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Leveling SpecFollow

#1 Nov 14 2008 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
747 posts
Hey all,
I've been searching around for a little bit looking to find a good Blood based leveling spec. I like Blood because it alloows me to heal myself constantly and gives me tons of runic power, therefore far less downtime than the other specs IMO, plus I like the way it plays.

Anyone out there know which Blood based spec is best for leveling? I like soloing a lot but I also want to be able to do instances without worrying about pulling my weight.

I'm not trying to ask for a hand-out, just confirmation that the builds listed on wowhead and other similar sites are a load of BS. Thanks.

Currently in the mind-set of this build

Let me know your thoughts, and keep in mind this is a LEVELING spec, so once I hit 80 i'm going to re-spec to the Raid DPS or tank spec.

Edited, Nov 14th 2008 3:32pm by Katchii
#2 Nov 15 2008 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
Scent of blood is probably the worst talent in any of the three trees. It sucks, you don't need it, and your points are way better off elsewhere. Ditch blade barrier and scent of blood and get bladed armor. Other than that, the spec looks ok. I'd personally move stuff around, but there's nothing overly bad about yours except scent of blood.
#3 Nov 15 2008 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
92 posts
Dilbrt wrote:
Scent of blood is probably the worst talent in any of the three trees. It sucks, you don't need it, and your points are way better off elsewhere. Ditch blade barrier and scent of blood and get bladed armor. Other than that, the spec looks ok. I'd personally move stuff around, but there's nothing overly bad about yours except scent of blood.

Keep in mind that without the 2 points in Blade Barrier that he has right now, he can't move down into Tier 2 of the Blood Tree, so he'd have to put 2 points into Butchery (or keep them where they are). In that case, he'd be unable to max Bladed Armor. 3 points is still good though, just wanted to point that out.
#4 Nov 15 2008 at 3:49 PM Rating: Default
What about his spec Dilbrt?

Didn't know if DrM was a must have or ImP Rt. Left off mark of blood and blood aura since its a leveling spec. Tried taking all the abilities that would increase overall dps. Maybe take 3 off Icy Talons and put on Annihilation. o.O?
#5 Nov 15 2008 at 5:47 PM Rating: Good
92 posts
Souliken wrote:
What about his spec Dilbrt?

Didn't know if DrM was a must have or ImP Rt. Left off mark of blood and blood aura since its a leveling spec. Tried taking all the abilities that would increase overall dps. Maybe take 3 off Icy Talons and put on Annihilation. o.O?

Dunno about Dilbrt but this is my take on it...

I would definitely take Annihilation if you plan to use Obliterate with any regularity, as most of our self-healing (aside from the worms) comes from Death Strike and it's vital to keep the diseases on your target.

With Death Strike and Blood Worms, having Rune Tap is a bit redundant as I really don't think you'll need that much healing unless you're taking on a higher level elite... depending on which, all the self-healing you could get my not be enough. I'd probably take that point from Rune Tap, the point from Dancing Rune Weapon (I've yet to see any Blood spec pick up this talent, though I can't tell you the exact reason why myself, I have my theories though) and maybe 1 point from Morbidity to max Death Rune Mastery.

So mine would look something like...

That's my personal take on it. The current level 80 build I'm looking at for Blood is pretty similar, except instead of 3/3 in Blood Worms I'm taking 2/2 in Blood Aura (for support/utility) and using that other point to max Morbidity. I dunno how effective it'll be... guess I'll wait for Dilbrt to response, he seems to be the resident DK expert it seems. :)
#6 Nov 15 2008 at 11:41 PM Rating: Default
Very nice. How do you have your action bar settup. DO you use both blood strike and heart strike. I just use heart since they both do the same thing. My rotation is.....IT,PS,DC,HS...I never really get to finish it. Don't know the proper settup. Still tinkering with it. I do know that DK is my main now. I knew it was going to be.

Hunter is my money maker. DK is 59 and 2 bars from 60 now. I beat a level 70 >< I about fainted but I did. I don't think this hunter had his axe skills up cause his hits i dodged like crazy. Every time my health would go back up he'd go WTF. lol I won with 12% health left. I about broke my keyboard and fell outta my chair laughing.

