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Recent Blue Post Regarding RoguesFollow

#1 Nov 24 2008 at 3:32 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Not sure how many people follow MMO-Champion so thought I'd put this up here. Also maybe bring up a little discussion.

Rogue DPS in PvE
Rogue dps seems to be high in heroics and raids. We are not seeing the case where rogues get skipped over for these runs. I can understand rogues feeling left out when so many groups are AE'ing their way through the lower level 5-player instances at the moment. We don't expect that strategy to continue to Naxx however. (Source)

So we're working as intended. I kinda felt like in Heroics I was lagging a little behind, but until I raid I'm gonna hold judgement.

You all's thoughts?
#2 Nov 24 2008 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
So far, I have to admit: Combat seems to be lagging even with the added "AoE" of Spree. I'll be respecing Muti for next weeks reset, so we'll see there. But the DPS I'm seeing in groups (as Combat) is definitely not all that hot compared to other classes and (just a subjective observation) it feels like I'm doing less than I was in SWP post 3.0, for example. Hell, I was even beat in one heroic by a warlock.... A WARLOCK!!! (Just kidding, I /heart locks! :)

Only done a little bit of LK raiding so far, but my DPS as Combat on Sartharion was soft. Partially to do with some movement and I was pulled off the boss to help with adds a few times. But still kinda weak output in my view.

The tendency right now in the groups I've been in is to avoid CC and just AoE tank groups which puts us at a disadvantage (no sap utility, poor AoE DPS), but most of the people doing heroics right now are the t6+ geared, more hard-core players who can get away with it. As more casual players start getting into heroic pugs this might change. /shrug

Honestly, I feel our raid DPS has been nerfed just a bit too much but that's an easy thing to say, I'm not entirely objective and haven't seen any WWS yet. Hell, I'm sure everyone is ******** about their DPS not being where they'd "like to see."
#3 Nov 24 2008 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
924 posts
Depends on who I'm rolling with. As mute, I really don't expect to out-dps a combat rogue on trash. They have BF/KSpree up every other pull, and between that and Fan of Knives hitting for a lot more with 2.6 speed weapons than 1.4 >.< yeah..

Bosses are a different story though. Even in my slowly improving gear, people have to work hard to catch me on a boss fight.
#4 Nov 25 2008 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
Mutilate on trash seems to be a special brand of hell created purely for our displeasure. It's great fun optimising cycles on bosses, though - I don't fee3l liek a brainless monkey spamming SS anymore.
#5 Nov 25 2008 at 7:55 AM Rating: Good
811 posts
Kavekk wrote:
Mutilate on trash seems to be a special brand of hell created purely for our displeasure. It's great fun optimising cycles on bosses, though - I don't fee3l liek a brainless monkey spamming SS anymore.

Only when you type then, eh? :)
#6 Nov 25 2008 at 8:03 AM Rating: Good
ThomasMagnum wrote:
Only when you type then, eh? :)

I suppose so. Lucky I'm not you, or I'd suffer the same affliction when trying to be witty, too.
#7 Nov 25 2008 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
415 posts
I am not doing badly in Heroics but with prevalence of no CC and ae everything tactic. I feel a bit left out, also tanks got a tremendous boost in dps, what's up with a war tank in blues doing 1k+ dps with maximized combat time, which means his dps is even greater in reality. It is kinda un-comforting when tank is doing a significant amount of dmg compared to dps classes.

I am doing everything I can just to stay ahead, so for example at end of instance with good tank, there is like 3mil dmg done by tank and I did 3.4mil. Similarly geared, blowing cds as soon as they are up, EJ accepted rotations. On bosses pull a bit ahead, but believe it or not Trash matters. "This is combat strictly" I am not even going to mention Mut on trash.
#8 Nov 25 2008 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
They don't feel Naxx will be the same way (re: AoEing trash)?

Guess I must have been imagining when my guild took a blood DK, a ret paladin, a fire mage, an arms warrior, and a hunter to Naxx. I saw them AoE every single pull. The only single-target DPS in the group was a feral druid, though he was usually tanking trash.

Not saying it's the end of the line for rogues, but Blizzard is way off in their thoughts on this.
#9 Nov 25 2008 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Through Spider and Plague quarters and not 1 CC in any trash pull.

#10 Nov 25 2008 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
I'm actually speccing out of Mutilate shortly because of the rotations.

I'm not good enough to keep up a proper rotation/priority list while still running around. Either everything stays up and I'm barely on the boss/adds/whatever, or I'm always on the target and have a **** rotation.

