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Levelling 70-80 ProtFollow

#1 Nov 13 2008 at 10:58 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
One thing I never wanted to get into too much detail talking about during the beta was how Protection played levelling 70-80. I was convinced all along that there was no way that what I was experiencing was balanced with what the live release would offer. While the mechanics aren't entirely the same as when I stopped testing, I have to say that Protection Paladins still have it made for Wrath levelling.

The biggest factor of course is Blessing of Sanctuary in its new form. At level 70 I was able to grab groups of pretty much any size of level 71 melee mobs (which are in abundance early on) and run the entire fight with full HP and mana. Against small groups, I'd Seal/Judge Wisdom and with Sanc/Holy Shield up never run out of mana. 4-6 mobs weren't enough to cause a noticble decrease in my HP bar while fighting. Against larger groups of 12-16 mobs, I'd Seal/Judge Light, since the increased number of mobs meant a drastic increase in avoided hits, which means a drastic increase in mana return from Sanc.

Add to this the extra AoE toy we get immediatly, and the fact that maybe 20% of the mobs are vulnerable to Exorcism/Holy Wrath and levelling to 72 is cruise control. I'm looking at less than an hour for 73 tomorow -- and having the whole day available (rather than the 12 hours or so that I had today, of which I lived my life outside of WoW in a large portion of) I'm projecting possibly ending the day at 76.. since I know it's not all a straight-shot for AoE questing the next couple of levels.

Of course.. at level 75 our tank skill-set is mostly complete with our last major rotation spell coming in then. It could be worth it to take the class for a spin in the "balanced" live version instances.

Now, the easy levelling isn't totally unique to Protection Paladins. There are plenty of specs spanning many of the classes that just rip apart the level 70-73 area. I've heared several people talking about how it feels like the game is easier in Northrend or how they feel like they're cheating since nothing can touch them. By the time they're leaving the two starting zones it's a different song for those classes. The Wrath starting zones were legitimatly built for level 68s (where Hellfire was a good name for that zone if you were sub-60 imo) and it shows. We experience this steep curve of difficulty out of the starting zones as well, but Protection still feels like cruise control on the other side of the zone.

I'm interested in seeing how progress goes tomorow. Forgive me for focussing on progress over content -- I've done it already, I know what's there. It doesn't wow me seeing a neat an innovative quest that I've done twice before.
#2 Nov 14 2008 at 8:49 AM Rating: Good
490 posts
New AoE toy? Qu'est-ce que c'est?

I'm also loving AoE grinding, the hardest part is choosing what quest reward to pick - a lot of plate has spellpower on it now, but I thought that we should focus more on strength after the changes?
#3 Nov 14 2008 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
If you have even Kara/T4/Badge gear, the quest rewards are basically vendor trash unless you are trying to put together a Ret set or something. However, the quests are fun and not too tough other than competing for mobs, but the respawns are fast for 95% of the quests, and the variety of quests is good. I love it so far!

I am a bit worried about staying uncrittable though. I had a nice 496 Defense at 70, and when I dinged 71 it immediately fell to 486. I stopped right after i dinged, so I know it will go up to 491 or so just from doing quests, etc. The problem is, I believe you need 495 defense at 71 to be uncrittable, so I am going to have to swap some stam for some defense it looks like. I am now glad I am a blacksmith, becuase blacksmiting now seems to be the best way to get good prot gear for Northrend.

Of course it would only matter to have 495 defense if the mobs I was fighting were level 74, which, so far, they are not. The highest level mob I have had to fight in Northrend so far was 72, so that requires less defense to be uncrittable at level 71 for me.

Edited, Nov 14th 2008 1:28pm by jeromesimina
#4 Nov 14 2008 at 10:50 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
Yea.. being uncrittable depends on the mob level so don't worry too much about that. Even if you can't keep up with the curve as you start hitting 74-75 (where you start facing mobs that actually have a chance at critting you) they'll have a very low % to land one. It won't be too difficult to get there again for end-game. Honestly, I'm more worried about becoming dazable that eating crits during levelling. I can't stand the idea of getting dismounted or slowed down by getting hit from behind. It's just one of those things that tanks take for granted after being used to immunity for so long.

