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Anyone else stocking Titansteel yet?Follow

#1 Nov 18 2008 at 9:29 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
Tomorow I'll be making my 5th Titansteel transmute. The three awesome pieces of tank armor that are available from the BS trainer (and god knows how many drop patterns) require a total of 10, as well as 3 Frozen Orbs (total). That's not even looking at weapons.

Is anyone else stockpiling titansteel yet? If all goes well with the guild, I think I'll be hitting my first Northrend heroic tomorow too.. which means I'll likely be in a position to have the titansteel shield crafted.

Add to that, that I just need a few more Jewelcrafting tokens for a couple of amazing epic jewelcrafting items and I really have to wonder -- why is it so god awefully easy to gear up in AMAZING epics with almost no time invested on getting the mats? No need to run a raid for the patterns to drop. Even rep gear is, for the most part, obsolete with much of the new crafting gear. There may be a crossgrade or two available at the highest rep, but when you can farm the mats for a better piece of gear in 1/10 of the time as rep grinding, what's the point?

And it's not like this stuff is costing thousands of gold to get together. I've farmed all the mats myself (1 person, in less than a week) with none purchased. The JC recipes are sold for tokens, not gold -- and they aren't drops. It all just seems too easy.
#2 Nov 19 2008 at 1:37 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Well, a lot of people complained about smithing and other "created" items from BC, I guess maybe they went a little too far the other direction?

I haven't really gotten too far on my professions yet, but when I get higher, yea I'll probably be stocking up for some of the nicer stuff.

Edited, Nov 19th 2008 1:38am by Maulgak
#3 Nov 19 2008 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
Have you considered these points:

1. Maybe BS is the new Tailor. My mage was able to create near T5 gear by collecting Fire Motes, Netherweb, and cloth that dropped from nearly every mob I killed in the daily quests. Blizzard basically forced you to do it... I love my Spellfire set! (Loved)

2. BS wasn't that great before. Yeah, those goggles were good, but it wasn't really considered a "Must do" profession.

3. A reoccuring theme in WotLK has been ease of tanking. The lack of tanks has hurt the game as a whole. They have created a new class, respec'd tanking tactics, and changed mob's hit table. (Though I don't fully understand the changes, they definately have made some changes.)

4. Finally, I'd like to see the statistics on just how many people actually were BS relative to the other professions. IF you think that all 3 gathering professions, alchemy plus Enchanting & JC (and now Inscription) will benifit every class in game. (Meaning you can either make money or use the mats/produced material) Score these as Tier 1 Professions

Tailors benifit all cloth wearers and anyone who needs bags. Leather only helps leather or those needing end game drums (very few). Score these as Tier 2 Professions

Engineering and BS really are limited to the user. Most of the items require you to have a the skill to both make and use (So not much resale). While Engineering offers Utility, it's really just for the crafter. BS allows you to make Gear, but it lacked utility and it was really just for the crafter. Score these as Tier 3 Professions

I don't know - just my thoughts...

#4 Nov 19 2008 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
There's a BoE weapon i have my eye on called the Titansteel Destroyer, a 2-handed mace.

I'm a miner and jewelcrafter, but that looks like a great weapon to start progression in raiding/the arena. I'm sure i'll need another heap of titansteel for the nice JC trinkets too.
#5 Nov 19 2008 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
I have considered those points Borsuk, and while certainly true I'm not only limiting the scope to blacksmithing. For those of us stocking titansteel sure, but the fact remains that all crafting professions can make extremely useful level 80 gear. And not only that... most of it (except for things like trinkets and the limit-3 prismatic gems) is not only BoE but trainable from the trainer or a nearby vendor.

Case in hand, with less than two full weeks of farming I'm going to have the mats (without buying any) to make (jewelcrafting) or have made for me (blacksmithing) nearly head-to-toe Northrend level 80 epics. You almost don't even have to deck out in Blues in order to get epics anymore. You could make it through Northrend on green quest rewards (if you just arrived without raiding pre-Wrath and didnt do instances or instance quests or group quests) and have nearly all of the mats you need to make nearly full epics at 80 from farming. Of course, if you were in Greens you might have issues obtaining the Frozen Orbs... but oh wait hey, you can always buy those. So even a total newb to the game in a few months when they make it to 80 will be able to deck out in Northrend epics practically the minute they ding if they have a bit of gold for Frozen Orbs.

Now... there ARE going to be patterns that drop in instances. Blizzard has "promised" that the PATTERNS wont be BoP anymore, so that they can be sold/exchanged/whatever. Some of the items they make will likely be BoP. Now imagine what's available right now from the TRAINERS and imagine what these drop patterns will likely be. If they don't make SOMETHING BoP everyone WILL be able to epic out in full the minute they ding. Not only that, they'll end up having choices on cross-grade epics to deck out in.
#6 Nov 19 2008 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
It sounds to me like you have way more time to play then the average player. You were level 80 in like what 3 days? And now you are stock piling mats all day.

