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WotLK Elemental shaman ReviewFollow

#1 Nov 27 2008 at 5:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
So I just got my elemental shaman to 75 today and finaly got to experience Lava Burst and I msut admit I like what they are going for with shaman. Prior to 75 I noticed single target dps was nothing too special and felt like it had not gone up or down really from what I did at 70, but I felt improved fire nova, thunder earth and fire, and thunderstorm make shaman pretty good at AoE grinding, handling 3-5 enemies at once is no real big deal and can be a good amount of fun. Now with Lava Burst I also feel I can compete better and hopefully groups will invite me for instances not just to heal anymore.

Lava Burst really makes PvE dps quite enjoyable, the rotation is much more fun then the old one, throwing flame shock and lava burst in with lightning bolt and chain lightning almost gives it a rogue type of feel, always trying to keep my dots up and making little combos with my spells to optimize burst on trash or steady dps on boss fights, but it will take some time to perfect getting out of the lightning bolt spamming is almost hard to do, i am so use to it, but whatever it is fun right.

With changes to elemental we did lose 9% hit, Lava burst also allows us to rely less on critical strike rating and make room for hit rating this is good, don't feel bad about losing your precious crit after 75, spec right you will have 18% crit from talents still (including ToW and Ele Oath). For gear stat priority for me is Spell Power> Hit> Crit> Int (have not messed around with haste yet).

Now my experience is only up to 75, and while I enjoy it a lot so far, just looking at other caster trees I can see where shamans will fall short and hopefully Blizzard will come through with those changes they mentioned recently (changes that will be necessary for elemental to compete for spots in higher end content should they chose to be elemental).

So overall kudos to blizzard for changing up elemental shaman and making it fun, I just hope it stays as fun as it is at 75 at 80!
#2 Nov 27 2008 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
Do make sure you pick up the flame shock glyph. It prolongs flame shock with a couple of second and keeps lava burst from consuming it. So you'll start with a flame shock/ lava burst combo. After that you can spam LB or put in some chains. Most mobs are dead after one LB.
The upcoming changes are necessary though. I've been to a couple of heroics now and my damage was weak compared to others. I thought about going back to LBspamming but after a while i figured out leaving lava burst isnt really brilliant. And TBH, where should you put the talent points if you don't put'em in Lava burst related talents.
Hopefully the upcoming changes will boost our damage somewhat.

#3 Nov 28 2008 at 11:38 AM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
Haste is almost a TERRIBLE stat now for elemental. Since LvB is such a huge chunk of your dps... you are screwed with the wrong amounts of haste by either having to wait 0.2s for the cooldown or casting another spell and letting LvB sit there unused for 0.3s.

It's going to be that certain tiers of haste are good whereas other tiers will actually lower your dps. I'm sure people at Elitist Jerks are having fun with that one. :/
#4 Nov 29 2008 at 3:02 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
this is what i have heard, you almost need to plan out haste, if it means fitting another LB its good but this may take a bit before it is helpful for us.
#5 Nov 29 2008 at 4:44 AM Rating: Decent
So in your 8sec CD of Lava Burst(LvB) you need to fit in a couple of Lightning Bolts(LB). With zero haste rating you got 4 LB's. To fit in another, putting the total number of LB at 5, you need 20% extra speed through haste rating. Thats 656 haste rating. Quite impossible isn't it?
So keep it 0?
#6 Nov 30 2008 at 12:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
I am sure it can be done, your also forgetting we already get 5% from wrath of air.

Until then though it is not too helpful, also you forget flame shock also needs to be reapplied
#7 Nov 30 2008 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
So in your 8sec CD of Lava Burst(LvB) you need to fit in a couple of Lightning Bolts(LB). With zero haste rating you got 4 LB's. To fit in another, putting the total number of LB at 5, you need 20% extra speed through haste rating. Thats 656 haste rating. Quite impossible isn't it?
So keep it 0?

