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Death Grip, OP or not?Follow

#1 Nov 14 2008 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
As a death knight, I love death grip sometimes, i can pull any target I want to me even if they aren't near me. In Pvp, this is useful, but I can't help but think that its a wee bit OPed.

For instance, it makes it pretty much impossible to escape from a death knight on foot. Death grips has a very short cooldown, and if that fails, and your opponent is too fast, Icy chains(i think that's what its called) can lock a person in place and allow you to catch up.

Also, it seems a little annoying for every other class to be automatically pulled to the death knight, I say this especially for classes like hunters who rely on kiting.

What do you guys think? OP or not?

Edited, Nov 14th 2008 5:32pm by bulbonius
#2 Nov 14 2008 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
Not OP. Facing 5 or more DK's as another class, may be annoying, but not OP. I would think they would make it so the same target, cannot be DG'ed for the duration of the cooldown.. that's the only thing I see would change with DG, from a PvP stand point.
#3 Nov 14 2008 at 3:07 PM Rating: Good
120 posts
death grip is on a 35 sec CD, warrior's intercept is 30 sec 25 if talented, rogues shadow step is 30 secs. How is it OP again?
#4 Nov 14 2008 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
throttler wrote:
death grip is on a 35 sec CD, warrior's intercept is 30 sec 25 if talented, rogues shadow step is 30 secs. How is it OP again?

Death Grip, if you put at least 5 points into Unholy (7 if you include the talent itself) is 25 second CD if talented. Just saying. =P
#5 Nov 15 2008 at 4:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,340 posts
Wchigo wrote:
throttler wrote:
death grip is on a 35 sec CD, warrior's intercept is 30 sec 25 if talented, rogues shadow step is 30 secs. How is it OP again?

Death Grip, if you put at least 5 points into Unholy (7 if you include the talent itself) is 25 second CD if talented. Just saying. =P

This be true, matey Smiley: smile
#6 Nov 15 2008 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Like others have said, annoying, not OP. I haven't been up against it yet but I don't have the feeling it'll make a lot of difference. Death Knights don't have a reliable slow (afaik), so it's relatively easy to get back to kiting them when needed. If you gave a skill like this to a melee class with instantly applyable slow (warrior, rogue), it would probably be OP.
#7 Nov 15 2008 at 5:21 AM Rating: Good
One thing i find funny is with enough DK's around you can shut a person down quick by chain death griping. Case in point a lvl 70 gnome mage was ganking DKs in hellfire last night so we all ganged up on him and he couldnt get a spell off cause he was constantly flying all over the place.
#8 Nov 15 2008 at 7:29 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
can u imagine in WSG 5 DKs chain death gripping the flag from midfield back up to your flagroom? to me, any forced character movement is OP. priests used to be the only exception to this, but their MC is channelled. now you have instant cast DG as well as instant knockbacks from 3 other classes. AV defense will now consist of 3 druids knockin your whole team of the bridge...repeatedly falling to your deaths. gl
#9 Nov 15 2008 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
Death Knights don't have a reliable slow (afaik)

Frost talented Death Knights' Frost Fever slows 30%, you can pretty much keep that up all the time. I do fear a nerf =p, I'm level 65 right now and the level 70's that try to gank me are having a difficult time. I even manage to kill a couple that aren't epic'd out.
#10 Nov 15 2008 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
135 posts

Frost talented Death Knights' Frost Fever slows 30%, you can pretty much keep that up all the time. I do fear a nerf =p, I'm level 65 right now and the level 70's that try to gank me are having a difficult time. I even manage to kill a couple that aren't epic'd out.

Which is nothing compared to a rogue's 75%, or a warrior hamstring 60% (I think?).
Chillblains is a weak slow, especially for 3 talent points.

