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I could use some advice on my petFollow

#1 Nov 26 2008 at 8:34 PM Rating: Decent
556 posts
I've been trying to avoid going for an all-out DPS pet for my ferocity pet, mostly because I want to find something just a little more useful. You can always do more damage, but messing with enemies is fun. I generally solo, if thats any consideration.

Anyway, I've been torn on what to aim for. So far I have a carrion bird which I love, very much. I seem to be able to use mend pet without pulling agro, at least for the moment, while it's using screech. Not to mention it drops the enemies dps a lot more than I thought it would, so...bonus.

I have been wondering though, if anybody has tried the new wolves out. Wolves are my favorite animal in real life, so I wanted to use them. But I never liked them pre-WoTLK so I was wondering how the new howl works out. It definately looks a lot stronger, but how much DPS boost does it really do?

The other one I was considering was, at higher level, picking up a wasp. The thought of it dropping 1000+ armor off the enemy seemed pretty appealing also.

And of course, despite all that, I was looking at Devilsaur for it's stacking self-dps buff. You know, just to see the Ferocity pet with the (seemingly) best ability to do more and more damage.

Any opinions on this? I do hope this is different enough from your standard "wat pet iz bestest" threads for your tastes.
#2 Nov 27 2008 at 12:34 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
I've been using a wolf lately--I think the buff was about +150 AP or so at level 75ish. Apparently doesn't stack with Pally blessing or battle shout, but I haven't had a chance to test it out so I'm not certain. I've been running 5-mans with a DK tank and a priest healer though, and the other DPS seem to enjoy the buff. Wolfie seems to be doing a fair amount of damage (40% of total if I use Beast), and he's not exactly specced for DPS at the moment as he does have to tank when I am any rate, he holds threat well, and the buff is a nice extra for both of us.
#3 Nov 27 2008 at 7:18 AM Rating: Good
I would recommend a gorilla. I know that a lot of people use them, there is a reson for that. I have never had a pet that i actually have a hard time pulling threat off of. If I hit BW, KC and then send it in on an elite with abot 40K health, I cannot rip threat before the mob dies.

I specc'd into the exotic talent for the extra pet points. Right now at level 75 my mend pet ticks for 1300+ with the talent points into it. I can round up 8 or so even level mobs and AOE them all down with no problem. Also with the new instance tactic, Pull everything and aoe it all, Thunderstomp has been very powerful in groups. Not to mention that if you spec for your pets, armor, health, they do become very viable OT's in things. My pet has tanked all of the arena thing in Grizzly hills (horde). And has had no problem stepping in in several instances when the tank went down for whatever reason. Right now tenacity pets are very very tough. The talented Taunt is also a life saver.

Another great soling pet in the worm. They also have an armor debuff which can help with grinding. The new model is also very cool looking.

But get what you want. If you want a wolf then get one.

In closing this is written like a damn 3rd grader. sorry kinda tipsy right now.
#4 Nov 27 2008 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
556 posts
I had read about the glory that is the gorilla and had considered getting one actually, at least when I'm hjigh enough level to grab one. I sorta like having my dps pet though, although the idea of a pet I just can't pull agro from is sorta nice also.

I had also looked at the worm, they look really good for stripping armor. I just wonder what their damage output is compared to my dps pets. Granted it might not matter much with them losing so much armor per shot.

It may be easier to level pets now with the no pets under five levels thing, but I still definately want to find a few good pets and stick with them.

Also, it's nice to know wolf got a buff. I'll have to pick one up eventually just for rp reasons. Yay new pet slots!
#5 Nov 27 2008 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Dps > get a cat, any cat, devilsaur works too if you have 51 pt BM.
Raid Dps > Scorpids are great for single target long bossfights.
solo > Gorilladins are cool.
PvP > According to MegaTF, Crabs are the new scorpids.

Outside of that, I personally like the look of wasps.
#6 Nov 27 2008 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
Im using one of the Tundra Crawlers from Borean Tundra and I have to say that it holds aggro extremely well,I almost want to say better than my other pets.In long fights the acid spit stacks up to 5 times and at 5 stacks thats a good amount of the mobs armor gone,so it can help out group dps as well.Ive had no problems soloing all the quests in Borean tundra,all the elites as well.Id recommend a worm imo.If you want sumthing cool to mess with peoples heads go for a silithid or spider for the web spray i think its called.Oh or a corehounds lavabreath is great at messing with casters :)
#7 Nov 27 2008 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Raid Dps > Scorpids are great for single target long bossfights.