I would not call getting this armor "too easy" just yet.

I'm not trying to insult you. Being able to play all day is probally fun. I'm just putting it into perspective.

There were really good craftable epics in BC as well. Many were later replaced by raid epics as more content was opened up in the game. I suspect something similar will happen here as well.
#7 Nov 20 2008 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,131 posts
Borsuk wrote:
Have you considered these points:

1. Maybe BS is the new Tailor. My mage was able to create near T5 gear by collecting Fire Motes, Netherweb, and cloth that dropped from nearly every mob I killed in the daily quests. Blizzard basically forced you to do it... I love my Spellfire set! (Loved)

2. BS wasn't that great before. Yeah, those goggles were good, but it wasn't really considered a "Must do" profession.

3. A reoccuring theme in WotLK has been ease of tanking. The lack of tanks has hurt the game as a whole. They have created a new class, respec'd tanking tactics, and changed mob's hit table. (Though I don't fully understand the changes, they definately have made some changes.)

4. Finally, I'd like to see the statistics on just how many people actually were BS relative to the other professions. IF you think that all 3 gathering professions, alchemy plus Enchanting & JC (and now Inscription) will benifit every class in game. (Meaning you can either make money or use the mats/produced material) Score these as Tier 1 Professions

Tailors benifit all cloth wearers and anyone who needs bags. Leather only helps leather or those needing end game drums (very few). Score these as Tier 2 Professions

Engineering and BS really are limited to the user. Most of the items require you to have a the skill to both make and use (So not much resale). While Engineering offers Utility, it's really just for the crafter. BS allows you to make Gear, but it lacked utility and it was really just for the crafter. Score these as Tier 3 Professions

I don't know - just my thoughts...

In Vanilla WoW and TBC a lot of the better Blacksmithing Plans were BoP and the better Blacksmithing items were BoP. This is not the case in WotLK. 99% of the items I make are BoE and I can make Mail, Plate, and now SHIELDS (finally). Almost every item I make has varients that are useful for different specs as well. So now my market for Blacksmithing items includes ANYONE who uses Mail, Plate, and/or Shields. This covers a lot of the game population, especially with the proliferation of DK's. I can now make something like a;source=live and actually sell it for more than the cost of the mats (which almost never happend in TBC). Since I mine, I get my mats for free.

Also, BS can now add sockets to several different items. It only works on your own items, and I think it is only 3 item slots so far (Wrists, Waist, and Shoulders maybe??) but that is still pretty darn cool. We can also make keys to open chests and lockboxes. Usually the keys are more expensive than tipping a rogue, but they are AWESOME in a dungeon when you have a locked chest and no rogue in the party.

Finally, almost none of the quest rewards in WotLK are designed for tanks, but BS can now make TONS of BoE tanking pieces that will probably sell like hotcakes to any tank.

With all of those advantages, I would say BS is probably a Tier 2 profession, and if you wear mail or plate it is probably one of the top professions.

Also, on Point 2 in your post, the goggles are an Engineering item, not a BS item.

Edited, Nov 20th 2008 12:14pm by jeromesimina
#8 Nov 20 2008 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Also, BS can now add sockets to several different items. It only works on your own items, and I think it is only 3 item slots so far (Wrists, Waist, and Shoulders maybe??)

Can add a socket for everyone's belt with eternal belt buckle. That'll be your most sought after item as every raider will be required to have one.
#9 Nov 20 2008 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
While for prot decking out in full BS and JC epics may indeed make you ready for raids, Holy this is not true. Almost every epic that is holy in BS has 0 stats or has only stam and with int becoming not only our main mana regen stat but also just increasing our overall longevity by so much Bs epics for holy are worse than a ton of dropped blues. JC maybe different (probably is better) I haven't looked through those yet. I have 0 experience with ret gear since TBC because I have 0 interest in it in general, so it may also have good gear from these but holy definitely needs INT and there isn't any on these epics (which is a kinda wtf type thing >.>).

Also the JC epics require an item only bought by JC daily tokens, which you can only get 1 a day and only if your a JCer so don't look to get these anytime soon unless your a JC yourself or have good friends willing to spend 8 of their tokens to get you a ring and neck peice. They are BoE but don't look to get them easily on AH because the new JC recipes also cost the same tokens but 6 of them.

Edited, Nov 20th 2008 2:49pm by Voicelessbass
#10 Nov 20 2008 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,004 posts
It sounds to me like you have way more time to play then the average player.

