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#27 Nov 28 2008 at 8:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Simskin wrote:
Sorry, I forgot to change my link after I move to Akama. It's fixed now.
I use Windows Picture and Fax Viewer (the default) and zoomed in on the pics to see the actual numbers.

Otherwise... what your saying is that you got basically the same #'s when you were full holy... I don't run out of mana... and on a boss fight I might get down to 20%... So as of yet this build is just what we've been calling it...Imp Healer :-) Nothing wrong with that.

Thanks for the input! More is always good!

Your numbers are respectable. You weren't completely purpled out when you headed to Northrend. That's ok. We are all in a level up and change out our gear mode. You will simply get upgrades a little sooner than someone starting with better level 70 gear.

I've come to the opinion that once your numbers are pretty good, it's not about an extra +100 on a heal, but about staying alive and not running out of mana.

I've actually gotten more "nice heals" remarks from strangers since I went full disc, 61/3/0 so far. I think Penance is so powerful, fast, and flashy, people notice. My remaining points will continue to fill out disc, ending in this. I feel guily not taking Twin Disciplines, but the idea of breaking out of stuns a bit sooner has my attention right now.

As far as group heals, I haven't had any problem. We still have Prayer of healing. I keybound 2 keys right next to each other so I could fire off inner focus then PoH quickly. It's great. I'll miss CoH in 10 mans, but not being oom is taking precedence.

Priests really can heal as heavy disc, holy, or a mixture of both. I'm having a lot of fun with it right now.
#28 Nov 29 2008 at 9:11 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
That build is actually very interesting Dadanox. One change I'd make though, is drop Martyrdom and Absolution for Holy Specialization. Since you've got a crit proc, you'll really notice that 5% crit. I've never really found myself actually noticing Absolution, and Martyrdom is really a PvP talent. But yes, I do like the main idea, specially not picking up Divine Fury and grabbing Aspiration in its place.

Edit: Damn you Dadanox, I'm actually on the brink of respeccing yet again; I think I prefer something like 60/11/0 more than what I'm on now. Currently I've conjured up this, but I'll play with it some more when I finish my dinner.

Edited, Nov 29th 2008 6:43pm by Mozared
#29 Nov 29 2008 at 11:09 AM Rating: Excellent
Mozared wrote:
One change I'd make though, is drop Martyrdom and Absolution for Holy Specialization. Since you've got a crit proc, you'll really notice that 5% crit.

Done. Thank you for your response. I did want the extra crit. I just didn't know where to take the points from.

I didn't include Divine fury because the only spell I ever throw that uses it is greater heal. I just don't use it very often anymore. I only ever use it when I need a big single target heal and Penance is on cooldown.

Penance is the heal that has really changed my style. When holy, I couldn't count the number of times that I've sat there, waiting for my greater heal to hit, and just missed it. I think in all those cases, Penance would have kept the player alive. The instant heal followed by 2 more in rapid succession is extremely cool. Half the mana cost of greater heal, what's not to like. I find myself not worrying so much about a player who is half down on health. I know he won't have to wait so long for the heal to hit.

Edited, Nov 29th 2008 2:44pm by dadanox
#30 Nov 29 2008 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Exactly! That's how I saw your spec from the minute I viewed it; you effectively replaced Divine Fury with Aspiration so you can replace Greater Heal with Penance. It might not seem like a huge change, but if you keep in mind that Divine Fury is 5 points and Aspiration is 2, it makes a serious difference. And thank you for bringing it up, I've just conjured up this and will probably spec to it in a minute.
#31 Nov 29 2008 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
343 posts
Renew is ticking for 82x.

You guys are great! You have me almost moving my spec again!
I keep hearing about the run out of mana thing, and I'm still not seeing it. Did Dar twice today and never dropped below 20% (and yes I have that beauty staff stitting in my bank till I trip 74).
And personally (since none of us have Serendipity) I just see crit as overheaing... maybe it's cause I still use GHeal... but overheal is still mana waste...

The point that has me leaning to paying yet again to respec is, not waiting on the GHeal to hit (though I had one just miss today I don't like letting that happen)... Actually it sounds like this disc build keeps you moving all the time (as in doing something), can't tell you how much time I just kinda sat around today :-)

Still don't have me paying out though. Is it just a fad 'cause it's new or am I just too oldschool? LOL!!! But in the end I can't knock it... haven't tried it.

