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So do you think it was fair?Follow

#1 Nov 16 2008 at 12:50 PM Rating: Default
I am really enjoying my death knight. It is a very easy class to get the hang of. I also have a 70 shaman.

So I was questing in Zangermarsh when a lvl 58 Death Knight says in general. "Can someone show me how to get into Hellfire Peninsula?" Someone else said haven't you ever been before? He said "No I have a 56 hunter and this guy" ... I said "wow you should have had to have a 70 to make a death knight. " 3 or 4 people agreed with me but quite a few others said I was a mean butt head... I am assuming those people don't have 70s either.

So my question is do you think it was fair for people who have never worked and experienced the outlands to be handed a death knight with a free mount, first aid and everything else?

#2 Nov 16 2008 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
Yep. I don't really see why not. It's not like outlands is anything super special really. I mean, it was amazing when I first got there. If you're going to be elitist about it - you may as well require people to have cleared sunwell plateau in order to make a DK.
#3 Nov 16 2008 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
Some character has to be your first in outland, why not death knight? Who cares if they get auto-leveled first aid and free riding skill? Most people at 58 have those things anyway (not epic riding obviously, but most have the money for it the second they ding 60.)
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#4 Nov 16 2008 at 2:24 PM Rating: Default
16 posts
When BC came out you had to be 58 to get into Outland...I remember I had a lock that was lvl 40 at the time and I hated not being able to get out there and when I finally did it was awesome, not because BC was awesome because it was but it was even better because I had to push the last 18 lvls to get there. Now you got the first "hero" class and the only req is you have to have a lvl 55, it doesnt make sense to me.
#5 Nov 16 2008 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
194 posts
I'm really torn on this. On the one hand, why not? Having the requirement to be a 70 probably wouldn't eliminate the endless questions in chat. On my server the questions were ridiculous. Where's this, where's that... how do I this and how do I that. As all the DK's know, the beginning quests were pretty easy and usually self explanatory. Hell, if I could figure them out, anyone can. If people refuse to read the quests and use the map at 55, they'd probably be the same at 70, imho.

On the other hand, getting a free epic mount, First Aid at 270 and blue gear right off the bat? I think on some level you should have to have a 70 for that. I have a 55 warlock, all in greens, First aid is at 104 or so. For her I get handed a death knight? If I didn't have my epic'd (not completely, but close)70's, and I got a DK off Wearette's level, I'd feel like I hit the lottery.

I think maybe what they should have done, is allow you to make a DK if you have a 55, with a comparable skill set/armor set to what you have on your existing 55. If you're wearing blues, you get blues...if you're at 150 First Aid, you start at 150 etc. I know, I know, too many technical considerations probably, but that may have been more fair.

As for the OP's getting chastised for being "mean." I don't think so. Whoever that was obviously didn't take their DK through the portal, and probably bought a port to Shatt. All my toons have had their hearth in Shatt since they had the gold to buy a port, but they all ran through the portal at 58. Whether that new DK had a 70 or not, he would have been asking the same question when his hunter was ready for OL.
#6 Nov 16 2008 at 6:03 PM Rating: Good
In my opinion it takes more work getting from 1-56 than it does 56 to 70. Give the guy a break, its a game and he hadn't been in the area before. Rather than needing a certain level to make a Death Knight, I thought Blizzard should have made it a quest to unlock. FFXI had Advanced Jobs that needed to be unlocked and it took effort. So again, my point is there's no difference between 56 and 70 when it comes to needing the level simply to unlock something.
#7 Nov 16 2008 at 6:16 PM Rating: Default
Being a FFXI Vet I can agree that some jobs you had to unlock by doing certain quest or quests. With all the questions about do you do this...or how do you do that. Maybe....They should have started the DK off at level 1 like any other normal toon. Then by 55 most of those people who are stuck on there's wouldn't be. I've noticed that all Fp's are unlocked on dk. Took me about 4 days to finally nail down my DK thanks to you all. Starting at 55 could have been cool but I have to agree being level 70 to have a dk.

