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So. What is your spec and how does it work?Follow

#1 Nov 24 2008 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
I thought I would make a little thread where people can post their spec, it's background, benefits, drawbacks, and personal experience.

I guess I will start:

Blood is my spec.

Now before you critique my build and tell me where to move points, please note that I started playing the class without any research into specs as I wanted to discover what worked for me on my own.

What I like about this spec:
-I can grind forever.
-I cannot lose in 1v1 pvp if I blow CDs
-Self heals are awsome
-Utilizes all of my runes in an effective manner
-Crits almost as hard as my 3.02 70 ret pally
-I can win against any class except DK without really trying (paladins are annoying with their bubble but all it really does is buy them time to run :P)
-I can solo 2 man group quests
-Effectively unlimited runic power

-No real AoE ( I mean technically I could waste runes on AoE, but it is far easier to just plow through enemies 1 by 1)
-not having blood tap up when I need it :P
-Lots of waiting for global cooldowns(MASH HARDER!)

Overall I enjoy my build and have had fun using it. I can take on two enemies at once, I can kill four DKs in a row without breaks, and can kill dumbass 70 paladins :P

So that's it for me, what is your spec like?
#2 Nov 25 2008 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
Am I really the only one who finds value in learning about other people's specs?
#3 Nov 25 2008 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts
No, just not everyone replies immediately.

I'm currently specced Unholy, a tri-spec build intended to DPS or tank. Solid avoidance and mitigation for tanking (yes, Unholy is a very effective tank spec) and excellent DPS for 5mans. This build would fall behind for raids as it isnt DPS-centric enough, but for pre-endgame it's great, and it's capable as a PvP spec too.

Strongest AoE available to a DK; excellent AoE threat-gathering
Most damage sources bypass armour
About 80% of the talented mitigation/avoidance for a DK
Solid single-target DPS
High RP generation to support spells
In high-damage situations can hide behind tank avoidance and still cause serious damage
Able to switch to tank mode and take on almost any Elite in the game
Unholy Ghoul absolutely kicks ***

Dependent on FU abilities so fewer instants per rotation
Short on crowd-control
Single-target DPS inadequate for raids
Vulnerable to dispel in PvP
Short on self-healing for high-damage situations
Unholy Ghoul dies all the time in AoE-heavy encounters; it NEEDS Avoidance
#4 Nov 25 2008 at 8:28 PM Rating: Good
1,069 posts
My spec at least for lvling is a hybrid.


Perma-ghoul from Unholy means I never have to fight alone

Ravenous Dead + Glyph of the Ghoul = A ghoul that can solo an archer from AV

Blood points keep me alive while death coil keeps my rotting friend alive.

So far according to Recount I stay 200 dps ahead of DK's my level


Having to watch Omen very carefully.

Now I may have to respec eventually since I'm not sure how this spec will continue to preform closer to 80 since I won't be able to get the final blood talents.

Also I'm considering adding in the parry abilities so I can try my hand at tanking. I enjoyed Paladin tanking though the class has lost it's magic for me post 3.0

My spec for the most part combines the hard hitting, desperation heals of a Retribution paladin with the double team attacks of a hunter's ferocity pet.
#5 Nov 25 2008 at 11:27 PM Rating: Good
76 posts
This is what I am playing with now, a Blood/Frost combo

I like it so far, but i think i will respec soon and go icy talons instead of annihilation.

Good solo stuff
Self healing is enough(without much vendetta or aura)and blood worms are great for leveling(questing is all i use this spec for)
Easy rotations(me is not smart, so me likes the easy rotations)
Elites are...very un-elite like in this spec.
I lose some blood skills now, but the frost talents do help as we Bloods only have 2 diseases to work with, so boosting my main one is always good.

As the mob #'s increase, my AoE capabilities decrease
I miss my fast horsey.
Annihilation seems like an incredible waste of my points. By the time i reach Obliterate, my diseases are almost gone anyways so i don't reallycare if i lose the 1 or 2 seconds that annihilate saves me. Might respec and lose that talent and pick up icy talons instead.
No Gargoyle or Rune weapon skills...yet

Edited, Nov 26th 2008 11:28am by pepperj
#6 Nov 26 2008 at 12:16 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts

By far the best leveling spec, IMO. I've soloed every single quest thus far on my DK (most 3-person group quests I did as soon as I could get them for items like my current sword and Bladefist's Breadth, which had me soloing elites 2-3 levels above my own).

Some things to note:

  • Rune Tap (with Imp Rune Tap) is awesome.
  • I put my 7 points into Unholy before I do anything else.
  • I generally IT/PS, HS, HS, DS and a mob is dead. Move on to next mob and IT/PS, HS, HS, HS, HS (DRM) and the mob is dead.
  • I don't even use Oblit; I can see using it at 80 in place of DS in my openers to get DRM going, but HS is so freaking good that I see no reason to not use it.

