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Ret Pally Weapon ChoicesFollow

#1 Nov 28 2008 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
So, I'm a Lv65 Ret Paladin currently questing in Terokkar (Zangarmarsh last night) when I came upon a question.

I was using a 2H Sword of Power. It was a 3.50 Speed sword, had +60 AP, and +7 Weapon Damage (enchant).

I completed a quest, and they offered me a 2H Sword with some other stats, but this was a speed 2.60 weapon, no AP but it had +crit rating, and 7 more DPS.

This brought about some deep thinking into future weapon planning, and something I wasn't sure on...

If two weapons had identical stats, say...two weapons had exactly 100.0 DPS, and same stats, but one was a 2.60 weapon and one was a 3.50 weapon, which is better for a ret paladin?

So I thought about this...

Fast Weapon:

Pro: More healing procs from judgment of light. Faster weapon = more swings = more healing. More Seal of Command procs.... faster weapon = more swings = more chances to proc SoC.

Con: Smaller Crusader Strike damage, as Crusader Strike is based upon weapon's total damage capability, which is lower in faster weapons.

Slow Weapon:

Con: Less healing procs (see above) and fewer SoCs from white hits (see above).

Pro: Larger Crusader Strikes (see above).

I'm thinking that faster weapons are better (as long as they are 2H!).

Am I right on this?

Edit: Oh, and... Seal of Command is better than Seal of ... gah, what's that called? The one I _just_ learned... Seal of Vengeance, I think? The one with the Up-to-5 Stacks of Holy DoT? SoC seemed to put out more damage, even with the faster weapon...

Edited, Nov 28th 2008 10:28pm by Zariamnk
#2 Nov 28 2008 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
713 posts

The thing you have to realise is that the slower weapons will inherently have a higher weapon damage, thats how there dps is balanced out. I'll give you an example of the last two weapons I have wielded:



Apart from the stats you can see the speed difference and to balance that out the weapon damage. One is faster yet its top end damage is less while the other's speed is lower yet its top end damage is higher. For Ret paladins, and the old Fury/Arms 2h specced Warriors the higher damage output will work better with your instant attacks. I wouldn't bother with seal of light as you should be getting Divine storm if you dont already have it which should be plenty of heals instead.

Seal of Vengeance is primarily a tanking seal used on bosses to that works better with a quick swinging 1hander over longer fights. Its basically a threat builder when used with Righteous Fury over prolonged fights.

Seal of the Martyr/Blood is the one that will you should look at as this is a Ret Paladin's main dps seal when dpsing in groups. I would advise using Seal of the Command when soloing and Seal of the Martyr/Blood when grouping, unless the healer is undergeared or having trouble healing due to aoe etc.
#3 Nov 28 2008 at 9:00 PM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
heaviest weapon you can find. like Arthoriuss said, Top End Damage. you want the last number to be as high as possible, forget the speed.

other thing to look for: +Str. no stat is gonna give you half the bang this will.
#4 Nov 28 2008 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts

Hmmm, okay. *nods*

Thanks for the replies!

Apart from the stats you can see the speed difference and to balance that out the weapon damage. One is faster yet its top end damage is less while the other's speed is lower yet its top end damage is higher. For Ret paladins, and the old Fury/Arms 2h specced Warriors the higher damage output will work better with your instant attacks. I wouldn't bother with seal of light as you should be getting Divine storm if you dont already have it which should be plenty of heals instead.

I was talking mostly about solo play, not in groups.

Divine Storm doesn't heal myself; Judgment of Light does that. Slower weapon, means I get fewer heals from Judgment of Light, and my only two instant attacks are Crusader Strike and Divine Storm. Divine Storm can be a bit of a mana eater at times; I tend to only use it when I am fighting multiple mobs.

Currently, fights look like this:

0). Make sure Seal of Command is up.
1). Run in.
2). Crusader Strike.
3). Judgment of Light.
4). Repeat #2 and #3 until mob is dead.

I don't use Consecrate or Divine Storm unless I have multiple mobs on me.

Being that Judgment of Light is my only instant-attack I use often, is a slower weapon still good for this type of play? I don't really plan on getting into instances until Northrend, really... so I will most likely be soloing like this clear up to Lv80.

other thing to look for: +Str. no stat is gonna give you half the bang this will.

