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#27 Nov 26 2008 at 4:56 AM Rating: Decent
since after it stacks to 5 it adds no aggro at all for the debuff itself

It definately continues to add aggro. I dont know who told you that just because u have a 5 stack up it doesnt add aggro, but thats wrong. You will not loose aggro on the second target, even if someone is attacking it, as long as you are using devastate on the primary. I have seen this many times in the heroics i have been running. I have seen the secondary target die before the primary, and i never touched him (and that was from a nuke happy boomkin).

Frog, i think that is a good theory about the tab target thing, cause it does seem like when i tab to another target, its the one with the debuff.

I wouldnt call them useless geo, a must have? not really, more of a luxury. I sure as hell wont be replacing them, but thats just me. It frees up a button where my mouseover macro used to be. With tc and shockwave, its pretty much pointless now anyways.

Edited, Nov 26th 2008 8:03am by montaghar

Edited, Nov 26th 2008 8:05am by montaghar
#28 Nov 26 2008 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
geotank wrote:

One thing I DO NOT UNDERSTAND : Why does the sunder armour effect is applied only to primary and ONE MORE target????
The really cool and LOGIC thing would be if the sunder armor effect was APPLIED to ALL our Targets!!!!!! Its not that hard BLizz.. since the real reason for putting These 2 toys was to dicrease the GAP between Warrs and Pallys on the crucial 1st second of a fight. Even if this request is made still we are inferior ,in this department,to pallys since they have this amound of aggro by casting a travelling spell on secondary , third ,forth mob during pulls on the t= 0sec of the fight.

Glyphs aren't suppose to be extremely good. They're not game breaking. Also what you're asking for is basically already in place, it's called shockwave and it's not limited to a set amount of mobs as long as they're within the cone.

geotank wrote:

Now for the really idiotic question: What if some (clever?) ... puts 2 glyphs of GOD or GOS? what happends ? Zillions of Sunders?Nothing more that the effect of 1 GLyph?Anyone tried that? (LOLOLOLOLOLO)

All glyphs are unique and can't be stacked. You can only have 1x of each glyph.

Buzak wrote:
a glyph adding sunders to other targets is ofcause great for holding aggro on adds.. but i must say unless they changed the mechanics i dont adore the idea of a glyph for extra sunders on main targets much (im not saying it useless, just not great) since after it stacks to 5 it adds no aggro at all for the debuff itself. so basicly it builds aggro a bit faster but any fight where you dont loose aggro in the first 15 secs anyhow it would be useless. if they changed the mechanics i would love to hear it thou and will go buy this at once..

On top of the other damage it deals it will add damage according to the numbers of sunder armor that you have already applied on the mob. For each application it will add 35 points of damage at level 70. Your 2nd devastate will hit harder if you have the glyph. You can 5 cap sunders almost twice as fast which means your melee, rogues, shammies, etc will be hitting harder with more debuffs stacked on your target. With the sunders glyphs you're already stacking on an additional mob, which means when your primary target is killed your melee start out hitting harder than without the debuffs.

It's not useless unless you don't understand what's going on. You won't lose threat after 5 sunders. That's not how it works.

#29 Nov 27 2008 at 4:03 AM Rating: Good
1,395 posts
Mental wrote:
I would assume it's the same mob that you would target if you hit the 'target next' button, or tab targeting as it's called. This could be tested by hitting devastate on mob one and tab to next target, check for the sunder debuff, and devastate the 2nd target. Check 3rd and/or 1st target for the additional debuff.

That's one theory. I have a hard time believing it's locked to whatever the game considers the next target, since I've found if I cycle through mobs I can get a caster standing 6 yards away as the 'second target'.

My theory is that it picks a random mob that's close enough and sticks to it. I also have a theory on how to move around that. If you have 3 targets, then you Devastate the first until it and its 'locked' secondary target are full with debuffs. Then you use Devastate on the 3rd target, go back to the main target, and see if the 'secondary target' has been 'unlocked'. So that it once again picks a mob at random.

However, as many people point out it's not that important to have it jump around, since TC and SW are more than enough to keep aggro off the healer in a pull. In addition, the main target is likely dead if you weave in Revenge and Shield Slam enough to keep aggro on it, and therefore you can just resume aggro holding on 2nd target, and get free sunders on 3rd.

Stuff dies fast enough if the DPS do their job, so it's unnecessary to plan ahead with the whole stacking sunder thing.

Geotank: A lot of your theorycrafting is... not very logical. You need to do some research on game mechanics and get perspective on game balance, because what you've suggested in some of your posts is either strange or plainly OP.

Buzak: I don't know what you think, but in my experience it's the first moments of a fight that're the most crucial. If you get a parry, dodge or miss on the first Shield Slam, get unlucky with Revenge Procs and have impatient DPS... the pull could go really bad. Therefore (IF GoD gives threat for the extra sunder stack applied) the extra threat is only a good thing, and no less so because it only works in the beginning of the fight.

To all you who argue about threat after 5 stacks, this is how Devastate works:

- It does damage threat + innate damage of the sunder armor debuff (same threat as if you'd sunder AND deal the damage).
- It adds [rank] damage each Sunder debuff.
- After 5 Sunder debuffs you no longer get threat as if you'd sunder the target AND to damage, but only for the damage it deals (this on the other hand is [rank] * 5, so it sort of compensates for the lost threat).