@The Honorable Dadanox, thanks. I was thinking that I was just a bit low geared. And yet the peices keep dropping... though I should probally start running something my lvl instead of drooling over these lvl 74 peices :-) Staying alive and not running out of mana are still not an issue. I died once in Dar today cause the tank missed inital agro on an add during second boss... and I landed a heal right after the 3rd add came in gaining agro :-( Bad timing on that one.

#32 Nov 29 2008 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
I keep hearing about the run out of mana thing, and I'm still not seeing it. Did Dar twice today and never dropped below 20%

That's exactly the thing. For me as a disc priest, it's funny to hear somebody say "I didn't even drop below 20%!". It's next to impossible for me to even drop below 50%. 80% when not facing bosses, but pretty much 90% of the time I'm in between 90% and 100%. Inside the 5 second rule, I regenerate 1% of my total mana every 4 seconds. Outside of the 5 second rule, I regenerate 1% of my total mana every 2 seconds. And that's when I'm not even wearing my +spirit staff and pants!
#33 Nov 29 2008 at 1:09 PM Rating: Excellent
That's the nice thing about today's priest. We have a lot of viable choices. CoH builds are awesome. Spirit builds (improved mana) are great too. Also, who knew, disc can heal now.

It's fun. I was Holy for 70 levels. I'm having some fun widening my horizons.
#34 Nov 29 2008 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
343 posts
Yes yes!
The diversity of a healing priest is cool (maybe even bring some more people over to healing!). I love it and look forward to trying more things along the way.

LOL! I now HAVE to try out the Disc heal. 80% - 90% mana all the time? Like a NFL player never breaking a sweat!

Thanks again. Look forward to future posts.
#35 Nov 29 2008 at 6:59 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Simskin wrote:
I keep hearing about the run out of mana thing, and I'm still not seeing it.

I'm Holy, so I'm not going to have mana like a Disc priest, but I'm seeing it. I'm seeing it huge. Seriously, wtfg Blizz on this new math where every time I level my mana regen goes down while the cost of spells goes up. At level 79 I am much less efficient than I was earlier in my 70's. I'm down to 515 mana regen from 600+ around level 74-75. I'm actually going to have to start drinking while questing. I can't imagine what entry-level raiding is going to be like before I start getting serious upgrades.

I seriously hope they look at the numbers again.
#36 Nov 29 2008 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
This might be a pointless question, but I suppose you have to state the obvious:

Do you have Meditation?
#37 Nov 30 2008 at 5:25 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Dude. You wound me.

Edited to add: for people who aren't familiar with the formula and wondering what I'm talking about, see the Wiki page on mana regen for the math. Basically:

The base regeneration goes down as level increases.

So every time you level, yes, your regen figure will go down in the same eq. The thing that's frustrating me right now is that it's not down just a little. I went down 23 points going from 78-79. Over a hundred points in 5 levels. I thought it was a 3.0 thing, or that they changed the math in that patch at least; if it was always like this, then it's been too long since I leveled. :)

Edited again for the it's yer own darn fault category: I probably don't have as much int as I should, and that is a factor. I'm sitting at 545 right now and something closer to 600 is the better balance I believe.

Edited, Nov 30th 2008 8:47am by teacake
#38 Nov 30 2008 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
343 posts
Does someone have prime #'s for lvl 80? stats and +heal, mp5 and such?
#39 Nov 30 2008 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
These are very raw estimations, but guessing from where my priest is at atm (71), what my healadin buddy has and what seems right to me...

600-700 mana regeneration.
~15.000 mana.
~1000 spellpower.

That ought to get you through heroics, I think.
#40 Nov 30 2008 at 8:05 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
These are very raw estimations, but guessing from where my priest is at atm (71), what my healadin buddy has and what seems right to me...

600-700 mana regeneration.
~15.000 mana.
~1000 spellpower.

That ought to get you through heroics, I think.

I think that spellpower figure looks low. But then I'm Holy and depend on bigger heals. I've got 1400 sp right now and I'm nowhere near geared for heroics.
#41 Dec 01 2008 at 7:57 AM Rating: Good
407 posts
That answers the question I just asked about if anyone else flirts with Disc and Holy....

Your spec

and Mine

Disc rocks and I love the combo of being both Holy and Disc, so far I love this build it's nicer to level than straight holy and I still have COH when I get higher.