I'm not saying we need a buff, but dk's currently aren't the most mobile class.
How someone can call their mobility OP is beyond me.
#11 Nov 15 2008 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
304 posts
It's just that the class is new and everyone is getting use to it, and it's getting more attention than deserved.
It'll die down and everyone will get used to it in the end~

I find it amusing chaining Death grip with a group of DKs though haha..
#12 Nov 15 2008 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
uhm, what about chains of ice?

Thats definetly a slow, but anyway I dont think its OPed, I can see DKs being easily kiteable.

And lets face it, if you face a class that can outlive the initial burst of damage a DK can dispose, runes will be on CD enough time for another class to escape/heal/damage the DK.

Imo the main point now is that most people still dont know how to face DKs, so later on the OPed threads wont be so frequent.

With this said I do have a DK, which is lvl 64, and Im having a blast, not to mention that I wasnt killed in World PVP once. But that is pretty much the gear difference I guess...

just my 2cents
#13 Nov 15 2008 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
Not OP. It's the ONLY gap closer that DKs have, and as other posters have said, it's on a longer cooldown. Warriors can actually have multiple gap closers.
#14 Nov 15 2008 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
I dont think death grip is op, nor do i think chains of ice is op. I think the direction Blizz is taking with DK's is caster killer, they have more silences then your public library, if your a BE you can add 1 and with death grip you make it just a little harder for a caster to kite you. I will say this though you get the macro,
#showtooltip Death Grip
/cast Death Grip
/cast Chains of Ice

This casts Death Grip and hits em with chains of ice when they land and you got one confused player, that might be a little op and I can see Bliz putting them on a shared cooldown in the future but for right now im livin it up.

Edited: to make it easier to read.

Edited, Nov 15th 2008 11:21pm by HoloJ
#15 Nov 15 2008 at 8:34 PM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
Not anymore overpowered than mages who can frost nova then blink away.
#16 Nov 16 2008 at 8:19 PM Rating: Default
514 posts
I think it's OP. Will defnitely be nerfed (or maybe disabled) in Arena.

Imagine, grip opponent healer or main DPS into your team. Stun (by a team mate) and gang bang him/her to death within seconds.

It's very different from other class' skills where u to close in on the opponent, where u expose yourself to being gangbanged.
#17 Nov 16 2008 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
128 posts
Disabled in the arena? Are you serious? DG is a class defining ability, I find it hard to believe it will be changed at all.

DK's are definitely a complicated class to play so I would venture a guess that if you can master something more difficult to master, it should pay off. They have decent burst, but from what I am gathering it is no ret pally or mage burst. To get those big numbers, you have to load up your diseases on the target which takes a few GCD's and having them in melee range.

Classes that try to burst down a DK, such as Pom Pyro arcane mage may have a tough time if we place a magic shield at the right time. I have no experience against one, but I would venture a guess that a well played resto shammy or paladin will give the DK's enough trouble to keep them in check. A lot of silences, meh, no more interrupts than a rogue and our big one is a 2 minute CD.

Put it this way, Blizzard may tweek any class come the time when most people reach 80 and arena starts, but they wont let the DK fall behind like ret paladins have done (before 3.0.2) because its such a huge aspect of the expansion. So many people would be irate if they sucked=)
#18 Nov 17 2008 at 5:51 AM Rating: Decent
Just because the mechanic is something different from what you're used to (pulling instead of charging) doesn't mean it's OP.
#19 Nov 18 2008 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
Really puts a new meaning to the term "pulling" now doesnt it. lol
#20 Nov 18 2008 at 10:32 AM Rating: Good
513 posts
constantly flying all over the place

Haha, this has happened to me more than once. It's kinda fun, but annoying too.
#21 Nov 18 2008 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
276 posts
There is another thread on the general forums talking about death grip as well and fun situations to use it. I asked a question:

Does death grip take a player off a flying mount? So if I jump off my flying mount, use a parachute cloak...death grip an enemy player will that player be kicked off of their mount?