However, I think we can safely assume that we get threat for the extra Sunder debuff. If we don't, it would actually gimp us to get GoD. Math:

- Without Glyph of Devastate -
(Defensive Stance threat increase is static, so I'll use base values since we'll get the same %ual difference with Def. Stance, but with larger figures)
First Dev.: 301 threat + ~200 dmg. (501 threat)
Second Dev.: 301 threat + 235 dmg. (536 threat)
Third Dev.: 301 threat + 270 dmg. (571 threat)
Fourth Dev.: 301 threat 305 dmg. (606 threat)
Fifth Dev.: 301 threat 340 dmg. (641 threat)

2 855 threat total!

After this you have 5 sunder stacks, and it only generates threat for the dmg done.

- With Glyph of Devastate -

First Dev.: 301 threat + ~200 dmg. (501 threat)
Second Dev.: 301 threat + 270 dmg. (571 threat)
Third Dev.: 301 threat 340 dmg. (641 threat)

1 703 threat total!

After this you have 5 sunder stacks, and you'll only get threat for the damage.

If blizz are in their right minds, they'll have us getting threat for the 2nd stack as well, equaling out this big threat gap.
#30 Dec 01 2008 at 6:32 AM Rating: Default
Mental wrote:
Glyphs aren't suppose to be extremely good. They're not game breaking. Also what you're asking for is basically already in place, it's called shockwave and it's not limited to a set amount of mobs as long as they're within the cone.

I guess we cant have it all. I prefer though keeping shockwave as a panic button case some dps prefers to go to Jenkins mode.
During the 1st seconds of the fight Shockwave is not my 1st option as it stuns mobs causing rage starvation.That doesnt mean that its not super wow ability neither that there is only 1 way to use it. Glad to have it ...

Mental wrote:
All glyphs are unique and can't be stacked. You can only have 1x of each glyph.

Nice to know that. Glyph of Devastate costs 200g on my server. So 1 mistake costs money... Glyph of Sunder on the other hand costs only 1g!!

Mental wrote:
On top of the other damage it deals it will add damage according to the numbers of sunder armor that you have already applied on the mob. For each application it will add 35 points of damage at level 70. Your 2nd devastate will hit harder if you have the glyph. You can 5 cap sunders almost twice as fast which means your melee, rogues, shammies, etc will be hitting harder with more debuffs stacked on your target. With the sunders glyphs you're already stacking on an additional mob, which means when your primary target is killed your melee start out hitting harder than without the debuffs.
It's not useless unless you don't understand what's going on. You won't lose threat after 5 sunders. That's not how it works.

Nice. This seems to speed up things 2-3 seconds.Nice if have Devastate for starter on Skull.Although one might say there nothing better than slaming a shield :'In your face' to skull.

To all you who argue about threat after 5 stacks, this is how Devastate works:

- It does damage threat + innate damage of the sunder armor debuff (same threat as if you'd sunder AND deal the damage).
- It adds [rank] damage each Sunder debuff.
- After 5 Sunder debuffs you no longer get threat as if you'd sunder the target AND to damage, but only for the damage it deals (this on the other hand is [rank] * 5, so it sort of compensates for the lost threat).

No comments :

Utarius wrote:
Geotank: A lot of your theorycrafting is... not very logical. You need to do some research on game mechanics and get perspective on game balance, because what you've suggested in some of your posts is either strange or plainly OP.

Not logical? y mean an opinion I had like this:

Pre- pull:

.mob1 & mob2 & mob3

. vs

. warrior
. (G.O.D+G.O.S) ---->2 glyphs

The skull should be mob1 . 1st Devastate should be applied to mob 1( so that mobs 1 and 2 gets the S.A effect) and the next devastate on mob 3 ( so mob 3 and 2 gets devastates=oups sunder armor)

Basically its the same theorycraft with :

Utarius wrote:
I also have a theory on how to move around that. If you have 3 targets, then you Devastate the first until it and its 'locked' secondary target are full with debuffs. Then you use Devastate on the 3rd target, go back to the main target, and see if the 'secondary target' has been 'unlocked'. So that it once again picks a mob at random.

You dont like your own theorycraft?

You need to do some research on game mechanics and get perspective on game balance

(Nice one. hahaha. stop .hahah.)
About research. Since the game mechanisms of glyphs does not have an official manual and its on the internet yes we do research.Same applies to game mechanisms.

Utarius wrote:
because what you've suggested in some of your posts is either strange or plainly OP

This is basically the fundamentals of democracy.Not agreeing with other people...but expressing your opinions free.
For example we could have a warrior in ARMS(Utarius) discussing about devastates(??) and suggesting that other people's opinions are strange is acceptable.(Others may find it strange).
#31 Dec 02 2008 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
Glyphs aren't suppose to be extremely good. They're not game breaking. Also what you're asking for is basically already in place, it's called shockwave and it's not limited to a set amount of mobs as long as they're within the cone.

As far as game breaking i think for prot war's there is one; and that's glyph of blocking. For 200g you get a scaleing, permanent 10% block value increase sence CD on slam is 6 secs( no S&B proc) and the glyph buff lasts 10 seconds. And S&B only makes it that much better.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 2:52pm by Zfrsted
#32 Dec 02 2008 at 4:17 PM Rating: Good
1,395 posts
geotank wrote:

Utarius wrote:
Geotank: A lot of your theorycrafting is... not very logical. You need to do some research on game mechanics and get perspective on game balance, because what you've suggested in some of your posts is either strange or plainly OP.

Not logical? y mean an opinion I had like this:

Pre- pull:

.mob1 & mob2 & mob3

. vs

. warrior
. (G.O.D+G.O.S) ---->2 glyphs

The skull should be mob1 . 1st Devastate should be applied to mob 1( so that mobs 1 and 2 gets the S.A effect) and the next devastate on mob 3 ( so mob 3 and 2 gets devastates=oups sunder armor)

Basically its the same theorycraft with :

Utarius wrote:
I also have a theory on how to move around that. If you have 3 targets, then you Devastate the first until it and its 'locked' secondary target are full with debuffs. Then you use Devastate on the 3rd target, go back to the main target, and see if the 'secondary target' has been 'unlocked'. So that it once again picks a mob at random.