Fenrir, the new AoE toy is Hammer of the Righteous. Basically an extra Judgement (with a little more kick) on a faster cooldown that can hit 3 targets. Think Paladin swipe. Technically it's not a true AoE ability as it doesn't effect an area, but it is melee-range multi-target and it's quite a bit easier simply saying "AoE" than that :D

And yea.. quest rewards are really useful if you want to respec to level -- but even the lowest grade epics are better than anything you get until at least 72. Full Kara/Badge epics will last longer. Even the early instance drops are only at best on par with the lowest grade TBC epics.

As for progress... I'm in flight right now with 2 bubbles in the default exp-gauge to go until 74. Highest on my server hit 75 first thing this morning when I was starting. It's kind of nice now that I'm just on the front edge of the majority of people on my server -- I don't have to compete with 200 people for simple quest mobs/items :D Hopefully I can sneek through ahead of the riot the rest of the way.
#5 Nov 15 2008 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
Somehow i don't find any good spot to aoe grind...almost everywhere are some annoying casters or ranged mobs that keep killing me -.-
Any ideas where i could go?
#6 Nov 16 2008 at 1:00 AM Rating: Good
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It's a little late to start staking out a grinding spot now that pretty much all of Northrend is overrun by questers.

I've heared stories of people grinding the invaders in the quarry right outside of town @ Borean Tundra. One really good idea was to immediatly (@ 70 right at launch when everyone was starting quests) run to the caverns with the AN and Old Kingdom instance portals in them and grind there until 74 before people start getting to Dragonblight. At the moment I'd say you'd be at a slight disadvantage if you were grinding.

Im finishing tonight at half-way through 79, on track to be the 2nd Paladin on the server @ 80 and the... 10-15th overall (there's a couple druids and a hunter getting close, dunno when/if they'll quit for the night). Not a great accomplishment, just a testament to how focussed (obsessed?) I've been this weekend. Then Monday will come, the levelling progression will be done, and I can get back into a not-so-wow-dependant lifestyle again. Until I decide to take my DK from 58 through Outland.

As for Protection levelling in the 2nd half of the level bracket... Still invincible. Taking advantage of our 25% mana refuel every 1 minute, I stopped sealing Wisdom and opted for a damage seal. I continued judging wisdom. To be fair, occasionally I observe my HP going down now, but with topped up MP I can just throw one heal on me inbetween pulls when it happens (maybe every 10 fights against quest-mobs) so I havn't seen JoL as neccessary. I'm also liking Jewelcrafting for Prot, but I havn't made my mind up how much yet -- I'll decide when I have it maxed.
#7 Nov 16 2008 at 3:12 AM Rating: Good
While AoE grinding is fun and effective, it's very very difficult to do if you're in the middle of the raving masses. Most spawn points are camped to death and the lower mob density than BC is a bit annoying.
#8 Nov 16 2008 at 10:57 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts

Level 80, Sunday morning. I squeeked in about 2 hours before the first DK on my realm hit 80 :( Geez..

I'm a little disturbed to report that levelling Prot to 80 was a pretty uniform experience. That "lawlsauce, Northrend is nerf" feeling that you get massacring huge swarms right off the boat remains through the whole damned process. Infinite mana, infinite HP, unholy DPS when you take fight 10 mobs at a time.

Even all of the instances went easy. For the most part, I was in my pre-3.0 Spell Damage gear (inc. Tempest of Chaos caster sword :D) through 95% of the way and all the instances -- and everything was a pushover. Don't get me wrong, there's a TON of stuff to get done in Northrend to level up, but it's more "workload" (for lack of better word, it's not actually WORK, it's a game) now instead of "difficulty". Surprising too, since you get 40k for instance quests early on. Wish I got that exp in Outland :D Might make DK levelling bareable.

