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TG fury thus farFollow

#1 Nov 17 2008 at 2:37 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
well, i can say im actually pretty impressed with how titans grip is working out. the change to a -5% penalty from a -15% penalty made all the difference. leveling as TG fury is now not only viable, but actually quite enjoyable. i almost feel like my blood DK, where i can grind nearly endlessly, killing solo mobs in a chain, or groups of 2-3 with little-to-no downtime.

the key is getting that 7% to +hit before talents. i think once youve got that TG fury gets much nicer. until you can get that 7% its probably going to be a bit rough, but ive seen enough +hit gear in the xpac thus far that any undergeared fresh 70 (or even more casual long timers) can probably give TG fury a decent shake once they hit 71 or 72.

so if youe got ~7% +hit available, and havent tried TG fury yet, give it a whirl. its really a lot of fun, and not too bad in pvp either (in terms of the random world **** that happens while you level). double crit whirlwinds with imp WW and unending rage are just smexy.
#2 Nov 18 2008 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
2,580 posts
I might try it if prot ever starts letting me down or I get bored with it. Don't think it will happen though. Last night I solo'd that 3 man quest from the druids without losing 10% of my hp. It was glorious, man I love the new prot.
#3 Nov 18 2008 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
354 posts
I love the new prot also.
#4 Nov 18 2008 at 11:15 AM Rating: Good
geesh... and i stocked up on TBC meats for buff foods and regular TBC vendor food for this... only to realize... i'm hardly eating... cleared my bags... only carry one stack now... that's all i need... if ever.
#5 Nov 18 2008 at 2:44 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
i havent found a 2-3 person quest i cant take as TG fury. the healing from bloodthirst really does add up to a lot, and recklessness synergizes so well with bloodsurge its just nuts. it allows me to put out a lot of hurt in a short period of time, and if done right theres little-to-no danger to myself.

it really is quite amazing. never thought id actually be able to dps down multi-person quest mobs. altho im sure my gear level helps.
#6 Nov 18 2008 at 11:38 PM Rating: Default
With the new gear TG is very viable.

Before WOTLK came out i was on 9.4%+ hit, nit im up to 13% + 3% from precision.
The damage output is rather good also, havnt been uotdps'd in an instance yet, ret pallies are 2/300 dps behind and looking at recount graphs even their spike dmg is lower.

WW with TG is INSANE.

Although, I'm sick of the lack of decent tanks that are leveling so I have decided to go Protection to be able to ge through an instance without wanting to kill the nub tank, who has 13k HP and what seems like 2% avoidance. I mean I was in a group yesterday and had to end up doing nothing but auto attacking cos the tank was failing so hard, through in a few cleave/WW combs here and there but as soon as the big numbers started flying.....HERES OMEN ***HIGH THREAT***

Edited, Nov 19th 2008 2:39am by redbarronthesecond
#7 Nov 20 2008 at 4:30 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
I was a little reluctant with keeping TG originally prior to the last update and with Lich King, but I have to say I'm glad I didn't drop any money to respec. I'll admit I'm fairly new to the game and level range, but I have to say it's been pretty damn awesome. Not only because I'm swinging around a pair of giant *** weapons (Which, is a huge drawing point in and of itself), I was able to go through those Isle dailies in half the time. I'm not sure how little downtime a dedicated Prot Spec suffers from, but there's been little from TG either. Gotta use a bandage once in a while, but beyond that it's not such a big deal.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#8 Nov 20 2008 at 7:46 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
ive found that the upped bloodthirst healing coefficient (.6% of max life per hit now) makes a big difference too. combined with liberal use of reckless every 3.5 minutes, i can pull a decent sized group of mobs and burn them down in seconds, or take on a 2 or 3 man quest elite without having to use anything more than a pot (and sometimes, not even that).

then theres the pvp. every now and then you get jumped. but as surprising as it is to get yanked over to some smarmy *** DK who thinks hes better than you, its even more surprising for him when youre whirlwind crits him for a combined total of over 4000 damage, taking out nearly half his life in a single attack.
#9 Nov 20 2008 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
I was a little reluctant with keeping TG originally prior to the last update and with Lich King, but I have to say I'm glad I didn't drop any money to respec. I'll admit I'm fairly new to the game and level range, but I have to say it's been pretty damn awesome. Not only because I'm swinging around a pair of giant *** weapons (Which, is a huge drawing point in and of itself), I was able to go through those Isle dailies in half the time. I'm not sure how little downtime a dedicated Prot Spec suffers from, but there's been little from TG either. Gotta use a bandage once in a while, but beyond that it's not such a big deal.

