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+ Hit versus + DamFollow

#1 Nov 24 2008 at 2:18 AM Rating: Good
Ok, I'm up to level 77.

I have run Nexus, Utgarde Keep, the other Keep in Grizzly Hills and Azjul'Nerub. Bar some questionable new bracers, a new ring and a new weapon I have seen NOTHING that would help me upgrade my gear WITHOUT dropping me so far below the 202 hit rating I would be back to level 60 hit. This can't be good when battling 77+ mobs and elites can it?

I COULD have well over 1500 unbuffed spell damage right now IF I swapped out my existing gear for some of the green/blue I have picked up.

My question is this - can I afford to dispense with hit at this point and try to bring it back up to 202 (or a new limit if there is one?) once I am 80 and raiding again?

I'm levelling affliction but thinking of going back to destro for raiding (yes, even if it means using fire :o() as I hate instancing with an aff build.

Jeno, Lathais, wings, anyone else - your thoughts?
#2 Nov 24 2008 at 2:57 AM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
for leveling, you only need 7% hit (your level +2), once you hit 80 you're back aiming for the hit cap (17%), now seeing as i presume you have 3% talented hit.. you only need 4% to gain full resist immunity (on non-binary spells, which can still full resist due to the 'partial resist = full resist' for them). 4% hit at your level is like... 80 hit rating at best. heck check my armory. I've had 1 gear upgrade currently, my feet and i'm lvl.75 currently, so i haven't had to worry about loosing hit... yet. though i'm hitting the point where all my non-T6 gear is finally about to get upgraded.. to blues *cry*.

so yeah, you can afford to drop down to about 80 hit rating. at level 80 you need 26+hit rating for 1% +hit.

here's a list of hit ratings needed to be hit capped without talented hit at level 80:

105 hit rating to be hit capped vs a lvl.80 target
157 hit rating to be capped vs a lvl.82 target (all trash mobs)
447 hit to be capped vs a lvl.83 (?? boss) target (all bosses)

now for with 3% talented hit

26 hit rating to be hit capped vs a lvl.80 target
78 hit rating to be capped vs a lvl.82 target (all trash mobs)
368 hit to be capped vs a lvl.83 (?? boss) target (all bosses)

now with 3% talented hit and 3% hit debuff on target from raid (Spriest misery / druid faerie fire, so 6% hit)

0 hit rating to be hit capped vs a lvl.80 target
0 hit rating to be capped vs a lvl.82 target (all trash mobs)
289 hit to be capped vs a lvl.83 (?? boss) target (all bosses)

now for us alliance, all the above AND draenai aura :D heheheh

0 hit rating to be hit capped vs a lvl.80 target
0 hit rating to be capped vs a lvl.82 target (all trash mobs)
263 hit to be capped vs a lvl.83 (?? boss) target (all bosses)

so basically, at lvl.80 presume your 'hit cap' in a raid AND for solo is 78 on trash and 289 on bosses, this way you'll always be hit capped :)


i'm afliction leveling too, simply it beats everything else at speed and lack of reccing. the only thing it lacks is the ability to solo some of the 3-5 player quests, which would be soloable as a demo build. and for raiding i'll be going destruction too, though not the usual spec, personnaly I don't see it working in a long run fight... also I dislike the use of corruption and the corruption glyph as a destruction lock.. to mana inefficient and imo, in a long run fight it's a dps decrease due to the increased need to lifetap.
this is the spec, 5/13/53 that i'm going to sport at lvl.80 in raids, obviously if it turns out to not be competitive I'll have to swap spec.. but from my own theorycrafting I see this as being a top contender. for glyphs I'd use CoA, imp and immolate.

to explain how it works. the choice of the talents in demo are there to get down to demonic aegis. 180 from felarmor goes to 234 +dmg, and the 30% bonus from spirit goes to 39%. this increase alone beats the bonus gained from taking the fire and brimstone talent. you've got 3% bonus to hit across the board and 10% bonus to the 1 afliction spell you'll be using. which actually fits in pretty nicely as a rotation when glyphed to a 28sec duration. for spells you're using CB, incinerate, CoA, immolate and conflagorate. everyone knows that there's a very tight backdraft rotation available, and that you should cast CB whenever it's up. end result is, imo, a strong dps contender.