It's a bit more complicated than that because Faster casting = faster GCD for shocks. It's also faster LvB casting which means you can start your LB/CL spam faster. Then if you factor in CL use (which is a faster cast) you end up with different values of haste being beneficial. Haste IS a beneficial stat, but it works in tiers where certain values are better and adding more than X will actually be detrimental until you reach another higher tier.
#8 Dec 04 2008 at 12:20 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
Someone on the O Boards brought up a good point, Lightning Overload is not nearly as strong of a talent as it once was.

This talent was made to make us different from other classes that received a % increase in damage since we got so few multipliers, makes sence lets multiply your casts and since these could potentially crit to proc Elemental Focus I never had a problem with this.

Now with Lava Burst and flame shock in our rotation we probably cast about 60% lightning spells we use to which lowers the over all dps increase Lightning Overload once added.

I was thinking they could make Lightning Overload like a built in Lightning Capacitor that scales with our spell damage this would make Lightning overload a bit more acceptable like it once was...


#9 Dec 04 2008 at 7:16 PM Rating: Good
574 posts
jmfmb wrote:
Someone on the O Boards brought up a good point, Lightning Overload is not nearly as strong of a talent as it once was.

This talent was made to make us different from other classes that received a % increase in damage since we got so few multipliers, makes sence lets multiply your casts and since these could potentially crit to proc Elemental Focus I never had a problem with this.

Now with Lava Burst and flame shock in our rotation we probably cast about 60% lightning spells we use to which lowers the over all dps increase Lightning Overload once added.

I was thinking they could make Lightning Overload like a built in Lightning Capacitor that scales with our spell damage this would make Lightning overload a bit more acceptable like it once was...


Well, maybe they could do the same thing to Lightning Overload as they did for Storm Reach? Rename it to Elemental Overload and include LavaBurst under the talent effect?
#10 Dec 06 2008 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
I'm disappointed in the gearing.

For both DPS specs.

Edited, Dec 6th 2008 10:57pm by TheYardstick
#11 Dec 08 2008 at 6:13 PM Rating: Good
574 posts
TheYardstick wrote:
I'm disappointed in the gearing.

For both DPS specs.

Edited, Dec 6th 2008 10:57pm by TheYardstick

I am afraid I do not follow. There are plenty of mail gear with caster stats for elementals. And the change to the way shamans gain AP from agi and str also ensured that hunter gears are highly sought after by enhancements.

Is there some variable that I may have overlooked that you may care to elaborate further on?
#12 Dec 08 2008 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
Well as for elemental we are gearing differently then we did in BC, spell power is still our most important stats but since we lost some much hit through talents we need to gear for that a lot now too.

Now a lot of complaints that there is less crit and crit rating yeilds less then it did in past but with lava burst we are less reliant on crit for elemental focus, this means haste is easier to fit into our gear without losing benefit of elemental focus. Also there is no rotation for elemental more of a priority of spells to caqst as followed:
Flame Shock when dot is not applied, Lava Burst when cool down is ready, Chain lightning for dps if you can keep up with mana, then lightning bolt when everything else is on cool down.

For enhancement I would assume gearing for it is not hard at all, AGL and INT are more important for ap then STR now and you want to make sure to cap hit.

I assume priority for enhancement would be Hit until capped> AGL> INT> Crit> Haste. Basicly gear made for hunters in past is bombing for us now too.
#13 Dec 09 2008 at 12:31 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Enhancement is a gear wonderland at the moment. There are all kinds of pieces to choose from so you can more or less balance hit, crit, and haste to your liking, and your AP is going to get cranked up no matter what from the AGI and INT in addition to any AP that may be on the gear. Then there's the fact that we can now make use of fast off-hands with Flametongue to a certain extent. It's worlds easier to put a set together. I was putting out 1000-1200 average DPS and topping out as high as 1800 in a hodge-podge of quest and dungeon blues and greens at 75-77.

Jiade's got the right idea for Elemental. You need to diversify your stats a little more instead of just grabbing a little hit and then pouring everything into crit and spell power.
#14 Dec 09 2008 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
I didn't mean the other stats are no good guadion, I ment that hit is so important because we dont get nearly as much as we use to, lots of ele shaman including myself had little or no spell hit on there gear in BC and really need to catch up on that stat.