Thats pre OL's and most that have 55+ toons havn't been there. I myself have a 71 hunter. Done all quests in Ol's. Now am working on 80. Not even going to touch DK again tell I ding 80. And to the above post. Give who a break the guy who asked were outlands was. I will have to admit at certain points and places it gets annoying when you have a 50+ player run up to you and ask a question that they should deff know the answer to. I can understand if the guy was one. But he stopped his hunter at 56 to play DK. Telling him were OL's is one thing but once he gets there you'd eventually have to put him on ignore cause he'd be filling your screen with so much......were do I do this quest at and such. Yeah it gets annoying.

#8 Nov 16 2008 at 6:57 PM Rating: Excellent
1,609 posts
Less elitism in WoW is always a good thing. The game moves on, and players who just discover it will have an easier time to catch up than what veterans had to go through. It's a necessary shift.
#9REDACTED, Posted: Nov 16 2008 at 7:21 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I honestly think you should at least have a 70 to use death knight.. Only reason I say this is because they're a tank class. Why would you want a person that has probably never tanked before to just start at 60+? Seems like the first couple of groups they join will be getting the short end of the stick and they'd get a bad rep on top of that.
#10 Nov 16 2008 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
5,159 posts
SoiFon wrote:
I honestly think you should at least have a 70 to use death knight.. Only reason I say this is because they're a tank class. Why would you want a person that has probably never tanked before to just start at 60+? Seems like the first couple of groups they join will be getting the short end of the stick and they'd get a bad rep on top of that.

That makes no sense. Just because I have a 70 rogue doesn't mean I have any more clue about tanking than I did at 55. Besides, tanking is really overestimated as far as difficulty goes, and it's not like you're throwing them a 55 warrior and saying "here, figure out all the buttons".
#11 Nov 16 2008 at 8:36 PM Rating: Good
I maintain my stance that you must take an IQ test to access the internet.
#12 Nov 16 2008 at 10:45 PM Rating: Default
728 posts

That makes no sense. Just because I have a 70 rogue doesn't mean I have any more clue about tanking than I did at 55. Besides, tanking is really overestimated as far as difficulty goes, and it's not like you're throwing them a 55 warrior and saying "here, figure out all the buttons".

I like to think players would have more respect for the entire tank position if they made it to 70 rather than 55. Hell now a days you can load up with a buddy, hit 55 in like no time with RaF and deathknight it up. You can't RaF 60-70.
#13 Nov 17 2008 at 7:50 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah, he paid for it didn't he?
#14 Nov 17 2008 at 11:23 AM Rating: Default
I really don't think I am any better than him, that is not the point I just thought that the hero class was going to be special and leveling a character to 56 and being handed a hero character does not feel special to me...
#15 Nov 17 2008 at 2:01 PM Rating: Excellent
ydnim wrote:
I am really enjoying my death knight. It is a very easy class to get the hang of. I also have a 70 shaman.

So I was questing in Zangermarsh when a lvl 58 Death Knight says in general. "Can someone show me how to get into Hellfire Peninsula?" Someone else said haven't you ever been before? He said "No I have a 56 hunter and this guy" ... I said "wow you should have had to have a 70 to make a death knight. " 3 or 4 people agreed with me but quite a few others said I was a mean butt head... I am assuming those people don't have 70s either.

So my question is do you think it was fair for people who have never worked and experienced the outlands to be handed a death knight with a free mount, first aid and everything else?

You, sir, are an ***. But, not just your normal everyday ***. You are an elite ***. "Butt head" doesn't begin to cover your reaction, since it's not only your head that's an ***. Would you have preferred that he had leveled his hunter and asked you the same question with his hunter?
#16 Nov 17 2008 at 2:23 PM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
ydnim wrote:
I am really enjoying my death knight. It is a very easy class to get the hang of. I also have a 70 shaman.

That's nice. Although having a lvl 70 shaman has nothing to do with a death knight. Unless you count the level 55 requirement.

ydnim wrote:

So I was questing in Zangermarsh when a lvl 58 Death Knight says in general. "Can someone show me how to get into Hellfire Peninsula?" Someone else said haven't you ever been before? He said "No I have a 56 hunter and this guy" ... I said "wow you should have had to have a 70 to make a death knight. " 3 or 4 people agreed with me but quite a few others said I was a mean butt head... I am assuming those people don't have 70s either.

