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#27 Dec 02 2008 at 4:53 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I'm not sure about the rest of you guys think.

I recently installed RuneWatch for my DK, I'm not sure if you can move it, too be honest I haven't been bothered enough to, transparent enough to see characters so its fine.

It shows your 6 rune's at the bottom in their colours, each rune displays time to refresh when used. Also displays your runic power as a number in the centre of its UI, or alternatively you can see from the rune's a bar behind them will fill with colour. Above the rest of that the addon shows you which disease's are active on your target and the time remaining before they fade.

Found I've really liked this addon, and as for the origional post, I'm always inspecting people, I use another addon called inventory on par. It's very useful for comparing, stores the data collected on people so you can always check back through its database. Cowtips is another good addon, but you need to make sure you put libdogtag-3.0 in its libraries, it shows most info, name, level, guild, faction, HP, MP and also talent point distro as "?/?/?" telling you also where they've put their most points i.e. frost/blood/unholy.

Hope some of you guys find some of these helpful
#28 Dec 02 2008 at 5:12 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
Krago the Mighty wrote:
Anyone telling me how to play my character can kiss my ***, and I'll tell them so should they try. I play for pure fun, and if amuses me, or fulfils a whim of mine, I'll do it. I don't need some well-meaning nerd getting their "Excel Spreadsheet of Death Knight Uberness" out and pointing out the error of my ways. I'll use what spec I like, and I'll dual-wield or use a 2-hander as I see fit. That comes across as a lot more abrasive than I intend, but honestly, if I ever find I need advice on how to make my character identical to everyone else's in the game, that's when I quit.

Sure, but we're not talking about telling you what to do .. we're talking about politely offering some advice, and how receptive you are when to receive it. I agree with you that there should be no reason for you not to Dual Wield if you want to. You should HAVE to go with a cookie cutter build, you shouldn't HAVE to ensure the correct balance of stats on your gear. It really is your choice, as long as you realise that if/when you try and get a place in a raiding guild, and they turn you down because you're sub-optimal, you know why. If you're happy with that, then great ... I am, that's why I don't raid - cos I don't generally like running optimal raiding builds.

There is absolutely no reason for hostility if somebody tries to point out something glaringly obvious with your makeup. The simplest answer is "Thanks for your efforts, but I'm quite comfortable as I am, and I'm having fun". If you still get "harassed" by said player, put him on your ignore list - problem solved. Unfortunately though, WoW is full of people (like you, it seems) who are determined to hurl as much hostility around at others simply because there really is no recourse (you are, after all, pretty anonymous wrt other players). It's not necessary, and if you don't like the interaction with other players (cos that's what it is), then perhaps you shouldn't be playing an MMO.
#29REDACTED, Posted: Dec 02 2008 at 5:35 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) It's the interfering busybody aspect I really can't stand. If I want someone's opinion, I'll politely ask for it. Until then, they can simply shut it and mind their own business.
#30 Dec 02 2008 at 5:40 AM Rating: Good
947 posts
Anyone telling me how to play my character can kiss my ***, and I'll tell them so should they try. I play for pure fun, and if amuses me, or fulfils a whim of mine, I'll do it. I don't need some well-meaning nerd getting their "Excel Spreadsheet of Death Knight Uberness" out and pointing out the error of my ways. I'll use what spec I like, and I'll dual-wield or use a 2-hander as I see fit.

Er... ok.

I have no idea what provoked that kind of reaction, I was pretty sure the discussion was quite light-hearted. The fact remains that DW DKs at low gear levels are significantly (like 20-30%) less effective than 2H DKs. Now I actually DW and 2H on my DK whenever I feel like it, I find the DW system actually more relaxing because a large proportion of my DPS is white damage; I dont have to spam commands as much to kill a mob.

Now at very high (like NX25) gear levels you may expect to see DW catch up a bit, but until then 2H will remain the best choice for the best numbers.

Nobody is telling you how to play your class; they are simply outlining the mathematically inescapable consequences of the choices you might make.


hat comes across as a lot more abrasive than I intend

This is why we 'proofread'. If something comes out more abrasive than you intend at a family dinner then you apologise, the wonder of the internet is that we can go back and delete the abrasive sections and replace them with something a little less GNERDragey.
#31REDACTED, Posted: Dec 02 2008 at 5:45 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I like interaction, and thrusting your opinion on someone is NOT interaction. I don't like irritating busybodies sticking their nose into something that should be of no concern to them.
#32REDACTED, Posted: Dec 02 2008 at 5:47 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If I'd felt like it, I would have done. There's a lot worse dished out on here than I just did, and other people handle it quite well.
#33 Dec 02 2008 at 6:27 AM Rating: Excellent
947 posts
If I'd felt like it, I would have done.

