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Understanding threat / TotTFollow

#1 Nov 26 2008 at 8:21 AM Rating: Excellent
4,684 posts
Boo, a rogue has snuck into your boards, and he has just managed to place a question in your pockets.

As some of you might already know, at level 75 rogues recieve a new ability called Tricks of the Trade. Basically, it works like this: I cast it on you, and wait. Then, as soon as I hit a mob, it's effect comes into play. For 6 seconds long, all my threat gained will be transferred to the tank, you in this case. In addition, during these 6 seconds you will get 15% extra damage for free (hoozay!). Seeing as I'm mutilate spec (for the people in here who don't know every class in the game), it basically means my initial burst will be a pretty bad *** amount of damage and aggro to go with that. Once I've left stealth, I can if needed wait until I have the energy for another burst before using the ability.

Now I can go into very specific detail from this point, but I think I'll just stay with asking the tanks among you the following question:
Since you are the master of threat in the group, where, when, and even on who do you want me to use this skill?

Should I use it on you and burst the second target until the duration wears off? Should I use it on you and simply hit the skull to give you a little more aggro on him? Should I use it on that annoying mage who just ninja'd your boots? If you get low on health, is it a good idea to use it in combination with burst damage to get a mob off you onto another plate wearer (full of hp)? Or should I just stfu, stick to AOE pulling tricky groups and furthermore forget about the ability?

P.S. I realize I could've posted this on the paladin, druid or death knight forums as well, but... I don't know, for some reason the warrior boards feel like the right place to me. Lets just say the paladin bubblehearthed, I couldn't find the feral druid and the Death Knight is still doing his class specific questline.
#2 Nov 26 2008 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
120 posts
I say put it on the mage. Especially if he/she can't controll their aggro. :)
Depending on the pull and CC, I'd say to burst down the second mob. I usually mark skull first, the X second, and Sun/circle for 3rd in killing order. Getting aggron on the skull and then X usually isn't too hard. Getting to the 3rd mob can sometimes be tricky. I know that for some super tanks out there, it isn't a problem. But an string of crit heals on me before I can get enough threat on the 3rd mob can mean the healer pulls that 3rd mob.
If after CC is taken into account and there are only 2 mobs coming, I'd say to use TotT and burst the 2nd mob to boost my threat on him. When your burst ends, switch over to skull. If there are 3 mobs coming, I'd say to burst the 3rd mob, then go back to the killing order. That's my 2 cents anyway.
#3 Nov 26 2008 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
It prolly doesnt matter a whole lot, we warriors are threat machines. I would say most importantly, if you go with the x over the skull, be sure to explain to your tank what you are doing. This will save you an earful for not following the kill order, at least from me anyways :P
#4 Nov 26 2008 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Put it on a caster or ranged attack mob.

Otherwise a mob farthest along in the kill order or just use Omen and figure it out.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#5 Nov 26 2008 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
So in general, bursting an off target with it is considered beneficial enough when compared to simply bursting the skull?
#6 Nov 26 2008 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Mozared wrote:
So in general, bursting an off target with it is considered beneficial enough when compared to simply bursting the skull?

Honestly with a good tank you're usually better off hitting the kill order. Multi-mob agro isn't really much of a problem since the major changes and additional abilities we've been given.

In most cases I would have you stick the skull. There might be some pulls or situations I would want it on the x or another mob. A good tank should know what it is and let them know what it is and that it's available. They should be able to assess any situation and go accordingly. Ideally they should have a mark set aside specifically for that purpose. For example set the diamond for tricks. If you don't see a diamond use it on the skull. Easy peasy.
#7 Nov 26 2008 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
A good tank should know what it is and let them know what it is and that it's available.

I take it you meant rogue?

A mark for it doesn't sound like a bad idea to me, it's just that I yet have to meet a tank who knows the ability (granted, I'm not 80 yet). I'm just trying to make the most of it. And if following the kill order is beneficial, could it be used simply for the 15% damage effect? I suppose I have to stick it on the tank since 15% damage isn't going to help a dead mage, but who knows.
#8 Nov 26 2008 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
713 posts
Mozared wrote:

Lets just say the paladin bubblehearthed...