Hmm. I was going for mainly +Critical Strike Rating, +Agility, +Attack Power, +Strength in that order... is that bad? My character currently has a 25%-ish chance of critical hits, and I tell you... mobs die fast if I get several crits. *grins*

Edited, Nov 29th 2008 12:23am by Zariamnk

Edited, Nov 29th 2008 12:23am by Zariamnk
#5 Nov 28 2008 at 9:48 PM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
look at and go to the pally tab. it shows you your rotation to use and you can even import your spec/gear and it will tell you what you will benefit from most...kinda.

you have some more learnin to do. enjoy.
#6 Nov 28 2008 at 9:50 PM Rating: Good
1,419 posts
Divine Storm doesn't heal myself; Judgment of Light does that. Slower weapon, means I get fewer heals from Judgment of Light, and my only two instant attacks are Crusader Strike and Divine Storm. Divine Storm can be a bit of a mana eater at times; I tend to only use it when I am fighting multiple mobs.

Re-read the tooltip for Divine Storm. You do heal yourself when using it.

Pro: More healing procs from judgment of light. Faster weapon = more swings = more healing. More Seal of Command procs.... faster weapon = more swings = more chances to proc SoC.

Seal of Command is on a "Procs per minute." It isn't a precentage chance to proc, so more swings actually means less procs. The slower your weapon, the higher the chance of proccing becomes, meaning more DPS.

Hmm. I was going for mainly +Critical Strike Rating, +Agility, +Attack Power, +Strength in that order... is that bad? My character currently has a 25%-ish chance of critical hits, and I tell you... mobs die fast if I get several crits. *grins*

Turn that around and you'll be fine. Sure, crits look great on your screen coming out in big numbers and some of your talents can proc from it, but your attack power is scaled into some of your abbilities and overall will give you bigger numbers. In the end, stacking STR is going to help you a lot more than stacking crit rating.
#7 Nov 28 2008 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
713 posts
Its still worth using Divine Storm when your Crusader Strike and your judgement are on cooldown. It may not give you as much dps as when there are 2 mobs but it is an extra strike and I believe it can proc SoC so there is worth in adding it to your solo rotation.

Like Tommy said Strength is your best stat as far as increasing dps. Crit strike will increase your dps but its similar to the "crit or mp5" debate that Holy paladins face. Strength will give you a consistent increase in dps whereas Crit is still left to chance. My Crit is just under 30% right now so sometimes I will have a great string of crits and finish of a mob before Hammer of Justice has finished and other times I can go 4-5 swings and not get a crit at all. If you have about 25% crit then that is enough to keep Vengeance stacked so I would advise you to look for either strength or AP. I wouldnt worry about gear too much though as your levelling up. As long as your picking up plate or mail dps gear you should be fine until you get to northrend.

Personally I dont use Judgement of Light. I find that judging wisdom and throwing an instant FoL every now and then works better for me. Also when soloing I will choose to finish off a mob with a judgement over Hammer of Wrath too so that I can receive that extra mana return allowing me to fight on without having to stop and drink.

Also since your using SoC so much you might want to look at investing in the SoCommand Glyph. The 10% increased Judgement damage one is also very nice.

Edited, Nov 29th 2008 6:12am by arthoriuss
#8 Nov 29 2008 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
Huh. Odd.

Then I am a victim of misinformation; I even asked several people if Divine Storm healed myself, as the Tool-tip currently says "Heals party or raid members for X% of damage done" and I thought that to meant "everyone but yourself". And I never noticed my HP gauge going up sharply when I used it, esp if there were 3+ mobs, you'd think that if I did 300 some (that's on 4 mobs, that's 1200... 25% of 1200 is 300...I'll look closer next time, but I'd think that if I get healed for 300, I would have noticed it by now.

As far as Seal of Command... I thought that was changed? Maybe not... they Should state it in the Tool-Tip though. The way it currently sounds, each attack has a chance of proc'ing it. Wish they'd re-word tooltips to tell you what the thing REALLY does.

And yeah, the SoC glyph is the very first thing I picked up. *grins* I wasn't passing THAT up.

Edited, Nov 29th 2008 11:00am by Zariamnk
#9 Nov 29 2008 at 9:05 AM Rating: Default
Zariamnk wrote:
Huh. Odd.