  • That's about it. I'm loving DK; I love the strategy involved in pulling high damage out of the class.

    Edited, Nov 26th 2008 12:16am by Theophany
    #7 Nov 26 2008 at 1:05 AM Rating: Decent
    947 posts
    By far the best leveling spec, IMO

    For solo grinding on single targets I agree, deep Blood is the best. However, for AoE grinding Unholy blows it out of the water, hard. If you're primarily concerned with Elites then your spec is ideal for soloing them, but for raw XP gathering Unholy pulls ahead; EJ has some enlightening posts on the subject. In general I will pull 4-6 mobs and due to the mob scaling on Wandering Plague and Unholy Blight each mob loses about 25% HP in the time it takes me to burst down one of them with Strikes. The last three mobs usually die simultaneously, reminds me very much of a Prot Paladin.

    You might also want to look into the DPS added by the Ghoul, the Unholy one really is a very great deal stronger than the Guardian version; when you consider the Ravenous Dead talent adds 60% of your Strength to the Ghoul, that effectively means a 60% increase in Strength-based DPS (not counting Strikes of course), and with the Glyph it's 80%. Even against single-targets, that is a formidable advantage.

    Edited, Nov 26th 2008 4:12am by Sinstralis
    #8 Nov 26 2008 at 2:10 AM Rating: Decent
    291 posts
    I must be the only person going into deep frost (and by deep I mean 100% frost talents. I just threw them in there and have not bothered respeccing since it seems to work). At level 59 mind - I got myself stuck in BGs for now.

    I tend to act more like a melee mage than anything. In battlegrounds I spam distance frost spells way before I actually get close enough to the player to hit them with my sword and then I can keep hitting them as they run and then death grip them and continue spamming spells if they get away again. I should be using duel swords but haven't gotten around to replacing my 2-hander. I love it too much XD

    In PvE I haven't had any big problems. It is a lot easier in the sense that the fights are longer and more controlled. Because I lack rune tap or *any* instant heal, Death strike becomes a problem in PvP because (aside from never having time/opportunity to DoT anyone up well) my frost runes are always on cooldown XD

    In PvE (or NPC PvP) If it's a case where death strike is not enough (though it usually is), then I just need someone to keep my health topped up and I make a pretty fine dps tank.

    <-- take everything with a grain of salt. I have no idea yet what the DK world is like into into the 60's yet. Let alone the 70's and 80's.
    #9 Nov 26 2008 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
    1,875 posts
    im still toying around with a bunch of deep frost variants to see what ill like for end-game, but frost is my gambit

    -when its going, it goes VERY good... killing machine procs, rime procs, big flashy crits, all sorts of sh*t
    -useful for world pvp; not a big concern for people but Richards like to jump people, and im ready for them all the time (id argue blood could do this too, but i only seen their performance vs melee, in which they CRUSH them with mark of blood's iron fist)
    -useful for instances; the group buff (20% melee haste) is nice to have indeed, and since people are straight up ignorant... everyone thinks frost is the tank tree... if you dont mind tanking, you got opportunities
    -good situational abilities; no RP mind freeze, CoI causing damage, extra time on IF, UA... lots of neat things to use that are useful situationally at least
    -a strong amount of armor ignoring dps; not as much as unholy, but since most of it is for single target, a good thing considering the lack of tanking warriors.... no sunder armor doesnt affect frost as much as it will blood
    -imo, the best tree to makeshift tank if the groups tank dies... a lot of defensive CDs, and good aoe OR single target threat means that when sh*t hits the fan, a good frost dk should be able to swap presences and make things happen

    -lacks bloods elite-soloing ability, but is very close on single target dps if played well (while leveling, blood doesnt have the gear to outpace frost by any real amount)
    -lacks unholys aoe dps, but howling blast alone puts it far ahead of blood in that regard
    -inconsistant performance, very crit driven... so when its good, its GOOD.... when its bad, its bad :(
    -mobs with frost immunity own your soul for free
    -only 51 point talent thats damn-near-useless for leveling

    im probably missing some things, as im biased a smidge after playing around with all the trees... but mainly

    i like frost because its so middle-of-the-road... it doesnt fall behind too far in any situation that isnt frost-immune, it may not be the best... but its more then appropriate for everything

    Edited, Nov 26th 2008 9:23am by mongoosexcore
    #10 Nov 26 2008 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
    13,048 posts
    Sinstralis wrote:
    By far the best leveling spec, IMO

    For solo grinding on single targets I agree, deep Blood is the best. However, for AoE grinding Unholy blows it out of the water, hard.

    I disagree. As blood, I pop IT/PS, then Pestilence, the HS, DS and one mob is down and the others have diseases up so I can go right to HSing, taking them down easily.

