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Spreading the word?Follow

#1 Nov 29 2008 at 8:54 PM Rating: Good
500 posts
What do you say (if anything) when encountering another death knight who has fubar'ed?

So I'm 68 and entering the Tundra because I want to start the quest for the Axe. A 71 DK is on the zep with me, and I tend to inspect people for my own knowledge. I know that might be kind of rude, but I don't mean it to be. I'm just looking for gear possibilities.

So I inspect this DK and he's wearing a bunch of spell damage gear. I was hesitant, because I'm surely not the authority on DKs, but I finally did send him a message explaining that the spell damage gear would do him no good.

Luckily he was receptive to me. (I'm generally an overall nice person). He thanked me, saying that not knowing that would have really messed him up at later levels. So I spoke to a nice guy. Lacked any research skills for his class .. but still a nice guy.

I did it because I'm thinking of the class in general, as well as specific people. I'd hate for our class to be looked down on just because people aren't informed.

But is what I did too pushy?

#2 Nov 29 2008 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
i always ask "can i offer you a piece of advice?"

then nicely explain whatever they did wrong
#3 Nov 29 2008 at 9:29 PM Rating: Excellent
How information is received is 100% in your approach. If you approach someone with a superior attitude and "talk down to them", they are far less likely to listen to you than approaching them in a polite manner. In fact, it's been my experience that the more obnoxious you are, the more someone will do the exact opposite out of spite.
#4 Nov 30 2008 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Wordaen, Keeper of the Banstick wrote:
How information is received is 100% in your approach. If you approach someone with a superior attitude and "talk down to them", they are far less likely to listen to you than approaching them in a polite manner. In fact, it's been my experience that the more obnoxious you are, the more someone will do the exact opposite out of spite.

Hey, don't direct that at me or anything Word! Smiley: rolleyes

Edit: speaking of spreading the word to fellow DKs, if anyone is looking for a good (actually, GREAT) rune interface for visually seeing rune cooldowns, I strongly recommend MagicRunes, which I found in this EJ thread.

It's very customizable. Having gone through 15 levels without it and now using it for one, I can't imagine how I managed before.

Edited, Nov 30th 2008 12:52am by Theophany
#5 Nov 30 2008 at 1:08 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
i dun need a rune timer, im solid :D

if you know of a disease tracker for blood plague and frost fever though... id gladly take that link off your hands :D
#6 Nov 30 2008 at 1:16 AM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
I use DoTimer for that, though I limit it to my target and my focus target, otherwise when you AoE it can get a little out of control.
#7 Nov 30 2008 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
ill check it out
#8 Nov 30 2008 at 1:55 AM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Wordaen, Keeper of the Banstick wrote:
How information is received is 100% in your approach. If you approach someone with a superior attitude and "talk down to them", they are far less likely to listen to you than approaching them in a polite manner. In fact, it's been my experience that the more obnoxious you are, the more someone will do the exact opposite out of spite.

Hey, don't direct that at me or anything Word! Smiley: rolleyes

Edit: speaking of spreading the word to fellow DKs, if anyone is looking for a good (actually, GREAT) rune interface for visually seeing rune cooldowns, I strongly recommend MagicRunes, which I found in this EJ thread.

It's very customizable. Having gone through 15 levels without it and now using it for one, I can't imagine how I managed before.

Edited, Nov 30th 2008 12:52am by Theophany

Hey! How rude. You derailed my thread.


I'll definitely check out the add-on. I'm an add-on junkie.

And I like the phrase "Would you mind if I give you a bit of advice." I wasn't sure if it was still generally considered rude to inspect someone, let alone offer advice. Personally I don't mind at all, but some people don't like it.

Oh. And I got the Axe. And the cobalt gear in case some people out there are crazy enough to let me tank.

Edit: For cripesakes, how did I manage to quote that 3 times?

Edited, Nov 30th 2008 4:58am by wildsimian
#9 Nov 30 2008 at 2:33 AM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
Spreading the derailment.

I've not tried Magicrunes, I've been using this one. It's not too different from the standard one, except it's draggable so you can put it in a better location on your screen, and it's more noticeable when the runes refresh, particularly if you're running OmniCC then it shows the countdown as a number.

To be honest though, it's also partly because I prefer the rune graphics this one uses.
#10 Nov 30 2008 at 2:45 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Rasen wrote:
Spreading the derailment.

I've not tried Magicrunes, I've been using this one. It's not too different from the standard one, except it's draggable so you can put it in a better location on your screen, and it's more noticeable when the runes refresh, particularly if you're running OmniCC then it shows the countdown as a number.

To be honest though, it's also partly because I prefer the rune graphics this one uses.

Ugh, I don't think I could stand that one. Too ugly.
#11 Nov 30 2008 at 5:31 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
Ugh, I don't think I could stand that one. Too ugly.

Seconded. With all respect to the authors' intentions, it looks like a piece of fanart shat out of an Age of Conan fansite contest.