Edited, Dec 1st 2008 11:00am by ysabellstohelit
#42 Dec 02 2008 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
Probably having this marked up as a healing guide for me.

Levelling a shadow priest till 70 and respec when i hit woltk so i can 'start' learning how to level.

Trust me, i know nuts about healing. Feels nice to be top dps in my friends in the guild so i try to dabble with healing.

Since the 2 guys here are having fun trading pointers, its nice to see people having xchange pointers without the actual flaming.

I will try out bt i will be a nut in healing cuz im trying to level my dwarfie up. current level 54, working my *** for 3 days to this level bt im not that hardcore lol to put it all up to 70 at 3 days. Keep it up.

You guys will have me constantly read up on this thread on healing. After days of research, finally feel that disc priest is no more the pvp healer i know in the past. Still thats what is on paper. Need experience it myself.

Just to confirm what i read, cuz im still reading on healing priest that discipline priest is currently levelling healing build at 70 and still heals fine for regular woltk dungeons with sufficent healing to sustain the entire party?

Ok, cuz the resto druids in my guild keep advicing me to just go full holy with CoH for lazy healing. As a healing nut, i need confirmation. =)

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 1:07pm by fainteddeath
#43 Dec 02 2008 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
fainteddeath wrote:
Just to confirm what i read, cuz im still reading on healing priest that discipline priest is currently levelling healing build at 70 and still heals fine for regular woltk dungeons with sufficent healing to sustain the entire party?

I'd say as far as just leveling goes, shadow gives more killing power for leveling, but you can certainly level as disc or holy.

As far as healing goes, we are saying you can heal very well as holy, disc, or a mixture of both. Healing with disc verses holy is a difference in style. Both work fine. Both can keep the entire party alive.

The one thing I think most agree on is that Meditation is a necessary talent for mana regen for all holy or disc priests. It's up to you what suits you best, and it doesn't hurt to try both.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 2:53pm by dadanox
#44 Dec 02 2008 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
I'd say as far as just leveling goes, shadow gives more killing power for leveling, but you can certainly level as disc or holy.

As far as healing goes, we are saying you can heal very well as holy, disc, or a mixture of both. Healing with disc verses holy is a difference in style. Both work fine. Both can keep the entire party alive.

The one thing I think most agree on is that Meditation is a necessary talent for mana regen for all healing priests. It's up to you what suits you best, and it doesn't hurt to try both.

Sorry, noob is learning. Is hard to start learning everything. im still shadow to level and i got a bunch of cool friends willing to grind instances to me till 80 or till i get the hang of it. Everything still fuzzy for me at the moment cuz i havent hit the 70 cap. Still i learn alot at this point.

Learning to stack spellpower intellect and spirit and mp5 is something i really learn lol. cuz as an elemental shaman, spirit and mp5 is something really at the back of my mind. Disc tree if i type in here would mean a hybrid of disc and holy with majority of the pts in disc.

Healing with disc verses holy is a difference in style.

How different? So far all i read is, penance and flash heal is the main healing spells for disc tree, g.heal is the main holy tree healing spell for the tank. The more common healing spells for the rest of the party for both type of trees is still renew, prayer of mending and blinding heal.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 2:48pm by fainteddeath
#45 Dec 02 2008 at 12:07 PM Rating: Good
fainteddeath wrote:
How different? So far all i read is, penance and flash heal is the main healing spells for disc tree, g.heal is the main holy tree healing spell for the tank. The more common healing spells for the rest of the party for both type of trees is still renew, prayer of mending and blinding heal.

I healed a dungeon the other night and often kept multiple shields and renews up on party members. I only used my PoH group heal a time or two. This is not the way a holy priest would do it. A holy priest might use CoH group heal often to keep people topped off.

Yes, we share common spells. We are all still priests. The point is that you have a lot of flexibility in how you want to heal.
#46 Dec 02 2008 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
I healed a dungeon the other night and often kept multiple shields and renews up on party members. I only used my PoH group heal a time or two. This is not the way a holy priest would do it. A holy priest might use CoH group heal often to keep people topped off.

Yes, we share common spells. We are all still priests. The point is that you have a lot of flexibility in how you want to heal.

Quite a big chunk of information, indigestible for the moment lol. What glyphs?

Just wondering, how many shields are there?

So bad of me using other's people's thread to get my questions answered but i could get easy referral from information from here?