Yes, I'm noticing a repetetive theme of "I do what I wanna do so f*** you" in your posts. Believe me, it's striking fear and awe into everyone's hearts with every post.

There's a lot worse dished out on here than I just did

Other people's stupidity doesnt excuse yours...

and other people handle it quite well.

...and neither does their grace and tolerance.

I don't want unasked for advice. Why should someone feel free to butt in and waste my time because they think - god forbid - that I am doing something they think is wrong?

Have I missed something or are you really referring to this thread? Are you talking about some occurence in game that I havent properly understood? People giving you advice in game is a courtesy that polite individuals sometimes extend one another, and polite advice ought to be answered politely. That's basic human etiquette and dignity, it has nothing to do with WoW or Death Knights or anything else. If you can't stick to the fundamental rules of civilised society and instead reserve the right to sound off at whoever tries to help you out, frankly you should just get a chat mod to block all your incoming whispers; you have no place in any group of people if you think you're justified in being an *** just because you're annoyed.

If you're talking about this thread A discussion forum is always for advice, you ask for it by logging in and reading the post.
#34 Dec 02 2008 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
Sinstralis wrote:
If I'd felt like it, I would have done.

Yes, I'm noticing a repetetive theme of "I do what I wanna do so f*** you" in your posts. Believe me, it's striking fear and awe into everyone's hearts with every post.

He's adorable, isn't he?
#35 Dec 02 2008 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Krago aggro.

He's giving the perfect example of an emo non sequitur type of debate. Pure dribble. His opinion will be discarded as such.
#36 Dec 02 2008 at 10:25 AM Rating: Good
1,875 posts
Anyone telling me how to play my character can kiss my ***, and I'll tell them so should they try. I play for pure fun, and if amuses me, or fulfils a whim of mine, I'll do it. I don't need some well-meaning nerd getting their "Excel Spreadsheet of Death Knight Uberness" out and pointing out the error of my ways. I'll use what spec I like, and I'll dual-wield or use a 2-hander as I see fit. That comes across as a lot more abrasive than I intend, but honestly, if I ever find I need advice on how to make my character identical to everyone else's in the game, that's when I quit.

man, i love this hehe

but why, if you play purely for fun, do you not only post on a forum about said game... but defend your opinion so fiercely? if you really didnt care, you wouldnt post

:D just sayin champ

and yea, playin for fun is fun... most people grabbing wrong gear or spending a few talents wrong dont hate the advice as much as you do

and changing say, points from toughness to killing machine as a dps frost doesnt change the playstyle a damn bit, but makes you a better player for grouping

your welcome to not wanna hear advice.... but so hostile for that... geeez

ruin everyone elses fun why dont cha? ^_-

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 1:26pm by mongoosexcore
#37 Dec 02 2008 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I can see his point, really. That's the main reason I've decide just to not bother with raiding on my rogue anymore. I honestly couldn't care less if combat swords does more damage than a daggers spec in a raid, I just hate swords and therefore I will not use them.

That's not to say I'll refuse all forms of advice, though. I play the way I like it, but when there's other people in play I'll make sure I'm 'viable'. If this means speccing a spec I hate, the result is that I won't be playing with those other people. Hence my rogue for PvP (my own PvP build happens to be pretty viable) and my priest for PvE (Since whatever way you spec your priest, as long as you're not shadow you're generally a viable healer).
#38 Dec 02 2008 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
Krago the Mighty wrote:
robertlofthouse wrote:
Sure, but we're not talking about telling you what to do .. we're talking about politely offering some advice, and how receptive you are when to receive it.

I don't want unasked for advice. Why should someone feel free to butt in and waste my time because they think - god forbid - that I am doing something they think is wrong? It's as annoying to me as goldspammers and beggars. Quirky, but there you go.

robertlofthouse wrote:
It really is your choice, as long as you realise that if/when you try and get a place in a raiding guild, and they turn you down because you're sub-optimal, you know why. If you're happy with that, then great ... I am, that's why I don't raid - cos I don't generally like running optimal raiding builds.

Heh, gods forbid I ever go raiding. It turns the game into more like a job than a couple of hours of fun.

robertlofthouse wrote:
There is absolutely no reason for hostility if somebody tries to point out something glaringly obvious with your makeup.... (snip)'s not necessary, and if you don't like the interaction with other players (cos that's what it is), then perhaps you shouldn't be playing an MMO.

I like interaction, and thrusting your opinion on someone is NOT interaction. I don't like irritating busybodies sticking their nose into something that should be of no concern to them.

Ooookay (I guess) ... again, nobody's talking about "Thrusting their opinion", we're talking about trying to be helpful and create a community of nice people. If you're not keen to be part of a pleasant, helpful community, then I guess that's your choice. The same as it being your choice to politely refuse the offered advice ... it doesn't take much you know.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 8:27pm by robertlofthouse
#39 Dec 02 2008 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
500 posts
Mozared wrote:
I can see his point, really. That's the main reason I've decide just to not bother with raiding on my rogue anymore. I honestly couldn't care less if combat swords does more damage than a daggers spec in a raid, I just hate swords and therefore I will not use them.

