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Merits of combat PvPFollow

#52 Nov 27 2008 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
4,639 posts
and do tell, how is OVERKILL, no DW spec, no shadowstep a great build?

good for ganking, but arena? nah... if you focus on bg's are your main goal, kudos to you, but thats a build that at best is fun to tinker with

unless you got some REAL tricky sh*t up your sleeve.... but lack of DW spec should make killin resto classes a complete pain, and a lack of answers to being kited makes you vunerable to most casters

no riposte doesnt even secure yourself as a good anti-melee build

link your build, and feel free to explain... but i see that build as being miles behind mutilate in every single way, except MAYBE ganking zero-resil clothies

but even then, shadow dance is miles ahead

Compared to Mutilate:

Overkill makes Hemo 25 energy, evis 25 energy, cheap shot 30 energy (with dirty deeds), garrote 25 energy(with dirty deeds), shiv 25 energy, evis 25 energy, etcetc. This spec also comes with premed, so you can open right off the bat with a 5 CP evis. It gives +10% attack and +15% agility, something mutilate does not give. Agility is armor, crit chance, and AP. It gives better white damage, better garrote and rupture damage (from the much higher AP), and much higher poison damage (from more AP). +10% attack and +15% agility *IS* a lot of attack. I believe that attack gives OOMPH to evis crits as well, as i've been hitting 7.5k evis crits on cloth/leather.

The burst damage from 31/0/40 is less then mutilate, because mutilate is two attacks within one second (plus Puncturing Wounds is +15% crit, even though Sinister Calling would counter that some), while it would take hemo 2 seconds to make two attacks. The ability to use Pre-med to open with an evis right off the bat is a large advantage to this over mut. Basically, it's what you feel comfortable with. I can kill a level 80 mob in 4 seconds with 31/0/40 too

Compared to shadow dance:

Shadow Dance is on a timer. It can only be activated 10 out of 120 seconds. That's about 8.3% of the time (that's if you use it when the timer comes back up right away, which you wont). Plus if you are going ShD you probably are going ambush, which if you are using ambush you're not using Cheap Shot. I prefer to open with Cheap Shot in PVP. If you're going sword spec in a ShD spec you lose out on Cold Blood, which is a huge damage control ability that prep cools down. You lose out on Fleet Footed (Which is the highest natural movement speed a rogue can get, plus it increases your stealth movement speed), and Quick Recovery, which is a godsend. Also lose out on Overkill, which allows you to let loose for about 10 seconds without energy EVER becoming a problem. 31/0/40 spends less energy to open, and spends a lot less energy to DPS after stealth breaks.

Is ShD bad? hell no! It comes with ShS too. I liked it much more then Mutilate. It's just, like I said, I prefer 31/0/40. It's a very good spec. It's kind of the hybrid between mut and sub.

Edited, Nov 27th 2008 10:14pm by Zafire
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

#53 Nov 27 2008 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
the big, and when i say big... i mean HUGE, problem with your build is

1-all that burst it claims to have gets RUINED by resil
2-you NEED the opener

hence why i said its good for ganking

now, since me and probably msot other rogues here consider arena the basis on what pvp specs are "good" or not

if your in a arena, and you DONT get opener/you DONT kill your target in the time overkill is up, what then?

your kiteable, you lack good out-of-stealth burst, and prep only gives you a chance at 3 openers (only 1 more then any other build) at best

i understand your idea, but a mutilate build with prep outshines it in most ways unless you cant control its energy usage... but if you cant do that, thats not the builds fault

if you like your build, thats dandy... more power to you for playing what you like... but a claim like '31-0-40 is the best sword pvp spec' is a might claim indeed... and frankly, at least imo, a wrong one

i like a build with cold blood/riposte/and premed the best, and i can bg like a champion with it

but i know damn well it isnt the best at pvp in general

your build lives and dies on getting openers on people without resil... which flys right now, so enjoy it before everyone starts gearin up

and btw, point for point, DW spec is WAY more white damage then sin calling.... dont say yoru build gives better white damage, it doesnt

Edited, Nov 27th 2008 11:20pm by mongoosexcore
#54 Nov 27 2008 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Zafire the Tulip wrote:
I hit 2.2k hemo's on clothies now.