You dont like your own theorycraft?

I do like my own theorycraft. I just didn't think we did the same, as you seem to be thinking. You've basically stated that you should switch between mob 1 and 3, assuming that mob 2 will always get the extra Sunder.

I went beyond that, and was theorizing about if you sundered mob 1 and got an additional sunder on mob 3, could you sunder mob 2 and get an additional sunder on mob 1 (ie., as I've written, is the 'lock' function on the extra sunder unlockable)? It's quite plain to me that we didn't say the same thing. Try reading mine again.

You need to do some research on game mechanics and get perspective on game balance

(Nice one. hahaha. stop .hahah.)
About research. Since the game mechanisms of glyphs does not have an official manual and its on the internet yes we do research.Same applies to game mechanisms.

Utarius wrote:
because what you've suggested in some of your posts is either strange or plainly OP

This is basically the fundamentals of democracy.Not agreeing with other people...but expressing your opinions free.
For example we could have a warrior in ARMS(Utarius) discussing about devastates(??) and suggesting that other people's opinions are strange is acceptable.(Others may find it strange).

Yes... very funny.

Ok, first off: What I meant with you needing to research game mechanics, and that what you say is slightly OP was this quote
One thing I DO NOT UNDERSTAND : Why does the sunder armour effect is applied only to primary and ONE MORE target????
The really cool and LOGIC thing would be if the sunder armor effect was APPLIED to ALL our Targets!!!!!! Its not that hard BLizz.. since the real reason for putting These 2 toys was to dicrease the GAP between Warrs and Pallys on the crucial 1st second of a fight. Even if this request is made still we are inferior ,in this department,to pallys since they have this amound of aggro by casting a travelling spell on secondary , third ,forth mob during pulls on the t= 0sec of the fight.

Say that you make a 6 mob pull. With 1 Devastate you'll get 2 Sunders on your main target, and 5 Sunders on the mobs around. In defensive stance this is around 2 800 threat with 1 button push. You might not consider this OP, but I do. Since you obviously don't, I assume that you don't know much about game mechanics. If you did, you might've seen how this is waaay too good.

It's very common to use the ever so spoken-about democracy when in doubt. Fact is, I've never said anything that goes against this truly wonderful invention of man. I've merely said, that you should do research before you post stuff. Not because I will somehow forbid you to post if you don't, but because if you write something utterly stupid you're likely to take some heat for it. Thus, it was merely a humane attempt at sparing you someone's bile.

The last remark is really funny, and yet another one of those spectacularly stupid and dreadful things you write. Because I'm arms, I have no idea about how talents in the protection tree work? You're prot? You therefore must not know how MS and Bladestorm work, right? Quite obvious: If you're not currently specced for the abilities, it's safe to assume that you've never used them nor read anything about them.

I'm sorry if you got offended by my remark on your opinions, but I simply thought they were ****. That's my opinion, and BY DEMOCRACY it's my right to speak it! *Heroic Pose* I'll agree to somethings you write, I was just pointing out the things that didn't add up to me.
#33REDACTED, Posted: Dec 03 2008 at 3:29 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Utarius=arms warrior wrote:
#34 Dec 03 2008 at 8:43 AM Rating: Good
355 posts
MentalFrog wrote:
montaghar wrote:
Ok, tested this out in heroic Gundrak, (BTW that last boss hits like a truck) and aparently, whichever mob gets the first extra sunder, they all go to him. I had the skull with 5, the x with 5 and the O with 0. I guess having them just jump around would be a little op lol.

I would assume it's the same mob that you would target if you hit the 'target next' button, or tab targeting as it's called. This could be tested by hitting devastate on mob one and tab to next target, check for the sunder debuff, and devastate the 2nd target. Check 3rd and/or 1st target for the additional debuff.

Personally, I would assume it is like any other cleave-type ability. It hits the closest target that wasn't the initial target. Which means it would always hit the same one unless you moved around. Try it, see which one it hit, move so you are on top of a different one (but make sure it's slightly in front of you), and try it again.
#35 Dec 03 2008 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
geotank wrote:

I guess we cant have it all. I prefer though keeping shockwave as a panic button case some dps prefers to go to Jenkins mode.
During the 1st seconds of the fight Shockwave is not my 1st option as it stuns mobs causing rage starvation.That doesnt mean that its not super wow ability neither that there is only 1 way to use it. Glad to have it ...

I use shockwave at the first of the fight all the time. It's not on a long CD and there are better panic buttons.
#36 Dec 03 2008 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Geotank wrote:

Utarius wrote:
Say that you make a 6 mob pull. With 1 Devastate you'll get 2 Sunders on your main target, and 5 Sunders on the mobs around. In defensive stance this is around 2 800 threat with 1 button push. You might not consider this OP, but I do. Since you obviously don't, I assume that you don't know much about game mechanics. If you did, you might've seen how this is waaay too good.

Ok ,First off (LOL)
WoWWiki wrote:

Pally ability: Avengers shield ( from :'s_Shield)

Hurls a holy shield at the enemy, dealing 612 to 748 Holy damage, Dazing them and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 3 total targets. Lasts 10 sec.This spell is the primary pulling tool of prot paladins, as it is ranged, does holy damage, and establishes aggro on up to three targets.
Avenger's Shield hits each target with a 7% spell damage coefficiant and another 7% attack power coefficient.