I really enjoyed Mutilate but its too hard to keep up with all the running around I've seen so far. Combat I know, and I can keep rotations up nicely on.

But I do feel as if I'm lagging behind others. If it can be AoE'd I'm last, barely above the tank. If its single target DPS...I'm last but ahead of the tank by a good margin.
#11 Nov 26 2008 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
GodOfMoo wrote:
I'm actually speccing out of Mutilate shortly because of the rotations.

I'm not good enough to keep up a proper rotation/priority list while still running around. Either everything stays up and I'm barely on the boss/adds/whatever, or I'm always on the target and have a sh*t rotation.

I really enjoyed Mutilate but its too hard to keep up with all the running around I've seen so far. Combat I know, and I can keep rotations up nicely on.

But I do feel as if I'm lagging behind others. If it can be AoE'd I'm last, barely above the tank. If its single target DPS...I'm last but ahead of the tank by a good margin.

Thats what I have found too. I'm glad someone else feels that way. Its hard to keep things going if you have anything else you need to be watching at the same time. I went back to combat, I figured maybe mutilate would work better with practice, but I don't feel like spending time to do that when I can just pick up combat again and go do fun things.
#12 Nov 26 2008 at 3:46 PM Rating: Good
On the matter of speccs, (I must admit I know jack all about Rogues in LK, and was only slightly updated in TBC) how is Hemo doing? During TBC, a Rogue in our raidgroup specced Hemo at a loss of personal dps, but according to some Theorycrafting he quoted it raised the raid dps by so and so much. Is this still the case, or is end-game as a Rogue restricted to Mute/Combat?

Not that it matters all that much, as I'm probably sticking the Rogue into pretty much pure PvP anyway.
#13 Nov 26 2008 at 3:50 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
On the matter of speccs, (I must admit I know jack all about Rogues in LK, and was only slightly updated in TBC) how is Hemo doing? During TBC, a Rogue in our raidgroup specced Hemo at a loss of personal dps, but according to some Theorycrafting he quoted it raised the raid dps by so and so much. Is this still the case, or is end-game as a Rogue restricted to Mute/Combat?

Hemo is too weak a debuff to make up for the loss of personal DPS. I'm pretty sure that has always been the case.
#14 Nov 26 2008 at 4:23 PM Rating: Good
If you say so, I wouldn't know. He did seem like he could back it up from EJ, but that could have been just bull. Ah well, Combat or Mutilate it is. Guess I'll go Sublety when we get Dualspeccs.
#15 Nov 26 2008 at 4:54 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
NorthAI the Hand wrote:
If you say so, I wouldn't know. He did seem like he could back it up from EJ, but that could have been just bull. Ah well, Combat or Mutilate it is. Guess I'll go Sublety when we get Dualspeccs.

If he can back it up from EJ, it's year-old theorycraft from when tri-spec was actually mildly decent.

Hemo doesn't have a place in raids except in very, very few situations (i.e. putting up the hemo debuff and using HAT to build combo points with a feral druid/ret pally/warrior in your group).
#16 Nov 26 2008 at 6:06 PM Rating: Good
Eh, I respecced several times a week in TBC, I can keep respeccing in LK until Dualspeccs hit us. Anyway, how you been Theo? Been a while since you've pestered the Hunter forums.
#17 Nov 27 2008 at 2:16 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
NorthAI the Hand wrote:
Eh, I respecced several times a week in TBC, I can keep respeccing in LK until Dualspeccs hit us. Anyway, how you been Theo? Been a while since you've pestered the Hunter forums.

Haven't leveled my hunter in a long while. Smiley: tongue

Edit: I've all but quit my rogue for my DK. Started him a few days ago and I'm almost to Northrend (should be there tomorrow or the day after). It's glorious.

Edited, Nov 27th 2008 2:17am by Theophany
#18 Nov 27 2008 at 5:36 AM Rating: Good
Sounds like fun. Never bothered going past the storyline part with my DK. Invested too much time and effort into other characters to take yet another one up there. The servers are filled with DKs and I'm honestly more interested in killing them than playing one. Currently, DKs are pretty much Vanilla Hunters. Most of them are played by mouthbreathing morons. On my Rogue, I took out a 58 DK when I was 51, one on one, no mobs around.

Think I'll avoid the class until it's reputation goes back up a bit from the "omg DK is sooo cheep lolol l2p nub!!!!" I keep seeing everywhere. Eh, not that my Rogue fares much better, really. But at least people are tired about whining about stunlocks unless it's a Paladin doing it.
#19 Nov 27 2008 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
theo wrote:
Edit: I've all but quit my rogue for my DK. Started him a few days ago and I'm almost to Northrend (should be there tomorrow or the day after). It's glorious.