You realize that as 8/0/53 I was hitting 2.2k BSes at 70, right? With a 97 DPS weapon.

That's 45 energy BSes versus your 35 energy Hemos.

Just saying.
#55 Nov 28 2008 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
wait, wait, lemme get this straight.
some people are talking about pvp,
1/2 the people here are arguing about theo being an asshat
some guy is trying to get theo to think he's cool and when theo tells him off he rants that theo is a poser
some dude with 130DPS swords is doing the same burst damage with hemo as theo was with 97DPS backstab.

at least one thing there seems relevant.

Anyways question theo, I haven't tried backstab or mut in arena (just some mut in BGs), is it really viable using BS as a main attack (due to the mobility nerfs + positional requirements) or would it be better for sub to use sinister strike?
Also, it looks like hemo is failing (which is what prompted GC to say backstab was a primary attack), is it even worth using in arena?

#56 Nov 28 2008 at 2:05 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Personally I've felt that BS has been strong since Slaughter from the Shadows, and being able to take Lethality at 80 makes it even more viable in a ShD build.

Then again, I also played mut in S2, so take that with a grain of salt, since I usually have a 60-150ms ping.
#57 Nov 28 2008 at 4:45 AM Rating: Decent
3,451 posts
It's too bad this interesting write up by the OP got derailed so bad. !@#$'s Fail.
#58 Nov 28 2008 at 6:12 AM Rating: Default
4,639 posts
1-all that burst it claims to have gets RUINED by resil
2-you NEED the opener

Resil doesn't effect it too bad, at least at 70 it didn't. It might turn my 2.2k hemo's into 1900 hemo's, but that's not really so bad. More crit rate is coming with the patches to come, so i'll be critting a lot more then I am now anyways
Opener is less of a problem when your stealth movement speed is a little over 90% of regular movement speed

hence why i said its good for ganking

now, since me and probably msot other rogues here consider arena the basis on what pvp specs are "good" or not

if your in a arena, and you DONT get opener/you DONT kill your target in the time overkill is up, what then?

Return to stealth. It's a bit easier for a night elf then other races, I guess, since shadowmeld is basically a free return-to-stealth ability. Yeah, this requires stealth. Theres always vanish and prep, though. If you get knocked out of stealth you can still lay down the hurt for a few seconds if you put premed up first.

your kiteable, you lack good out-of-stealth burst, and prep only gives you a chance at 3 openers (only 1 more then any other build) at best

i understand your idea, but a mutilate build with prep outshines it in most ways unless you cant control its energy usage... but if you cant do that, thats not the builds fault

Mut is kited just as easily as 31/0/40. Mut has no advantage for mobility. They both more or less provide the same mobility utilities. It's not really so much a problem, you get two vanishes. (Night elves get 3, I guess)


if you like your build, thats dandy... more power to you for playing what you like... but a claim like '31-0-40 is the best sword pvp spec' is a might claim indeed... and frankly, at least imo, a wrong one

i like a build with cold blood/riposte/and premed the best, and i can bg like a champion with it

but i know damn well it isnt the best at pvp in general

your build lives and dies on getting openers on people without resil... which flys right now, so enjoy it before everyone starts gearin up

and btw, point for point, DW spec is WAY more white damage then sin calling.... dont say yoru build gives better white damage, it doesnt

I really haven't found a spec that performs better so far that uses swords. I have tried a lot. The white damage comes from the huge AP bonus that sinister calling and deadliness give. I'm hitting nearly 2k with my regular melee swing on clothies with my mainhand weapon, Fan of Knives is very impressive too. (40 energy FoK under overkill btw). What I meant when I said better white damage then mut, is Deadliness + Sinister calling is better white damage then DW spec. Mut does not get access to either.

It doesn't just rely on hemo, either, Garrote, Rupture, and Deadly Poison are crazy with this much AP. I mean, i'm hitting nearly 800/tick Deadly Poison proc's on plate. I'm seeing as high as 680/tick ruptures too. I guess I shouldn't claim it to be the "best sword spec" but for sword spec's it's up there.