Now it's time to mine mine mine and transmute Titansteel. Sooner or later some BS I know will end up with the full Tempered Titansteel pattern set and I can get some gear together. I also need to find a raid weapon... The 'ol caster weapon is getting tired -- great for levelling and AMAZING for threat, but the loss of Defense from Anticipation kinda hit me. Even if my damage output was stellar with it.

Once I've finished my pre-raid gearing research and made some decisions, hopefully I can get a new gear thread going :D
#9 Nov 21 2008 at 11:02 AM Rating: Good
490 posts
Can't wait for the new gear thread! Since I'm a relatively slow leveler (still only 73), I find it very useful to plan what to look out for ^_^ I've seen one gear list for 80 that's based on heroics, but it would be nice to see one getting ready for heroics.

I thought you might mean HotR, but thought I'd check - since I only recently noticed my Toughness buff from mining, I thought it was entirely possible that I overlooked a new ability...

I was pretty impressed that I was able to keep aggro in Utgarde Keep when I had a T6 healer and DPS warrior with me - and my 70 gear was mainly dungeon blues and SSO rep rewards. I spent the post-nerf time before LK leveling alts, so I didn't get in on the badge loots (I kind of regret it, but I'm already 73 so I don't know how long they would have lasted anyway).

#10 Nov 21 2008 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
528 posts
So would you recommend leveling 70-80 as Prot. as opposed to the Holy or Ret?

I have been raiding Holy for so long I can't even remember what the other specs are like. I am leveling my Shammy to 80 first, as Resto, due to my guild needing a healer for Northrend dungeons while people are grinding to 80. My Pally will be second and I was planning on leveling lolRet because of all the fuss there has been about how op Ret is now. I have no clue how to play Ret. I can't even remember the last time I was that spec. Maybe mid 50s I tried it for a few leves then promptly returned to Prot. till 70.

I have really enjoyed being MH with my Pally for my guild but I'm over it and I don't want to do 70-80 as Holy. I chose Ret just from recent publicity but I am open to leveling Prot. The only thing I remember about it from 60-70 in outlands was the awful DPS. I can think of a couple elites I tried to solo for what seemed like an hour. Sure I could stay alive indefinitely but I couldn't do enough damage. I actually walked away from some fights that I just couldn't win or lose. The mobs Hp regen was more than my pathetic DPS. Granted this was all over a year ago and I have no idea what Prot is like these days.

So if Prot is more than viable a spec to level with, what stats should I look for? I have tons of offspec gear in the bank I have been saving up for Def, DPS, +spell, ect... Just plate raid drops no one wanted and I have been storing.

#11 Nov 21 2008 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
192 posts
Protection is a very viable leveling spec now because of BoS and increased DPS. As Prot, you will want to always have at least 2-3 non-casters on you with Holy Shield and BoS up, and you will rarely run out of mana. But I would not say it's 'preferable' to Ret for the 70-80 grind, it's simply far more comparable now in terms of leveling speed. If I was planning on doing instances along the way, I would definitely stay in Prot, but Ret still has very high burst (which makes it better in areas flooded with casters) and is no slouch in the survivability department with JoTW and instant FoLs. You are not slowing your leveling down with either choice, basically. I, personally, still prefer Ret leveling because I think it is better right out-of-the-box (if you do not have super gear on either spec) and is stronger vs. casters. But, I have been leveling in WoTLK on Prot thus far so I can tank instances along the way, and I can definitely attest to some of the things that people have been posting here.