I resent that =P

Coming from a paladin perspective where we can frontload plenty of aggro onto three mobs, it would be preferable you just hit skull with it.

Best to ask your tank at the start of the instance.

Mozared wrote:
15% damage isn't going to help a dead mage, but who knows.

(Pictures a headless crit chicken running around in circles)
#9 Nov 27 2008 at 12:20 AM Rating: Decent
It depends on how fast the skull goes down. A good group will probably kill skull very fast even if 1 dps is sleeping ,smoking ,drinking ,etc. If the skull dies slowly then y need to focus on skull.

So mesure your party strengths and weakness each time your in a group and act accordingly.
Usually tanks will not be irritated if skull and X die almost at same time IF they die fast.The faster the better.

So basically that means if your tanks can hold good aggro and dps is super cool then go for it.

Remember to ask your Warrior to put his Vingilence buff to someone else and not you if you plan to apply your ability a lot.
#10 Nov 28 2008 at 4:06 PM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
Mozared wrote:
A good tank should know what it is and let them know what it is and that it's available.

I take it you meant rogue?

A mark for it doesn't sound like a bad idea to me, it's just that I yet have to meet a tank who knows the ability (granted, I'm not 80 yet). I'm just trying to make the most of it. And if following the kill order is beneficial, could it be used simply for the 15% damage effect? I suppose I have to stick it on the tank since 15% damage isn't going to help a dead mage, but who knows.

No, I meant a tank.

This is why I recommend learning different classes and roles in a group. Since I play a warrior, rogue, priest, shaman, hunter, mage and now a death knight, it makes me a better tank, healer and dps. I understand different abilities from different classes.

If you want to use it for the 15% damage you should try having the warrior cast vigilance on you. Hack away for 6 seconds and then use a vanish. Your agro clears while the warrior gets 10% of all that.
#11 Nov 29 2008 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
It's not castable on myself though... If I want to use it for the 15% damage, I'll have to throw it on another DPS.
#12 Nov 29 2008 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
Warriors threat should be DPS dependent now. We should be dealing about 75% or more dps (preferably more) of relative dpsers. It doesn't hurt overall dps significantly putting it on a tank.

It's not castable on myself though... If I want to use it for the 15% damage, I'll have to throw it on another DPS.

I'd still throw it on the tank for the first half of a fight. The threat component makes it a ****-move to put on anyone else early in a fight. Your basically doubling a dpsers threat for the duration.

After 30 seconds a tank should have full control on a mob or group of mobs. And then putting it on another dpser (probably the character with vigilance cast on them, if it is not the rogue casting TotT, then the next highest dpser.) for the 15% damage.

Now this functions well also if your tank is stunned/cc'd/etc... and you had a mob just break agro (for whatever reason). TotT the tank, burst that mob for 6 seconds.

This sounds like more rogue survival tools. But it probably will play out to being a great raid utility.
#13 Nov 29 2008 at 9:57 PM Rating: Good
608 posts
My take on this is that you will always always always cast the ability on the tank. There's no reason I can think of (aside from playing the fool) to put it on anyone else.

The question is, once you've cast it on the tank, which mob do you wail on to glue it to the tank. There are 2 options here - Firstly, on the main target, which should allow every DPS to open the taps on that target - however, as pointed out, warriors don't really have much problem building single target threat (never used to, but it's even more insane now).

The other option would be to pick a mob lower down the attack order, and unload a mass of damage on that mob .... you'll therefore assist the tank in getting and keeping agro for one more mob ... a mob he then doesn't really have to concentrate on to keep agro. This is probably more of a aid for the healers than anything else, but then again, keeping aoe threat to overcome healing agro is also not a problem (any more).

ofc, on a single target fight ... it's pretty straightforward - pop TotT on the tank, pop your trinkets and cooldowns, and open the throttle ... this allows you other DPS to do the same a lot earlier than they would have.

