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Merits of combat PvPFollow

#27 Nov 26 2008 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Mozared wrote:
The most deaths I've seen in one BG in the past year is 4-5. I average 10-20 KBs in BGs.

-I've done that. You'll either have to admit I'm not as horrible as you make me look, or akknowledge they aren't arguments to skill either.

Ah, but this is Zafire's definition of skill. I wasn't implying that this was a direct correlation to skill.

Zafire the Tulip wrote:
[I check your armory ofton, you never had anything reasonably close to a 45% crit rate. Hell I checked it when you were 77 and my crit rate was higher then yours at 78 with 3 points in sinister calling. All that really shows is your crit isn't really that different then mine, and I was not sitting at no 45% crit. I could hit 38% if I sacrificed a lot of attack and went full sub, but you don't go sub anymore, do you? Plus you have to take Resilience into account. You were NOT hitting 55% crit evis's.

I had 2100 AP/38% crit. With an Evis glyph, that's 48% plus another 5% from LotP. Sorry, 53% isn't exactly 55%.
#28 Nov 26 2008 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Zafire the Tulip wrote:

Depends on what you think is "good" I don't look bad by any means


Dude .... get some sleep !
#29 Nov 26 2008 at 10:22 AM Rating: Good
Oy vey. You guys are going to make me change my main back to paladin again.
#30 Nov 26 2008 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
I love the rogue forums.
#31 Nov 26 2008 at 8:49 PM Rating: Good
1,875 posts

i roll my priest as a main for a while, and DK as my new, unexpected, main, and WHAT THE @#%^ HAPPENED HERE

im just glad in the DK forums, we dont got Richards like this

hell, tjheo posts there, and he just acts like everyone else taking that class seriously, reading ej theorycraft and doing other research :D (everyone being on the same footing about the class, its real nice over there :D priest forums too)

zafire, your just ridiculous.. if you really want to just get a rise outta theo for your own lulz... use PMs

i try to still contribute and help out here, even though i stopped taking rogue seriously when everyone left the HARP bandwagon and joined me on the SS pain train back in s3... but people like that make me not even care to help out the forums that helped me so much way back in the day

(go check my first few posts, and youll see what i mean... @#%^in i cant believe i argued the MH ZG sword better then ravenholdt slicer o.o)

theo isnt the god of rogues, but if you have to ask a forum if your idea is sound, or feel like posting it just so people know... hes the first person id expect to tell you like it is


dont be zafire, straight out

and stop derailing posts here, you got o-boards... use them

i always tell people to check alla forums if they need help, dont ruin this sites reputation 'for the lulz'

Edited, Nov 26th 2008 11:51pm by mongoosexcore
#32 Nov 26 2008 at 9:21 PM Rating: Good
811 posts


1. Lethality 5/5 on a 1100 hemo w/ 30% = 1430....not 1700. Math is hard.
2. Cute towels.
#33 Nov 27 2008 at 12:41 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
mongoosexcore wrote:

i roll my priest as a main for a while, and DK as my new, unexpected, main, and WHAT THE @#%^ HAPPENED HERE

im just glad in the DK forums, we dont got Richards like this

hell, tjheo posts there, and he just acts like everyone else taking that class seriously, reading ej theorycraft and doing other research :D (everyone being on the same footing about the class, its real nice over there :D priest forums too)

zafire, your just ridiculous.. if you really want to just get a rise outta theo for your own lulz... use PMs

i try to still contribute and help out here, even though i stopped taking rogue seriously when everyone left the HARP bandwagon and joined me on the SS pain train back in s3... but people like that make me not even care to help out the forums that helped me so much way back in the day

(go check my first few posts, and youll see what i mean... @#%^in i cant believe i argued the MH ZG sword better then ravenholdt slicer o.o)

theo isnt the god of rogues, but if you have to ask a forum if your idea is sound, or feel like posting it just so people know... hes the first person id expect to tell you like it is


dont be zafire, straight out

and stop derailing posts here, you got o-boards... use them

i always tell people to check alla forums if they need help, dont ruin this sites reputation 'for the lulz'

Edited, Nov 26th 2008 11:51pm by mongoosexcore

I'm a long time lurker on alla, following the Rogue, Mage, Warrior, Paladin and Death Knight forums ... and I have to say, the rogue forums have always been like this. I'm unsure about the priest forums from personal experience, but you're not the first person I've heard mention that they are quite a pleasant place to be. Heck, even the hunter forums, which I've checked in on, on one or 2 occasions, has a much more pleasant tone.

