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Moonkin professionFollow

#1 Nov 14 2008 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Given the paucity of moonkin gear with LW, what profession do you recommend?
#2 Nov 14 2008 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
1,239 posts
I chose enchanting for one. You get some nice ring enchants that aren't available for others and you make a good amount DEing stuff. Plus, it's nice to not have to spam for an enchanter every time you get a new piece of gear.

My other profession is herbalism, simply b/c I need a gathering profession since I only have 1 70. If you already have a good source of income and don't need a gathering profession, I would say engineering might be fun. You get to make super-good head pieces(which seem to be hard to find for boomkin) and you can have fun/useful things like cool mounts and repair bots.

Edit: Oh, and thanks for teaching me a new word today. :)

Edited, Nov 14th 2008 3:12pm by jeffoncom
#3 Nov 14 2008 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
304 posts
I'm currently doing Inscription and Herbalism

I prefer Herbalism instead of Mining, less annoying, one-click gather, another Healing spell, I find it more fun.
And For inscription, most of my friends had more advanced levels of the other professions and my brother is an enchanter, so I can help him making scrolls for him to enchant and also do glyphs for me and others. I also get an extra glyph slot with it~
#4 Nov 14 2008 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
Manikku wrote:
I'm currently doing Inscription and Herbalism

I prefer Herbalism instead of Mining, less annoying, one-click gather, another Healing spell, I find it more fun.
And For inscription, most of my friends had more advanced levels of the other professions and my brother is an enchanter, so I can help him making scrolls for him to enchant and also do glyphs for me and others. I also get an extra glyph slot with it~

Oh snap, I didn't know inscriptors got an extra glyph...major or minor?
#5 Nov 14 2008 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
304 posts
I think its Major... Let me confirm this just to be sure im not giving you false information.
Hm.. I cant find anything to back up what I said, in here

But I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere.. Let's wait if someone else can confirm it, I cant trust my memory.
#6 Nov 14 2008 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
This was changed - you DO NOT get an extra glyph slot now. Instead you get access to BoP shoulder enchants.

Poor Rarebeast has to level his Leatherworker without skinning on any of my toons :(

Leather is cheap once you have leveled for the odd item you want to make, but damn it is expensive when you need to level for the xpack.

Edited, Nov 14th 2008 10:50pm by RareBeast
#7 Nov 14 2008 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
304 posts
^ thanks for clearing that out beasty!
Strange though, how inscription is giving enchants <.<
#8 Nov 14 2008 at 3:41 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Shoulder have never been an enchant just like head and leg slots.

They where always gotten via rep inscriptions or glyphs with legs being from LW patches.

What prof can do head 'enchants' now, if any can I mean.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#9 Nov 14 2008 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
I went with Enchanting and Inscription. Mining was leveling too slow, and I was not impressed with most of the Leatherworking patterns, when I tried those.
I like being able to go into lower level instances and farm, so Enchanting is a natural choice. Inscription just came out, so I got that just to see what it would be like.
For those who like to make money from their professions, I have to say that I been able to fund both professions of each other, and still not be poor. Minor Inscriptions and reagents all sell really well.
#10 Nov 15 2008 at 5:33 AM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
Manikku wrote:

I prefer Herbalism instead of Mining, less annoying, one-click gather

I prefer Mining because it takes multiple hits, which means multiple skill-ups.

But my druid's my main and cash is what it likes so I'm both miner and skinner.
#11 Nov 15 2008 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
I'm Herb LW, and I suddenly wished I hadn't dropped skinning as I quest grind in Howling Tundra.

But, I still think Enchanting paired with a gathering class, and Insc/Herb are two very good ones to have.
#12 Nov 17 2008 at 3:37 PM Rating: Excellent
817 posts
ArexLovesPie wrote:
I'm Herb LW, and I suddenly wished I hadn't dropped skinning as I quest grind in Howling Tundra.

But, I still think Enchanting paired with a gathering class, and Insc/Herb are two very good ones to have.