If I'm just going from mob to mob my downtime is non existant. I've healed the 200 hp that I've lost in the time it take me to run to the next mob. To get rid of those pesky go kill 15 of so and so mobs I just round up as much as I can then aoe grind them like a pally. I might bandage if I drop below 10k hp but other than that I just go round up the next group.

I'm not knocking TG fury. It sounds like a blast. But as Quor said earlier gear level plays a huge part in the fun.
#10 Nov 20 2008 at 2:22 PM Rating: Default
the 1st time i was pulled over by a DK i got goosebumps, i was like WTF is its like "Oh, not another one" smash smash smash "NEXT"

i do like TG in PVP, as Quor says the amoutn of dmg WW does with two 2handers is immense specially with a double crit.

I do liek the recklessness CD being so low: BT, slam, WW crits in a row = Pain/Death for most.

I have one question, I have found myself using cleave A LOT recently, would you say its worth talenting?

Cleave and nicely timed WW acn do some great burst but i reckon the 3 points can be better placed
#11 Nov 20 2008 at 2:55 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
a warrior friend of mine opted for imp cleave instead of bloodsurge. he'll tank instances with 2h + shield and spam cleave and TC for aggro in pvp/dps gears. it seems to work for him, but keep in mind hes in mostly S4, so he overgears a lot of the early instances by quite a bit.

on a more level playing field, i cant speak to the efficacy of cleave over heroic strike. altho, with the talents and the glyph of cleaving, your cleave basically becomes heroic strike in terms of rage usage and damage.
#12 Nov 21 2008 at 4:25 AM Rating: Default
I'v decided to opt away from imp cleave. her si the build iv gone with
#13 Nov 24 2008 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
Have to agree...have been very happy with my TG warrior. No one has even come close to my dps in any instance yet. The Enrage Regeneration obtained at lvl75 has made healing by pots or food almost obsolete. I have added new talent points to arms working towards Deep Wounds and plan to make further talent tree adjustments when I hit lvl 80 today.
#14 Nov 25 2008 at 4:00 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
Quor, You speak about gear levels, and I think that's quite relevant ... not only wrt the amount of hurt you can put out, but as far as the amount of hurt you can receive.

My Armoury

I have ~2050 AP, 12% hit (talented), 30% crit (in battle) ... so in zerker, it's 38% with rampage up and 2250 AP.

The problem is I have ~8400 hp and and just over 8k armour. The reason will be evident from my armoury, my gear is mostly gear which can be obtained solo. The low HP was never an issue, because simple mobs never hang around anywhere near long enough to make a dent even in that low health pool, due to the high offensive stats.

As an illustration ... I used to be able to do all 10 quests on Quel'Danas without ever stopping as TG Fury ... the heal from BT combined with the Heal from Blood frenzy and the awesomely quick kill time helped there.

So, should I try and substitute some of the pieces for something where I take a bit of a knock on offense for the sake of defense, or would (specifically for those 2-3 man quests) the all out offense still be a good way to go.

I haven't been to Tundra, but there's a quest there where you need to kill elite giants. It's marked as a 3 man quest, and I easily solo'd it on my mage. I was looking at the damage I was doing, which helped the solo effort, and was wondering if it would be possible on my warrior.

In all honesty, if TG meant I could solo anything excluding 4 or 5 mans quests, I'd be happy to go with it ... even if going prot would allow me to solo those 5 man ones.

heh, I'm really trying to find a reason not to go prot ... my DPS Gear is better for TG than my prot gear is for prot ... but I have a feeling that even with that discrepancy, prot may turn out better.

I really love my bloodmoon and despair though ... the do such a good job ;)

Edited, Nov 25th 2008 1:02pm by robertlofthouse
#15 Nov 28 2008 at 5:36 AM Rating: Default
TBH robert, when you start NR, and by the time you replace your weapons the Sta on 2handed weps is insane.
In leveling blues i had 18k hp as fury, had no problem soloing 3 man quests.

Only thing iv found is that entry lvl 80 gear has A lto of hit but is rather scarce in the way or crit rating, I have lost 20% crit going from lvl 70 to lvl 80.
#16 Nov 28 2008 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
i tried TG at 70 and i was bored with it. I liked the old fury while i was levelling warrior to 70, rampage was a little more fun to push and it did fairly good damage. For pvp you can use berserker rage talents to spike your rage OOC to 100 over a couple minutes (or less with improved bloodrage).

Although i also have found fury to be kind of boring. I don't like deathwish in that tree. I also feel like i'm doing a lot of waiting on auto attacks. It was kind of boring.