Edited, Nov 24th 2008 6:07am by Jenovaomega
#3 Nov 24 2008 at 3:05 AM Rating: Good let me get this straight. Until I hit 80 and start raiding proper, I can give up the hit for the dam. That would make me near invincible as affliction as my SL and Haunt would be incredible at 1500+ damage. Sweet.

BUT - as I start to raid I would have to get, worst case scenario, 447 +hit or, average scenario, 289 +hit?!?!

Where the hell am I to get 289 + hit from when NOTHING that has dropped so far has had hit on it?!

Man - this theorycrafting is a *****.

Ok, I'm going to let the hit go but keep my +hit gear with enchants on. I'm going to stack damage so high I can pull off the best tank. And the I'm going to see what drops in 10 mans and HOPE it has +hit on it!!

Cheers, Jeno.
#4 Nov 24 2008 at 3:10 AM Rating: Default
2,754 posts
there's no hit on leveling gear because... well it's leveling gear. get atlasloot enchanced and check the gear dropped from lvl.80 heroics. ALOT more hit there. though you're unlikely to be hit capped before getting your T7 gear simply because.. well it's like it was at lvl.70, the starting gear simply isn't meant to be that good.

oh, and read the end of my previous post. I edited it and added extra stuff, just you replied before I could send it :P
#5 Nov 24 2008 at 3:31 AM Rating: Good
In other words, stop worrying about hit. Done. I prefer the damage anyway, and find hit a hindrance when trying to stack it.

INteresting spec. Will you be running with imp out and casting then?

I haven't looked at what pet best to use at raiding level. I use imp on passive now for DP, obviously, but in raids...imp is going to be effective, especially firebolting and buffing your crit %? More than saccing a succy for example?

I know that seems like a silly question, but I never thought of the imp as anything but a battery and this new Empowered Imp makes me love the little guy more.
#6 Nov 24 2008 at 3:37 AM Rating: Default
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with all the new talents and stuff, the imp pushes out like 350 dps on it's own at level.70, so lvl.80 who knows.. 600+ i presume. it's a powerful pet now regardless, and it basically can't die in a raid anymore. heck from my own experience in sunwell, the only time my imp would die is if a mob targets it (which would kill pretty much anyone anyways) or to the 50+k damage aoe thing KJ does if i don't get the imp into the bubble in time. otherwise, defensive with auto shoot ftw.
personnaly I'm not a fan of the demo tree and i don't want to go the 0/31/30 or whatever the spec is.. (felguard/emberstorm) which is supposedly turning alot of heads currently. I'm adamant that my spec will work and that it could be the long run dps contender for us. heck I was right back at 70 about specs and gearing way before everyone else caught on, so hopefully I'll manage the same this time :)
#7 Nov 24 2008 at 3:44 AM Rating: Good
Talk yourself up, fella!!

No way am I going Demo for raiding. That is too much work even if it does turn out to be highest DPS. I want to enjoy the experience.

Affliction doesn't cut it in a 10/25 man, you'll be taking a spot that should be someone elses. Leaving just Destro - and if I can play Destro with my imp out instead of saccing, so much the better.

I like the placement of your points in Destro - not sure about the others. Why Health Funnel??? So I may play around with the spares a bit.