Thanks for dropping and everybody else, from what it seems. I swear I'm the only skinner on my server. In areas with skinnable mobs it's so bad I can't get from point A to point B because I keep getting distracted by all the free corpses (= skins = gold) that are laying around. : )

And I love the new LW-only benefits. I have 150 more attack power than a non-leatherworker could have with my gear -- for (virtually) free. I have fur linings for 114 attack power on my DPS bracers and 90 stamina on my tanking bracers, and I can apply nerubian 'reinforcement' to my pants, which is worth 75 AP and 22 crit vs the 55 AP and 15 crit on the comparable "kit" that I can sell. 114 + 20 x 1.1 = 147.4. Cool.
#13 Nov 17 2008 at 4:18 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
JeeBar wrote:
areas with skinnable mobs it's so bad I can't get from point A to point B because I keep getting distracted by all the free corpses (= skins = gold) that are laying around

I have maybe played for 8 hours tops in Northrend, mostly in HF. I have hit 450 skinning all ready. Did you? LW is going a bit slower but still the surplus of skins will make it easy as pie.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#14 Nov 18 2008 at 12:41 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Wait, wait... Explain your added benefits from the new kits.

Edit: Jeebar I've actually been meaning to ask you something. What guild are you in on Moonrunner, a very good friend of mine irl is in drop bears.

Edited, Nov 18th 2008 2:43am by ArexLovesPie
#15 Nov 18 2008 at 4:22 AM Rating: Decent
He is in "Elite Killers".
Reading SIG + Armory-Usage FTW ;-D
#16 Nov 18 2008 at 8:44 AM Rating: Excellent
817 posts
ArexLovesPie wrote:
Wait, wait... Explain your added benefits from the new kits.

Here's the skinny on new leatherworker-only benefits. (Of course we know LWs are the only ones that can use the various "drums" which still kicks ***, and I actually still equip my old Primalstrike set for DPS.)

BRACERS: Much like enchanters can enchant only their own rings, leatherworks can apply "fur linings" to their bracers, for some stat boosts that made me take a serious doubletake: +114 AP, +90 Stamina, +67 spellpower, or +60 to any one resistance. Best part is the mats are just one "Arctic Fur" which I got a handful of just going about my skinning business.

LEGS: Us leatherworkers can still make armor kits for anybody's pants that boost stats. Nerubian gives +55AP and +15 crit, and Jorungar gives 45 stam and 15 agility. But we can also learn a spell that applies a superior version called "reinforcements" to our own pants. Nerubian gives 75AP and 22crit and Jorungar gives 55 stam and 22 agility.

So for the 150 AP advantage I have over non-leatherworkers with my exact same gear, I was referring to the 114 from the bracers, plus the 20 extra AP my self-only leg armor gives me, plus the 10% boost from Heart of the Wild.

ArexLovesPie wrote:
I've actually been meaning to ask you something. What guild are you in on Moonrunner, a very good friend of mine irl is in drop bears.

As far as guild, yeah, I'm in Elite was a small barely-Kara-capable guild (numerically speaking, not skillwise) that went downhill a few months ago with a few key defections. It's not really an active guild anymore, just a handful of regulars, but I've stuck with it since I'm not all that active myself. I've run some stuff with folks from Drop Bears, and love the name...lotta Aussies on when I play at late night server time. They're one of 3 guilds I'll talk to when I'm ready and able to play more regularly.
#17 Nov 18 2008 at 8:50 AM Rating: Excellent
817 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
JeeBar wrote:
areas with skinnable mobs it's so bad I can't get from point A to point B because I keep getting distracted by all the free corpses (= skins = gold) that are laying around

I have maybe played for 8 hours tops in Northrend, mostly in HF. I have hit 450 skinning all ready. Did you? LW is going a bit slower but still the surplus of skins will make it easy as pie.

Yeah, I hit 450 without even trying, I wasn't even tracking it I just looked and was already 450, lol. Leveling LW to 400 or so is actually pretty cheap-n-easy thanks to a bunch of patterns that just require Borean Leather. (no thread or anything, good trick!) I got to around 390 or so just with the leather I skinned, then hit the AH to stock up on enough to get me to 400 because that gets you fur linings and the AP leg armor, both with crazycheap mats.
#18 Nov 18 2008 at 9:13 AM Rating: Good
387 posts

Micros wrote:

I prefer Mining because it takes multiple hits, which means multiple skill-ups.

I believe this is untrue: per node you only get a chance for a skill-up at the first mining you do on the node. Unless it has changed of course...
#19 Nov 18 2008 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good
817 posts
Immunios wrote:

Micros wrote:

I prefer Mining because it takes multiple hits, which means multiple skill-ups.

I believe this is untrue: per node you only get a chance for a skill-up at the first mining you do on the node. Unless it has changed of course...

