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I suck at PvPFollow

#1 Nov 15 2008 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
So I'm on a PvP server, and I suck at PvP and need help. The only time I've ever been able to come close to killing someone by myself was with another mage. Granted this was when I was 50 and the mage was 66, but still. Rogues and Paladins stun me until I die. I've never actually done any battlegrounds or arenas on this character, mostly because I've been in a rush to level and I know it's better to wait until you're a higher level within the brackets to do battlegrounds. I know that you can blink out of stun effects, but with only being able to do that every 15 seconds, it's not always helpful.

What I usually try to do is frostbolt, frost nova, try and put up and ice barrier as people seem to break out of frost nova fairly easily. I don't really treat pvp that different from pve to be honest, which I think is a large part of my problem but I don't know what else to do. I do have some healing abilities. I"ve got Herbalism at 375, so I've got the Liferoot or whatever it's called HoT, and I've also got the Evocation glyph.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated. I know that methods are going to be different depending on the class you're up against, but just some basic tips would be awesome.
#2 Nov 15 2008 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
As the very basic tip for mage PvP... Survive. Make sure you've got slowing/snaring effects up at any time, and do not use spells with a cast timer unless your enemy is far away and either slowed or frost nova'd. And don't blink until you get stunned.
#3 Nov 15 2008 at 4:40 PM Rating: Good
Also ice block breaks stuns and dot's etc. and with cold snap you get 2 IB's and 2 FN your ele gives you an area/ranged nova for 3 total.
do you have ice lance? i cant remember when we get that. Ice lance is your friend, with out ice lance you dont have much chance =( yeah it can be done but IL helps alot!

really pvp is a trial and error thing. practice is the best medicine =) and each class calls for differant things to win.

#4 Nov 15 2008 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, I have IL. We get that at level 66. I totally didn't even think of bringing out my elemental. I feel like an idiot, lol. That probably would have helped a lot. Thanks for the tip on Ice block, I didn't know that broke stun effects too.
#5 Nov 15 2008 at 11:16 PM Rating: Good
199 posts
You'll want ice barrier up going into the fight. If you're lucky, it'll be on cooldown and you can recast as soon as they break through it. You'll want to have a mana gem or pot handy. Both if possible. Learn to kite. It helps a lot with melee. You might want to bind rank 1 frostbolt. Costs the same as top rank, but sometimes you'll just need a snare and can't/won't want to CoC. Get used to fighting w/ the WE. You might want to make a few macros for it. WE gives you 2 shatters. 3 if you have talents and you're using them as they come up. Plus you have FN in between. Know how much damage you can put out in a shatter combo and then learn when and how to time it. If you have deep freeze, use it to extend shatter combos or force your opponent to blow a cooldown. Or you can use it off a FoF or frostbite proc if you want. Non-subtlety rogues you can easily kite around. Shs rogues are a little harder. Basically, you want him to blow all his cooldowns. Use Ice Block if you need time for your CDs to reset. If they blow prep, you'll probably have to use Cold snap if you're not close to winning. It helps to have a mod to track CDs and buff durations. Ret pallies have good burst so don't let them in range.= For freedom buff, either kite them around with instants or try and sheep. Blink out of HoJ, trinket out of repentance. If they try to heal, CS. If they bubble, bandage or evo if you can. Ice block if they keep attacking and you can't get range. You can try to spellsteal bubble or freedom at 70 but spellsteal is random. Time your spells so that they land as bubble ends if you can. After outlasting freedom and bubble, the fight should be yours. Like they said, the best thing you can do is practice.
#6 Nov 16 2008 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
Wow, that was a lot of information. Thank you, I really appreciate it. Do you have any suggestions on how to learn the formulas? I have noticed that when I crit I typically do a little over 2k dmg with FB, and with IL it's usually about 1600. My bonus dmg right now is at about 350 and my crit dmg with Molten Armor up is at the upper end of 16% or lower end of 17%.
#7 Nov 19 2008 at 7:07 PM Rating: Excellent
325 posts
I have to assume you are a deep Frost mage. This is our PvP spec, so you have the advantage, in a sense, of knowing what does what.

I like PvP on my Mage, I may not be great at it, or even good, but I still enjoy it tremendously. It is not, however, something everyone enjoys.
My advice would be for you to try a few BGs, and see what you think. BGs are different than world PvP; you are in a contained environment, and it isn't particularly difficult to memorize the terrain.
Give it a shot, you may be pleasantly surprised, and end up really having a good time.
#8 Nov 19 2008 at 8:30 PM Rating: Excellent
3,761 posts
The problem with putting off PVP until level cap is you get so many abilities and have so much learning to do all at once.

I usually PVP for a little in each bracket. I'd stay longer, but the twinks are all over the place and its sort of annoying, so I move on faster then I'd like.

But its a good way to test your new skills every 10 levels or so. And it feels good when you beat a twink due to sheer skill, because they outgear you by so much, you really have to outplay them to win.

Anyway practice makes perfect. It seems like you're still leveling, so I'd just continue doing that and trying your best in world PVP encounters. You could stop at 69 or 70 for a while, but I would just keep leveling, and learn how to play at 80.

I found watching lots of good mage videos has helped me alot. That and keybindings. Its really tough to do well if you click all or most of your abilities in PVP. In PVE you can get by, but PVP moves so fast. Even in high end raiding, having a nice set of keybindings feels much smoother (at least imo). I imagine most of the high end raiders keybind everything.

You want everything keybound around your movement base. You can't stop moving to click your '=' key for a fireblast or something in PVP, movement and speed are critical in everything we do. I recommend this alot, but WASD for movement. A and D should be strafe, not turn. You turn with your mouse (hold right click). Bind instants closest to WASD, or put some on your mouse (scroll wheel, extra buttons if you have them). I use blink on my scroll wheel down.

Keys such as ~ 1 2 3 4 5 q e r t f g c v

Then you can add shift, alt modifiers to these keys to have everything bound close. Theres really no time to reach across your keyboard to hit your 9 key, especially in PVP. It works fine for leveling, but part of the reason I PVP in each bracket is to work out my comfortable keybindings. Leveling can make you sloppy, you just put new abilities on the closest action button with no regard to how it will help you in PVP.
#9 Nov 20 2008 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
Well, I don't have the expansion yet and I'm not entirely sure when I will be getting it. I hope at the end of the month, but money is an issue right now... I hit 68 last night and I've been thinking of just sitting at 68 or 69 and trying my hand at BGs, and leveling up my baby druid or hunter until I get the expansion.

Thank you for the suggestion of keybindings. I typically just click and I have 5 ability bars filled up right now.
#10 Nov 23 2008 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
135 posts

My personal bible, helped me ALOT.
#11 Nov 23 2008 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I kinda sucked at pvp with frost as well. I went with arcane with the 3.0 patch and now I do decent. Still one on one I can't usualyl beat a paladin though. Rogues usually kill me if they get their stealth attack in, however if I catch them before they go invis I usually can handle them.

Hunters are kinda hit or miss. A skilled hunter usually kills me but most are the classic huntards and I can beat them. IMO key to a hunter is to actually get close to them and keep the pet snared/rooted. IF you get close they are forced to use melee attacks which are not as powerful as their ranged attacks.

Paladins are just too overpowered IMO and I seldomly if ever take them 1 on 1.

IMO if your not good at PVP you really don't need to be on a PVP server. I know I for one wouldn't even want to touch a pvp server. I hate to leave the safey of town if I have a 5 min PVP flag on me. I enjoy doing Battlegrounds because they are generally alot more fair then world pvp.
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