Cheers mate. Muchos help as usual.
#8 Nov 24 2008 at 4:28 AM Rating: Default
2,754 posts
think of it this way. whats more important? 4% increase stamina OR 30% decreased damage to your pet when you know you can't get it out of harms way? (so keeping it alive and it's imba dps). 30% damage reduction to the imp for a direct damage attack on it is more than enough to keep it alive, and 30% decrease on 20% damage taken from aoe damage means the imp 'arguably' could survive the aoe damage KJ does without even being in the bubble... LOL


ya, had to talk myself up a bit. there's been so few interesting topics on here as of late that I've had no chance to :P

Edited, Nov 24th 2008 7:29am by Jenovaomega
#9 Nov 24 2008 at 4:42 AM Rating: Good
BUT...if you're Health FUnnel-ing, then you aren't DPS-ing. I realise this is situational, but surely allowing the imp to die (rare as you've said) while you keep up the DPS is going to be better overall? And 4% Stam increase means YOU live longer - a dead 'lock has no imp OR DPS...
#10 Nov 24 2008 at 4:47 AM Rating: Default
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seeing as, at 70 the imp pushed out about 350 of my dps. spending 1-2 seconds channeling a spell to keep it alive ('cos no ability targeted at it / super OP powerful aoe will last longer than this) is in the end, the dps increasing choice. if your pet dies you loose out on so much damage that it's actually worthwhile wasting the time recasting it if the pet dies early in a boss fight.

and 4% stamina means nothing. seeing as all afliction locks will raid without that talent, and all dest/af will raid without it.. and well.. lots of specs will go without that talent. it's not needed at all and the increase in health from it is completely negligable in pve. regardless we get more stamina on our gear than most classes, we have more health anyways and if they can survive with less health, then we can survive just as easily without the talent. in the end, there's alot more benefit from the improved healthfunnel than 4% increased stam.

Edited, Nov 24th 2008 7:58am by Jenovaomega
#11 Nov 24 2008 at 5:17 AM Rating: Good
I think that's one to debate.

If I find I AM healing my imp in raids, then I'll agree with you. If I find I never am...then I'll disagree. :o)
#12 Nov 24 2008 at 5:18 AM Rating: Good
43 posts
Where did u get the idea affliction fails in 10/25 man.
It offers better raid viability and equal to better damage on bosses.

it lacks a bit on thrash but is superior in mana useage/movement(kiting)

in a 10 man raid u will in most occaisons be able to bring a debuff (CoE/CoR/CoW) if specced for it.
#13 Nov 24 2008 at 5:19 AM Rating: Good
It fails on DPS (or did at 70 - who knows at 80) and it fails to PLAY.
#14 Nov 24 2008 at 5:37 AM Rating: Default
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it failed at 70 due to lack of talent points. it will work at 80, though it still doesn't scale as well demo or destruction specs, so it can't complete end game. also the 'raid utility' is bullc.rap, deathknights and moonkins both provide an equal debuff to improved CoE, but without the hassel of needed to be casted, so not decreasing their dps. afliction might beable to compete in T7 content.. but the moment the next instances come out it won't compete.
#15 Nov 24 2008 at 6:02 AM Rating: Good
43 posts
I was talking about the 3 curses and im pretty certain that allot of the 10 man setups (which i was talking about) dont contain a good replacement for all 3 debuffs. on the other hand the talent is easily obtained through destruction aswell.

for example my guild has 4x10 man setups atm.
Only 1 has a boomkin and only 1 has a DK so the other 2 could benefit of imp CoE. (in 25 man its pretty much useless indeed)

So yes better raid viability even though its a slight increase and maybe even ignoreable it doesnt change the fact that it has better raid viability (sorry for being a smartass)

But i am indeed worried about the scaling part...

Edited, Nov 24th 2008 9:04am by Raqiel
#16 Nov 24 2008 at 6:46 AM Rating: Good
43 posts
on the other hand how much of this scaling really applies.

affliction benefits of all stats and still has ISB, shadows embrace and death's embrace which are all good for scaling. (where destruction still has shadow and flame which is also a insane scaling talent)

destruction and demonology also have CoA and corruption which also dont scale well with the better gear.