So, is it the nature of the class that attracts the more aggressive, ******* nasty players ... or is it something else. I'm tempted to say (and I'm sure most would understand the temptation) that Theo is at the base of it, but in all honesty, this kind of stuff goes on without Theo's involvement sometimes, so ultimately, it's probably the nature of the players who play rogues (the sneaky, backstabbing bastards that they are).

To be honest, however, the biggest e-peen slinging contests generally involve Theo, and that's part of the issue here.

Yes, Theo, you do a lot of research, and have written some threads which have been stickied, but your attitude is that without your contributions, this board would lack substance. You can't deny it either, your last post specifically indicated as such. As as interesting side-note, you also defer to posters like Nooble and Therion, both of whom grab my attention and respect considerably quicker than any post you've made, which clearly indicates that if you didn't contribute, the board would not collapse. Seriously, I've reach a stage now, where I don't even read your responses anymore, however detailed or concise they appear to be, because they all contain the same message ... "I'm right, everyone else here is wrong"

The fact is, all Theo contributes is regurgitated research, something that a large majority of the regular posters on this board do for themselves anyway. Evidence of this is the standard answers provided by Theo 85% of the time

1) "Use a Spreadsheet ******" (not even a SS that was developed by Theo - someone else's)
2) "Read the F*cking Sticky" (while presented by Theo, is simply a colation of information found in old stickies on this site, and info easily found on other sites) ...and my personal favourite
3) "Because I said so, I've done the math, and I'm right" ... How many times have I seen this response, with absolutely nothing to actually substantiate it.

Now, Theo, I'm not saying you don't know your stuff. I'm also not saying you don't help out here ... but please, try refraining from portraying yourself as the world's best rogue (yes, you do). Also try practicing a bit of humility once in a while, your are wrong sometimes and your opinions are just that, opinions. Some people, when pointing out deficiencies in your arguments, are met with insults, counter arguments (not necessarily relevant or correct), or flat out being ignored. Other people when presenting an opinion that differs from your are met with the same barrage.

Now please, before you start asking me for examples to back up my statements, I'm not going to do that - there's no need, everyone who reads this forum can only, in all honesty, agree with me.

A final note, not everyone raids. Not everyone that DOES raid, does so with a single goal in mind - to be top of the damage charts (not everyone can top the charts - it's impossible). Not everyone who PvP's likes arena, and not everyone who does arena strives to be 2100+. Some people like leveling for enjoyment, not to be as efficient as possible, and get to the end game asap (ie, some people like leveling as full sub - they find it fun).

So if somebody asks for an opinion on an issue not covered in the precious sticky (it won't be covered if it isn't in the interests of the author of the sticky), then telling that person that he's a ****** for thinking that way, and to do what the sticky says, will definitely not earn you any kind of respect, neither for you as a person, nor for what you are supposed to have accomplished. You Earn respect my Friend, you don't demand it.
#34 Nov 27 2008 at 2:13 AM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Yeah, except that I've been here long enough that Therion and other posters learned a lot from me. Nooble is the only one that can't say that, and he was learning at about the same time as I did.

If you've been reading here long enough, you'd know that I contributed to Nooble's original FAQ to the point that it doesn't matter that I take sections from his (though 95% is rewritten or completely of my own make).

Builds? Yeah, mostly mine. I can come to my own conclusions before I read EJ because--unlike what you think--I can do math. I don't get in-depth like Vulajin, but I know what's better for a DPS build. Smiley: rolleyes

You don't seem to realize that when Nooble and I started posting here, there wasn't any math that was regularly done. People talked about specs, lockpicking, and race choices.

BTW, I readily admit that I'm not the best rogue. Hence why I listen to rogues that are better than I am.
#35 Nov 27 2008 at 3:15 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Yeah, except that I've been here long enough that Therion and other posters learned a lot from me. Nooble is the only one that can't say that, and he was learning at about the same time as I did.

If you've been reading here long enough, you'd know that I contributed to Nooble's original FAQ to the point that it doesn't matter that I take sections from his (though 95% is rewritten or completely of my own make).