You mean , you dont like this ability ???????????????????????????????Yes pallys have something like that i m suggesting....You dont know it??????????? Oh! its for 3 mobs... I give up Utarius... you are And its with one button too... you know. Since you pull normally 6 mobs on you in your heroics ..ther is plainly nothing more to talk about..( healers must love you :P )

Glyphs aren't meant to be game-breakingly good. Glyph of Sunder applying the Sunder debuff in an AoE would completely change the spell. Maybe we could change it to "Glyph of Sunder Armor - Makes your Sunder Armor affect all enemy targets within 8 yards, but increases the its Rage cost to 30." That would help to balance it out a bit, and would make it more similar to Avenger's Shield in terms of cost. I don't think that's what you were going for though, and I agree with Utarius that your idea could not be implemented due to balance issues.

On an unrelated note: Your typing and punctuation hurt my eyes and make it a chore to read your posts. In fact, I often skip over them because they're so hard to read. If you have a job, you obviously know basic English. Please use it.
#37 Dec 03 2008 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,395 posts
geotank wrote:
Utarius=arms warrior wrote:
I do like my own theorycraft. I just didn't think we did the same, as you seem to be thinking. You've basically stated that you should switch between mob 1 and 3, assuming that mob 2 will always get the extra Sunder.

Yes he gets the sunder its tested , I got the Glyph. Did y ? No ? why ?And why y started this post anyway? Let me guess? your gonna respec in 80 to prot? Even if that happens good for you.Prot now is for leveling as it does subtancial damage m8.
You seemed to have nice gear at 70 and it also seemed that you did lots of instances , you didnt like prot?

Ok, you've got the Glyph and you've tested it. I didn't think so since your first posts were implying that you hadn't even thought about this Glyph combo before. Again, I fail to understand your point when you emphasize me being an arms warrior.

I do have the Glyph now, but havn't pushed myself to test anything yet. Only time I use Sunder is in instances, and it's usually not my first priority to experiment in these.

I am going to respec prot at 80, yes. However, the reason I made this thread was to see if I could gain 3 talent points by compensating for Imp. Sunder with Glyphs. Either way gives efficient Sundering, but I think I prefer the Glyphs.

I know prot is good for leveling and grinding now (I was in fact prot at level 70, did dailies with it everyday so I know how to play it). This is more due to the reduced down time, and not so much the damage you speak of. Anyhow, if I were to level in prot gear I'd much rather pick a Revenge spec that a deep prot spec. That's just my opinion though.

I liked prot very much, but my current build gives me more versatility. I can level in either prot gear or 2h gear, which ever I feel like at the moment. Each has its drawbacks and advantages: As I've said, prot gear = no down time, now what I've got Enraged Regeneration. Arms gear is more down time but faster killing, higher numbers. I like the variation.

geotank wrote:
Utarius theories :
I went beyond that, and was theorizing about if you sundered mob 1 and got an additional sunder on mob 3, could you sunder mob 2 and get an additional sunder on mob 1 (ie., as I've written, is the 'lock' function on the extra sunder unlockable)? It's quite plain to me that we didn't say the same thing. Try reading mine again.

Plain and simple no. It s not locked on mob 1.If you sunder-Devastate 2 then you get the extra on 1 or 3 on equal chance.To be certain that all will get their sunders :Try out do devastate 1.This will sunder the 1 and the closest to one , that is 2.Devastate 3 so that will cause a sunder to 3 and the closest , that is 2.Do that rotation and you hold ll hold great aggro on all.What else do you need as a reply to your own post? Holding aggro is the main purpose of these Glyps.Getting your answer is the reason y ask stuff.

Erm... I never said it'd be locked to mob 1, but I get your point. The reason why I thought it would be locked to one mob for the entire fight is this post:
montagar wrote:
Ok, tested this out in heroic Gundrak, (BTW that last boss hits like a truck) and aparently, whichever mob gets the first extra sunder, they all go to him. I had the skull with 5, the x with 5 and the O with 0. I guess having them just jump around would be a little op lol.

However, I doubted it. Simple reason: If they all go to mob 2, where does it go if you sunder mob 2? Not likely on mob 2. Therefore I assumed it must be disruptable.

Might I also add that you were more clueless than anyone else when you first posted in this thread. While I'm glad for your quickly-found confidence, it has a slight impact when you're trying to make heavy punchlines.

geotank wrote:
Utarius advise:
Yes... very funny.

Ok, first off: What I meant with you needing to research game mechanics, and that what you say is slightly OP was this quote

The fact that i am a in prot and I like some skills pallys have is not 'slighty OP'. Every class in the game funcys an ability other classes have to a point. I suppose y like so bad your arms warrior and would not like to ..ehm... had an extra ability from another class? Your alone in this m8.If so, mental would have only a y see he has lots and lots...

What you have to remember here is that pallies are the game's AoE tank's. We're not meant to hold AoE aggro as good as them, since our class would then make their prot tree uncalled for. I've long since accepted I won't be able to tank multiple mobs as good as a pally. Maybe you should too?

If not, at least try to improve your tanking a bit. To use an ability with a 20 sec CD as a panic button is plain stupid. To make better use if it, use it when ever it's up and you need AoE aggro. Doing this and weaving in TC helped me very much while struggling with AoE:ing mages in heroics in BC.

I'm not sure what you mean with the whole 'wanting an ability from another class' thing, since your grammar is weird. I can only assume you mean I want Consecration and Avenger's Shield, or things like that? I can honestly tell you: No. If I want an ability from another class that bad I'll level said class. The classes have their abilities for a reason, it's what makes them unique. You've already proved you have no comprehension for game balance, but this is how I see it. Blizz gave each class their abilities for a reason, if you think you could do better you ought to go make your own little game.

