus	Plus	Net 
0 s		Judgment of Light	-4.5%	+15%	+10% 
1.5 s		Crusader Strike		-6.4%		+3.6% 
3.0 s		Divine Storm		-12%		-8.4% 
9.99s		Replenishment (sum)	+2.5%		-5.9% 
10s		Restart

You can perform this rotation 6 times per minute (again, we're doing a grinding scenario here, I know that in an instance your rotation changes up based on CDs).

That's a net mana loss of 5.9 * 6 = 35.4% of your base mana.

At that point, Divine Plea is up and you gain 25% of your base (assuming you're not wearing any +INT) mana back. You're now at -10.4% mana per minute.

I'd estimate you'd bottom out in 7-8 minutes give or take. You could stretch it longer if you were willing to judge Wisdom, and longer still if you had a healer will to throw a few HoTs your way in an instance (actually, judging Light will reduce your +mana from SA).

There are two possible ways that you're bottoming out as fast as you say: (1) you're not using Divine Plea on CD or (2) you're using other spells (Stuns, Heals, etc). Guess I'm falling into a "Blame the player, not the class," mode in this case.

Every class has downtime. Every class has resource management. If you want to live like a Rogue or Warrior, stock up on Bandages and Judge Wisdom when soloing.
#25 Dec 03 2008 at 4:10 PM Rating: Good
970 posts
Blessing of Wisdom - unimproved by talents - restores 492 mana per minute.
Base mana at 80 is 4394 (per wowwiki).
Assuming tabstopper's numbers are correct, and I don't see an obvious flaw - that's a perpetual motion machine.

From experience questing as ret with wisdom up, I leak a little mana when I throw in heals, exorcism, stuns, and the like, and a tiny bit when I don't get the rotation quite right, but I basically don't have downtime in the wild.
#26 Dec 04 2008 at 2:59 AM Rating: Good
387 posts
Tabstopper wrote:

Every class has downtime. Every class has resource management. If you want to live like a Rogue or Warrior, stock up on Bandages and Judge Wisdom when soloing.


If you say you use Light you can NOT compare yourself to melee classes. So use wisdom and plea and be fine.

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