I'd never even think of the need for multiple skillups per node, because skilling up LW is ridiculously fast. Like horse, I hit 450 within hours of reaching Northrend, and remember hitting 375 before I even MADE it to Outland.

When you're in an area where a quest requires the murder of skinnable mobs, you are usually SURROUNDED by skillup opportunities. So remember, all you non-skinners, every time you kill a skinnable mob and don't clear out its loot, an angel has its delicate wings plucked from its cherubic body by an angry skinner.

#20 Nov 18 2008 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Man, now I really wish I didn't drop skinning. I want to get those spell power fur linings for bracers so bad now. Plus skinning is awesome with the extra crit.

So this brings me to begging my GM to give me his leather when he gets to 450 LW.
#21 Nov 18 2008 at 3:53 PM Rating: Good
LEGS: Us leatherworkers can still make armor kits for anybody's pants that boost stats. Nerubian gives +55AP and +15 crit, and Jorungar gives 45 stam and 15 agility. But we can also learn a spell that applies a superior version called "reinforcements" to our own pants. Nerubian gives 75AP and 22crit and Jorungar gives 55 stam and 22 agility.

As far as the leg armors are concerned, there are also epic patches available which have the same stats as the LW only patches. :-

[wowitem=38373]Frosthide Leg Armor[/wowitem] & [wowitem=38374]Icescale Leg Armor[/wowitem]

The only benefit we get is the MUCH cheaper mats for our version of the armor - both are 2 Acrtic Fur cheaper than the non-LW ones.

Bracer enchants for LW gives (compared to regular enchants) a bonus of :- +64AP, +90 stamina (no stam enchant), +37 spellpower
Ring enchants give enchanters a bonus of :- +64AP(2x32), +48(2x24) stamina, +38(2x19) spellpower
Blacksmiths get 2 extra gems (assuming blue quality here) :- +64AP(2x32), +48(2x24) stamina, +38(2x19) spellpower
Inscribers Shoulder Inscriptions (compared to epic alternatives) Give :- +64AP, +32 DODGE, +37 spellpower

So a lot of the bonuses work out to be very close. BS's get a bit of a benefit in that they have a lot more variety in the gems they can use to fill the sockets and will also be able to use epic gems down the track when they become available. Of course, by then, they may add better fur-linings and ring enchants to match as well. Engineers get all sorts of cool stuff, so they are a bit different. Tailors get their "embroiderys" which give cloak enchants that proc, which are difficult to compare directly with these other bonuses. JC's get BoP gems, but I couldn't find them here on on WowHead so I couldn't compare them. Blizzard seem to have done a pretty good job of balancing the bonuses from crafting professions, so which one you take really comes down to personal preference.

#22 Nov 18 2008 at 4:55 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
Friar RareBeast wrote:
As far as the leg armors are concerned, there are also epic patches available which have the same stats as the LW only patches.

Thanks for catching and pointing that out, I hadn't noticed those at the time I posted this, because I hadn't looked that far down the list of recipes. I'm only level 71 and 80 seems so very very far away, but yes at 80 all y'all can get your pants as beefed up as mine are now at 71. I was quite sad to see there's no self-only spell equivalent that grants higher stats at 80. :(

Friar RareBeast wrote:
The only benefit we get is the MUCH cheaper mats for our version of the armor - both are 2 Acrtic Fur cheaper than the non-LW ones.

I don't think arctic fur should end up being an expensive mat, I had a handful of them drop in just one level worth of skinning level 70 mobs in Borean Tundra.

Friar RareBeast wrote:
Blizzard seem to have done a pretty good job of balancing the bonuses from crafting professions, so which one you take really comes down to personal preference.

In addition to balancing the bonuses, they also got rid of the BoP craftables. Most (perhaps all?) of the max-skill level 80 epic craftables are BoE so you don't have to grab a specific profession just so you can get a specific piece/set of armor or weapon either.
#23 Nov 18 2008 at 6:06 PM Rating: Good
Jeebar wrote:
I don't think arctic fur should end up being an expensive mat, I had a handful of them drop in just one level worth of skinning level 70 mobs in Borean Tundra.

You are probably right here, but as a LW who doesn't have a skinning toon, at the moment everything is expensive :)

I went through this pain back in BC as well. I was originally LW/Skinning but dropped skinning for Enchanting in Vanilla WoW to make the [wowitem=11811]Smoking Heart of the Mountain[/wowitem] and then had too many rare patterns to give it up. After all, there isn't that much to buy mats wise when you are already max level - expansions really hurt though!

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