You realize that as 8/0/53 I was hitting 2.2k BSes at 70, right? With a 97 DPS weapon.

That's 45 energy BSes versus your 35 energy Hemos.

Just saying.

They're 25 energy hemo's a lot too. And my evis is 25 energy, or rupture is 15 energy, etcetc...I don't think you realize how awesome Overkill is when you're not using Mut. A change from 35->25 energy is a lot bigger then a change from 60->50. I can use 4 hemo's under overkill in less energy then it takes me to use 3 without. Plus all my openers and finishing moves get the bonus too. I really cannot explain how much overkill helps this spec. With Premed you can open with a 5 point evis and spend *nothing* to use it, because ruthlessness gives you the 25 energy back that you used on evis. You only spend 30 energy on cheap shot or 25 energy on garrote as well. It's just insane how amazing energy consumption is under overkill. I rarely rarely EVER try to assault if i'm not stealthed. I will ofton times run behind a tree or house, return to stealth, then sprint back out and re-assault. Is the *need to be stealthed* penalty really so bad for me? not really, it's rarely a problem. Unless i'm smacking someone who gets healed, then it's a whole new story entirely.

But, again, like I said, it might be because i'm Night Elf and have an extra way to return to stealth.

some dude with 130DPS swords is doing the same burst damage with hemo as theo was with 97DPS backstab.

Backstab is positional, hemo is not. One trinket will ruin you. Backstab is 45 energy, hemo under overkill is 25 energy. Doesn't really take a genius to figure out why hemo is good in this way. 6 seconds is all you need to pretty much take out anyone that doesn't wear plate.

Edited, Nov 28th 2008 9:12am by Zafire

Edited, Nov 28th 2008 9:13am by Zafire
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

#59 Nov 28 2008 at 7:03 AM Rating: Decent

No, it isn't. You can't kill any PvP character in six seconds (geared in lvl 80 pvp gear). Ignoring this, even under overkill Mutilate is better CP per energy and DPE than Hemo.

And here's where it gets nasty - outside of your stealth bursts, of which you have three an arena match if everything goes perfectly, four if you are a nelf, your damage is utter trash while being very slightly better than mutilate opening burst (and without the control). No DW spec = massive failure. People just need to neutralise you when you have come out of stealth with a stun or CC and you are useless. You have worse mobility than the mobility challenged mutilate, too.
#60 Nov 28 2008 at 7:18 AM Rating: Default
4,639 posts
No, it isn't. You can't kill any PvP character in six seconds (geared in lvl 80 pvp gear). Ignoring this, even under overkill Mutilate is better CP per energy and DPE than Hemo.

Cheap Shot, 7500 CB evis, Hemo a few times, you'll be back at 5CP after 3 hemo's most likely from Seal Fate, then evis again. Not all that hard <_<. I'll make a video for you, if you need me to that badly. Although youtube isn't liking my frap AVI's for some reason. Nothing hard about killing anyone in 6 seconds.

And here's where it gets nasty - outside of your stealth bursts, of which you have three an arena match if everything goes perfectly, four if you are a nelf, your damage is utter trash while being very slightly better than mutilate opening burst (and without the control). No DW spec = massive failure. People just need to neutralise you when you have come out of stealth with a stun or CC and you are useless. You have worse mobility than the mobility challenged mutilate, too.

How does it have worse mobility then mutilate? The ONLY thing assassination gives is Fleet Footed for mobility, and I have everything in sub mutilate would have. Please, elaborate.

The same can go for backstab, all someone has to to do is neutralize you after you open and you're useless.

Like I said, it's the hybrid between the two.

Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

#61 Nov 28 2008 at 7:37 AM Rating: Excellent
811 posts
My brain hurts.

No one in a mut. build uses backstab. Unless they enjoy licking windows.

Zaph, your examples are all obviously based on battlegrounds and world pvp...this has been glazed over before and I'd like to restate this here. I can easily get a 6k Ambush (@lvl 77) on a warlock wearing PvE gear, but you don't see me saying "OPEN WITH AMBUSH IT'S THE BEST OPENER EVER TRUST ME". You're builds have been mathmatically proven to be inferior in terms of burst and sustained damage in a traditional arena setting.