Ive tried both the arms pve and pvp builds and i like them a lot for what its been worth. I am a prot warrior and with the changes to prot i like that a lot too for levelling. i just felt TG fury was a little too plain. If i want to dw i'll level my rogue.
#17 Dec 01 2008 at 12:45 AM Rating: Default
40 posts
So I've leveled to 75 with TG and in my own little solo world I thought I was OP. Reckleness, WW, cleave, cleave again. The damage was nuts...but I still got kicked from instance groups and still laughed at when I said I was fury.

Gave prot a try and I can say that it's a 1000 times better than I had expected, not slow at all. While I do crit less, when I do, I crit for much higher than I did in fury. Never run out of rage and I always have a button to press. Never waiting for a skill to cooldown. And virutally 0 downtime. Plus I can solo group quests. Never did that before as TG. And now I get into instance groups and people love me. I've made friends just for being prot.
#18 Dec 01 2008 at 2:26 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
ZerosMayhem wrote:
... And now I get into instance groups and people love me. I've made friends just for being prot.

If the friends you made are only your friends because of your spec, then I wouldn't really call them "Friends" tbh. Try speccing back to Fury, and see if they still like you ... if they do, then you know they're nice people, and they're worthwhile associating with ... if they suddenly turn cold to you and dump you, then they weren't worthwhile having around anyway.
#19 Dec 01 2008 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
robertlofthouse wrote:
ZerosMayhem wrote:
... And now I get into instance groups and people love me. I've made friends just for being prot.

If the friends you made are only your friends because of your spec, then I wouldn't really call them "Friends" tbh. Try speccing back to Fury, and see if they still like you ... if they do, then you know they're nice people, and they're worthwhile associating with ... if they suddenly turn cold to you and dump you, then they weren't worthwhile having around anyway.

Let me believe they like me, it's better not knowing the truth.
#20 Dec 01 2008 at 9:18 PM Rating: Good
146 posts
Everyone has been telling me that Warriors can't do DPS, Warriors suck, etc. etc. I even went and made a DK.

This is my warrior:

What can I improve upon? Am I alright as far as stats go? I can't get an invite anywhere outside of the guild, people keep sending me /tells asking if I'm Prot. ; ;
#21 Dec 01 2008 at 10:30 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
You've pretty much got all the points in the right spot (I have a soft spot for blood craze, but that's just me) for a good dps build...but thats the problem, no one wants a fury warrior. I don't see that changing ever. I mean the fact that we can have TG should've be a game changer but it seems to have had little affect. Maybe it's cause pallies over shadowed us.

Seriously, my advice, go prot. It is not slower than fury. It is safer, and you can pull more mobs with little downtime. Use Enraged Regen when it's up and you'll never have to stop and eat. You'll destroy most other classes and it's all around, more fun. Plus you will get into parties easily.

EDIT: As far as your gear goes, I invite the flaming, but I think haste is about as useful as spirit. If you have it great, but dont get gear based on it. If you're a caster be my guest and haste away. but for a melee fury warrior, I'd put your focus on things like crit and AP

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 1:35am by ZerosMayhem
#22 Dec 02 2008 at 2:03 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
i dunno about not wanting a fury warrior. with a non-optimal dps spec (no DW spec or 2h spec) i managed to make 6th overall dps (beaten by two other warriors, a tricked out DK, a hunter and a lock) in the 25-man wintergrasp instance. i stress that this was as a pvp/solo-build fury. were i so inclined, i could definetely have pushed my dps higher by picking up a few other key talents in place of others.

fury is definetely good dps, easily with the potential to be top of the line.
#23 Dec 02 2008 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
That's exactly it. Prot warriors seem to be all about how much health they've got left after a mob kill. As I said - me, I'm all about the damage I do, and if it comes down to it how many I take down with me. I got Titan's Grip today, I'm a master axesmith and I've got the glyph of wirlwind, so I hurt 5 instead of 4. In instances I don't get healed half as much as you would think, and while I don't tank it seems like I do seem to. I just rely in a good healer. Without TG I take down 4 that are bigger than me with one pot, and pretty often with next to no health I kill them quick enough to survive when I thought I was doomed. But yeah. people do tend to overlook me for instances. When I say I'm a fury warrior and need a healer, it seems to be on. Shammies, pally's, druids with quests in instances refuse to heal. Pallies 15 levels down from me want to tank. Don't know what's going on there. I used a shield up to level 20 or something, I have an arms warrior, but for my main I can't imagine being either. My arms warrior with a 2H wep seems as different as playing my mage
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