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80 Resto PvE spec (comments please)Follow

#1 Nov 23 2008 at 9:53 AM Rating: Good
I made up this build for healing.

That includes both talents and glyphes.

I never raided on my druid before as I hit 70 just about a week before the expansion releaded so some info here may be wrong.

This build focuses more on crit than previous druid builds, which I belive were spell damage all the way. What I have been reading of the recent lifebloom nerf is that the tick portion really isn't that great, which was the best part of it BC I belive. To replace this, I have chosen talents and glyphes that reduce the HT cast time to 1 second, as well a few others that reduce mana cost and increase the healing done by it. On the main tank I would keep up regrowth, rejuv and possibly roll lifeblooms while casting HT in the way (I think) a priest or pally does, responding to drop in the tanks health. HT would replace the way of putting a single lifebloom on a dps/other healer as the healing gets there much quicker.

Some things that I am troubled about:
Regarding a talent in balance that when I crit, the next spell is reduced to 1.5 sec. and a talent that gives a Prayer of Mending-type effect when I crit: I have not specced into imp regrowth which could increase the crit chance by 50% (if that is addative that is amazing chances) but I dont think of regrowth as an ability to spam, however now that I think of it there was a glyph that increases healing done by RG if RG is already up.

I have also not factored Nourish into this. Nourish has a 1.5 cast time and would heal for quite a bit, but seems quite expensive in mana. Maybe this could be somthing to use with Nature's Swiftness.

Here the main points where I cannot decide what to do:
This spec put a fair amount into healing touch, if nourish turns out to be great, I could move some talents into Imp. Regrowth and Natural Perfection for an additional 3% crit. I could change glyph of Ht into glyph of Regrowth. What I need to know is if too much is wasted by casting regrowth and ignoring the HoT part. Without the HT bonus's, lifebloom or nourish would be what to cast on a damaged non-tank. Of course, there is also wild growth for many damaged people.

This was my first time making a post about druid healing, and I am not very experienced in-game. I hope this post isn't too hard to follow and some smarter people can give me some tips.

#2 Nov 23 2008 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
The thing about lifebloom is now with just 5/5 Genesis and Natures Splendor and with the reduction of the global cooldown on it you can actually use all your hots across a tank and about 3 or 4 more people. Lifebloom is still way too good to give up for any possible reason.

Also if you're getting Imp Regrowth its important too if you have Living Seed because you're crit isn't going to be near high enough to get Living Seeds off with just HT. Personally I don't think that HT healing is going to work very well because your mana efficiency as a resto druid has dropped dramatically and even with the reduction of the mana cost with HT you're going to go oom crazy fast.

I would use this build.

I'll elaborate more when I have a little more time.
#3 Nov 23 2008 at 12:08 PM Rating: Default
Yeah, I wasn't expecting to be the discoverer of the latest and greatest spec. Wowhead's down so I cant look at that spec, but I'll be checking back.
#4 Nov 23 2008 at 7:07 PM Rating: Good
34 posts
The build I am planning to use, this, is basically the same build Arex posted minus Living Seed. The talent sounds amazing on paper, but if you look at what it actually does it's rather disappointing. Living Seed takes 30% of you effective heal, meaning that if you crit for 3000 but only heal for 100 your Living Seed will proc for 30. It's still a moderately useful talent, but I'm not convinced it's worth three talent points. I've elected to more-or-less waste one point in balance to pick up 2/3 Celestial Focus for the haste buff (going 3/3 Natural Perfection or 3/5 Tranquil Spirit might be another option).

From what I've observed so far the glyphed, flash-heal-style Healing Touch build isn't terribly effective. It just serves as an effecient means to go OOM very quickly. I'm not sure about Nourish as of yet because I have yet to hit 80. I would be more inclined to stick to our healing niche with HoTs and use HT or Nourish as needed, but not build a spec around HT or Nourish.