You have no control group in your little experiment. There is one simple, simple solution to all of this. All detractors that have proven that they don't suck at PvP (read: not me), need to try your build in an arena setting at 80, in 2's 3's and 5's, with their normal arena teams. That's called a control group, Zaph. Then they switch back to their preffered build, and compare differences (called a sample group there allstar).



Theo could post the list, like he did a month ago when you were screaming about how awesome your dogsh*t build was then, too, of the top elite rogues in the world, their arena ratings, and their spec (which was a version of VARP, I believe).

And Theo, the "I'm better looking" comment really, really was unnecassary. Even though you are an ***, you are usually better than that.

EDIT: Grammar

Edited, Nov 28th 2008 10:37am by ThomasMagnum
#62 Nov 28 2008 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I don't even dare mingle in this, but one thing I'd like to see clarified. Like Zafire's pointing out, how does 30/0/41 have worse mobility than any mutilate spec?

The only "mobility" talents mut/prep has over 30/0/41 are Deadly Brew and Master Poisoner. But well, yeah, I suppose you see as well they are too lame to even argue about. A mutilate/combat build would have Endurance and Imp sprint as mobility talents, but would have to sacrifice prep for it. And some points in either Elusiveness, Dirty Tricks, Camouflage, or Master of Deception.
#63 Nov 28 2008 at 8:02 AM Rating: Default
4,639 posts
No one in a mut. build uses backstab. Unless they enjoy licking windows.

I was talking about a full sub spec. You are talking how sub spec and mutilate is yalms yalms better then 31/0/40, I was just pointing out that you're digging your own grave by saying the disadvantages to 31/0/40, because they're the same disadvantages mut and full sub have. Why would you say my spec has mobility problems, wipe your face off, then say mutilate is the king of spec's when it suffers the same issue? Your reasoning eludes me.

Zaph, your examples are all obviously based on battlegrounds and world pvp...this has been glazed over before and I'd like to restate this here. I can easily get a 6k Ambush (@lvl 77) on a warlock wearing PvE gear, but you don't see me saying "OPEN WITH AMBUSH IT'S THE BEST OPENER EVER TRUST ME". You're builds have been mathmatically proven to be inferior in terms of burst and sustained damage in a traditional arena setting.

It doesn't have sustained damage, I never claimed it to. It's the burst potential. The same goes with full sub, it's all about getting the damage in while said player is stunned. The only difference with 31/0/40 is the damage is slightly lower but the energy conservation is much higher. The difference on mut, 31/0/40 and full sub,is they both have a much much higher poison/bleed damage then mut does. Full sub and 31/0/40 contain a MUCH MUCH higher AP then mut.

Again, I don't really find it any worse then either spec. It has amazing poison/bleed damage, and amazing burst potential that have no positional requirements. Cold Blood is also another powerful tool full sub doesn't have, because prep cools it down. That's two forced crit evis's. I don't really see why you're trying to bash the spec when it performs really good in BG's, grinding, and arena.

Theo could post the list, like he did a month ago when you were screaming about how awesome your dogsh*t build was then, too, of the top elite rogues in the world, their arena ratings, and their spec (which was a version of VARP, I believe).

The debate a long time ago was the guy in the post was asking about what a good sword spec was in BATTLEGROUNDS. At 70, 31/0/30 was only good in BG's and not arena. Now, with the addition of premed, deadliness, and sinister calling, it holds A LOT better.

VARP sucks in BG's, period. The debate then switched to mut vrs 31/0/30 in BG's. But again, the guy wanted a SWORD BG spec, not a dagger. So I don't really understand why this is coming up, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

And theo never posted anything mathematically proving it.
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

#64 Nov 28 2008 at 8:09 AM Rating: Good
I don't even dare mingle in this, but one thing I'd like to see clarified. Like Zafire's pointing out, how does 30/0/41 have worse mobility than any mutilate spec?

The only "mobility" talents mut/prep has over 30/0/41 are Deadly Brew and Master Poisoner. But well, yeah, I suppose you see as well they are too lame to even argue about.

They aren't lame.