From a few responses it seems as if you can, which just adds to the OP of death grip. I don't think intercept works while falling.;mid=1226787841212362159;num=19;page=1
#22 Nov 18 2008 at 5:55 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
intercept works while falling. charge does too. doesnt do anything to the other player tho; just stuns them for 3s or 1s.

death grip cant be used while in the air. ive tested this in a number of situations and everytime ive gotten the same error "cant do that while moving". but you can do it while moving on the ground.

hence, blizzard thought of this, and has put safeguards in place. as for flying mounts, or any mount, DG doesnt remove you from the mount. nothing does save polymoprh (and probably hex at 80). flying mounts are immune too all forms of CC while in the air; they can only be snared, never rooted, MC'ed, polyed, feared, or anything else.
#23 Nov 18 2008 at 9:03 PM Rating: Good
308 posts
hence, blizzard thought of this, and has put safeguards in place. as for flying mounts, or any mount, DG doesnt remove you from the mount. nothing does save polymoprh (and probably hex at 80). flying mounts are immune too all forms of CC while in the air; they can only be snared, never rooted, MC'ed, polyed, feared, or anything else.

Yeah it does. Me and 4 others were grinding in hellfire tonight, and a 70 mage singled me out when i was alone and ganked me. We went to get revenge, and one of the other DK was able to rip his *** off his mount, in air. Love this ability.

Edit: Now that i think about it; Only thing i might have missed is it might have pulled him on his mount to the ground, and one of our abilities knocked him off it. Would explain things.

Edited, Nov 18th 2008 9:05pm by guitarmanofshiva
#24 Nov 19 2008 at 4:59 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
i know death grip doesnt pull people off of mounts, because ive gripped a lot of people riding by on their mounts and they still stay mounted. maybe its different with flying mounts, but if so, thats likely a bug akin to the discombobulator rays in early BC (which, incidentally, was an AWESOME time if you had disco rays like i did).

flying mounts are intended to be immune to pretty much every form of CC out there. only snares work, and those arent really CC's (and sticking a 50% snare on a 280% mount that can go vertical doesnt do jack **** anyway....although judgement of justice is still quite funny to use/see).
#25 Nov 19 2008 at 11:03 AM Rating: Default
422 posts
Dilbrt wrote:
Just because the mechanic is something different from what you're used to (pulling instead of charging) doesn't mean it's OP.

Don't get me wrong. I think DG is an awesome ability, and I absolutely love it on my DK, but there is a big difference between charging in and pulling someone out in PvP. Charging into a group in BGs or Arenas will likely get you killed in record time. But pulling someone out of their group and into yours is really really powerful, and I think it may be a bit OP. There are far too many classes without an an escape or an AoE "Get Off Me" ability for which DG means certain death.

To me it would seem like almost every team (at least in 5v5) would want at least one DK for this ability, as it allows them to easily focus fire a target. Granted I don't have any experience with level 80 arenas yet, but I can see how people would claim that the ability is OP. I guess we'll have to see how it all plays out.
#26 Nov 20 2008 at 4:59 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
Xenexia wrote:
constantly flying all over the place

Haha, this has happened to me more than once. It's kinda fun, but annoying too.

Heh, kinda like the quest you do when returning to Acherus after the Light of Dawn ... when you have to kill undead, and then Patchwerk. The abominations pull you all over the place with chains, and when one pulls you, you agro another, who pulls you, and you agro another, and so on, and so on.

Eventually you've agro'd half the floor, but with Mograinne's buff, you can easily WTFPwn them all - freaking awesome.

Off topic, but on the line of my previous comment ... I only noticed halfway through the Light of Dawn fight that you could easily take on the Argent Dawn elites (I actively avoided them for the first half of the event, cos I was 57, and they were 59 elites ... so I really had no chance ;->) ... When I realised that 1) Mograinne was healing me to full regardless of the damage I received and 2) .. my Scourge strikes were critting for 30k :-O .. that's when my Death Grip started working overtime (back on topic).
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