That's not to say I'll refuse all forms of advice, though. I play the way I like it, but when there's other people in play I'll make sure I'm 'viable'. If this means speccing a spec I hate, the result is that I won't be playing with those other people. Hence my rogue for PvP (my own PvP build happens to be pretty viable) and my priest for PvE (Since whatever way you spec your priest, as long as you're not shadow you're generally a viable healer).

His point is moot in the context of this thread. He took a simple, lighthearted thread and went all emo.

This is not to say that what you said is not valid. Thanks for not going all loco on us. :P

#40 Dec 02 2008 at 11:39 AM Rating: Excellent
608 posts
Mozared wrote:
I can see his point, really. That's the main reason I've decide just to not bother with raiding on my rogue anymore. I honestly couldn't care less if combat swords does more damage than a daggers spec in a raid, I just hate swords and therefore I will not use them.

The thing is Moz, there's a difference between the forums know-alls who attempt to dictate to you how that +16 AP gem should be a +8 Agi gem, and if you don't change it you'll suck the scum off the bottom of a lake before you'll ever be accepted, and someone in-game attempting to be helpful (not dictatorial - cos that sucks as bad as the forum jerks).

If I approached you and said "Sorry Mate, mind if I make a suggestion, you would do more damage as combat swords" ... would your response be 1) "F*ck off and die, you elitist pr*ck", or 2) "Thanks, but I like my daggers". Ofc, how I respond back to you will determine whether or not I'm a jerk which you need to justifiably insult and /ignore, or a decent guy who'll let you play your own way and leave you alone.
#41 Dec 02 2008 at 12:00 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Krago the Mighty wrote:
robertlofthouse wrote:
It really is your choice, as long as you realise that if/when you try and get a place in a raiding guild, and they turn you down because you're sub-optimal, you know why. If you're happy with that, then great ... I am, that's why I don't raid - cos I don't generally like running optimal raiding builds.

Heh, gods forbid I ever go raiding. It turns the game into more like a job than a couple of hours of fun.

Yeah, golly gee raiding is terrible and not fun at all, which is why so many people try to do it.

It's not like raiding is easy when you know what you're doing and specced properly and not like a job at all.

You speak like a typical non-raider who's barely set foot in Karazhan.

Congrats, you're not only a moron, but you have no idea what you're talking about.
#42 Dec 02 2008 at 12:19 PM Rating: Excellent
People like Krago are why, 90% of the time, I think of advice I could give to help someone and then let it pass by. It's also why I usually get shouted at afterwards when someone dies in front of me.

In-game scenario A:

Player A runs past. I buff player A. Player A thanks me, and later I am in a zone skinning. I see player A getting a whupping, and heal him, taking one of the already-tagged mobs off him so he can survive the fight. Not only has he gotten a buff, but being polite saved him from having to run back to his corpse.

Player B runs past. I buff player B. Player B says nothing, and runs past me, trying to aggro as many mobs as possible so that he can outclaim me. Player B then has too many adds and his health is dropping fast. I watch as player B dies to the mobs. I then get a whisper saying "WTF why didn't you heal me noob?" Player B goes on /ignore for his overwhelming stupidity & hostility. I tag the mobs he tried to claim, since they're now untagged again. He got a free buff, but because he was a jerk, he lost the buff and the mobs he tried to pull.

In-game scenario B:
Player A is killing mobs, and I notice that he's not skinning his kills. I politely ask if I can skin his kills.
He invites me to skin anything he's killed since he's not a skinner. I inspect him and realise I can make an upgrade with the leather. I make a chestpiece and give it to him for free, earning a skillup at the same time. Both of us benefit.

Player B is killing mobs, and I notice that he's not skinning his kills. I politely ask if I can skin his kills. He does not reply, but I notice that most of the skinnable mobs he now kills seem to have something left on them intentionally, as I cannot skin them when I mouse-hover over them. Since I don't get any leather I don't get a skillup, and since he was an asshat he doesn't get a free upgrade. Neither benefit.

In-game scenario C:

Player A is wearing outdated gear of the Whale. I notice that he is a rogue. I politely ask if I can give him some gear advice. He says okay, so I advise him that gear of the monkey or gear with agility and stamina are good choices for rogues. I also suggest that once he hits Outland he can start looking for gear of the Bandit. He thanks me and moves on. some time later, I meet up with him again. I see that he's well-geared, and he's in a good guild. He remembers me, and I get invited to his PuG.

