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80 Tank Talent TreeFollow

#1 Nov 25 2008 at 7:34 AM Rating: Decent
Well I apologize if someone has talked about this, I searched previous posts and didnt see it. But Level 80 what kinda tree are we looking at.

This is what I will be going with at 80, currently 78 now. Waiting for Tuesday maintance to continue.

I know gotta get deep in the prot tree, really was unsure were to put 3 of the points so i put them in the Improved Hammer of Justice, I hate putting one point is something just to get to the next level, feels like a waste to me.

Any thoughts? different tree's?

#2 Nov 25 2008 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
Hey, this is what I was planning on doing for my tree when I hit 80.

#3 Nov 25 2008 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
210 posts
More of just a couple of questions about your tree, for the most part I like what I see, just have a few suggestions, but haven't had a chance to really run any numbers to back them up so take what I say as just an opinion.

I would probably drop the 5 points in reckoning unless with the new expansion it's gotten changed; it seemed before the expansion that when you were tanking it didn't really proc that much. I'd put the 5 points into improved devotion aura and divine guardian just for the added bonuses. Just my thoughts tho, for the most part as I said it looks like a fairly strong build
#4 Nov 25 2008 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts

Just had to throw mine in here. I do believe 5% crit will give more threat than 15% damage from seals.

Edit: This is why I prefer WoWHead's talent calculator.

Edited, Nov 25th 2008 2:20pm by Ehcks
#5 Nov 25 2008 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
591 posts
i think you accidentally linked the OP's talent build Ehcks. My 80 build will most likely be this. Seals of the pure is better threat than conviction pt for pt, but adding crusade to conviction nearly doubles the threat/dps from those 8 talent pts, especially against humanoids/demons/undead/elementals(+6% damage).
#6 Nov 25 2008 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts

That's the build I'm using right now. I'm going to experiment in raid settings (Naxx10 this weekend and Naxx25 starting next week when enough guildies have geared for raiding again) so it won't be changing until then. I'm really considering improved hammer of justice as well, or Conviction for the crit. We'll see how things work out.
#7 Nov 25 2008 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
I am a bit curious as to why people seem to be ignoring Guarded by the Light. At 2/2 it provides a 6% reduction in incoming magic damage and a 30% reduction in the mana cost of HS, HoR, and SoR. This seems pretty useful to me, especially for dungeons/heroics/raiding.

I am interested in Mahlerite's build going farther into the Ret tree for conviction and crusade, but if I were to pick up conviction and crusade, I definitely wouldn't go 5/5 kings since most Ret/Holy Pallys will have kings in their spec and the blessing of choice for Prot is definitely BoSanc. Those 5 points from kings would be better spent for SotP or in the Prot tree somewhere else. In a 5-man where you are the only Paladin, BoSanc yourself and give everyone else BoM or BoW. In a raid (or sometimes in a 5-man) there will be at least one Ret or Holy Paladin around to give everyone BoK.

I also don't really see PoJ being terribly useful for Prot spec unless you plan to PvP as a Prot. When I am doing PvE the speed increase really isn't necessary, and if I am mounted I am using Crusader Aura anyway, which does not stack with PoJ.

Edited, Nov 25th 2008 2:03pm by jeromesimina

Edited, Nov 25th 2008 2:08pm by jeromesimina
#8 Nov 25 2008 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Yeah Guarded by the Light is a must have unless you know you won't be taking any magic damage. And the pts in kings are just filler, they can go to fill out toughness or imp HoJ or stoicism, whatever.

The more i think about it and if i know for sure there will be kings present this would be a little better.
Edited, Nov 25th 2008 1:10pm by mahlerite

Edited, Nov 25th 2008 1:12pm by mahlerite
#9 Nov 25 2008 at 11:21 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
mahlerite wrote:
i think you accidentally linked the OP's talent build Ehcks.

Yep, I did. :-\ Edited my post and reposting this one.
#10 Nov 25 2008 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
So suggestions are to get improved devotion aura? Does no one still use the ret aura anymore? Its up to 112 damage per hit done?

Also i see that no one said anything about Seals of the Pure??? Any thoughts there? or is that a wasted 5 points
#11 Nov 25 2008 at 2:03 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
I took Seals of the Pure -- it's going to stay at least until I can judge whether something else is more valuable in a raid or not.