55-70 is a joke. If anything you should have to play every group role to 70. How many have you played? I'm going to assume 1. (it's okay if we assume things like that because you're doing it too).

You assume that people who disagree with you don't have a 70? Wow I don't even need to assume you're a ******. I know you are.

ydnim wrote:

So my question is do you think it was fair for people who have never worked and experienced the outlands to be handed a death knight with a free mount, first aid and everything else?

What does Outland have to do death knights, free mounts and first aid? Oh that's right, nothing.

#17 Nov 17 2008 at 2:41 PM Rating: Good
IDrownFish wrote:
I maintain my stance that you must take an IQ test to access the internet.

This quote won the thread, also unlocked the "50% of the internet beaten" achievement.
#18 Nov 17 2008 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
Wait, what?

How did a 58 get to Outland and not know where HFP is? You START in HFP!

Should'a told him to go to the Blasted Lands and walk through the Dark Portal.
#19 Nov 17 2008 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
390 posts
Ehcks wrote:
Wait, what?

How did a 58 get to Outland and not know where HFP is? You START in HFP!

Should'a told him to go to the Blasted Lands and walk through the Dark Portal.

He probably got ported to Shatt.
#20 Nov 17 2008 at 9:27 PM Rating: Default
Wow freak out much? I came here because I was thinking about it and wanted to see what others thought. Blasting me for asking your opinion is not the same as giving one.
#21 Nov 17 2008 at 10:58 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
ydnim wrote:
Wow freak out much? I came here because I was thinking about it and wanted to see what others thought. Blasting me for asking your opinion is not the same as giving one.

Is it fair to make assumptions based on absolutely no facts or evidence?

Nobody blasted you for asking for an opinion. People are blasting you for being dumb.
#22 Nov 18 2008 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
It is kinda dumb to expect a guy to have a level 70 in order to roll a DK.

I mean, you might as well say "make sure you have a level 70 before you start any kind of alt." They're a class like any other. He can do whatever he wants with them.
#23 Nov 18 2008 at 8:35 AM Rating: Good
799 posts
ydnim wrote:
Wow freak out much? I came here because I was thinking about it and wanted to see what others thought. Blasting me for asking your opinion is not the same as giving one.

Blizzard apparently wanted WoW to be fun for ALL of its subscribers, not just for the level 70 elitist players.
Notice that Recruit-a-friend stopped at level 60?
Most players who have ben playing for more than a few months have at least one level 55-60 toon, so it seemed fair to Blizzard to make that a prerequisite for creating a DK. It was their decision (their game, their decisions).

Just this week I came across a level 70 player who asked "how do you make an item not be soulbound anymore?"

So I guess that being level 70 doesn't immunize anyone from being an idiot, does it.

What about all those players who rush headlong to hit level 70? Basically ignoring the story, concentrating on ONLY levelling? Are they playing the game the way it should? Sure, they have a level 70 toon in 15 hours or whatever. Do you want them any more in your party than the person who may have levelled 10 toons to 55 or 60, nice and slow, enjoying each moment, savoring each quest, and actually learning about each class they have played? Or is the fact that they don't have a level 70 toon enough to make them unimportant in your eyes?

I can tell you that for myself, I have no level 70 toons. My highest is level 64. I have at least 10 level 60 toons. They all have their purpose for my pleasure in the game. And if WotLK had had absolutely nothing for me (like the DK) then Blizzard would not have had the money from my three account upgrades. I'm glad they tossed me a bone by making DK a level 55 minimum requirement.
#24 Nov 18 2008 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
ydnim wrote:
Wow freak out much? I came here because I was thinking about it and wanted to see what others thought. Blasting me for asking your opinion is not the same as giving one.

I didn't blast you for asking for an opinion. I blasted you for this:
    "wow you should have had to have a 70 to make a death knight. "
#25REDACTED, Posted: Nov 18 2008 at 11:46 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) DK's are like lice. They should have made it so that they started at zero with no gear just like every other class.
#26 Nov 18 2008 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
bsgnitro wrote:
DK's are like lice. They should have made it so that they started at zero with no gear just like every other class.

Lice start out with zero gear? Smiley: confused
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