Edited, Nov 23rd 2008 10:09pm by Treehands
#5 Nov 24 2008 at 8:33 AM Rating: Default
I understand most of what you're saying. Only thing I have a question about if the use of regrowth. Would you just put it up and let the HoT tick? Use it if NS and Swiftmend were on cooldown? From what I've heard from the beta, nourish is made to be the heal to use when you have all your hots up put the tank is still going down.
#6 Nov 24 2008 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Regrowth is your way to mitigate spike damage w/o having to dump off a healing touch, or used to be I suppose since you can HT in ToL now. But regardless of that you tend to want to use a lesser mana costly spell such as regrowth which offers decent amounts of spike healing with an 18 seconds of heal over time. Now, I personally haven't been able to try or use nourish at all so I don't have any idea of what the healing return is on it. But once I do i'll be able to give you a more accurate idea.

Also from my experiences it's more beneficial to SM/Rej than it is to SM/regrowth. Now sm/rej costs more mana but the return on it is higher than sm/regrowth. Pre patch and pre wotlk I was sitting around 2200 healing and could easily crit a rejuv for 6500-7500.

As for living seed, even with 1300 spell power and not even being resto I'm critting it for 4400 so with living seed thats 1366 or so for an over time heal. I just feel having something that can act like a psuedo prayer of mending is really nice because it soften's the blows that the tanks recieve if they're getting some crazy damage. Also, thats mana you're not expending to cover the extra healing recieved from living seed. The thing that makes it even better I think is when it's talented, also depending if you pick up Natural Perfection, thats an extra 50-53% crit rate you get to utilize.
#7 Nov 24 2008 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
34 posts
I use regrowth as another HoT spell most of time. I wait to cast it untill the tank is around 2k-3k health below maximum so that hopefully the entire spell does not go to overheal. I'm not to concerned with letting the HoT portion tick all the way and I will usually end up reaplying regrowth well before the 21 sec HoT is over. This isn't the most mana-effecient means of healing, but I find it works fairly well.

I only use Swiftmend and NS+HT combo to combat spike damage. I use Swiftmend when the tank has 5k+ less than maximum health and use NS+HT when Swiftmend is on cooldown.

Edited, Nov 24th 2008 7:30pm by Treehands
#8 Nov 27 2008 at 3:38 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
I've been toying with various healing methods since I hit 80. So far it still appears that HoT healing is the most efficient way. I put 11 points in balance to get Nature's Splendor. It's unbelievable how much mana you will save by having just 2 more seconds of lifebloom.

My standard rotation is to always cast a regrowth before a fight even starts just so I have a quick fix readily available if something goes wrong and the tank takes a huge spike (like if a wayward mob catches the tank from behind) to swiftmend and nourish.

I can't fully test how much my lifebloom ticks for 3 stacked right now, but at 1500 healing power I was getting 900 per tick (With the 15 emblem lifebloom idol). I now have 1932 bonus healing, but have yet to heal anything to see how it goes. Yes, I have been lucky on drops in heroics and even a world drop of Je'Tze's Bell. I have yet to raid yet, so I imagine 1932 is a relatively mild healing number. By the way, that 1932 is including my tree aura.

When I go into a situation where the tank is taking a lengthy spike. I always drop a fresh regrowth and then spam the heck out of nourish until the danger has passed (or the tank is full and I can renew the rest of my HoTs. Nourish is such an awesome spell. Sure it has a decently high mana cost. But 4200 non crit heal at a 1.5 second cast. They basicly gave us a flash of light. And even when I use it on another member I don't have time to drop a hot down or swiftmend is on CD Nourish still lands for enough to keep a dot from killing them so I have time to drop a regrowth on them.