Builds? Yeah, mostly mine. I can come to my own conclusions before I read EJ because--unlike what you think--I can do math. I don't get in-depth like Vulajin, but I know what's better for a DPS build. Smiley: rolleyes

You don't seem to realize that when Nooble and I started posting here, there wasn't any math that was regularly done. People talked about specs, lockpicking, and race choices.

BTW, I readily admit that I'm not the best rogue. Hence why I listen to rogues that are better than I am.

Good for you son, but despite what you claim to have done, you still present neither a persona, nor a helping hand to any and all who come here seeking advice. And yet you demand to be respected for that.

I am yet to see a build from you that is either cutting edge or considerably different to builds presented on other forums. The fact that you seem to think in the same vein, and do the same calculations as most other people does not make you what you think you are. You re-hash existing material and present it here ... not that it's not appreciated, but it certainly doesn't mean that you're as ground-breaking as you would like people to think.

As for doing math, for you to simply say "I've worked it out, and I'm right, and you must believe me", just doesn't cut it. If you've worked it out - show us ... dazzle us, prove that what you say is not just hot air, but actually has substance.

As far as this thread goes - the reason that you and Zafire have clashed (as in soooo many other threads, where you actually land up by arguing the same issue over and over again), is that you and he are very much alike - you both think you're brilliant, and that anybody else findings / experience / opinions are nonsense. You'll never agree, even if one of you lands up by being proved comprehensively wrong. And if you want to deny that you're the same, to actually present the "I'm better looking that you" argument, only to be responded to in kind, is more evidence than anyone could ever need ... seriously, what the hell were you thinking?
#36 Nov 27 2008 at 5:03 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
As for doing math, for you to simply say "I've worked it out, and I'm right, and you must believe me", just doesn't cut it. If you've worked it out - show us ... dazzle us, prove that what you say is not just hot air, but actually has substance.

This, basically. Then again, Theo's not the only one guilty of it *cough* Kavekk *cough*. If you've got a brilliant point, at least try to explain it. If you tell me "You're a ******, I'm right", what incentive do you give me to even take your advice seriously? Of course, there is a point where you get annoyed with explaining the same thing over and over, but we aren't even near it on these boards. I think 2 of the 3 times I actually saw you go into detail about something it was at least of some use to me.

No matter how brilliant somebody is, if his attitude is wrong, he will and should live with not being respected. You've even hinted a couple of times that you realize your attitude is wrong, yet you take no incentive to change it. That's fine, but then accept constant critisism as a 'payback to your sin', so to say.

And once again;
Builds? Yeah, mostly mine. I can come to my own conclusions before I read EJ because--unlike what you think--I can do math. I don't get in-depth like Vulajin, but I know what's better for a DPS build.

I do that, too. Just saying. Heck, it's not even that hard; you don't really need math until things get really close.
#37 Nov 27 2008 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Look, it's not Theo's fault that the majority of good rogue players are ***holes. Theo doesn't control the rogue forums. He's probably not even super good, he's just better than most. He admits that pretty frequently. So do most of the posters here.

People kind of elevate this whole edrama crap to some level of supreme importance when it's really like a sideshow for the longer posters to vent some steam. The rogue forums aren't about how Zafire hates Theo. That's just like, icing. It's what makes the forums entertaining and keeps people coming back to read the sub-defaulted posts. The people here aren't ***holes because they want to be like Theo, or because they harbour some secret grudge against humanity. They're ***holes because it is incredibly funny.

Edited, Nov 27th 2008 10:25am by zepoodle
#38 Nov 27 2008 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good
This, basically. Then again, Theo's not the only one guilty of it *cough* Kavekk *cough*.

I always support my opinions when I am arguing a case. When I am answering the same question that is answered all over the place again and again then I will simply give the information because I can't be bothered to explain why. Besides, I don't think I've ever not replied to a specific "why" query unless someone was being a total ****.

I do that, too. Just saying. Heck, it's not even that hard; you don't really need math until things get really close.

But you come up with sub-optimal builds, often by large margins, which suggests your ability to discern is not paticularly finely tuned. In fact, I doubt you do math about it at all, but make a very very very rough estimation.

They're ******** because it is incredibly funny.