I don't think I'll ever go unholy. Don't like having to rely on a ghoul to really be effective unless I'm missing the whole point of unholy. Frost I'll do at level 80. Easy. But if you could help me settup an action bar and maybe combine some attacks in a macro. That would help out. But all in all I'm beginning to get the hang of DK.
#7 Nov 16 2008 at 6:09 AM Rating: Good
Souliken wrote:
I don't think this hunter had his axe skills up cause his hits i dodged like crazy

Weapon skill doesnt matter in PvP you just got really lucky with the dodges.
#8 Nov 16 2008 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
92 posts
Souliken wrote:
Very nice. How do you have your action bar settup. DO you use both blood strike and heart strike. I just use heart since they both do the same thing. My rotation is.....IT,PS,DC,HS...I never really get to finish it. Don't know the proper settup. Still tinkering with it. I do know that DK is my main now. I knew it was going to be.

I don't think I'll ever go unholy. Don't like having to rely on a ghoul to really be effective unless I'm missing the whole point of unholy. Frost I'll do at level 80. Easy. But if you could help me settup an action bar and maybe combine some attacks in a macro. That would help out. But all in all I'm beginning to get the hang of DK.

I also started using Heart Strike exclusively since I got it, it's a bigger and badder version of Blood Strike with no extra cost.

I haven't really played my DK too much right now because Outlands is overcrowded with DKs, so I'm leaving him at 60 right now and I'll level him again in a week or so when the majority of people get over the "novelty" of having a new class and decide they want to go back to their old classes. My current rotation is a bit different as I specced Blood right out of the gate but I respecced to Unholy recently just to see what the hub-bub was all about. My rotation as Blood previously was:

Icy Touch -> Plague Strike -> Heart Strike -> Death Strike (if I need the health) -> Death Coil

Repeat as necessary. I never really remember I have skills like Pestilence or Blood Boil because the mobs die too fast just with the above rotation, but I figure I'd fit Blood Boil in after Heart Strike when fights last longer than like 5 seconds. The rotation will probably also change when I level up and get access to more skills, but for now that's how it is.

As for the action bar thing, I'm fiddling with that myself at the moment. Plus I'm Unholy right now so I have skills you don't and you have skills I don't so mine will look different no matter what... the thing I find about Unholy is that I have a lot more burst up front it seems, but I'm also more Rune-starved. It's neat, but I think Blood's gonna be my thing for leveling.
#9 Nov 16 2008 at 6:23 PM Rating: Default
Went to a friends house last night and watched him on his 68 unholy DK. He uses a bunch of macro's to limit his AB. As I watch him fight your right about the upfront burst but he also has to stop and heal at times were as blood does not unless your on a quest that you solo and requires a group. But all in all blood is the tree for me. Yeah unholy is good for AOE but what happens when you get more then you want and your runes are on cd. What then.

Thanks to you all I've got a blood spec that offers me about 2-3 ways to heal myself during and at the end of the fight. Every fight now I've finished with 100% health. Even facing a 60 elite. I finished with full health. Blood reminds me of a rogues power. I don't get to use most of my abilities cause of the crit with blood coil and heart strike for over 1300 a piece finishes most trash mobs off pretty fast. Hopefully either myself of someone on here will find a cookie cutter build for each tree that way people will stop asking me in my guild....omg what build do you use and were can I look for one. ><
#10 Nov 16 2008 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
I am still only lvl 58, but speced Unholy for half a level to try it out.

After trying it for a while I than speced as a frost tank. In outland I got aggroed by 3 even leveled mobs, as well as 2 pets. I was able to take all 5 mobs down by myself. I will admit that I had very little life left, but I did survive.

I plan on staying as a frost tank. I am going to enjoy this new class and am in no hurry to level it.

If I am able to take down several mobs at once soloing I can not wait to try and tank instances with a healer behind me.
#11 Nov 17 2008 at 5:50 AM Rating: Good
Souliken wrote:
What about his spec Dilbrt?

Didn't know if DrM was a must have or ImP Rt. Left off mark of blood and blood aura since its a leveling spec. Tried taking all the abilities that would increase overall dps. Maybe take 3 off Icy Talons and put on Annihilation. o.O?

Yes DrM is a must have, ditch vendetta to pick it up. Death strike is plenty of healing and you won't need vendetta. Drop Black Ice, the frost damage of blood spec is so little, it's not worth 5 talent points. Yes as a previous poster said, pick up annihilation. Drop icy talons and pick it up, then dump the leftover 2 points into epicdemic, then your spec is good to go.
#12 Nov 17 2008 at 8:38 AM Rating: Good
747 posts
I will admit that when I originally posted I hadsn't played my DK passed the starting area, I was done with the starting quests but hadn't done any playing after that. Since then I have realized what I use what I don't use and what is useless (in my eyes anyway) for Blood spec.