    It's not as disparate as you think.
    #11 Nov 26 2008 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
    1,875 posts
    the issue with that isnt in 'can blood do it'

    its more of the speed bloo does it in

    if you wanna see what i mean, when u hit northrend, go aoe a 7-pack of shoveltusk ******** things

    then check it out as unholy and frost

    all capable... but notably faster as unholy or frost

    i do gotta say, blood has a edge in terms of surviving a aoe pull gone wrong, just mark of blood the last thing u intend to kill

    its like 20 seconds of a pocket druid healer lol
    #12 Nov 26 2008 at 9:30 AM Rating: Default
    Overlord Theophany wrote:
    Sinstralis wrote:
    By far the best leveling spec, IMO

    For solo grinding on single targets I agree, deep Blood is the best. However, for AoE grinding Unholy blows it out of the water, hard.

    I disagree. As blood, I pop IT/PS, then Pestilence, the HS, DS and one mob is down and the others have diseases up so I can go right to HSing, taking them down easily.

    It's not as disparate as you think.

    Agree, i kill 3,4 or 5 at the time with Blood spec. Good rotation=win
    #13 Nov 26 2008 at 1:39 PM Rating: Excellent
    So I was specced blood but I had a few points in the wrong place and it showed. I had some difficulty with a few things and then I came across Theo's post on his build. Gotta say after the respec, I have been able to tank mobs back to back up to 12 deep without a noticeable loss of life or a danger of dying so thanks for linking it. My DK simply will not die, lord knows I have this deathwish to try and get him killed too.

    So I gotta say Theo, even though you drive me nuts with your posts sometimes, your spec was spot on and you provided some excellent info and I appreciate it, rate ups from me for that. :)
    #14 Nov 26 2008 at 6:24 PM Rating: Default
    13,048 posts
    Wordaen, Keeper of the Banstick wrote:
    So I was specced blood but I had a few points in the wrong place and it showed. I had some difficulty with a few things and then I came across Theo's post on his build. Gotta say after the respec, I have been able to tank mobs back to back up to 12 deep without a noticeable loss of life or a danger of dying so thanks for linking it. My DK simply will not die, lord knows I have this deathwish to try and get him killed too.

    So I gotta say Theo, even though you drive me nuts with your posts sometimes, your spec was spot on and you provided some excellent info and I appreciate it, rate ups from me for that. :)

    Yeah, I usually have to try to get killed in order to do so. Smiley: frown

    I think the only time I've died is when I pulled 13 caster mobs and I just couldn't keep up with them since they were so spread out.
    #15 Nov 26 2008 at 9:18 PM Rating: Good
    76 posts
    Yes, I am running with almost the exact same spec as Theo and it really does a good job. I did respec last night and took the points out of annihilation and put them in icy talons, really enjoy icy talons with a 2hander and since I rarely use obliterate over death strike to level up anyways, worked out well.
    #16 Nov 26 2008 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
    947 posts
    Well, since the feedback on Theo's build was positive I decided to give it a go, and overall I am pretty impressed with it for consecutive grinding. As advertised, there is little risk of dying unless you are literally too stupid to save yourself, and the single-target DPS is solid. I hope you'll actually believe me when I say the Unholy build is still better for simultaneous AoE grinding, but then you can take a horse to water, but you cannot make it think.

    Running with Theo's Blood build I could pull mobs consecutively with zero downtime, the same way a Ret Paladin or Feral Druid currently does. Pulling 3-4 is no problem, and my DPS is focused onto one target while diseases tick away on the others; I find I can pull a group of 3, finish them off, and immediately pull a new group of three with the free Death Coils into the furball with no risk at all. It's a safe and high-damage build.

    I have however switched back to Unholy after about 6 hours of testing on the Blood build, for two reasons.

    Firstly, you cannot tank with that build, at all. The lack of any mitigation talents besides the (frankly poor) Tier 1 Frost talents left me at a horrendous disadvantage against melee mobs and even worse off against casters, against whom I had an untalented AMS and nothing else. Pulls were difficult to setup, AoE aggro difficult to build and tanking felt overall very much like when Arms Warriors said they could tank UBRS back in the day; they could, if they tab-targetted like a madman and burned all their Rage on Strikes, but it's distinctly sub-optimal.

    Secondly, anti-caster and AoE is below the Unholy spec, as is PvP ability. Unholy's diseases tick considerably harder, over 80% more on average, and scale with your melee crit in a way that only becomes apparent once you crack 30% crit. They also scale with mob number, so instead of the consecutive pulling of small groups it becomes routine to pull a huge group (6-7) and just eat one of the 13k foods for a few seconds in between pulls.