I know some of u guys like jenova have better insight then me but still im curious how affliction will perform in high end gear. (i dont think anyone is in a position to assume it will be outscaled by destruction or demonology)

im just hoping for heavy movement fights otherwise :P
#17 Nov 24 2008 at 6:50 AM Rating: Good
1,729 posts
I leveled with this:

Felguard with Siphon Life, CoA + Corr + SiLi was enough to kill anything in my way, so send Felguard, DoT, Send him to another MoB, DoT, repeat, when low on mana Life Tap, Drain Life current mob, then keep going. Worked wonders.

Group quests? No problem, Voidy holds hate great with Demonic Empowerment, and Health Funnel rocks now. Send in VW, DoT up, Health Funnel and refresh DoTs, with SBs if time, sometimes it takes almost constant Health Funnel to keep him up, but there's enough time to keep the DoTs up. Takes a long time on some fights, but with SiLi and Health Funnel, we both stay fine on health.

Also, I gave up a lot of +Hit leveling, no point really.

From what I have seen/heard, affliction currently is doing excellent in Naxx. One of the better DPS specs. I myself am going Demo for Raiding. See my post on my raiding build for more info.
#18 Nov 24 2008 at 7:02 AM Rating: Good
I might just do last two levels as Demo actually. For fun - and to test the Voidy on Elites so I can solo group quests which, I'm sorry, you can't do as pure affliction.
#19 Nov 24 2008 at 7:43 AM Rating: Default
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the 3 curses? you mean CoE, CoRec, CoW? well CoW is pointless, warrior/druid can do equal, and they will do them for tps. so forget that curse. CoRec is overrided by faerie fire which is better, hunter pet debuffs and well.. any other 'minor' armour reduction abilities. so CoRec sucks. CoE is the only thing we can use to be beneficial... and that is presuming you don't have a boomkin or deathknight.
in terms of scaling...
improved shadowbolt isn't worth the talent points any more for affliction. it DOES NOT affect dots anymore, which means you only benefit from it on SB and haunt... both of which you don't cast that often. you're better off going for molton core instead to buff your immolates damage by 10% perminantly. shadow embrace is nice, and should always be up, but in reality. even currently it's been proven that affliction doesn't match up to destruction or demo/dest specs, and seeing as those specs scale better affliction will just drop further and further behind. the 'utility' provided is next to nothing as already explained. fel int from felhound is beaten by mages and divine spirit, CoE is beaten by druids and DKs, CoRec/CoW beaten by other classes, bloodpact beaten by warriors.. well.. our buffs suck, so just go purely for damage. in a 10man, the 3% bonus to damage from imp.CoE compared to your improved dps by going another spec probably end up being fairly equal.. in which case you might as well just go for the other specs for when you hit 25man content.
#20 Nov 24 2008 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
Pretty much the conclusion I came to regarding raid utility. We don't provide it anymore.

Leave it to the druids, palas and priests (and now DKs) and go mage/rogue style DPS...without the additional CC utility - we really ARE just damage dealers. Revel in it!

In fact - check this. I ran UK with two DKs over the weekend. I was 76, they were 72. Frost spec tanked (quite well too) and Blood spec DPS'd - he out did me on DPS on everything but the bosses. Didn't matter what I tried. CoE, Corr, SB - outdone. CoE, SB - outdone. Haunt, Corr Immo, SB - outdone.

Only on bosses where I could just rotate my DoTs and cast one SB every time I refreshed UA did I outdo him. Admittedly, I outdid him by doing 42% of total damage compared to his 26% so it IS a good build, but still...for an overall run, I sucked compared to a DK 4 levels below me.