This is basically the cookie cutter raid build Blood spec. I used it as a basis because I will party as I level, but I also want to solo so I need/ want more of the healing stuff (bloodworms) than the pure DPS build of the raiding spec.

Thanks for the advice, let me know if there are other ways I can improve this build, as I'm still a DK noob. I still haven't done any leveling since the starting area as I'm trying to avoid Outland for as long as possible so i'm leveling my skinning and herbalism to 300 before I head out there.

Also, is scent of blod really that bad? I've found it very useful to me, more runic power = more DPS to me, but thats my take. would filling out bladed armor increase my DPS more? If it does I'll switch it over, I just haven't seen any math/ numbers or arguments saying one way or the other. A "that talent sucks take this one instead" statement doesn't really instill a supreme feeling of confidence like math or explanations do.

Thanks again for the help.

Edited, Nov 17th 2008 11:42am by Katchii
#13 Nov 17 2008 at 9:36 AM Rating: Good
92 posts
Katchii wrote:
Also, is scent of blod really that bad? I've found it very useful to me, more runic power = more DPS to me, but thats my take. would filling out bladed armor increase my DPS more? If it does I'll switch it over, I just haven't seen any math/ numbers or arguments saying one way or the other. A "that talent sucks take this one instead" statement doesn't really instill a supreme feeling of confidence like math or explanations do.

I took it originally when I first got my talent points and I had just dumped point into Blood (yeah, totally should've taken more time to look over the talents). I won't say it's absolutely horrible, but Bladed Armor is definitely better. With a regular rotation (provided nothing misses) of IT -> PS -> HS, I'm usually pretty good for Runic Power at that point. Sometimes I would use a second HS which results in even more Runic Power. And with literally no downtime, I'm going from one mob to another with almost full RP (this was true even when I was 58 in Outland). Having 15% chance to gain 5 more RP for 3 hits is redundant since you'll never be RP-starved, so the extra AP is definitely better.

I doubt that will change later on either since by then you'll have to be hit-capped for raids, so you won't miss and won't have a problem generating RP. This is my take on it anyways.
#14 Nov 17 2008 at 9:43 AM Rating: Excellent
Scent of blood is probably the worst talent in any of the three trees. It sucks, you don't need it, and your points are way better off elsewhere. Ditch blade barrier and scent of blood and get bladed armor. Other than that, the spec looks ok. I'd personally move stuff around, but there's nothing overly bad about yours except scent of blood.

Out of curiosity, you have any source to back this up or is it just your personal opinion?

I found Scent of Blood proced all the time when I had it, and it gaves a very good amount of runic power over time.
#15 Nov 17 2008 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
747 posts
I'll go ahead and put the points into Bladed Armor,I have noticed that i'm not really ever starved for RP but I thought that was in part because of SoB. If it's just normal for Blood spec to have RP coming out their butt I'll put the points into Bladed Armor.

Thanks for the info.
#16 Nov 17 2008 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good
92 posts
Katchii wrote:
I'll go ahead and put the points into Bladed Armor,I have noticed that i'm not really ever starved for RP but I thought that was in part because of SoB. If it's just normal for Blood spec to have RP coming out their butt I'll put the points into Bladed Armor.

Thanks for the info.

It never hurts to experiment, especially since the first respec is only 1g and the second is 5g. Feel free to try with the points in Bladed Armor and see what happens. If you find that your Runic Power generation is on the low side after speccing out of Scent of Blood, go ahead and put 'em back in there. The most important thing is that it compliments your playstyle. Sure, there are those who may put in a snide comment or two and of course you'll have to keep an eye out for min/maxers, but it's a game in the end.

Don't take our words for the gospel, don't stick with a spec that doesn't work for you just because someone else says it's the best. Honestly, I'm not sure how often it procced for me back when I had it but even as Unholy I found I was barely ever RP-starved, usually just Rune-starved. That's why I feel the points will most likely be better spent in Bladed Armor.

*shrugs* To each their own though. Happy hunting!
#17 Nov 17 2008 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
747 posts
Well I ike to start with what has been proven to work and then go from there. I'm not an idiot, if a spec works and does more than MY build..... if it ain't broke don't fix it right?

I'll have fun either way, I just like knowing that the build I have allows me to perform the best I can, i'm kind of an elitist that way.
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