I use some bloody thing for tracking my diseases, tiny discreet bars that nestle below the centre of my screen, and MagicRunes configured into a tiny little vertical meter like a graphic EQ. Nice for PvP when you dont have time to squint at tiny Rune icons.
#12 Nov 30 2008 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
474 posts
wildsimian wrote:

And I like the phrase "Would you mind if I give you a bit of advice." I wasn't sure if it was still generally considered rude to inspect someone, let alone offer advice. Personally I don't mind at all, but some people don't like it.

WoW isn't like FFXI where the people are aware you are inspecting them. So feel free to goggle and check their specs and equip.

#13 Nov 30 2008 at 8:31 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Some people are horrible in taking any form of advice, though. I once did a SM run with a priest in the group. She was healing in a rather funny way, so I asked her why she was doing that. Ironically, while she herself actually admit that I was right when stating she wasn't healing all to efficient, her boyfriend/husband warrior attempted to trashtalk me, saying they didn't need my information and that I ought to keep my mouth shut. Well, take it or leave it pall.
#14 Nov 30 2008 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Mozared wrote:
Some people are horrible in taking any form of advice, though. I once did a SM run with a priest in the group. She was healing in a rather funny way, so I asked her why she was doing that. Ironically, while she herself actually admit that I was right when stating she wasn't healing all to efficient, her boyfriend/husband warrior attempted to trashtalk me, saying they didn't need my information and that I ought to keep my mouth shut. Well, take it or leave it pall.

this ^^

Sort of. The boyfriend and I have RL friends (a couple) who play as well. Once we started playing together, it was apparent that all discussions we had about the game ended up with their being correct, regardless. So we backed off talking about the subject with them at all.

Side note - I'm trying magic runes today.
#15 Nov 30 2008 at 4:25 PM Rating: Good
500 posts
Ok that's it. I'm not holding my tongue.

It seems as if my server's populace belives that only frost specced DKs can tank. Now I'm cranky. I know I need a guild, but I'm looking for a small one. The last few guilds I've been in I've found myself in some type of leadership position, and the drama drove me nuts. (Not to mention I was robbed blind when the GL threw a temper tantrum and ran off with everything.)

Edit: AND just as I was typing this I heard myself being invited to a group in game. I toggled over to accept, was accepted, and in 2 seconds was dropped by the group. Nothing was ever said at all. I tried to whisper the person who invited me and I was on ignore? I've never even spoken to them.
Yes I've derailed this thread again into my own personal 'having a bad day' thread.

Edited, Nov 30th 2008 7:28pm by wildsimian
#16 Nov 30 2008 at 7:21 PM Rating: Good
947 posts
I feel your pain on the Frost misconceptions; Blizzard should never have let that rumour spread as far as it did. Half the idiots on my server believe Frost = Tank, Blood = PvE, Unholy = PvP. They also keep telling me to 'change Aura' in groups...

Fortunately most groups will take any tank they can get so as Unholy I can still do well, but it does get deeply frustrating after awhile when you get dumped out of groups. I had a similar experience joining a 5man, and got kicked out immediately; I whispered to ask why, and was told "HP too low".

Of course it was, I was in Unholy Presence and DPS gear :\

Sometimes I wish WoW had never had TV commercials; the end result has been far, far too painful.
#17 Dec 01 2008 at 1:42 AM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
mongoosexcore wrote:
if you know of a disease tracker for blood plague and frost fever though... id gladly take that link off your hands :D

Derailing again: I'm using ClassTimer, which not only has both buff and debuff timers but also allows you to nicely separate these out and place them where you need by player, target and focus. I find it quite handy.
#18 Dec 01 2008 at 1:52 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
I asked a 68 DK in Undercity the other night (Mine's still 58 .. .levelling profs atm), who was dual wielding the "axe of the legion" whether he had actually compared DW to 2H, and how he felt they compared. Seriously, that's all I asked him ... Didn't even suggest that his gear or spec or anything needed attention (which it did) ... it was a simple question regarding how he felt they played compared to each other. I even started by saying "Mind if I ask you a question", and he responded "Yes" ... and his response was just as simple ... "F*ck off, Noob" ... and he ran off ...

Some people clearly have no interpersonal skills (as well as in-game skills).

As for MagicRunes ... I have a really soft spot for bar based timers. Imo, it is the clearest and most informative way of representing timers. I downloaded about 3 or 4 different Rune and Disease timers to give them all a go ... haven't done so yet, but thinking about it, I'm probably gonna ditch the others in favour of MagicRunes.

As for a disease timer, I find ElkanoBuffBars to be amazing. Nice thing about Elk is that you can create groups to track a combination of Player / Target / Pet and Focus Buffs / Debuff / Tempenchants. Any combination thereof. You can then filter out specific buffs/debuffs and use that as a purpose build timer.

So I've create a group which monitors Debuffs on my target, I then filtered it to only track Frost, Blood and Ebon Plague. I then placed that bar alongside my character so that I could easily keep track of it - works like a charm.

Edited, Dec 1st 2008 11:14am by robertlofthouse
#19 Dec 01 2008 at 3:09 AM Rating: Good
213 posts
robertlofthouse wrote:
I even started by saying "Mind if I ask you a question", and he responded "Yes" ... and his response was just as simple ... "F*ck off, Noob" ... and he ran off ...