Priesty healing is so tasty, you make me want to go and level my priesty so fast.


Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 3:54pm by fainteddeath
#47 Dec 02 2008 at 1:18 PM Rating: Good
fainteddeath wrote:
What glyphs?

Just wondering, how many shields are there?

I have the glyph of renew and glyph of prayer of healing right now. Personally, I try to have my glyphs help me with healing. When I was holy, I had glyph of renew and glyph of circle of healing.

I'm only talking about Power Word:Shield. Disc priests can take improved PW:Shield (absorbs more damage), Reflective Shield (reflects damage back to attacker), and Rapture (gives back mana when your PW:shield absorbs damage). I'm experimenting with Shielding the clothies early as a preventative move.

Beyond the PW:Shield, a disc priest may have Devine Aegis, where crit heals create a protective bubble that absorbs 30% as much as the crit heal amount. Using inner focus raises the crit heal chance by an additional 25% and can be followed by a PoH for no mana cost, giving a good chance to proc multiple devine Aegis bubbles.
#48 Dec 03 2008 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
343 posts
Though I have yet to try it, I undersand from what has been shared with me that Disc healers are very active healers. Not only the spells you use, but mana managment also. Personally Holy is almost more lazy (as healing goes) and classical.
Blizz did a really cool thing for Healing priests (though I still think we lack something to make us STAND out from the other healers as top dogs). We were always great healers, but built more for group healing, and big heals, vs say the paladin who was, is? the best single target healer.
With all the changes overall for Healing Priests, we can now match, if not top a paladin in single target healing and still hold the top raid healing position, but the ways we can do it have been expanded.

I use Glyph of Renew and Glyph of PW:Shield (for the 20% heal return). I usually use Shield as a last resort (bias from my Pally tanking days) and love that as my over critting Rogue who's pulled agro is not only ticking away with a Renew on them, but gaining life as their target is trying to hit them. And with their dps, target usually dies without me having to look back at the rogue again. GHeal is still my main spell (something about big #'s turns me on), and I plan on doing a lot of raiding (and will respec for such) when I hit 80, so I'm again sticking with Holy. I will get down to 20% mana on a long battle where as my Disc brothers say they rarely if ever fall below 75%. With GHeal you have to predict damage taken on your tank so that you can land your heal so as not to overheal too much or see him die before it lands. With Disc... Penance is an instant start heal. There is no waiting for it to land and takes that guessing out of the game.

How different? So far all i read is, penance and flash heal is the main healing spells for disc tree, g.heal is the main holy tree healing spell for the tank. The more common healing spells for the rest of the party for both type of trees is still renew, prayer of mending and blinding heal.

Well, for starters, GHeal is a 3 sec cast vs Flash (1.5 sec) or Pen (a channeling spell lasting 2 sec). As a Disc priest you can (though you don't have to... again so many ways to heal) use PW:Shield a lot. Talent it up and grab a glyph and you have a damage reflecting, mana/life regen bubble. With Holy you get Circle of Healing, a massive group healing spell (instant), so you are even more geared for raid healing. Again Blizz did a good job of making Healing Priests very diverse in the ways you can go about your job. In the end, I bet any 10 (maybe 25 man's too!) man raid with a Disc and a Holy priest will never need anymore healing than that.
#49 Dec 04 2008 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
I enjoyed healing bc stuff... with ramps up.. as a shadow.. and i think i did it well.. with what the dks says is true.

Yea noobish,but i enjoy, so wth lol.

Excited with healing big man stuff.... already
#50 Dec 22 2008 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
I'm hurriedly in the process of leveling my priest (ding 60 last night!). I raided as a holy pally in BC, and really grew to detest it. I love healing though, and all the options a priest has gnawed at the back of my mind for months after I quit playing.

Coming from a world of single target FoL spam, I'm going the CoH route at the moment. I probably use it more than I should, but I'm still getting over the novelty of actually healing more than one target at once! Pennance looks damn sexy though...

Do you guys think that with these disc builds being all the rage, holy priests will be a bit more rare/sought after?
#51 Dec 22 2008 at 12:47 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Saaru wrote:

Do you guys think that with these disc builds being all the rage, holy priests will be a bit more rare/sought after?

I'm hearing that the synergy between holy and disc is fabulous, so it's actually great to have one of each in a raid.

That said, all healing classes/specs have something to bring to the table. What will be most sought after is the one who plays well.
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