Are scorpids still doing really high DPS? They nerfed the poison a few patches ago.

Codexia, if you want to choose a great pet for yourself, Wowhead's pet page is really great for comparing pets quickly.

Edit: And Gorillas are even pretty decent DPS for some instances. I took my Gorilla into Violet Hold. We had two ret pallies- one was in blue/green DPS gear, and the other was in his BT/Hyjal tanking gear. Rosie out-DPSed both of them! I was seeing 2.5k Thunderstomp crits. It was awesome.

Edited, Nov 27th 2008 4:24pm by ProjectMidnight
#8 Nov 27 2008 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
ProjectMidnight wrote:
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Raid Dps > Scorpids are great for single target long bossfights.

Are scorpids still doing really high DPS? They nerfed the poison a few patches ago.
They did indeed, but there are reports from hunters who have a scorpid doing insane dps.

Then again, there are cats topping 2.5k dps.
#9 Nov 27 2008 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
556 posts
Forgive a hunter who is still a bit on the newb side, but how are cats getting such huge DPS? I know all the hunter/pet talents stack up well, but why cats over the other DPS pets? I would have thought the devilsaur would out-DPS the cat, or even the Wasp dropping off 1000 armor.
#10 Nov 27 2008 at 8:32 PM Rating: Good
or even the Wasp dropping off 1000 armor

Doesnt scale with druid Ferie fire.

As for Devilsaurs out dpsing cats... Well it seems a bit odd to me as well. Not being 80 yet, and not havig raided with a level 80 cat or Devilsaur i really cant even answer this. However for cats, their Rake dot turns into a ~6 sec cooldown. Combine that with their focus dump and you get 2 abilities that fire a lot and do good damage. That and the fact that pets scale so well and you have a winning combo.
#11 Nov 27 2008 at 9:09 PM Rating: Good
1,945 posts
On the 2 hunters I took to 70, I was a cat fancier for solo and a bird for raiding.

Right now, I'm not so sure about cats for one reason. Maybe this is an isolated case. My sister got a lynx a while ago and somehow she got Prowl. The thing won't stay off if she clicks it off. I always avoid pets with Prowl. So I got her a tiger from STV and it also has Prowl. Is there anyway to completely remove that ability now or is she stuck with it as long as she has a cat. I was thinking about a wolf for her later, but since I liked cats and they did well for me, I wanted her to have that experience too.
#12 Nov 28 2008 at 1:15 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
You need to get any abilities you don't (always) want on autocast on your petbar.
Stupid issue Blizz has failed to fix so far.

rinkkel, ****** Superhero wrote:
or even the Wasp dropping off 1000 armor

Doesnt scale with druid Ferie fire.

As for Devilsaurs out dpsing cats... Well it seems a bit odd to me as well. Not being 80 yet, and not havig raided with a level 80 cat or Devilsaur i really cant even answer this. However for cats, their Rake dot turns into a ~6 sec cooldown. Combine that with their focus dump and you get 2 abilities that fire a lot and do good damage. That and the fact that pets scale so well and you have a winning combo.
Devilsaurs barely match Cat's, and they require 51 pt BM which denies you access to readiness.
Wasps armor pen and fearie fire don't stack, worm armor pen and sunder don't stack, so that's rather useless.

Which BM build is top dps is currently not entirely clear yet, there's a lot of variations floating around such as 3/3 longevity 50/21, 1/3 longevity 50/21, 50/13/7, and builds with more points in BM.
All seem to be doing insane dps, and even the top guilds aren't at a stage yet where they can reliably test new builds (a.k.a. during raids, due to raids not being 100% on farm yet and gear getting upgraded really fast)

As for how Cats get 2.5k+ dps... somehow Rake manages to scale insanely well in raids.
Along with all the buffs pets get.. it just adds up to a really insane level.
Pets doing 2.5k dps, hunters doing 1.5-2k.... pet's over 50% of your dps GO! Smiley: tongue

edit"WWS breakdown from a hunter at Patchwerk.
Biggest part of his dps? Pet melee, 27%.

Edited, Nov 28th 2008 12:07pm by Aethien
#13 Nov 28 2008 at 3:56 AM Rating: Decent
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
edit"WWS breakdown from a hunter at Patchwerk.
Biggest part of his dps? Pet melee, 27%.