Also, you'll do best in not speaking for others. Mental might not agree with that you say about him. I want 2 warriors too. One tauren for tanking and one orc for DPS and PvP. The racials make it simple.

PS: When you begin with '1st off' remember to put a : Second.. bla bla ... and put it in the Beggining of your nice speech.
This way you ll have some sord of stracture...

Oh, so you want to argue semantics do you? An odd choice for someone with your language skills, but ok.

what about the rage cost ??

How much rage cost Sunder armour if Glyph of Sunder exists?
How much rage cost Devastate if Glyph of Devastate exists?
How much rage cost Devastate if both Glyphs exists?

If the answer for all of the above is 30+ then

So far I ve lost aggro of Skull from a (an impatient) mage 74 lvl (with vigilence on him) while I were 71 and did not use any of those glyphs...

How important are those glyphs anyway? (I ll get to 80 see there what happends in threat/classes and reply to myself)

- Use capitalization in the beginning of a sentence.
- If you use more question- or exclamation marks than one you imply great impatience if not out-right irritation.
- Use apostrophe when binding together two words, such as 'I have' -> I've.
- It's not vigilence, it's Vigilance.

Every forum I ve read so far gives contradictory data.

Others say they have tested this then another guys sais : no y are wrong bla bla... bla.. a third guy sais its

The majority of people tend to agree about the 'binding' between Devastate and Sunder armour
Its the threat and the rage cost they cannot agree... ( Blizz crap)

I find that some ppl say .Just TC for aoe-threat ,its only 10 rage cost with Glyph of bla bla and you make an easy 300 damage on all mobs' (and so far thats what I do...)

In addition to some early-mentioned points:
- It's 'says', not 'sais'.
- <space> is used after a punctuation, not before, not before AND after and not not-at-all.

Yes , I couldn t agree more with this. Jeneraly the use of HS is iritating as iritating is slam and cleave.... Its not that I dont like the damage they do. Its the fact that they work on their own rythm .. their not instant as other attacks.(Being a protection warrior is so demanding usually clicking 2-3 buttons almost at the same time.. hitting one of the irritating buttons means I have to pause all the other attacks for 1-2 secs.)

So any Glyph improving HS is definitelly not the choise for me too (being in protection).( I m not saying though thats is the correct or wrong choise for others)

I m using so far Glyph of Resonating Power (TC improvement= TC costs 10 rage) and i must say it has improved my type of plying at some situations. Especially in pulls were y cant charge at mobs. Since TC is faster up I ve come to use Demo shout less and less often as it produces less aoe threat. Then when threat is established on mobs the TC ability is more frequently used as it cost less rage... more threat and damage with 1 click. Climbing the dps chain...

In addition to some early-mentioned points:
- It's 'Generally', not 'Jeneraly'.
- It's 'Irritating', not 'iritating'. You seemed to have gotten this right later on though. Strange you can't seem to get it right at first.
- When referring to several abilities being something, you use 'they' and 'are'. Bound together this is 'they're', not 'their'. The latter is the possessive form of 'they'.
- It's 'definitely', not 'definitelly'.
- It's 'choice', not 'choise'.
- It's 'playing', not 'plying'. Unless you were making a very unnecessary abbreviation.

So cool. Then those 2 glyphs in conjuction with a mouse over devastate even cooler :))

Now all we need is an aoe high thread pull weapon/mechanism/Glyph/ability ( LOLOLOOLO)

- It's 'conjunction', not 'conjuction'.

The serious part:

Its no brainer...

all tanks should be equiped at least with G.O Devastate indipendently if it gives or not threat , indipendently if it stucks with G.O Sunder armor indipendently if the sunders go to whatever target. The fact that the next devastate landed on mob will be stronger (since 2 sunders have already been aplied by 1st devastate) is more than enough to put G.O. devastate in our favorite Glyphs.

Theory crafting for using Devastate as a AE ability:

Pre- pull:

mob1 mob2 mob3


The skull should be mob1 . 1st Devastate should be applied to mob 1( so that mobs 1 and 2 gets the S.A effect) and the next devastate on mob 3 ( so mob 3 and 2 gets devastates)

The 'Oh I ve nothing to do at work' part:

One thing I DO NOT UNDERSTAND : Why does the sunder armour effect is applied only to primary and ONE MORE target????
The really cool and LOGIC thing would be if the sunder armor effect was APPLIED to ALL our Targets!!!!!! Its not that hard BLizz.. since the real reason for putting These 2 toys was to dicrease the GAP between Warrs and Pallys on the crucial 1st second of a fight. Even if this request is made still we are inferior ,in this department,to pallys since they have this amound of aggro by casting a travelling spell on secondary , third ,forth mob during pulls on the t= 0sec of the fight.

Now for the really idiotic question: What if some (clever?) ... puts 2 glyphs of GOD or GOS? what happends ? Zillions of Sunders?Nothing more that the effect of 1 GLyph?Anyone tried that? (LOLOLOLOLOLO)

In addition to some early-mentioned points:
- It's 'equipped', not 'equiped'.
- It's 'independently', not 'indipendently'.
- It's 'applied', not 'aplied'. Again, you seem to have failed the first time(s) but eventually gotten it right.
- Extensive use of capital letters in a word could suggest anger. While this is a powerful tool when emphasizing something, it should be used with discretion.
- It's 'decrease', not 'dicrease'.
- It's 'traveling', not 'travelling'.
- It's 'happens', not 'happends'.
- Irregular use of capital letters in one word is considered strange and wrong in most cases.

[quote]No comments :[/quote]
You must realize that, technically, this is a comment.