I apologize for any lack of grammar, comprehension, spelling, rambling. Suffering from a bit of insomnia tonight.
#9 Nov 27 2008 at 2:10 PM Rating: Default
Thanks for all your replies. They've helped me a lot.
#10 Nov 27 2008 at 8:22 PM Rating: Good
I specced resto to do some heroics last night as none of my guilds healers have made 80 yet. My gear is bad & I suck :)

After that though, I got an invite to a 25man raid on the Wintergrasp boss. My gear is all WotLK quest rewards and some of the healers there were sunwell geared, but I came second on the healing meter with less over healing than anyone else by spamming our new group heal. I tried tank healing, but everytime my heal was about to go off, the tanks health would jump back to full, so I shifted to raid heals. I love the new spell for that - any fight where everyone is taking damage it is excellent for.

#11 Dec 01 2008 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
Try this build: with those glyphs. I have tried to maximize mana efficiency with speed of healing with this build. Our mana efficiency blows now, so you will need everything you can get through talents to fix that before you get your nice gear with spirit on it for this iteration of the game.

Nourish is your flash heal spell and should not be replaced with a glyphed HT (use it, you will find that you love it), it costs less then HT and heals a hell of a lot faster. Even with the HT glyph you can't get your tank up fast enough using just that and praying not to go OOM. HT is a last resort heal or something to use if you procced clear casting and want to give your MT a LARGE one time heal; an NS + HT is still of course acceptable which should heal for 10k+ at level 80 and crit 13 - 15k; but if you find yourself having to do that a lot your tank definitely needs to be less squishy or get more avoidance!

Your cycle should look like this now, open with an LB, Rej, WG (it's another hot and has an added effect of healing up most if not all the melee near the tank) and Reg and a swiftmend in there if the tank needs it.

Toss in a nourish to top your tank off, and just roll your hots, you will keep the tank topped off fairly easily. Living seed I think works well especially when your Reg should crit for 6k consistently and nourish crits for 4-6. I have gotten swiftmend crits for 10 - 11k and if you have the glyph you won't lose the rej or reg on the target. I'm not using this build yet, but I will as I find that replenish does not proc enough and has a minimal if any benefit. I especially would like to get some of those glyphs unfortunately no one has discovered some of them on my realm.

For raid healing it's Wild Growth, LB all around with a couple of Rejuv's if you can spare the cycles. IMHO the HT glyph is best used for PvP as another quick flash heal to supplement your nourish and hots. As well with the Rejuv glyph. Try it let me know how it works out, as soon as those glyphs are available

Edited, Dec 1st 2008 2:27pm by solothedrunk
#12 Dec 02 2008 at 10:28 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
So I finally took a stab at the resto tree since the patch dropped and I must say it's pretty damn good. Mind you I used all of my balance gear so I was a little under the right numbers for spirit. I ended up around 500 spirit buffed, 1550 spell power and about a 13k mana pool. I must say though that the heroics are much harder to heal than they were in BC, or maybe I was just out of practice who knows.

But, Nourish is... How do I say... Amagadz! This spell is amazing, it completely took my 4 hot key in place of regrowth. It's the best and easiest way to quick mitigate it seriously is like cheating.
#13 Dec 02 2008 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
422 posts
This is likely the build that I will be using at 80. I don't feel that Replenish is worth the points, unless you plan to use Rejuv for raid healing. Tanks aren't going to be rage starved, so the effect will largely be wasted on them.

Regarding your choice in glyphs, I think that you've made a couple bad choices. First, I wouldn't recommend the Glyph of HT. Glyphed HT is silly at 80 now that we have Nourish. HT should be your 'Oh Sh*t' button when used with NS. If you glyph it, you're really killing it's effectiveness. Nourish should be your flash heal, not HT. Second, I think the Glyph of Rejuv is pretty bad. It only increases the healing of your Rejuv by 50%, if the target is below 50%. If you're tank healing, this should never be the case, and is still mediocre if using Rejuv to raid heal.

I will personally be using Glyph of Regrowth, Glyph of Swiftmend, and Glyph of Lifebloom when I hit 80. The only other one I'd consider would be the Glyph of Innervate if I was having mana issues and was asked by the raid leaders to use my innervate on someone else.

I haven't played around with a Resto build since 70, but I was impressed with the new talents then. I can't wait to respec at 80, when I'll have 10 more points to spend. There's a lot of good synergy in the Balance tree now.