Bingo! Plus, it hopefully dissuades them from asking stupid questions, though that's just an addded plus.
#39 Nov 27 2008 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Sure, you can't control the actions of others, nor be accountable for them, especially on an internet forum. But you can control your own, and right now, there are those on this forum who are acting like asshats, for absolutely no reason. Zafire's probably the worst at this stage, plainly and simply because he even admits to it (by blatantly trolling for a reaction). But Theo's not being any better by responding in kind (and the demanding of respect and the claim of better looks are just laughable). Now he may be perfectly happy with being like that, and has no intention of changing, but then he must understand that he won't be garnering any respect for doing so, regardless of what he says / does.

Still, Zepoodle, I agree with you ... this seems to be the general tone of the rogue forums ... so I guess it makes sense that the "biggest contributor" to the forums in terms of content, should be the biggest contributor to the forums in terms of the tone.

#40 Nov 27 2008 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
ROFL ..I see I'm being downrated by all the Theo fanboys, who clearly see something in him that isn't there. Wake up guys ... What you think of as straight talk is not straight talk - it's just being rude. There are a lot of guys who post here, in other forums on this site, and on other sites, who say it like it is, but in no way can be considered rude. Theo is generally simply rude. Now if you look up to him as your "Guru" because he's rude, then good for you, you sure have an interesting way of picking your role-models.


They're @#%^s because it is incredibly funny.

Bingo! Plus, it hopefully dissuades them from asking stupid questions, though that's just an addded plus.

Nice try guys, but it may be funny, I guess from some quarters (RPZip makes ripping someone apart funny), but you're deluding yourselves if you think that this behaviour serves the purpose of stopping people from asking stupid questions. If it did, why are there still so many stupid questions being asked over and over again. Nah, people behave like ******** because they get a kick out of being ******** ... no reason to sugar-coat it.

Anyway, I see I'm ruffling feathers now, which is something I had no intention of doing .. So I'll leave it at that ... I'm sure you know my standpoint now, no need to keep pushing it.
#41 Nov 27 2008 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Calimo wrote:
and right now, there are those on this forum who are acting like asshats, for absolutely no reason

I act like an asshat because I like acting like an asshat.

The reason you're getting rated down (and not by me, I should mention) is that you're annoying; at least sometimes when I post I'm funny or I add something to the forum.

You're just coming in with a holier-than-thou disposition and claiming that we're a bunch of asshats and that someone who has provided a lot of advice and data for the forum is somehow pulling it out of his *** (while still being right).

Mozared, most of the time I don't show math because if people really look at it and know game mechanics, the choice that we're talking about should be obvious. Another is because they can see numerically that something is better than another pertaining to DPS via a spreadsheet. I know that Vulajin works hard on it, and as he's one of the top DPSers in one of the best raiding guilds in the US, I think you can trust that his spreadsheet is 99.9% right.
#42 Nov 27 2008 at 11:30 AM Rating: Good
18 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
I act like an asshat because I like acting like an asshat.

And yet you still demand that we respect you ... sorry, doesn't work that way. Either act in a manner that commands respect, or don't expect said respect ... it's simple. Actually when it comes right down to it, that's pretty much all I have against you, my friend. I do admit, you present good information (when you feel like it), and sometimes your answers are even helpful (again, when you feel like it). But, you're not the only one who does that here ... strangely enough, this forum carries on as normal without you around.

Overlord Theophany wrote:
The reason you're getting rated down (and not by me, I should mention) is that you're annoying; at least sometimes when I post I'm funny or I add something to the forum.

Nah, I'm getting down rated because I'm one of the few here that aren't trying to crawl up your *** (I still don't see it) ... the evidence is that initially, all my posts actually went up in rating, but as soon as the regulars filtered in (I imagine as soon as the USA woke up), they decided that it was unacceptable that somebody dared to speak up against their hero.

Overlord Theophany wrote:
You're just coming in with a holier-than-thou disposition and claiming that we're a bunch of asshats and that someone who has provided a lot of advice and data for the forum is somehow pulling it out of his *** (while still being right).

Nope, totally wrong ... I didn't say you're a bunch of asshats, I said that there are some that are asshats. And not once did I indicate you were pulling anything out your *** ... I said you were regurgitating other people's information ... so yeah, you're going to be right when you do that.