Well there you go then.
#20 Dec 01 2008 at 3:24 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
InsanityShade wrote:
robertlofthouse wrote:
I even started by saying "Mind if I ask you a question", and he responded "Yes" ... and his response was just as simple ... "F*ck off, Noob" ... and he ran off ...

Well there you go then.

Lol ... ok, owned ... so my paraphrasing was off slightly. What I intended to put across was that He initially responded that he was happy to entertain me asking him the question, then got nasty when I did.
#21 Dec 01 2008 at 3:40 AM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
robertlofthouse wrote:
What I intended to put across was that He initially responded that he was happy to entertain me asking him the question, then got nasty when I did.

We could probably call that conversational ganking.
#22 Dec 01 2008 at 4:59 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
Alastaironsiren wrote:
We could probably call that conversational ganking.

Lol ... yeah, well it would be the only ganking he could do.

Not having put too much investigation into it, there would be 3 must have talents if one were to go DW as a DK. Based on the fact that as DW, you're relying on better white damage (your yellow damage will suck without a 2 hander) .. you'll need Necrosis for the extra white damage, You'll need nerves of steel for the extra off hand damage, and you'll need Frigid Deathplate for the extra hit ... he had none, but was dual wielding with a blood/unholy build.

So yeah, conversation ganking was all he'd be good at.
#23 Dec 01 2008 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts
Dual-Wielding as a DK requires every talent that boosts or procs off white damage.

These are Necrosis, Blood-Caked Blade, and preferably Killing Machine, Icy Talons and Improved Icy Talons; Nerves of Cold Steel is an obvious necessity. You will benefit more from Haste than a 2H DK so go for as much as you can.

You'll also want to mainspec Frost and go for Howling Blast, as you will want a way to expend Runes that doesnt rely on weapon damage. HB isnt the highest damage tool in our ******** but its better than using Obliterate with a 1H. Similarly you will wish to enchant your offhand with Cinderglacier to boost your HB output, theres no point using a %dmg like Razorice or Lichbane because offhand damage usually sucks.

The bottom line is though, with this spec you are basically a poor enhance Shaman with terrible personal DPS, and PvPing will be a new flavour of agony for you. A DK without burst is a DK without life.

Edited, Dec 1st 2008 6:03pm by Sinstralis
#24 Dec 02 2008 at 1:34 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
Sinstralis wrote:
Dual-Wielding as a DK requires every talent that boosts or procs off white damage.

These are Necrosis, Blood-Caked Blade, and preferably Killing Machine, Icy Talons and Improved Icy Talons; Nerves of Cold Steel is an obvious necessity. You will benefit more from Haste than a 2H DK so go for as much as you can.

You'll also want to mainspec Frost and go for Howling Blast, as you will want a way to expend Runes that doesnt rely on weapon damage. HB isnt the highest damage tool in our ******** but its better than using Obliterate with a 1H. Similarly you will wish to enchant your offhand with Cinderglacier to boost your HB output, theres no point using a %dmg like Razorice or Lichbane because offhand damage usually sucks.

The bottom line is though, with this spec you are basically a poor enhance Shaman with terrible personal DPS, and PvPing will be a new flavour of agony for you. A DK without burst is a DK without life.

Thanks for the insight, I'll never use the info, as I have no intention of Dual Wielding (I already have a Rogue). I just find it really incredible that there are so many out there who are absolutely convinced that Dual-Wielding produces the most DPS for a Death Knight ... and then they don't even take any of the talents which actually provide what little boost there is for dual Wielding.
#25REDACTED, Posted: Dec 02 2008 at 2:03 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Anyone telling me how to play my character can kiss my ***, and I'll tell them so should they try. I play for pure fun, and if amuses me, or fulfils a whim of mine, I'll do it. I don't need some well-meaning nerd getting their "Excel Spreadsheet of Death Knight Uberness" out and pointing out the error of my ways. I'll use what spec I like, and I'll dual-wield or use a 2-hander as I see fit. That comes across as a lot more abrasive than I intend, but honestly, if I ever find I need advice on how to make my character identical to everyone else's in the game, that's when I quit.
#26 Dec 02 2008 at 3:17 AM Rating: Excellent
500 posts
Krago the Mighty wrote:
Anyone telling me how to play my character can kiss my ***, and I'll tell them so should they try. I play for pure fun, and if amuses me, or fulfils a whim of mine, I'll do it. I don't need some well-meaning nerd getting their "Excel Spreadsheet of Death Knight Uberness" out and pointing out the error of my ways. I'll use what spec I like, and I'll dual-wield or use a 2-hander as I see fit. That comes across as a lot more abrasive than I intend, but honestly, if I ever find I need advice on how to make my character identical to everyone else's in the game, that's when I quit.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 5:07am by Krago

If you noticed in the original post there was no "spreadsheet of uberness", nor was there any mention of making all characters indistinguishable.

It's more comparable to explaining (politely, and in a whisper) to a melee hunter how his/her ranged weapon would be more efficient.

I'm sorry to see that some people can't handle that.

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