I know the obvious counter to what I've just pointed out: 'well...LOL i m not even an enlish major!'

This is true. But if you're stupid enough to argue semantics when you can't even spell properly you can expect to get something like this shoved in your face.

Edit: Quoting seems to stop working after a while, so I split the post up.

Edited, Dec 4th 2008 12:23am by Utarius
#38 Dec 03 2008 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,395 posts
Utarus has more interesting thoughs:
Say that you make a 6 mob pull. With 1 Devastate you'll get 2 Sunders on your main target, and 5 Sunders on the mobs around. In defensive stance this is around 2 800 threat with 1 button push. You might not consider this OP, but I do. Since you obviously don't, I assume that you don't know much about game mechanics. If you did, you might've seen how this is waaay too good.

Ok ,First off (LOL)


Pally ability: Avengers shield ( from :'s_Shield)

Hurls a holy shield at the enemy, dealing 612 to 748 Holy damage, Dazing them and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 3 total targets. Lasts 10 sec.This spell is the primary pulling tool of prot paladins, as it is ranged, does holy damage, and establishes aggro on up to three targets.
Avenger's Shield hits each target with a 7% spell damage coefficiant and another 7% attack power coefficient.

You mean , you dont like this ability ???????????????????????????????Yes pallys have something like that i m suggesting....You dont know it??????????? Oh! its for 3 mobs... I give up Utarius... you are And its with one button too... you know. Since you pull normally 6 mobs on you in your heroics ..ther is plainly nothing more to talk about..( healers must love you :P )

Again: This is for pallies. It's a completely different class. You'd better get used to the idea, as I've suggested before, that pallies will always be superior to warriors in terms of multi-target threat.

I assume that you don't know much about game mechanics.

Yes i dont . Plz plz Utarius the great .. will you teach me things like:

Utarius wrote:
To all you who argue about threat after 5 stacks, this is how Devastate works:

- It does damage threat + innate damage of the sunder armor debuff (same threat as if you'd sunder AND deal the damage).
- It adds [rank] damage each Sunder debuff.
- After 5 Sunder debuffs you no longer get threat as if you'd sunder the target AND to damage, but only for the damage it deals (this on the other hand is [rank] * 5, so it sort of compensates for the lost threat).

As you saw in previous post i wer not impolite with you but just linked the site of how Devastate-sunder armor works.
I will try to remain polite... ( I said try)

Yes, I've read in a patch note that everything about Sunder now applies to Devastate. Yet there are still people giving contradicting information on whether or not the threat for the actual Sunder remains after five stacks. I'll give you that it's likely that you're right about Devastate though, so I won't push the subject since I'm not sure.

Utarius wrote:
It's very common to use the ever so spoken-about democracy when in doubt. Fact is, I've never said anything that goes against this truly wonderful invention of man. I've merely said, that you should do research before you post stuff. Not because I will somehow forbid you to post if you don't, but because if you write something utterly stupid you're likely to take some heat for it. Thus, it was merely a humane attempt at sparing you someone's bile.

I ve no doubt about what? Glyphs of Devastate or Sunder armor? I tried them , Y DIDNT!!!HOW CAN Y? YOU SWICHED TO ARMS!!!Y STILL STICK TO YOUR UNTESTED THEORYS-GOOD FOR YOU.

Your first sentence is proof that you've completely misunderstood my point. I wasn't aware that you'd tried them, since you seemed extremely inept when you first came to post here. However, I'm not sure you tested what I would've tested. In fact, I'm not sure exactly what the fruits of your testing are, since every time you describe them it's in very poor language. The point that you think I'm wrong is understandable though, so I think I can guess the rest.

About RESEARCH I dont claim to be a better researcher from you. Maybe you are better tank , warrior ,person ,play better your guittar and all that nice things...

PS:Nice languange : Stupid... come on ? I know deep inside you can do better that that....
I m tempted to reply in same manner , but I cant m8 sorry... my age and people who raised me tought me different .. really sorry I cant...

My point about research was that in the beginning of this thread you didn't even know if these glyphs existed. You also keep posting very imbalanced suggestions of change to the warrior class that in my eyes aren't only proof of bad judgment, but lack of research too.

Would you prefer something more offensive? While you might've taken that as slightly offensive, I was only really describing matters in a way I saw fitting. While "LOL MAKE SUNDER AFFECT ALL TARGETS LOL" is a bit satire of what you've really written, it's not far off. I somehow saw 'stupid' as a fitting description to that statement. While clearly harsh, it wasn't meant to be taken as an ungrounded insult.

Utaris the wise wrote:
The last remark is really funny, and yet another one of those spectacularly stupid and dreadful things you write. Because I'm arms, I have no idea about how talents in the protection tree work? You're prot? You therefore must not know how MS and Bladestorm work, right? Quite obvious: If you're not currently specced for the abilities, it's safe to assume that you've never used them nor read anything about them.

Yes it was supposed to be funny. Good thing you lughed. Its nice to swich off your berzek stance once in a while and use your neurons...
Yes you might have no idea concerning new talents...
MS yes .. i ve tried it a LOOOOONG time ago.
Bladestorm :what is that? a new warr ability.Super. Im so excited.(weeeee)Have I tried it? NO.Can I post stuff about it:NO.The reason you dont see me postin stuff in DPS posts is that I dont know dps stuff.And the nice part is that I admit it. Opposite to you ofc who know everything... and enjoys calling others 'stupid' good for you.How old are you by the way?
Grow up.

Indeed you don't write stuff about DPS, and I commend you for that. But it's equally bad to assume someone not specced for something unknowledgeable, as to write something unknowledgeable about something that others know much more about and persist!