Overlord Theophany wrote:

Mozared, most of the time I don't show math because if people really look at it and know game mechanics, the choice that we're talking about should be obvious. Another is because they can see numerically that something is better than another pertaining to DPS via a spreadsheet. I know that Vulajin works hard on it, and as he's one of the top DPSers in one of the best raiding guilds in the US, I think you can trust that his spreadsheet is 99.9% right.

So, you expect people to come here and request information while knowing all the answers based on their in depth knowledge of game mechanics and how the math is applied accordingly. How exactly does that happen when all you answer is "Because I said so, trust me". Not everyone's as clever as you, you know ;-)

I trust Vulajin's spreadsheet, and I use it ... because he's proved himself. You, on the other hand, have shown that you can collate and present effectively. You've shown you have the time to do so, and you've shown you have the inclination to do so ... something which I guess has to be credited.

Now, it seems we have gone way off topic, and while I've enjoyed our little tête-à-tête, I will withdraw from this thread (yeah, I know, I said it before, but how could I ignore a response from the great Theo himself) and stop "annoying" everyone.
#43 Nov 27 2008 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
608 posts
Good golly Theo, you really have attracted a train of admirers, haven't you ;-)
#44 Nov 27 2008 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
And yet you still demand that we respect you ... sorry, doesn't work that way. Either act in a manner that commands respect, or don't expect said respect ... it's simple. Actually when it comes right down to it, that's pretty much all I have against you, my friend. I do admit, you present good information (when you feel like it), and sometimes your answers are even helpful (again, when you feel like it). But, you're not the only one who does that here ... strangely enough, this forum carries on as normal without you around.

He's asking for his knowledge to be respected, not he himself being respected. Any reasonable person can respect someone for their professional skill, knowledge or whatever, really, and still dislike them as a person.

but you're deluding yourselves if you think that this behaviour serves the purpose of stopping people from asking stupid questions.

Nah. I've heard lots of people say they're too afraid to ask for advice here in case they get flamed. Now, ideally they'd just read the sticky and use a spreadsheet and only coem here to discuss complictaed problems or unresolved issues, but stopping them coming altogether is a good runner up.
#45 Nov 27 2008 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I always support my opinions when I am arguing a case. When I am answering the same question that is answered all over the place again and again then I will simply give the information because I can't be bothered to explain why. Besides, I don't think I've ever not replied to a specific "why" query unless someone was being a total Richard.

Was referring to the start of this thread. Don't suppose that needs more comment from my side.

But you come up with sub-optimal builds, often by large margins, which suggests your ability to discern is not paticularly finely tuned. In fact, I doubt you do math about it at all, but make a very very very rough estimation.

Then it depends on what you call 'large margins'. People with builds far 'worse' than the ones I make/use have been able to achieve the same results. And to pick an example from that other thread (can't recall exactly which one atm), Theo called my build 'terrible' and came up with one which literally differed in SIX points. If that's something you call "sub-optimal by large margins", you should seriously consider relocating your margins. And, sub-optimal or not, I find my builds work better for me than the cookie cutters. Obviously, else I'd be specced cookie cutter. Not to mention, like Theo pointed out earlier in this thread, sub-optimal is especially in PvP a subjective term.

What I think the problem of this whole discussion is, is that there are no good arguments as to why being social is better than being an asshat. Nevertheless, I'm glad to see I'm not alone in defending the point anyway; I refuse to live in an anti-social world.
#46 Nov 27 2008 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
Was referring to the start of this thread. Don't suppose that needs more comment from my side.

It was such a ridiculous comment I thought highlighting it would be enough.
#47 Nov 27 2008 at 3:36 PM Rating: Default
4,684 posts
No, actually it wasn't. In my experiences of combat PvP from the PTR, I recall using it as a Shadowstep replacement a lot. Then somebody pointed out the current range and I started doubting. Either I'm recalling it wrong or the range has changed.

The 'problem' is you didn't know where I was coming from but gave your opinion anyway. In this case, I can hardly blame you for it, but it is in fact again a small example of somebody misjudging me; which is an explanation a lot of people (including you, iirc) have problems with hearing from my mouth.
#48 Nov 27 2008 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Mozared wrote:
The 'problem' is you didn't know where I was coming from but gave your opinion anyway. In this case, I can hardly blame you for it, but it is in fact again a small example of somebody misjudging me; which is an explanation a lot of people (including you, iirc) have problems with hearing from my mouth.