Then I am a victim of misinformation; I even asked several people if Divine Storm healed myself, as the Tool-tip currently says "Heals party or raid members for X% of damage done" and I thought that to meant "everyone but yourself". And I never noticed my HP gauge going up sharply when I used it, esp if there were 3+ mobs, you'd think that if I did 300 some (that's on 4 mobs, that's 1200... 25% of 1200 is 300...I'll look closer next time, but I'd think that if I get healed for 300, I would have noticed it by now.

As far as Seal of Command... I thought that was changed? Maybe not... they Should state it in the Tool-Tip though. The way it currently sounds, each attack has a chance of proc'ing it. Wish they'd re-word tooltips to tell you what the thing REALLY does.

And yeah, the SoC glyph is the very first thing I picked up. *grins* I wasn't passing THAT up.

Edited, Nov 29th 2008 11:00am by Zariamnk

SoC Glyph is invaluable, but yes. You want a BIG SLOW STRONG weapon to make it work best.

As for your order, if you're Ret you should ALWAYS open with Judgement, since it gives you +crit. The only time I DON'T open with it, is if I am pulling undead that are 3-4 levels higher, I open with Exorcism.

As for stats, I find STR > STA > rest. This is because there have been so many times I've found myself in a BAD spot, with 5+ mobs all higher levels and when I kill them, another 5 show up! I've won fights with single digit HP and no MP numerous times. It's a lot of fun :)

But take the advice above for order :)
#10 Nov 29 2008 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
71 posts
At 65 you should get the Honed VoidAxe from the Ring of Blood quests in Nagrand. That solves the "what weap should I use" question for now. :)

As others said, big, slow, and Str/Stam/Crit/AP. Haste is OK, but a lot of your DPS is based of instant attacks, not auto-swings.
#11 Nov 29 2008 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
My 2 cents, BIG and SLOW. STR and AP are a must. Crit is a nice bonus. I always open my cast sequence with a Judgement as well, JoW to be exact unless the mob is undead. Then I open with Exorcism followed by a judgement..
#12 Nov 29 2008 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
713 posts
If you plan on only using SoCommand then avoid haste altogether. It increases your amount of swings per minute which is bad news for SoC procs.

Seal of the Command works off a PPM type of process whereby only a certain amount of procs will occur every minute. With the Glyph I believe this is just over 8 procs per minute, meaning a weapon with a speed around 3.5-3.6 should work the best. Without the Glyph you want around a 3.8 weapon speed but anything over 3.5 will do the job as your levelling up.
#13 Nov 30 2008 at 2:22 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
arthoriuss wrote:
If you plan on only using SoCommand then avoid haste altogether. It increases your amount of swings per minute which is bad news for SoC procs.

Seal of the Command works off a PPM type of process whereby only a certain amount of procs will occur every minute. With the Glyph I believe this is just over 8 procs per minute, meaning a weapon with a speed around 3.5-3.6 should work the best. Without the Glyph you want around a 3.8 weapon speed but anything over 3.5 will do the job as your levelling up.

You make it sound like haste will make Seal of Command worse. That's not the case, though, is it? In fact, haste won't affect your Seal of Command procs in any way at all. So yeah, it's a waste of stats, but it's not like haste will ruin anything. It just means you'll get less Seal of Command procs per swing while the procs per minutes will remain the same. On the bright side, haste will increase your auto-swing speed, meaning more hits, crits and talented procs (Vindication/Vengeance).

You might argue that haste is useless, but it's not "bad news" for Seal of Command.

Edited, Nov 30th 2008 11:23am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#14 Nov 30 2008 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Seriously, I'd rather swing 20 times and proc SoComm 8 times, than swing 15 times and still have it proc 8 times. Yeah, the % of times you swing to times it proc's goes down, but you are still swinging more = more DPS = good.
#15 Nov 30 2008 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Haste isn't a priority stat by any means, but it's still a nice bonus on a weapon. Consider: this axe.

Probably the most powerful ret weapon currently available outside raiding (and without dropping a few thousand gold on a Titansteel Destroyer. Which i did!), and with a whole mess of haste on it. Besides, you'll probably be using seal of blood most of the time.
#16 Nov 30 2008 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
713 posts

Zariamnk wrote:
I was talking mostly about solo play, not in groups.

As the OP has stated he is asking for advise when it comes to soloing so the majority of mobs he faces shouldn't last more than 8 swings, therefore haste actually will work against him, lowering his chance to proc SoC in those 8 swings or less.