Also, I'm terribly sorry.. but age disses don't work on me. Find another way, preferably one that couldn't be more easily fitted onto you than it could me.

Utarius the forgiving:
I'm sorry if you got offended by my remark on your opinions, but I simply thought they were sh*t. That's my opinion, and BY DEMOCRACY it's my right to speak it! *Heroic Pose* I'll agree to somethings you write, I was just pointing out the things that didn't add up to me.

Yes ,let it all come out.. talk to us ...we understand how you feel. Start from your childhood though...and continue up and up.Dont ommit anything. We re open to you and for free!! My gess is whenever your tried to talk in family dinner someone whould say : 'Shiet , dont talk ,y dont know...' . It happends in a lot of people dont feel bad.It takes some years but with practice you ll learn to controll your self and have a normal discussion. Because you disagre with one doesnt give you the right to call ppl 's ideas stupid.

I realize you're trying to be sarcastic, condesending and dismissive here, but they way you write just makes it comical. You talk about others as if it's given anyone agrees with you. I'm not saying no one does, but here yet again is a lesson for you to learn about speaking for others.

Well look, who's desecrating the the ever-so holy democracy now? I believe the freedom of speech gives me the right to call anyone's ideas stupid. In fact, I don't even have to have a reason for it. I do though, reasons I keep pointing out to you.

About self-control and anger management: I'm not the one capsing and trying to put hysterical laughters into letters. Again: Try to find something to accuse me of that isn't much better fitted on you.

Edited, Dec 4th 2008 12:23am by Utarius
#39 Dec 03 2008 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
1,395 posts

Bottom line.. oh what the .. I said I enjoy this so..
Utarius wrote:
To all you who argue about threat after 5 stacks, this is how Devastate works:

- It does damage threat + innate damage of the sunder armor debuff (same threat as if you'd sunder AND deal the damage).
- It adds [rank] damage each Sunder debuff.
- After 5 Sunder debuffs you no longer get threat as if you'd sunder the target AND to damage, but only for the damage it deals (this on the other hand is [rank] * 5, so it sort of compensates for the lost threat).

Geotank wrote:
No comments :

Feel free to post back anything .Plz dont hide in your little cave. The more times you post the more times your gonna see
your own pompus speech:

Utarius wrote:
To all you who argue about threat after 5 stacks, this is how Devastate works:

- It does damage threat + innate damage of the sunder armor debuff (same threat as if you'd sunder AND deal the damage).
- It adds [rank] damage each Sunder debuff.
- After 5 Sunder debuffs you no longer get threat as if you'd sunder the target AND to damage, but only for the damage it deals (this on the other hand is [rank] * 5, so it sort of compensates for the lost threat).

Geotank wrote:
No comments :

Since you make my work at the office pass so swift I ll say to you something really nice.Most of times(99%) I agree In ALL of your posts.Learn to control yourself.And leave the attitude. It doesnt work on me.( I ve got shield reflect) lol. You know what that is? right? Prot talent , oh I forgot your advising the new prot warriors while your dps.Nice...

I m drinking Coca-cola while writing this. Damn ,if only I had and some pop corn.

Heh, yes alright. I'm not sure about that one. One point to you man. Think we should keep a score board? In that case my advise to you is: Quit while you're behind. If that even is a saying...

Again: It's you who needs to control yourself. You who needs to get a new attitude, because I've been more patient with you that I have with most who write stupid things here.

I know what Spell Reflect is. You don't seem to though. Spell Reflect is a protection ability. Improved Spell Reflect is the Prot talent. Why don't you read up on some more stuff? Quite embarrassing to be inferior to a DPS warrior about prot abilities, isn't it?
#40 Dec 04 2008 at 1:51 AM Rating: Default

Urarius wrote:

In addition to some early-mentioned points:
- It's 'equipped', not 'equiped'.
- It's 'independently', not 'indipendently'.
- It's 'applied', not 'aplied'. Again, you seem to have failed the first time(s) but eventually gotten it right.
- Extensive use of capital letters in a word could suggest anger. While this is a powerful tool when emphasizing something, it should be used with discretion.
- It's 'decrease', not 'dicrease'.
- It's 'traveling', not 'travelling'.
- It's 'happens', not 'happends'.
- Irregular use of capital letters in one word is considered strange and wrong in most cases

There is an open spot in my company for one (my)secretary. Are you interested?Its not something funcy but y seem to fit the exact profile.

Again: It's you who needs to control yourself. You who needs to get a new attitude, because I've been more patient with you that I have with most who write stupid things here.

You mean , youre not gonna correct my spelling , or Grammar anymore? Cause ,so far I dont see any real arguments about your post's main topic. That is 'Glyphs' in case you forgot it.All your questions were answered.All the other part ...

I ll try to improve my English m8.Even so what?Still your calling me stupid?

What you wrote about Devastate is what ? Smart? Intelligent?Where you get that information please???POST THE LINK.You havent done it so far.IF YOU HAD we wouldnt had this conversation.You cant?Why? YOU MADE THAT UP !!!!
The thing is that not knowing how Devastate works while being a tank and doing Heroics is somehow... (No comments).
So basically what you are saying is that when y see 5 sunders on a target you stop the DEVSTATES cause y made something up??
So if you got Glyph of Devastate after 3 Devastates you stop using the ability cause y think thats the way it works??
Then you have the (balls??) to comment stuff in posts conserning Furry ,ARMS and PROT ???
I ve been in Prot for 1 year now and I m still learning stuff.Yes sometimes I consider myself a 'noob'.
You on the other hand...seem to know everything.And for one more time try to impose it on us(LOL)
Even RIPZ in his comments is very picky on what he s gonna post in his prot posts cause HE IS DPS.