Hope this helps,

Edited the glyph section.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 3:02pm by CamelToad
#14 Dec 04 2008 at 6:59 PM Rating: Default
I've changed my spec into somthing similar to most of the builds posted here. Between Nature's Splendor and Glpyph of LB my LB now lasts for 10 seconds. I did get the rejuv glyph but im thinking of replacing it with innervate or regrowth.
#15 Dec 09 2008 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
422 posts
Unless you're finding yourself OOM and regular Innervate isn't topping you off, or you're forced to innervate another raid member, get the Glyph of Regrowth. It's probably the best glyph (maybe second to the swiftmend glyph) that we get. Refreshing regrowth before it falls off for 20% more healing is just crazy good. In any event, either of those are better than the Rejuv glyph.

#16 Dec 09 2008 at 4:39 PM Rating: Good
1,047 posts
I specced the following for heroics/10s/25s and have been successful with it so far:

Replenish is super lackluster right now and I don't use Nourish much if at all (obviating Tranquil Spirit), so I specced down to the haste talent in Balance for Regrowth flash healing.

Glyphs are Regrowth, Swiftmend, and Ninervate.

Edited, Dec 9th 2008 6:58pm by Theophastus
#17 Dec 10 2008 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
I would advise NOT getting the glyph of healing touch. Healing Touch doesn't need to serve as a quick heal; that is where Nourish comes into play. Nourish is also more useful if the target has one of your HoT's going. It has an increased healing effect, by 20%.

Resto druids should never try to stack crit. They get all the crit they need with their talents. Regrowth has a crit chance of at least 50% specc'd correctly. HoT ticks can't crit.

Resto druids should put their main focus into stacking spirit primarily, with spellpower a close second and Mp5 third.

Additionally, healers should grab the glyph of swiftmend and innervate.

Build up your HoTs, your main way of healing. While you build up your HoTs on your target (The Tank, etc.), throw a quick nourish on him/her if the tank is suffering damage while you put up all your HoTs. Nourish will top the tank off and give you time to re-apply your lifeblooms, rejuvs, etc. While you eye the tank, wild growth spams on party members help to mitigate raid damage.

#18 Dec 11 2008 at 1:39 AM Rating: Decent
216 posts
I would pick these

Glyph of Lifebloom - Increases the duration of Lifebloom by 1 sec.
Glyph of Swiftmend - Your Swiftmend ability no longer consumes a Rejuvenation or Regrowth effect from the target.
Glyph of Regrowth - Increases the amount of your initial Regrowth heal by 50% if your Regrowth effect is still active on the target.

And indeed not use HT as a flash heal. Doing so will make its health/mana pathetic; it will cut the amount of +healing it receives.

What I find a more interesting discussion is the usefullness of living seed.. your thoughts on how much this will boost healing on say a tank-target, will it be usefull for raid healing/splash damage?

#19 Dec 11 2008 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
422 posts
Living seed can be quite useful, but it's important to note its limitations.

The seed only considers effective healing. If that big crit was all overheal, then don't expect the seed on the target to do anything.

Secondly, it requires that the person with the seed is attacked within 15 seconds, or the seed will have expired. I see this talent mostly being used for healing tanks. If you're assigned to raid heal, then it's probably only useful on encounters with splash damage that occurs quite frequently. You must also be using Nourish or Regrowth to get the seed effect. Considering that our normal crit rates are pretty low, you'll get far more out of this talent if you use Regrowth.
#20 Dec 12 2008 at 3:02 AM Rating: Decent
healing touch and swiftmend are also capable of crits... just that seeds are obviously more likely from a talented regrowth, and nourish is very likely the second most commonly spammed crittable because of the SM cooldown.

it's interesting that HT and SM are responsible for our biggest crit numbers -- but that seed only uses the "effective total healed" for the effect. if, instead, seed used the raw crit amount to calculate by, then spell crit would gain well needed usefulness for druids. finally.
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