Gear-wise, it's simple on both. Prot, you get spell damage via your Stamina, and Strength/AP is a lot better for you than it used to be, so I would focus on those stats. You can toss on a spell damage weapon/set if you want, but I've been using a higher DPS sword for better HoRs. Ret is still just STR/critical strike/hit - no need for spell damage, because of talents.
#12 Nov 21 2008 at 3:54 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
Ret is probably still the preferred levelling spec, even for 70-80. Holy actually seems to be very effective for levelling thanks to the abundance of Spell Damage people have at the moment, that may change when brand new chars start making it through Northrend though. Holy is especially useful after level 75 with a shield equipped thanks to the new instant attack. It's not as potent as the Protection version would be (with talented damage increases and higher block-value shields) but an extra 1000ish damage (that ignores armor) every 6 seconds that has a chance to crit is a pretty nice addition none-the-less.

For strictly levelling, Protection probably gets the most out of Spell Power, Attack Power, Stamina, and Strength. There's more to look at for tanking, but Protection doesn't immediatly mean tank, at least not while levelling.

To each their own I suppose. Play what you enjoy to play, that's the best advice.
#13 Nov 24 2008 at 6:07 AM Rating: Decent
165 posts
I was at 71 and goofing around with about 1 million exp in blue bar and I decided to hit the Borean Tundra. There are rhinos in the southern part and prot pallies can absolutely massacre them, ending with full hp/mana. I was able to clear 1 bar every 5 minutes.

My record pull was 28 mobs at once at which point they start to die while training from one group to the next. You'll get a lot of rhino meat which will level your cooking up and several gold's worth of junk; just come with empty bags. Skinners/leather workers will benefit too and at several points, I had a few skinners following me around, dancing and cheering me on which was amusing.

It did feel a bit ironic slaughtering these mobs and then doing all of the DEHTA quests a few minutes later; a quick dip in the lake by Nesingwary's men cleans the blood right off, though!
#14 Nov 24 2008 at 6:52 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
SoR is totally awesome! The better shield you have (block value), the more damage it causes and the more threat as well!

I quest with a friend of mine who is a priest. Since we quest together a lot, he stayed holy (with me as a Prot, getting instance groups together takes all of 2 minutes tops).

We were doing a quest where it was required to kill 15 of mob x, 10 of mob y, and 5 of mob z. My friend located a large bunch of mobs while I was off mining some Cobalt and told me where the mobs were located. These were all mob x and mob y types (the mob z type were casters, so we didn't want to mass-pull those anyway). When I was done mining, I rode my horse right through the middle of the pack of mobs and pulled about 12 of mob x and 6 of mob y and rode to about 2 yards in front of my priest friend.

After a seal of vengance + (HS, consecrate, judgement, HoR, SoR)x 3 and my priest friend spamming holy nova, the whole fight was over in less than 1 minute and both of us were at full health and just about full mana. We found the rest of the mobs we needed and killed them quickly as well. The entire quest took maybe 3 minutes. Even without my priest friend there I am sure I could have easily duplicated the same feat and still had nearly full health and mana and it probably only would have taken a minute or two longer to complete the quest.

Ret may still be the preferred leveling spec for Paladins, but on quests where you have to kill a certain number of mobs or get a certain number of drops from a particular type of mob, I would argue that especially with SoR Prot probably kills just as fast if not faster.

Every so often I think about respeccing Ret just for a day (I have decent Ret equipment in the bank), but most of the time I figure it would just be a waste of gold for trying a different flavor of fun! I am sure that I will respec Ret to do some BGs or something, but it really isn't necessary at all for questing.
#15 Nov 25 2008 at 5:08 AM Rating: Decent
Well I have been prot since level 11, never respecced at all. From 70-78 so far, really no problems, I mostly have Badge/kara gear. But what i have done is put on about half of my (what was badge healing gear) spell damage right at 800. Lots of aoe damage, multiple mobs. Only a couple of upgrades so far. Don't get to play to much only couple hours a day. Hopefully hit 80 Before thanksgiving.

Then start worring about gear for tanking again. You shouldn't be fighting any mobs more then 3 levels higher then you. As long as you stay in area's close to you level.

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