Best thing is for all tanks to know about the ability and what it can do, and then maybe even mark one up for TotT before the enoucnter starts ... it's essentially another mechanism to make sure than you don't have mobs running around causing problems (the other mechanisms being CC in the form of sap and sheep, and off tanking).
#14 Nov 30 2008 at 6:01 PM Rating: Good
1,395 posts
In the beginning of each fight, I'd have you use it on me. If there are more mobs than one, I'd have you attack another target than the skull for the duration.

Once it CD:s (from what I read on the skill it's usable in combat, does not require stealth and has a 30 sec CD) I'd have you use it on what ever raid or party member who's on top of the DPS meter (if there isn't a very close gap between me and him on the threat meter, although... threat shouldn't be an issue).

15% extra damage scales. A member doing 800 DPS will do 920 DPS. A member doing 1 400 DPS will do 1 610 DPS.

Edited, Dec 3rd 2008 1:53am by Utarius
#15 Dec 03 2008 at 1:39 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
honestly, id use it with this priority in mind:

is there a ranged/caster dps mob that isn't being nice and following the tank? use it on that.
are all the mobs on the tank like they should be? go ahead and **** up the primary target.
is another dps in the group being annoying? use it on that ******* and watch him/her die.

thats how id like rogues to use TotT for me.
#16 Dec 03 2008 at 4:22 PM Rating: Default
So what your all saying is it depends on the tank and the pull, no problem with that, I play a rogue and now I can't wait to hit 75 (kinda slow) and use it on the damn huntard that ninja's my gear. hehe
#17 Dec 03 2008 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
1,395 posts
tommyeitrigg wrote:
So what your all saying is it depends on the tank and the pull, no problem with that, I play a rogue and now I can't wait to hit 75 (kinda slow) and use it on the damn huntard that ninja's my gear. hehe

I doubt you'll do much else than increasing his damage. Hunters sort of have Vanish, only with a 30 sec CD.
#18 Dec 04 2008 at 4:52 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
That's the same CD as TotT though, you can at least make him pay full attention the whole run long *evil smile*

To summarize all answers though... I guess it really depends on the pull and tank? At the moment I just notify the tank at the start of the run so he can tell me where and when he wants me to use it, guess that's the best thing to do until/if it becomes a well known thing?

Cheers for all the answers!
#19 Dec 04 2008 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent
Very helpfull post about this rogue ability.

I m thinking that in an instance if the group is good and the last boss is close I d run a damage meter ,see which is on top then Under Utarius comment:
15% extra damage scales. A member doing 800 DPS will do 920 DPS. A member doing 1 400 DPS will do 1 610 DPS.

I would tell the rogue to cast the ability on the super DPS.Then I would cast vigilence on that dps.
I dont know if it will work well though...It might go well or cause super wipes...must be tested....

In a bad group? Allways on the tank I guess...

#20 Dec 04 2008 at 6:36 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
if youre ally and you want to use TotT on dps, use it on any night elf dps you can (especially warriors). shadowmeld is an aggro drop, so no worries about threat there, while hunters and rogues of any race get FD and vanish. but nelves will always be a safe bet, as long as you let them know ahead of time that theyll need to meld a bit earlier than normal (or at least keep a closer eye on their threat).
#21 Dec 04 2008 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Quor, isn't Shadowmeld only a temporary aggro drop? I'm not sure, because my Night Elf is a Rogue and I always used Vanish instead.
#22 Dec 04 2008 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
422 posts
Yes Shadowmeld is only temporary if it's canceled during combat.

If you're going to use TotT for the DPS boost, make sure you put it on someone that has a threat drop/wipe, most likely another rogue or a warlock. Threat generally isn't an issue unless the DPS far outgears the tank. You're probably best off asking the tank/group/raid what they would prefer.
#23 Dec 04 2008 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Threat generally isn't an issue unless the DPS far outgears the tank.

So basically; it depends on the run? Since I realize that while threat usually isn't an issue, helping out with it makes everybodies life a bit easier, right?
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