#20 Nov 27 2008 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
NorthAI the Hand wrote:
Sounds like fun. Never bothered going past the storyline part with my DK. Invested too much time and effort into other characters to take yet another one up there. The servers are filled with DKs and I'm honestly more interested in killing them than playing one. Currently, DKs are pretty much Vanilla Hunters. Most of them are played by mouthbreathing morons. On my Rogue, I took out a 58 DK when I was 51, one on one, no mobs around.

Think I'll avoid the class until it's reputation goes back up a bit from the "omg DK is sooo cheep lolol l2p nub!!!!" I keep seeing everywhere. Eh, not that my Rogue fares much better, really. But at least people are tired about whining about stunlocks unless it's a Paladin doing it.

I know what you mean. There are so many terrible DKs (see: DWing DKs) that it's pretty sad. I'm doing my best to be one of the good DKs.
#21 Nov 27 2008 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
The first full day the expansion was out, I was on my DK in hellfire and I had about 250 HKs, usually 2-3 horde at a time, then I outlevelled them and got about 15 HKs for the rest of Outlands.
Most of the horde DK were really terrible, and after I shot through hellfire all the skilled players were too busy levelling to bother with world pvp.

Back to the OP topic, the direction wow is going kinda sucks. The game is a bit too easy. Threat should be something you still have to manage, and the AoE spam shouldnt be as easy as it is now. It feels kinda stupid that we even got TotT because threat doesnt matter. On top of it I'm still very miffed at the previous post about backstab being a primary attack for the sub tree of all things. I see where they want to go with it but anyone who knows what they are doing in pvp wont let a rogue get behind them.

Back to my DK for a while.
#22 Nov 27 2008 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
11,852 posts

I am combat spec. I have two WoTLK epics, including an off-hand from 25-man Naxx, and a bunch of blues.

I struggle REALLY hard to stay away from the bottom of the meters.

I get killed. Destroyed. In both overall damage and DPS.

I don't know what to do. I'm raid spec, with decent (though far from complete) itemization and I can't DPS worth crap.

I'm hoping that it's because Rogues are very gear dependent and that my DPS will scale well with my gear. However, I have heard that DK talents lend really, really well to scaling, and they already way out-damage me, especially when you consider the prevalence of AoE.

I'm really frustrated.
#23 Nov 27 2008 at 11:24 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
^^^This is precisely the frustration my arena partner mentioned today. We hit 80 together, and are in literally the same gear. Mostly Brutal/Guardian's with upgraded weapons from the same questlines. So we naturally run some heroics, and his dps pales in comparison to my ret burst. It's bizarre. I remember him destroying me in the charts when we were boosting guildies through Kara, or ZA.

We did a dps test on the lv 83 raid dummy in Org (hit and crit rating shot to hell, so it wasn't high dps by any means!). In the initial burst, i'm exceeding his dps by about 400. Over a long sustained fight (5 mins+ where i'm starting to go OOM and relying on the 1min cooldown on Divine Plea and arcane torrent for mana) i'm still maintaining a 150 to 200 dps lead on him. This is with a fairly standard combat spec, nothing unfamiliar like mut.

I know rogues famously scale very well with gear though, and as i mentioned, the hit and expertise ratings that combat relies on need to be built back up.

Fan of Knives is pretty underwhelming too. 50 energy for a low damage AoE, when it's just gonna mess up your rotation anyway. It should be much cheaper, or at least spammable so you could pop AR and fling knives around til the non-elites are down =P

Edited, Nov 28th 2008 2:27am by ArtemisEnteri
#24 Nov 28 2008 at 3:10 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Jord, keep in mind you're only at 12% hit. With CP only being affected by OH white attacks, that's a pretty huge drop in your damage, especially with you using a 1.60 OH (Librarian's Paper Cutter is better than it, FYI--130 DPS and 1.30 speed, though not by much).

I'd look into grabbing a LPC and a good MH fist.
#25 Nov 28 2008 at 1:45 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Well, now that I've been in a somewhat legit raid its not as bad as I thought.

Joined a PuG for 25 man Vaults and I am(still in it as I type) #6 overall and on one of the boss fights I was #2. I was pushing 1.9k-2.1k DPS the entire time as combat. And that's using Blade of Infamy as my MH.

Once my raiding group starts up again full time I'll give more of my thoughts. But either its not as bad as I thought or the other DPS just sucked. The only ones above me were 4 DKs and a Hunter.
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