Player B is wearing outdated gear of the Whale. I notice that he is a rogue. I politely ask if I can give him some gear advice. He says it's none of my business, and moves on. I do not advise him, and he is later on Trade channel whining about the fact that nobody wants to group with him or put him in a guild even though he's a 'super-leet rouge'. I smile in "holier than thou" satisfaction.

With all of the above examples, I have encountered either player A or player B- not always both, and not always on the same day/week/whatever. In scenario A, I have encountered both situations. Each scenario describes how I handled each personality. Let me give you a third scenario, in real life.

Real-life scenario A:

I'm at a crowded company party filled with attorneys and bigwigs rubbing elbows and networking. I'm standing around talking to a colleague when I see a man coming out of the bathroom. He doesn't realise it, but he has toilet paper coming out of the back of his trousers (presumably it got tucked in when he pulled them up). I tap him on the shoulder and as he turns around he says, "Do I know you?" with an insufferable look of hostility on his face. "Oh no", I reply, letting him walk off. "I thought you were someone else."

The next day, the conversation around the water cooler was mostly about the sad loser who was walking around with toilet paper coming out of his ***. Smiley: schooled

Edited for layout, spelling and markup.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 4:21pm by Wondroustremor
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#43 Dec 02 2008 at 2:27 PM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
Krago the Mighty wrote:
Anyone telling me how to play my character can kiss my ***, and I'll tell them so should they try. I play for pure fun, and if amuses me, or fulfils a whim of mine, I'll do it. I don't need some well-meaning nerd getting their "Excel Spreadsheet of Death Knight Uberness" out and pointing out the error of my ways. I'll use what spec I like, and I'll dual-wield or use a 2-hander as I see fit. That comes across as a lot more abrasive than I intend, but honestly, if I ever find I need advice on how to make my character identical to everyone else's in the game, that's when I quit.

That's nice and all but really you're looking at it wrong. The majority of players suck. Guess what happens when you suck too. That's right you fall into the majority. Welcome to the average. SPLOING!
#44 Dec 02 2008 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
His point is moot in the context of this thread. He took a simple, lighthearted thread and went all emo.

This is not to say that what you said is not valid. Thanks for not going all loco on us. :P

The thing is Moz, there's a difference between the forums know-alls who attempt to dictate to you how that +16 AP gem should be a +8 Agi gem, and if you don't change it you'll suck the scum off the bottom of a lake before you'll ever be accepted, and someone in-game attempting to be helpful (not dictatorial - cos that sucks as bad as the forum jerks).

If I approached you and said "Sorry Mate, mind if I make a suggestion, you would do more damage as combat swords" ... would your response be 1) "F*ck off and die, you elitist pr*ck", or 2) "Thanks, but I like my daggers". Ofc, how I respond back to you will determine whether or not I'm a jerk which you need to justifiably insult and /ignore, or a decent guy who'll let you play your own way and leave you alone.

Aye, that all goes without saying of course. No need to be rude to somebody if he hasn't given you a reason to do so.

Edit: 'ofcourse' isn't a word Mozared.

Edited, Dec 3rd 2008 12:42am by Mozared
#45 Dec 02 2008 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Krago the Mighty wrote:
robertlofthouse wrote:
It really is your choice, as long as you realise that if/when you try and get a place in a raiding guild, and they turn you down because you're sub-optimal, you know why. If you're happy with that, then great ... I am, that's why I don't raid - cos I don't generally like running optimal raiding builds.

Heh, gods forbid I ever go raiding. It turns the game into more like a job than a couple of hours of fun.

Yeah, golly gee raiding is terrible and not fun at all, which is why so many people try to do it.

It's not like raiding is easy when you know what you're doing and specced properly and not like a job at all.

You speak like a typical non-raider who's barely set foot in Karazhan.

Congrats, you're not only a moron, but you have no idea what you're talking about.

Most people don't realize that some people actually enjoy their job. They enjoy what they do. They enjoy doing their best and being the best. Somehow people look down on them as if they're doing something miserable for whatever reason. It's really illogical and stupid but that's how the average person sees things, close-minded and selfish.

Krago is just too far to the extreme on his end. Which is sort of hypocritical but not really.

#46 Dec 02 2008 at 5:03 PM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
Getting back to the OP, there's a none too fine line between handing out unsolicited advice about shifting talent points around or regemming a piece of equipment for min / maxing, and pointing out that spellpower provides no benefit whatsoever to a DK. The latter is about on par with the TP hanging out.

But hey, if even that is too much information and some people would prefer walking around in gear which isn't merely suboptimal but actually literally worthless, that's fine with me too. Next time I meet a Krago in a PUG, he can have the spell damage plate, I'll keep the AP kit.
#47 Dec 02 2008 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
i can see it now if you dont inform the spellpower DKs lol

"unholy DK, 2400 sp LFG heroics"

face + palm = my reaction <--- thats the math behind SP DKs
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