Stop telling people what to do!!!!Concentrate on your real abilitys :English Spelling and Grammar.Comment all posts plz in all warrior forum cause other ppl too need your help.(How many

PS:This is not one point man. YOu got to give me some more credit for that.Y think I m ...behind you ...?You think thats good for you?
PS2:I wouldnt be suprised at all if you comment on other class forums like Rogues forum or Shammys forum 'i-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t-l-y' (LOLOLOL) if you have or not a toon that is a Rogue , Shammy... .
PS3:I m bored.Say something smart...(call me utterly stupid - I love that, and repeat it all the time)
PS4: You can also ?'sparing you someone's bile' ? Yes do that too plz.
PS5: We can play a liitle game if you want. If you link the post of Devastate that you posted I ll SHUT UP.If you dont...
PS6:Yes I envy some of the pallys ability. Is that bad? You calculated plus points to you from there? remove them... If you need more points for your arguments I LL tell you this: I also envy rogues that can stealth. I wish I had that ability for my warrior too.Come on Blizz make my wish come true ( You got any xp-points from that??? You did?? Great!!)
PS7:ehm.. I ll give you 100.000 more points for free. I only have 1 point in my bank but certenly(certainly? plz do it..y know..) your posts worth it.

I use shockwave at the first of the fight all the time. It's not on a long CD and there are better panic buttons.

Perhaps you are right. I ll try that mental :) .Come to think of...its super...

As far as game breaking i think for prot war's there is one; and that's glyph of blocking. For 200g you get a scaleing, permanent 10% block value increase sence CD on slam is 6 secs( no S&B proc) and the glyph buff lasts 10 seconds. And S&B only makes it that much better.

Thats a topic worth the research...plz Utar give some of your thoughts there...( Tell y what if you comment this I wont post back something)

On an unrelated note: Your typing and punctuation hurt my eyes and make it a chore to read your posts. In fact, I often skip over them because they're so hard to read. If you have a job, you obviously know basic English. Please use it.

For you I ll recomend this: Click 'x' thats close window.Stand up.Go to a Library.Get a book with more than 300 pages.In case your eyes still bleed close it.Turn to the back page (where the Author picture and Summary of the book is).Read half of it(the summary).Then go back to your PC.Enter the link for the book review ,comments,forum..etc. Post something smart like
I don't think that's what you were going for though...
Meaning that 'I think the author really means...'
Then think for yourself : 'I did something really great today! I feel good'
I m hoping that you ll not read this 2 as you didnt read anything in this post.Good for you. Doh!! another 2 points for Utarius...
On the other hand you could do something constructive as Mental,xNocturnalSunx,montaghar,redbaron and others are doing.Write about Glyphs.I ve learned tons of stuff from those people here.Why did you post in here?Your intention is Learning about Glyphs?Explaining stuff to others about Glyphs? Or something else?Post something usefull.You dont have to reply to other posts in order to make a point.(Unless you care to ?share? points with Utar?)
#41 Dec 04 2008 at 8:45 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts

I posted a comment about your idea of an AoE Sunder Glyph being analogous to Avenger's Shield. My point was that due to difference in resource cost, it's not. It's a reasonable comment that I made on your last post in the thread at the time (which had no reply), though apparently it got under your surprisingly thin skin.

As for 'how' you write, you'd be doing yourself and the boards a favor if you cleaned it up a bit. Even your last post, I honestly just glanced over and saw my name or I wouldn't have read those sections. When you first started posting here (August and October are the first two I remember) you made an effort to be readable. Don't know what's changed, but your posts would be more useful if you went back to your earlier writing style.

In the interest of making your posts easier to read, here's a tip - if you type [ quote=<author> ] instead of just [ quote ], you'll be able to tag your quotes more easily, especially if you're quoting a bunch of different people like you did in the last one.

Anyway, I don't particularly feel like getting into a flame war with you. I'm done on this thread unless something useful comes along that I feel like commenting on again.
#42 Dec 04 2008 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
1,395 posts
geotank wrote:
PS5: We can play a liitle game if you want. If you link the post of Devastate that you posted I ll SHUT UP.If you dont...

I assume that you mean link the post that made me think Devastate worked that way? Couldn't find it, spent a few hours looking. Found something to clear up how Devastate works though:

WoWWiki wrote:
The tooltip is very confusingly worded, but is my understanding that there is NO innate threat per sunder application. Please see this thread where they have done testing. If you have evidence to the contrary, please post it here.

#43 Dec 04 2008 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent

tabstopper wrote

I posted a comment about your idea of an AoE Sunder Glyph being analogous to Avenger's Shield. My point was that due to difference in resource cost, it's not. It's a reasonable comment that I made on your last post in the thread at the time (which had no reply), though apparently it got under your surprisingly thin skin.

As for 'how' you write, you'd be doing yourself and the boards a favor if you cleaned it up a bit. Even your last post, I honestly just glanced over and saw my name or I wouldn't have read those sections. When you first started posting here (August and October are the first two I remember) you made an effort to be readable. Don't know what's changed, but your posts would be more useful if you went back to your earlier writing style.

In the interest of making your posts easier to read, here's a tip - if you type [ quote=<author> ] instead of just [ quote ], you'll be able to tag your quotes more easily, especially if you're quoting a bunch of different people like you did in the last one.

Anyway, I don't particularly feel like getting into a flame war with you. I'm done on this thread unless something useful comes along that I feel like commenting on again.

I guess you are right.
I owe an apology from you and especially from Utarius.(with whom, as I said 99% times I agree)
Is the apology accepted?
I will never go this path again...
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