Also, since Auras are raid-wide now, it's far better for a Ret Paladin who has all of the Ret Aura buffs to put it up. Healers love anything that helps with healing, so yes -- Devotion Aura is a pretty standard talent to take for us now. If you're anticipating only regular/heroic 5 mans on the other hand, you'll likely be using Ret yourself all of the time. All things considered, if I *HAD* to choose one or the other to have on, I'd probably choose Ret unless it's a big raid with lots of people taking lots of damage..
#12 Nov 26 2008 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Losie, why are you using RET aura? With the mechanics change, I personally haven't had a problem with losing aggro to justify the need to run with RET aura. I like DEV aura for the bonus heals and the bonus armor. Do you feel the mitigation boost from the increased armor isn't significant enough? I am just curious as I do not do much number crunching. Also, why did you put 3 points into Stoicism? Again, just curious. Finally, does Heart of Crusader help that much to put 3 points into? I am still a little unfamiliar with that talent, but I assume that it greatly increases the killing of bosses, or trash, as it increases the crit chance of everyone attacking said target.

I went with 5 points in Kings for group/raid buffing, even though I am running with BoSanc. I realize that most people are saying "That's RET or HOLY's repsonsibility", but I haven't found a RET or HOLY that's spec'd it. (NOTE: That was post patch-prior WotLK.) I haven't run many instances since WotLK so I am not sure as to the status now.
#13 Nov 26 2008 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
You're right in that threat isn't a big enough issue to decide to use Ret Aura based on. Mainly, it's because in any situation where I would be forced to choose one or the other I would be running with 4 other people and no other Paladin. None of the 5 man (including heroic) content comes CLOSE to justifying a healing bonus or a meagre (though it DOES exist) mitigation bonus. The 1/8 of a second that using Ret Aura cuts off of every fight will add up some day (or so I'll keep telling myself) -- if only in repair costs. These epics cost a TON to spiffy up. In the only situations where I would say that the healing bonus is a real plus, it's not an issue -- because there's a proper Ret there to put up the aura.

Stoicism is one of the flavor talents that I'm going to be switching around when I experiment in a little while. I don't know what I'll end up taking in the end. I chose it as the first one I'd run with because it looked like it would give me the most compared to the other options. Improved Hammer of Justice and Conviction are the only other talents that I'm REALLY considering replacing it with. I'm sure I'll experiment with others, but those are the only two talents that I havn't taken that I feel I really might POSSIBLY end up with.

Heart of the Crusader is another of the talents that I'm planning on playing with. This is one that I almost surely will change, since it's three wasted points when you run with a Ret.

I'm fairly confident that I won't end up with Kings in the final build. I used to say (prior to the new tree) that you should NEVER expect Holy or Ret Paladins to give you Kings. YOU are the Protection Paladin, it's your duty (and with a #$(* BoSanc like we used to have, it was easy to do). I totally disagree now. Kings feels more like it should be part of a fourth "leftovers" tree now, especially being Tier 1 and a 5 point talent.
#14 Nov 26 2008 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent
Well, i will be using this, since i am a MT on my guild:

Some notes:

- as MT, Stoicism and Unyielding Faith are a must have: reduce the stun and fear duration. When i am tanking, god i hate to be feared/stuned. Also improve our chance to survive, since while on fear and runing randomly you can get hit from behind = no dodge/block/parry.

- SotP is just a filler to get the Unyielding Faith but also gives a small threat generation while using SoV and Judgement.

- Improve Devotion aura, more armor, more healing. All love those. (also remind you more healing to yourself = more mana too)

- Judgement of the Just, is imo a must have talent. A -20% attack speed = good for tanking bosses.

- Guarded by the light is also a must have. A 6% less magic damage taken it help.

I do believe that with the SotR and well geared (a lot of str + block value) will be enough to hold agro. Also with a good main hand (fast and good dps) HotR will add perfect. Add consacrate, holy shield, RD, SoV + Judgment. I still don't lose agro.

#15 Nov 27 2008 at 1:05 AM Rating: Good
212 posts
Guess I will chuck mine in as well. I'm leveling prot at the moment because trying to do it holy is a pain. We also have more healers in the guild than tanks so I'm doing as many instances as I can to avoid questing.

This will be my spec once I hit 80:

The only small change I might make to this is reckoning, need to see what the numbers are like before deciding.

I've also noticed that I'm doing a crapload more threat than I used to do (not tanked since the 3.0 patch came out). With an AS pull, hammer and shield combo plus the usual HS and Conc (all of which would take about 6 or 7 secs) I have such a huge threat lead that none of the DPS even come close to pull aggro. Even when they are 3 levels above me.

Hence, I generally run with Dev aura since threat is a non issue.

Might look into this conviction thing as mentioned above.
#16 Nov 27 2008 at 7:36 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
I don't plan on taking Judgements of the Just. It's a very deep two point talent that two classes have baseline, and another usually talents for anyway.

Warriors have Thunderclap, Druids have Infected Wounds, and even DPS DKs will be keeping up Icy Touch.
#17 Nov 27 2008 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
I've debated that for JotJ as well..