While I certainly put quite a bit of time in on Friday during levelling, to be fair during launch weekend my time averaged somewhere between 6-8 hours a day at varoius times throughout the day -- and since monday it's more like 2-4. I don't see it as unheared of to play more on launch day. My levelling speed had more to do with the fact that I've levelled 3 chars to from 70-80 including this exact same Paladin already before the expansion went live, and it was FAR slower than most of the people in the same situation since I didn't play for 10-12 hours a day every day of launch-weekend. I do see the point you're trying to make, but given the actual amount of time that I play I can't personally accept it as a valid reason for the apparent ease of obtaining materials, since the average high school age kid (one of WoW's larger demographics) probably averages more hours a week than I do.

Someone at level 73 could run circles around the Basin collecting Saronite, Titanium, and eternals and be in the position to have all of their Tempered Titansteel gear crafted for them after a 4 hour weekend evening session which is not only very doable for the vast majority of players, it's commonplace.

While there were excellent craftable epics in TBC, you couldn't farm their mats in 4 hours (while at ANY level from 60-70) and then spend a couple weeks transmuting. Most of them (with the very notable exception of the tailoring epics) were pattern drops. It's not like you could pick up Bracers of the Green Fortress off of a vendor or from a trainer. Some of the more notable trainer-epics came later in content patches that required pretty nice rep levels with various factions to pick up.

My main point has been summed up well by jeromesimina. Everything is BoE and available from a trainer so far. Hardcore (all day), casual (a few hours every couple of days), or somewhere in between like me, people who go to work, come home, have a life, and find a brief bit of time alone at the end of the day -- it's all available to everyone. Not only that, but the mats are 10x easier to get than in TBC, and the "difficult" mats to get are now buyable.

I agree that there are less craftable items that are itemized for healing Paladins than tanking Paladins (or itemized well at least) but there are some pieces available across the various professions. Further, there are ample choices of exceptional quest reward items for healing Paladins at 80.

While all of the jewelcrafting items may take some time to filter to the non-JCers, I don't see it being too long. I can understand someone who only has time to log once every few days or on the weekends needing a good while to get these items, but if you can muster up even 20 minutes of time each day to play (which is not an unheared of idea, and is by no means something that the average casual player is unable to do) it really doesn't take long. In a couple of weeks, a tanking jewelcrafter has all the patterns they could possibly want for personal use AND a full set of unique(3) prismatics. The actual mats it takes to craft them are easy to come by at any level from 70 up, so they can make the BoE ones for all of their tank friends with their mats. Same goes for DPSers, healers, etc. It's not like they require mats that will restrict who can get them. All Northrend ore can be mined at a rate of 5+ stacks an hour.. most eternals (with the possible exception of Fire) can be obtained at a rate of almost 10+ an hour. Even Frozen Orbs are buyable. The huge ore lode translates to tons of gems.

I'm not saying that it's too easy to gear up. Far from it. I'm all for people getting gear that doesn't make them feel gimped to start in. If it sounds like I'm ranting against this, nothing could be farther from the truth. I'm just reporting the fruits of my research, that everyone -- even people with relatively little time to play -- should be able to get some awesome gear VERY fast. Some classes/specs (plate tanks for example) are in a position to be geared to the teeth of of trainer recipes, others are in a position to get some might fine gear now too, but can likely expect quite a bit more when craft patterns start dropping.
#11 Nov 20 2008 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
True, I was thinking you meant more like we can instant epic!!! But yes I like it that we can full epic with craftables. But I'm gonna say it'll be abit maybe 3 weeks before prices are manageable. ATM on my server I'm looking at several thousand gold or mat farming + using others cooldowns. I'm at the point I want to level up a farming mule with my gather profs but getting to 77 on another char will make me sad. But ya in a month or 2 people who are just hitting 80 will be able to fully epic instantly at 80.
#12 Nov 21 2008 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
jeromesimina - I think we are agreeing, I'm just not sure... Hahah. In short, I think that BS is a more viable and more desireable profession now that WotLK has launched.

Losie - You know, I didn't think about you getting to 80 that fast... Clearly you are a bit beyond most people. Perhaps it's easy for you because there are so few 80s and, clearly, you are more dedicated than the average BS. I mean - 8hrs... Wow - that's a lot... I worked 10hrs, played wow for 2....

Either way, I'm excited that my paly will now have some fun crafting like my mage had in TBC. (Now my mage gets a flying carpet - which is awesome!)

#13 Nov 21 2008 at 9:40 AM Rating: Good
490 posts
It does seem pretty easy right now, but to be honest, I'm not complaining, because as an armorsmith pally I really felt like we got the short end of the stick in BC. Having tanking armour be readily available to me and maybe even a chance to make some good money (which almost never happened in TBC even with motes, as earth was always the cheapest), is just making me very happy right now.

I might be complaining in a month or two, but for right now, I'm just enjoying it.
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