Cheap Shot, 7500 CB evis, Hemo a few times, you'll be back at 5CP after 3 hemo's most likely from Seal Fate, then evis again. Not all that hard <_<. I'll make a video for you, if you need me to that badly. Although youtube isn't liking my frap AVI's for some reason. Nothing hard about killing anyone in 6 seconds.

You are not figthing level 80 players in level 80 PvP gear, then. In fact, I believe you are fighting someone with 0 resilience and 0 armour - a critter, mayhap:

3k AP, 5CP evi:

(1977 + 450) + (1977 + 1050) / 2 = 2727

2727 * 1.2 * 1.1 * 2 = 7199.28

That's the average crit on a 0 armour, 0 resi target when you have imp evi and MoS. The highest possible crit on this same critter is 7991.28.

Seeing as you have not used EA on them yet, you will not get anything like this number EVEN if they did have 0 resi and, I remind you, we are not tlaking about people with 0 resi.

Taking a target with 20% armour mitigation after SB (a clothie) and at the resi cap, let's see the top possible damage:

(1 977 + 1 050) * 2 * 0.8 * 0.75 * 1.1 * 1.2 = 4794.768

Yeah. You see what I'm saying now?

Why would you say my spec has mobility problems, wipe your face off, then say mutilate is the king of spec's when it suffers the same issue? Your reasoning eludes me.

I said it had worse mobility than Mutilate, which I noted had poor mobility. Yes, Mutilate suffers from it, too, but it makes up for it in other ways, whereas your build needs to have good mobility to be good because it fails so badly at pressure.

P.S. A deep sub BS build has control, awesome CP gen and good mobility, things that your spec lacks, which means that it is less reliant on opening bursts.

Edited, Nov 28th 2008 10:12am by Kavekk
#65 Nov 28 2008 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
deadly brew is a big help

but really my concern is that while both can get kited pretty solid... given either build catching up to the opponent... mutilate at max energy will pour out more damage then 31-0-40

especially out of stealth

basically it all boils down to that its trying to be mutilate without daggers... and in arena, even just dropping overkill for shadowstep would be a huge help

like in terms of, o lets say 2v2 arena... where burst teams will have the strongest chance

going shadowstep/honor among thieves would be good for twin rogue, rogue/frost mage, rogue/frost dk... anything that gets a lot of crits

goin prep-muti would be great for rogue/healer (rogue/healer has the potential to be a long long LONG fight vs some teams, and i see that outpacing 31-0-40, especially after you burn your stealths)

shadow dance would probably work well with strong burst classes that can cc decently well (read, i think retadins would be best there) although shadowdance can prob shine a little better in 3s then 2s

wait until about 2 weeks into the arena season and see what the top guys are using... im sure most will be prep-muti, but thats some of my speculation

i just dont see a good format for this 31-0-40 nonsense, that either muti or shadowstep wouldnt fit better
#66Zafire, Posted: Nov 28 2008 at 9:33 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I don't think you took the imp. evis talent into account, because I have been hitting 7.5k evis's on warlocks/mages/priests.
#67 Nov 28 2008 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
I'm starting to see why Zafire has three and a half thousand posts and is still defaulted.
#68 Nov 28 2008 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
Zafire the Tulip wrote:
3k AP, 5CP evi:

(1977 + 450) + (1977 + 1050) / 2 = 2727

2727 * 1.2 * 1.1 * 2 = 7199.28

That's the average crit on a 0 armour, 0 resi target when you have imp evi and MoS. The highest possible crit on this same critter is 7991.28.

Seeing as you have not used EA on them yet, you will not get anything like this number EVEN if they did have 0 resi and, I remind you, we are not tlaking about people with 0 resi.

Taking a target with 20% armour mitigation after SB (a clothie) and at the resi cap, let's see the top possible damage:

(1 977 + 1 050) * 2 * 0.8 * 0.75 * 1.1 * 1.2 = 4794.768

I don't think you took the imp. evis talent into account, because I have been hitting 7.5k evis's on warlocks/mages/priests.

Look at my numbers. 1.2 is imp evi, 1.1 MoS.
#69 Nov 28 2008 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
They aren't lame.

No, the talents aren't "lame" in that they're bad talents. I mean to say that you can't really claim they'll significantly improve your mobility. I take it you misunderstood what I was trying to say, which in this case, I can understand.