Smiley: eekSmiley: eekSmiley: eekSmiley: eek
#14 Dec 01 2008 at 12:27 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts

Right now, I'm not so sure about cats for one reason. Maybe this is an isolated case. My sister got a lynx a while ago and somehow she got Prowl. The thing won't stay off if she clicks it off. I always avoid pets with Prowl. So I got her a tiger from STV and it also has Prowl. Is there anyway to completely remove that ability now or is she stuck with it as long as she has a cat. I was thinking about a wolf for her later, but since I liked cats and they did well for me, I wanted her to have that experience too.

You need to get any abilities you don't (always) want on autocast on your petbar.
Stupid issue Blizz has failed to fix so far.

That prowl glitch got me the other day , up till then i have had prowl and cower in the pet bar turned off with no problems at all but for some reason it kept turning on at random times while grinding , i tried logging out and it still did it but when i shut the game down fully and restarted it went back to normal ?. That is a very weird glitch we have .
#15 Dec 01 2008 at 12:29 PM Rating: Excellent
OK, I'll offer one possible explanation for the "prowl" problem. I hope I'm not insulting anyone by giving a solution that is below your level, I'm new to the hunter and new to cats, but when i was having this problem I just right-clicked on the prowel button and removed the little "chasing" border that highlights the button.... I assumed that the "chasing border" meant that the ability was either always on or that it was set to auto? Or something to that general effect. Was that a stupid answer?

Now, I also have a few noob questions: when can my pet learn new tallents/skills from the pet trainer? is there a certain level, or is it experience based? when I go to the pet trainer my only options are "unlearn" pet skills, and "talk about" pet skills (or something close to that). One player told me that pets no longer learn new tallents/skills because they all start with them now. Is that accurate? If so; is there any reason not to simply release your pet and tame a new one whenever you see something that you like more?

Thanks for any advise and/or answers!
#16 Dec 01 2008 at 3:08 PM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
saftiman wrote:
OK, I'll offer one possible explanation for the "prowl" problem. I hope I'm not insulting anyone by giving a solution that is below your level, I'm new to the hunter and new to cats, but when i was having this problem I just right-clicked on the prowel button and removed the little "chasing" border that highlights the button.... I assumed that the "chasing border" meant that the ability was either always on or that it was set to auto? Or something to that general effect. Was that a stupid answer?
The issue isn't the chasing border (which indicates it's on autocast) but rather that everytime you zone/log/whatever it's turning autocast back on.
And I don't want my cat to prowl... ever.

Now, I also have a few noob questions: when can my pet learn new tallents/skills from the pet trainer? is there a certain level, or is it experience based? when I go to the pet trainer my only options are "unlearn" pet skills, and "talk about" pet skills (or something close to that). One player told me that pets no longer learn new tallents/skills because they all start with them now. Is that accurate? If so; is there any reason not to simply release your pet and tame a new one whenever you see something that you like more?

Thanks for any advise and/or answers!
It will learn them automatically.
From level 20 and from then on each 4 levels (so 20, 24, 28 etc) your pet will gain 1 talent point, exactly like yourself.
You can spend these in the pets talent tree to improve it's dps/tanking capability/survivability.

And there is indeed no reason not to just get a new pet whenever you see something nicer.
That is, if you don't get emotionally attached to pets like many of us do :P
#17 Dec 01 2008 at 6:37 PM Rating: Excellent
It's not just prowl, it's cower and, randomly, growl shutting off randomly as well. Extremely annoying when you are so used to your pets' Growl going off and never having to mess with it. Then, on the pull, after you have to FD right off the bat and disengage and you still peeling aggro for what seems like no reason and seeing it disabled...
#18 Dec 02 2008 at 5:56 AM Rating: Decent
Cool, thanks for the info. Like I said, once I turned the autocast "OFF" my cat hasn't gone to prowl unless i put him there; or quite possibly, I've been distracted with other stuff and didnt notice the other skills going nuts?
As far as swaping pets, i just like to try out a little bit of everything. I'll probably tame about half of the critters out there just to see what I like.
#19 Dec 02 2008 at 8:20 AM Rating: Good
830 posts
I haven't had Growl kick itself off since the first major patch upgrade (pre-LK release). Anything that has been on my pet cast bar has not changed what mode I have it in. I have found that anything that is NOT on the pet cast bar is subject to wierdness. I have to verify my settings any time I log in.

It seems to keep the settings during the session but then again, I haven't caught it switching anything out. I don't have long sessions so maybe I'm just not seeing the issue over a shorter session...

Clearly Blizz has a bug they need to fix, but what's causing it... IDK. ^_^
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