The only real benefit I can see for it in a raid environment is when all of the tanks are occupied with different mobs in different areas and you cant rely on them to do it for you. There are other talents that can be taken that WILL make a difference on every single attack you make (or receive) -- the Jury's still out.

I'll be making my first talent shuffle tonight, I'll let you know what I find.
#18 Nov 30 2008 at 1:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
My personal feeling is that JotJ is a bit of a waste, too many other places to put my points. My build is here.

I have taken Kings because I tend to run a lot of Heroics and can't count on someone else to have it and I love it so very much.
#19 Nov 30 2008 at 11:03 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts

This is the build I'm rolling with this week. After some empirical testing by both me and other members of the maintankadin community, it is clear that Seals of the Pure in the Holy tree is noticibly more effective for threat generation than Conviction in the Ret tree. Both are generally minor increases (of LESS than 1% TPS generation per point invested) but hey, even from a non-threat perspective... damage is damage, right? Conviction only has a prayer to compete with Seals of the Pure when you factor in healing. If you need to throw a heal up, 5% crit can be valuable... but is it worth it for us? Probably not.

I did not take Unyielding Faith. After raiding, it is 100% clear to me that it is wasted points. There will ALWAYS be another class (Shammies anyone?) who can give us the same benefits all of the time. While it may be valuable in some 5 mans, that's not what I'm tailoring my build for. As a raid main tank, it's pointless.

I kept Stoicism. There's a lot of hot debate about this one. Many see it as a waste, Imp. HoJ being the alternative. I was actually somewhat glad that I took it. That may change when I decide on meta gems for a future helm, but for now -- I'm happy with Stoicism.

The upper Protection Tree remains the same. I took 2/3 Improved HoJ because I had the points. It was either that or Benediction -- mana isnt a huge issue. Not great for raid bosses, but it's nice on trash to throw up a couple of times every fight. I kept Judgements of the Just after seeing several cases first hand where I definitly wanted to have the slow effect up and I was the only one available to do it. Where I once thought, "well, yea -- but someone else can do this too.." I now realize that it is extremely important. It is also the cheapest option available to all of the classes to get a slow up. Where the others have to weigh their available resources before casting, all we need is a free GCD (which Judgement is on the 9/6/9 rotation anyway, so it happens constantly).

I've shuffled my Ret tree around a bit. 2/2 Improved Judgements was not needed because the extra second is just cut off in rotation anyway. It takes a full 9 seconds before you can get around to casting Judgement again anyway, so why bother having it on an 8 second cooldown? The only real benefit is when you break rotation, for example when a judgement debuff is resisted and you want it up ASAP. Still, 1 second longer without a judgement debuff up isn't exactly "ZOMG I GOTZ TO BLOW ALL MY LONG COOLDOWNZ TO SURVIVE THIZ!" of a situation. So I reduced this talent to 1/2.

I grabbed Improved Blessing of Might for a very specific reason. Kings is 5 points, Might is 2. Kings is a FUNDAMENTAL talent of a Ret build. It then follows that a Ret, who has Kings straight from their cookie cutter, would Kings the entire bloody raid. Leaving me to Might the Rets (and more importantly Sanctuary myself). Sounds good in theory. Works good in practice. Again, you might take it to tailor to a 5 man build but frankly after testing -- no, Kings isnt ALL THAT. One thing I dislike about the maintankadin community is that everyone is obsessed with Kings because of the influence of a few key figures. I've looked into it, and given the choice I'd rather have Sanctuary. I would ALWAYS 100% want my healers to have Wisdom before Kings, and physical damage dealers to have Might. Warlocks, Mages, Shadow Priests, and Crit Chickens. They're the classes that get Kings before anything else. And frankly, it isn't as big a deal of a buff for them as it is for us. If that says anything.

I cut Heart of the Crusader because, as I expected, there would always be a Ret putting it up. Just as long as you each know what the other is Judging, the slow effect and 3% crit will always be up. Ideally Prot judges Light for the threat boost and Ret Judges wisdom. Not hard to coordinate.

Next week I might shuffle some more. I *may* look for a way to fit Kings in, but I don't think much else will change.
#20 Dec 01 2008 at 5:25 AM Rating: Good
212 posts
I'd actually say that Kings should be in the Holy build rather than Prot or Ret.

After you take all the Holy talents you want you should have around 10 - 15 points left over. Pre-Patch TBC, I used to spend 20 points in the Prot tree for talents which were pure raid utility. With the tree as it is now, after Benediction and Improved Judgements I'd struggle to find anything else as good as Kings in either tree from a raid perspective.

Prots def don't have the points to spare to grab kings but I'm pretty sure Holy has.
#21 Dec 01 2008 at 7:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
I just caught some crap from a group member who wanted BoK

Am I wrong that a Paly tank doesn't need BoK.