    While I concur that the 'disparity' isnt immense (as good design should be) I wouldnt say Blood is the best levelling spec "by far"; Unholy stands as an equally capable alternative, with the added advantage of being able to tank instances if you have to.
    #17 Nov 26 2008 at 10:46 PM Rating: Decent
    Overlord Theophany wrote:

    By far the best leveling spec, IMO. I've soloed every single quest thus far on my DK (most 3-person group quests I did as soon as I could get them for items like my current sword and Bladefist's Breadth, which had me soloing elites 2-3 levels above my own).

    Im about to give your specc a shot once i have some downtime tomarrow. I am however curious to know why you didnt choose vendetta? Just from looking at the blood tree it looks like one i would pick without thinking tiwce for a leveling build.
    #18 Nov 26 2008 at 11:04 PM Rating: Good
    76 posts
    I think vendetta isn't really needed in most Blood builds for the simple fact that you have so many other ways to get life back. Why would I need a skill that gives me life after I kill a mob when I am usually at 100% from Death Strike finishers(even more so if you have DS glyph). WIth DS, you have Mark if things get bad, Blood worms for even more and Blood aura or Vampiric if that is your thing for constant healing as well as your blood presence which gives what 2% back?? And then to top you off after a hard boss fight(or during)you can always use rune tap for an quick 10-20% life.
    There are much better ways to spend the points.

    Edited, Nov 27th 2008 2:04am by pepperj
    #19 Nov 26 2008 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
    pepperj wrote:
    I think vendetta isn't really needed in most Blood builds for the simple fact that you have so many other ways to get life back. Why would I need a skill that gives me life after I kill a mob when I am usually at 100% from Death Strike finishers(even more so if you have DS glyph). WIth DS, you have Mark if things get bad, Blood worms for even more and Blood aura or Vampiric if that is your thing for constant healing as well as your blood presence which gives what 2% back?? And then to top you off after a hard boss fight(or during)you can always use rune tap for an quick 10-20% life.
    There are much better ways to spend the points.

    Edited, Nov 27th 2008 2:04am by pepperj

    Thats what i had guessed since most peoples blood builds exclude it just wanted to make sure. Now im pretty excited to try it out tomorrow.
    #20 Nov 26 2008 at 11:54 PM Rating: Default
    13,048 posts
    My DS crits heal me for like 3000. Rune Tap (if needed) heals me for 20% after I finish a mob.

    Vendetta is a waste of points as it is no good for what blood does best--soloing elites.
    #21 Nov 27 2008 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
    118 posts
    Theo, my spec is actually almost identical with yours, however, at my current level, 61, I only have 2 points in Unholy (Morbidity).

    So do you recommend throwing those seven full points into Unholy first? I would have to lose out on the 5 point Blood Gorged talent to do so, which is 10 percent more damage above 75% health and the added expertise as a bonus. Is the trade of worth it to re-spec (it would only cost me 1 gold, so no big deal)? Or just stick with it and fill out the next 5 Unholy points as I go? So far it has been efficient for leveling and surviving, but I can always go for more efficiency and faster grinding :)
    #22 Nov 27 2008 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
    947 posts
    You're level 61... wait about four hours of grinding and spend your new talent points then :)
    #23 Nov 27 2008 at 10:52 AM Rating: Default
    13,048 posts
    mclix wrote:
    Theo, my spec is actually almost identical with yours, however, at my current level, 61, I only have 2 points in Unholy (Morbidity).

    So do you recommend throwing those seven full points into Unholy first? I would have to lose out on the 5 point Blood Gorged talent to do so, which is 10 percent more damage above 75% health and the added expertise as a bonus. Is the trade of worth it to re-spec (it would only cost me 1 gold, so no big deal)? Or just stick with it and fill out the next 5 Unholy points as I go? So far it has been efficient for leveling and surviving, but I can always go for more efficiency and faster grinding :)

    I personally think so. Having Epidemic for elites really helps out with damage, more so than having DRW and Blood Gorged, IMO. It keeps your diseases up so that you can make use of the Death runes that Death Strike is popping up without having to waste them on more IT/PSes.

    Edit: But as Sin said, you could just level more and have them. Smiley: tongue

    Don't be like me, don't have 40g respecs by the time you're 66!

    Edited, Nov 27th 2008 10:53am by Theophany
    #24 Nov 27 2008 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
    118 posts
    Yeah i dont want it to be like my rogue or druid who have been 50g since lvl 20! So what is your opinion on mark of blood? I skipped but not sure if it was a mistake for the heals for boss fights or elites.
    #25 Nov 27 2008 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
    947 posts
    Mark of Blood is a good choice for AoE grinding, just slap it on the mob with the most HP/fastest attack speed and watch him refill your HP for you.

    Works nicely for tanking too but... if you're using this build you wont be doing that.
    #26 Nov 27 2008 at 12:08 PM Rating: Default
    13,048 posts
    I personally take it instead of Hysteria in this build, and would probably include it over Hysteria in a PvP build (which I personally like Blood for).
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