It's not people misjudging you. It's you sucking at presenting your opinion/argument in a logical and well-explained way. You can hardly blame anyone but yourself for misconstruing your point.

Mozared wrote:
Theo called my build 'terrible' and came up with one which literally differed in SIX points. If that's something you call "sub-optimal by large margins", you should seriously consider relocating your margins. And, sub-optimal or not, I find my builds work better for me than the cookie cutters.

Yeah, except you didn't have DW Spec, which is literally hundreds of DPS.
#49 Nov 27 2008 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
It's not people misjudging you. It's you sucking at presenting your opinion/argument in a logical and well-explained way. You can hardly blame anyone but yourself for misconstruing your point.

Perhaps, perhaps it's a combination of both.

Yeah, except you didn't have DW Spec, which is literally hundreds of DPS.

No, I didn't in the link, but I mentioned in the post that it should be included. It's just that the spec I had at 70 didn't include it and that's the spec I linked and said I was linking. The reason I didn't have it at 70, I've explained earlier; while I fully realize 5 points in DWS would improve my damage more than Elusiveness and Serrated, damage wasn't what I was looking for at the time. With WOTLK coming up, I'd be better off picking up Elusiveness and Serrated Blades, since this would make my level 70 playstyle closer to my level 80 playstyle as DWS would do. And getting used to my 80 playstyle as much as possible was what I was after.
#50 Nov 27 2008 at 5:00 PM Rating: Default
4,639 posts
I'm a ****** who sucks at PVP

What theo doesn't realize is i've been PVPing a long time and I know what i'm doing.

The simple fact that he says I wont ever achieve the accomplishments he has is laughable. Basing my future off mere assumptions simply because he thinks he's better.


I love how whenever I pop up in a thread, it turns into a two page argument about me and theo that's completely off topic. The information I provided isn't really wrong.

I hit 2.2k hemo's on clothies now. Hit a 2.7k hemo on a warlock earlier. Theres nothing really wrong with anything I say here. 31/0/40 *IS* the best sword PVP spec, yet no one will really admit it. I *HAVE* tried Combat, Assassination, and full sub. I've probably wasted well over 2k gold experimenting with different spec's. I don't have any data or numbers for anyone, but I can tell you what is effective and what isn't.

Mutilate is good
31/0/40 is good
Full sub is good

TBH, I feel most comfortable as 31/0/40. To each their own, feel free to try it and mess around with it, you wont find the answers much different then me.

Edited, Nov 27th 2008 8:03pm by Zafire
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

#51 Nov 27 2008 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
okay 2 things

1: linking a AB scoreboard SS means nothing... how do i know, since you have ZERO assaults, that you dont just gank on the roads?

pvp is fine, world and bgs are fun, but linking bg scoreboards as a way of going "ha! look at how good i am" means precisely nothing

after all, any decent lock or hunter cracks 400k dmg in a AB or EOTS because of how easily they do mass damage

does it mean they are good? hell no
does it mean they suck? not at all

the way you get your results is what matters

I hit 2.2k hemo's on clothies now. Hit a 2.7k hemo on a warlock earlier. Theres nothing really wrong with anything I say here. 31/0/40 *IS* the best sword PVP spec, yet no one will really admit it. I *HAVE* tried Combat, Assassination, and full sub. I've probably wasted well over 2k gold experimenting with different spec's. I don't have any data or numbers for anyone, but I can tell you what is effective and what isn't.

Mutilate is good
31/0/40 is good
Full sub is good

TBH, I feel most comfortable as 31/0/40. To each their own, feel free to try it and mess around with it, you wont find the answers much different then me.

and do tell, how is OVERKILL, no DW spec, no shadowstep a great build?

good for ganking, but arena? nah... if you focus on bg's are your main goal, kudos to you, but thats a build that at best is fun to tinker with

unless you got some REAL tricky **** up your sleeve.... but lack of DW spec should make killin resto classes a complete pain, and a lack of answers to being kited makes you vunerable to most casters

no riposte doesnt even secure yourself as a good anti-melee build

link your build, and feel free to explain... but i see that build as being miles behind mutilate in every single way, except MAYBE ganking zero-resil clothies

but even then, shadow dance is miles ahead
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