Spell crit while nice is not a stat we have to poor into like we use to in passed, I had about 45% crit in BC self buffed, and it was needed for elemental focus but with lava burst to keep up elemental focus I am not worried about the loss in crit.

#15 Dec 09 2008 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
514 posts
Any idea what's our hit cap now? And what's the 'minimum' haste threshold to get some benefit out of it?

In BC I skipped haste because I could not achieve the amount needed in order to change my spell rotation. Now there's no real spell rotation, things gonna get complicated to compute.

BTW, do you guys use the glyph that make Flame Shock stay after lava burst? There is also a glyph that makes flame shock last longer, but I presume this does not make it do more DPS? (it just stretches out the damage?)
#16 Dec 10 2008 at 2:25 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
At the moment I use Flame Shock and Lava Glyph, I have been told these optimize damage most since Flame Shock and Lava Burst are now so important to our rotation, our third glyph is more of a preference most choose between Chain Lightning, Lightning bolt, or flame tongue Glyphs for third glyph at 80. This is for PvP though.

For PvP It may be better to go Lava, Elemental mastery, and one of your own preference. I could see Lightning Shield Glyph as a possible option for pvp.
#17 Dec 10 2008 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
14% hit plus 3% with talents I believe gets you capped, with certain classes in a raid you may be able to run with just 11% from gear.

May be wrong though if someone could verify.
#18 Dec 10 2008 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
Lecanthi wrote:
TheYardstick wrote:
I'm disappointed in the gearing.

For both DPS specs.

Edited, Dec 6th 2008 10:57pm by TheYardstick

I am afraid I do not follow. There are plenty of mail gear with caster stats for elementals. And the change to the way shamans gain AP from agi and str also ensured that hunter gears are highly sought after by enhancements.

Is there some variable that I may have overlooked that you may care to elaborate further on?

Agi gives us AP? That might explain how I shot from 1300 to 1700+AP....

That makes the situation slightly better, I'm just disappointed that none of our Tier gear has Str on it, which outweighs pure AP 2.2:1 in an ideal raid situation. I'm also disappointed in that no distinction is made between Hunter and Shammy gear, it's for the better I guess.
#19 Dec 10 2008 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
The Tier gear doesn't have str because str no longer gives 2 ap per point, it now gives only 1:1.

Since Agi also gives 1:1 and also gives crit and dodge/armor it is by far the superior stat. Int also gives AP if specced correctly.
#20 Dec 11 2008 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
64 posts
Agi gives us AP? That might explain how I shot from 1300 to 1700+AP....

That makes the situation slightly better, I'm just disappointed that none of our Tier gear has Str on it, which outweighs pure AP 2.2:1 in an ideal raid situation. I'm also disappointed in that no distinction is made between Hunter and Shammy gear, it's for the better I guess.

1 Agi = 1 AP + some crit and armor
1 Str = 1 AP
1 Int = 1.1 AP (if talented correctly) + some mana

so for enhancement =
Hit (until capped at 9% for specials) > Agi > Int > Crit > Expertise (until capped at 205 rating) > Haste > Str > AP
(Str > AP because of kings)
See here (elitist jerks link) for enhance shaman theory crafting on why.

As far as the no distinction between gear, that's true for ALOT of classes/specs now. Bliz did it on purpose to make it easier to get gear. Sure you may have to roll against twice as many people for your gear now, but because there is less variety needed in said gear drops, the loot tables can be smaller and therefor the gear you need will drop far more often, more than outweighing the fact that you're having to roll against more people for it. Statistically your odds of getting the gear you want should go up quite a bit.

Edited, Jan 21st 2009 11:15am by voydangel
#21 Dec 11 2008 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
Consider me schooled.
#22 Dec 11 2008 at 6:17 PM Rating: Good
574 posts
It is never too late to turn back from the Dark side.
#23 Dec 14 2008 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
Seeing MP5 on tier gear for Ele is sort of disheartening. As is the 2 piece set bonus.
#24 Dec 21 2008 at 7:17 PM Rating: Good
794 posts
blue post has stated the Blizzard stand on Elemental dps.

it is too low on live

The target for shaman(ele) dps is to be close to balance druid levels.
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