My understanding is that BoK is either a Ret or Holy Paly's job to pick up. Tanks have 2 goals - Damage Mitigation and Threat Generation. Thus - BoK is not my problem.

Ret Palys are focused on 2 goals - DPS and Buffing

Holy Palys are focused on 2 goals - Healing and Buffing

Should I have BoK at 74? Or at 80? I chalk it up to "not my problem".
#22 Dec 01 2008 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
Who takes Kings depends on your raid composition. There are lots of people out there who say that Kings is just SO powerful of a buff that you HAVE to have it on people in a raid. It is only a super-omg-wow powerful buff for tanks, and 3% damage reduction from Sanctuary is not only super-mega-ultra-omg-wow powerful, but it's vital. It will mitigate MILES more damage than Kings offers in Effective Health. Might is invariably better for physical DPS and Wisdom is LIGHTYEARS ahead for healers. It is a powerful second buff to have on for everyone. It's also better than Wisdom for caster DPS. I agree that if it's at all possible to get Kings into a raid, every reasonable effort should be made. But the first place to look for it is Ret.

Holy Paladins may take Kings if they venture down the protection tree, but the standard Holy Build is Holy/Ret, specifically because of the major boost to Crit that they can get by filling out part of the Ret tree. 53/0/18 is the standard Holy build, and they get 8% more crit out of the Ret tree by doing this. That's a big deal for things like tank healing.

Standard PvE Ret is 0/10/61 which takes Kings as a fundamental talent. So like I say, it depends on raid composition. But if you don't have a Ret in your raid you're likely either pugging or in a jumper-guild that takes what's there rather than tailoring their lineup. Neither are bad things, it just means that for the majority of Paladin raid tanks -- Kings isn't needed.

Edited, Dec 1st 2008 5:40pm by Losie
#23 Dec 02 2008 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
Here i make a few changes:

OK, i do think that 2 points in Unyielding Faith are better spend than 2 on Imp Bless of Migh. Why? of corse, on raids there will be a ret paly that can do the job of doing that. In the same reason you speak that there will be a shaman to take care of the fear blah blah... tanking is all about survival... so Unyielding Faith could save you *** on that critical moment were your support is down, charmed poly etc. That the diference between a wipe vs a win... those critical moments. Let someone else to worry about buffing.

Now, 2 points in Impro Jugment... as you say it... it may not fit on the rotation, but could make you have a diferent option. if you get dissarmed, you can still jugment but can't use HotR and so.

Now, since everyone want kings and noone can take, at least the last point i put it on Kings. Will be just a 2% stat for everyone, but i think it will be worthy that than nothing. Also the same thing up there, i would prefer a 2% king buff + a BoM VS an inmprove BoM only. I do believe this will help most the raid. Of corse, if there somone with the full 10% king and someone else with IBoM too... then with my build you lose 1 point... with yours you lose 2.

And 2 point in IHoJ = bad stuff, lot of raid stuff can't be stuned. Also for interrupts, there WILL be a lot of player aroud you worryed about that. Plus your 40 sec cooldown won't make it alone.

Peace ^^
#24 Dec 02 2008 at 11:26 AM Rating: Default

Is what i use. I've currently had no problem tanking, and no problems holding threat, so quicker judgements arent needed. If i made any changes at all id take 2 out of judgements of the just and put them in unyielding faith.
#25 Dec 02 2008 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
Is not that we can't hold agro. All the built work perfect. I think the disccusion has come to the detail of: where i do spend my last 5 points for a better build.

If you want more judge more often, 2 on Improve Jugdment
If you want to have kings, 5 point on Kings
If you want to have 30% less fear and disoriented, 2 point in UF
IF you want to have less mana spend per cast, 5 point on Bene
If you want more stuns, 3 points in IHOJ
If you want to slow, 2 points in JotJ

Any combination of those you get you a desired thing. I think at this point, go with whatever you like more/need more.

Have fun.
#26 Dec 02 2008 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Just want to clarify that if you are putting 10+ pts in ret, you should pickup Imp Might as Ret will be buffing kings, holy Imp Wisdom and prot should then do Imp Might/BoSanc. This is assuming all 3 pally specs are represented in the raid. If you bring a 4th pally then prot does BoSanc for the entire raid as Holy should have Imp Might as well.

Seen it mentioned a few times on Maintankadin that PoJ is necessary for the disarm duration. While that is definitely annoying I haven't seen any instance where I would spec it, but i'm still struggling to 80. Have a wpn chain for the +28 hit atm, as none of my t6 gear and recent upgrades have any hit on them. Plan to keep a backup wpn with a chain on it for times when disarm is an issue, but I can't see speccing into PoJ for anything other than AoE grinding to keep ahead of the mobs you are kiting to get a large enough grp to burn down.
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