If we were talking about raiding or any boss fights for that matter then I would agree with you guys on haste (even though I would prefer using SoB/M myself) but how many soloable mobs will you get 15-20 swings in before they die?

The OP probably won't see haste until Northrend anyway.
#17 Dec 02 2008 at 9:44 AM Rating: Excellent
355 posts
Technically, a slower weapon will have more PPM than a faster one. I'll give an extremely exaggerated example here: You have a weapon with a swing speed of 30 seconds (I know, rediculous). That's two swings a minute. With a proc rate of 2 PPM, every attack you make should proc it (30 weapon speed x 2 PPM / 60 seconds = 1/1 chance to proc), theoretically; there is actually still an amount of chance involved, despite the logic pointing to it being otherwise. We are going to assume it procs every swing for simplicity. This includes instant attacks. Let's say you make 20 instant attacks that minute, in addition to your 2 melee swings. That means 22 attacks. Multiply the number of attacks (22) by the chance to proc (1) and you get the actual PPM. This is all assuming your ability can proc off of special attacks. Some abilities can only proc off of auto-attacks(Omen of Clarity comes to mind).
#18 Dec 06 2008 at 6:17 AM Rating: Good
387 posts
There is so much wrongness in this thread that it hurts my eyes.

The one really nailing the truth:

anonymosity wrote:

Technically, a slower weapon will have more PPM than a faster one. I'll give an extremely exaggerated example here: You have a weapon with a swing speed of 30 seconds (I know, rediculous). That's two swings a minute. With a proc rate of 2 PPM, every attack you make should proc it (30 weapon speed x 2 PPM / 60 seconds = 1/1 chance to proc), theoretically; there is actually still an amount of chance involved, despite the logic pointing to it being otherwise. We are going to assume it procs every swing for simplicity. This includes instant attacks. Let's say you make 20 instant attacks that minute, in addition to your 2 melee swings. That means 22 attacks. Multiply the number of attacks (22) by the chance to proc (1) and you get the actual PPM. This is all assuming your ability can proc off of special attacks. Some abilities can only proc off of auto-attacks(Omen of Clarity comes to mind).

Listen to the man and keep listening until you understand his text. Once you do, you will hardly ever have "what-weapon-to-use" questions again. Until you understand it you will never know the difference between fast/slow or the effect of haste on special-attack-damage for example.

#19 Dec 06 2008 at 4:11 PM Rating: Good
355 posts
Immunios wrote:
There is so much wrongness in this thread that it hurts my eyes.

The one really nailing the truth:

anonymosity wrote:

Technically, a slower weapon will have more PPM than a faster one. I'll give an extremely exaggerated example here: You have a weapon with a swing speed of 30 seconds (I know, rediculous). That's two swings a minute. With a proc rate of 2 PPM, every attack you make should proc it (30 weapon speed x 2 PPM / 60 seconds = 1/1 chance to proc), theoretically; there is actually still an amount of chance involved, despite the logic pointing to it being otherwise. We are going to assume it procs every swing for simplicity. This includes instant attacks. Let's say you make 20 instant attacks that minute, in addition to your 2 melee swings. That means 22 attacks. Multiply the number of attacks (22) by the chance to proc (1) and you get the actual PPM. This is all assuming your ability can proc off of special attacks. Some abilities can only proc off of auto-attacks(Omen of Clarity comes to mind).

Listen to the man and keep listening until you understand his text. Once you do, you will hardly ever have "what-weapon-to-use" questions again. Until you understand it you will never know the difference between fast/slow or the effect of haste on special-attack-damage for example.

Why, thank you. I put a bit of work into that. I think I should additionally note that haste increases number of procs. It still calculates the PPM off of your weapon speed before the haste is calculated in.
#20 Dec 07 2008 at 1:07 AM Rating: Good
387 posts
#21 Dec 07 2008 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
im missing the whole point of the Haste debate/clarification.

haste shouldn't really be a stat to consider when gearing unless it comes in sick amounts(like +100). at no time should haste be gemmed or enchanted. im actually pretty sad that they put so much budget as haste in our tier gear and pvp gear.

in-and-out pve battles and getting kited in pvp make the swing timer almost irrelevant. the actual use of haste is pretty minor in the overall DD picture.
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