Says it all to me.
#21 Nov 24 2008 at 8:31 AM Rating: Good
43 posts
im just dropping the "utility" case u have made better points then me and it feels useless to debate over it.

im just gonna stay affliction untill i feel its growing weak on me and respecc if necesary.

but u are certain that at high end gear levels ISB is worthless for affli locks?
#22 Nov 24 2008 at 9:43 AM Rating: Default
2,754 posts
think of it this way... afliction locks don't need crit as much, so they won't gear for it much. you'll beable to get... at best like 4 SBs in between a haunt rotation, and direct damage spells make up like 30.. maybe 40% of your damage (and ISB doesn't affect dots anymore.. which sucks) if you're lucky at best. also come 20% on a boss, you stop using shadowbolt and start using drain soul instead as the 400% damage bonus, mixed in with soul siphon and all the dot increase bonuses leads drain soul to do more dps than SB after 20%. ISB is a completely wasted talent. you're better off taking those 5 talent points, putting 3 in cataclysm and 2 in molton core. 'cos seeing how much shadow dot damage you're dealing, the molton core proc will be up constantly, so what's better? a 10% damage proc on CRIT... something you rarely do as afliction due to not much crit rating AND not much casting of SBs. OR a 99% perminant 10% bonus to fire damage, so basically a passive 10% bonus to your immolate and 2% improved hit chance for destruction spells.


ISB has basically become useless, heck it's only use prior to the patch was the 20% bonus damage (and so health/mana) to shadowpriests and shadow damage in general, specifically to dots. back then if ISB didn't affect dots/others, then 0/21/40fire would of been the winning dps spec for us, not 0/21/40 shadow.

Edited, Nov 24th 2008 12:45pm by Jenovaomega
#23 Nov 26 2008 at 3:49 AM Rating: Excellent
Sorry for using this thread to ask my question, but it seemed the discussion is close enough.

I've seen many builds for leveling, soloing group quests, and end game raiding.

I'm level 70 right now, and we intend to level up as a static group doing instances exclusively (although not excluding the chains to get the instance quests).
I'm using this spec, which is Affliction 56/0/5.
It's great, but I find that most of the time I shouldn't bother casting any dots... The mobs all die before the dots take full effect.
I'm better geared than both the Rogue and the Mage in our static, and yet I was second on DPS last night behind the Rogue in Utgarde Keep and the Mage was only 1% behind me.

Which leads to my question, is there a nicer build for instancing before level 80? My DOTs feel useless on trash.
#24 Nov 26 2008 at 5:40 AM Rating: Good
1,729 posts
I'm loving Demo. I do great damage with it. Even Destro it frrls like on trash I can't get to my damage potential. By the time I throw Chaos Bolt, get Corr up for Molten Core procs, Immolate then start Incinerate, well, maybe get one incinerate.

On Boss's I did better. I felt worthless on trash though.

As Demo on trash, just put up Corr for "nightfall" procs, if you have the glyph, and SB Spam away. I'm near untouchable on meters with trash and boss's with my Demo Spec. Plus I'm usually providing everyone with a buff I do not believe gets overwritten by anything. Demonic Pact. The only other spell power buff is from shammy totems. I think it nuffs around 140-150? With my Spell Damage I buff more than that, to all casters and healers.
#25 Nov 26 2008 at 6:39 AM Rating: Good
I think 'locks have been worthless on most trash since 70 came in. Heroics and Kara definitely. You are NOT going to top a DPS meter as Affliction on trash. Ever. Just CoE or COrr and spam Shadow Bolts, safe in the knowledge you're contributing.

Now on bosses it's a different matter. Ok, so Affliction might fail in comparison to Destro (pre-Wrath) in pure DPS, but I bet you could top MOST damage meters on bosses as Affliction anyway.

In conclusion - the hell with trash. Leave it to the idiot melee-ers. :o)
#26 Nov 26 2008 at 7:43 AM Rating: Excellent
Hehe, thanks for the advice.
I too feel that trash DPS is not my cup of tea, but we're 5 RL friends, and we get competitive over most things.
DPS is now the "in" thing to be competitive about, and they don't care if it's trash or boss, as long as they're beating me Smiley: laugh

I'll stick to corruption/shadow bolts on trash, since Curse of Elements will give that Mage the upper hand Smiley: sly
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