I don't think you took the imp. evis talent into account, because I have been hitting 7.5k evis's on warlocks/mages/priests.

Sorry Zaff, but I'm with the rest on this one. If you've been hitting 7.5k evisses, post us some screenies. Even if it's true, there's bound to be *some* explanation and we're likely to find it if you show us such an occasion.
#70 Nov 28 2008 at 11:21 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
I'm still laughing because Zafire thinks that Overkill and Seal Fate are better than HAT, ShS, and SftS.

I'm not even going to bother to argue. Smart rogues will listen to me and use my specs. Bad rogues will continue to listen to Zaphire and use his crap builds.

For reference, though: my build, his build.
#71 Nov 28 2008 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
No, the talents aren't "lame" in that they're bad talents. I mean to say that you can't really claim they'll significantly improve your mobility. I take it you misunderstood what I was trying to say, which in this case, I can understand.

Defining mobility as "ability to stay on a target" then yes, they do.

I mean, it isn't a massive difference, but it's certainly noticeable - MP is very noticeable but only vs. other rogues (stops them being able to peel you effectively) and DB is very effective against poison dispel.

Just a note, you won't have 3/3 MP as mut prep.

Edited, Nov 28th 2008 1:41pm by Kavekk
#72 Nov 28 2008 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I played a build somewhat like Zafire's, now that I see it linked. It's fun, but yeah, you're prolly better off going ShD or Mut/prep. While you can indeed kill a couple of players in under 6 seconds, that's not going to cut it for you once 80 PvP gear starts rolling into the BG's. And it's definitely not going to cut it in the arenas, even though I can't deny even Zafire akknowledged that last time we discussed it.

On a side-note Theo, this is the ShD build I came up with myself somewhere around patch time, without ever having seen the one you just linked. Once again, just saying.

And Kavekk; that's fair enough, but I really don't think those changes are significant when talking about PvP and comparing "mut builds" (Which I took to be specs along the line of 41/30/0, 41/5/25, 44/27/0 or 44/5/22). As a raw estimation, I'd say that out of 30 losses, there might be 1 you would've won if you had Deadly Brew so your crippling poison wasn't dispelled. At the very least, they are far from as significant as talents like ShS, prep, or even imp Sprint.

Edited, Nov 28th 2008 8:48pm by Mozared

Edited, Nov 28th 2008 8:50pm by Mozared
#73 Nov 28 2008 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Mozared wrote:
On a side-note Theo, this is the ShD build I came up with myself somewhere around patch time, without ever having seen the one you just linked. Once again, just saying.

Why would you not take Imp Evis in a PvP build? That's pretty dumb.
#74 Nov 28 2008 at 4:01 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
That´s an argument to my advantage, really. It wasn´t all that dumb before the patch. I simply hadn´t really experienced the damage increase and the way evis worked after it. If I had, I probably would´ve included it, bringing my spec even closer to the one you posted.

What I´m trying to say is that even though I like to play around a lot, I´ll make sure my spec stays close enough to be viable if I want to be serious. Even more, I rarely read EJ for builds or anything (I never do actually, unless I need detailed math information about something); I just invented my own mut/prep build which turned out to be very similar to what's probably mathematically proven to be the most effective build around.

Which leaves you with 3 options. Either you take the easy way out and claim all this is lied (it's the easy way since I cannot prove it's the truth), or you state the mut/prep build you posted up there is sub-par, or you simply akknowledge that (yes, once again) I'm not as horrible as you're making me look. Seeing as I intend to seriously go into PvP once I become able to, I trust that point will be proven eventually, but 'till then, this is my way of 'demanding' respect.
#75Zafire, Posted: Nov 28 2008 at 9:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I've been doing heroics mostly today, but heres one from earlier:
#76 Nov 28 2008 at 10:07 PM Rating: Decent
811 posts
Why are you posting PvE data in a PvP thread? I have almost 400 more AP in PvE than PvP, this has no correlation to your build. We have been talking PvP all along. Stay relevant or quit posting. I choose option 2.

Edit: Drunk

Edited, Nov 29th 2008 1:08am by ThomasMagnum
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