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Trouble with multiple opponentsFollow

#1 Nov 12 2008 at 11:25 AM Rating: Sub-Default
I'm having a lot of trouble playing a Rogue...
This character went OK up until level 10-12, basically cause the Rogue is just a lot stronger than same LV mobs. But lately... I have stumbled on till LV 19, but this char is utterly useless against more than one opponent at the time. And I mean utterly useless.

No Defensive skills what so ever... No way to get out of combat when things turn bad, (meaning more than one opponent). Sap is useless unless YOU initiate combat on YOUR terms. Gouge doesn't stun anything long enough to run, or heal... Just gives you one possible backstab, (if you have energy). There's no other way to immobilize your opponent, or anything. No real damage done by weapons, (these flimsy daggers)...

If I get to choose my fight I usually go "Garotte", "Bunch of Sin Strikes" and finish with "Evis". Or "Gauge", "Backstab", "Bunch of Sin Strikes" and finish with "Evis". This gets one opponent down fairly easy, though I always take more damage than is comfortable. Now how do I deal with more than one mob.????
Really, I struggling with Quests I breezed through as a Mage, Hunter, or Warrior. Compared to that, this Rogue is a weak little sissy.
And yes I know the Rogue gets awesome at higher LV, but I need to live through the next ten levels first.

I need some serious advise. So please No stupid answers from LV 70 Rogues, who only want to show off how fantastic they are, (I don't care you made it to LV 200 with your eyes closed and one arm tied behind you back... Really I don't).
#2 Nov 12 2008 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
811 posts
Um, maybe you just aren't good? Your attitude won't elicit too many responses there slugger. Questing as a rogue might be one of the easier classes. When you say no defensive skills? What about blind and vanish? Maybe you should read the stickies and realize that combat spec is the easiest way to level, and as you progress you should be able to melt 3 mobs at once pretty fu*king easily.

I actually can't believe I wasted 45 seconds of my time writing back to you.
#3 Nov 12 2008 at 11:32 AM Rating: Default
Don't have blind... Don't have Vanish... I'm LV 19. Very helpfull thank you.

Edited, Nov 12th 2008 2:34pm by nniiccoo
#4 Nov 12 2008 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
811 posts
It's questing. It's easy. Enough said.
#5 Nov 12 2008 at 11:41 AM Rating: Default
useless answer No 2...
#6 Nov 12 2008 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
889 posts
You did pay to learn "Sap" right? >_>

You can also use "Sprint" when you need to run away (another level 10 ability).
Rogues can also wield "Swords" if you don't like "sissy Daggers."

Rogue may actually be the worst class for fighting more than 1 target, there is no trainable area attack until level 75 (and Fan of Knives is kinda bad even then).
Your best bet will be to spec Combat and get Blade Flurry ASAP, but I still wouldn't expect the area attack potential to match the other classes you've played.

And yes, these are stupid answers because you asked stupid questions.

EDIT: Forgot to mention you get Dismantle at 20, which will help, but multitudes of people got to 70 without having it.

Edited, Nov 12th 2008 2:58pm by angryempath
#7 Nov 12 2008 at 11:57 AM Rating: Default

Multiple mobs will be difficult until you get to 30. There is no real way around this because the skills you get in your 20s will really improve the control you have over situations. For example, between 20 and 30, you will get CheapShot, Blind, Vanish and Kidney Shot. Secondly, at level 30 you can spec into Combat as far as Blade Flurry, which can make multiple mobs a breeze.

Furthermore, at 20, your dps will improve by a decent amount because you will finally get to add poisons.

Until you have a more rounded set of skills, admittedly, rogues can take alot of damage. Evasion should help somewhat on the damage taken at your level.

You will need to focus on 1vs1 battles at this stage. Use stealth effectively to create your pulls. Or just stealth to the quest objective You can also use throw to pull monsters to create a more ideal 1vs1 situation. I found that at least until my 30s, I quested fast by killing 1 monster at a time very fast, and learning how to be aggressive with Sap so that I could minimize adds. Later on, I could quest fast by popping evasion, blade flurry, adrenaline rush and shredding multiple mobs at once.

I hope this helps, but the answer really is: it gets better and faster and easier as you continue to get new skills and talents. There is no way around how much better it is to be a rogue who has poison, vanish, blind, cheapshot and kidney shot.

Edited, Nov 12th 2008 3:10pm by StJust

Edited, Nov 12th 2008 3:10pm by StJust
#8 Nov 12 2008 at 12:03 PM Rating: Default
811 posts
Dude I don't know what to tell you. Spend a little gold and get fiery on your daggers. Most of my rogue friends lvled with fiery on lvl 10 WHITE daggers without a problem. If you have 2 mobs, sap one, take down the other, and wait to restealth, and engage the next. Kick casters. You'll get distract at 22, that helps with getting past people if needed (read: caves). Try different things, like opening with ambush instead of garrote, it should be better for soloing anyway. Ambush, gouge, bs, eviserate, move on. All I remember from that lvl was blowing people up.
#9 Nov 12 2008 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
If its his first toon or on a different server fiery is very annoying to afford...
#10 Nov 12 2008 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
I don't really see the use of this post. The OP is complaining that a single-target DPS class lacks AOE capabilities in a specific level range. Tell me if I'm being really stupid, but... if it's so bad it's unplayable, level up?
#11REDACTED, Posted: Nov 12 2008 at 1:08 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Thanx Angryempath. Yes I learnt Sap. It's a good opening move engaging two mobs. Useless if you happen to aggro a second mob while fighting. Sprint does work... true. I kinda neglected that one and I stuck to daggers so far, cause "Backstab " needed them, (well, one at least).
#12 Nov 12 2008 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
I don't really recall ever having major issues at that or any level. Stealth in and sap one kill the other. If by chance I get a pat add and I think I am going to die, evasion + sprint was usually a guaranteed survival tool.
#13 Nov 12 2008 at 1:36 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
To Mozared. Damn... And here I was trying to level down. JEEEEEEEZUS... Is being redundent your goal in life...???

No, getting rated down is for as far as the peeps here know.

Seriously though; I *said* I didn't quite understand what you were on to. Your opening post was kind of unclear; I actually thought you were talking about WSG until your last post. Now that you've clarified I actually know what you're asking.

Like has now been said; if you need to run, use sprint. Alternatively, gouge one target and then use sprint. It should soon become a lot easier though; you will get both vanish and kidney shot in a couple of levels, giving you more defensive capabilities.
#14 Nov 12 2008 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
161 posts
Leveling through those levels is a PIA.
I don't remember having that many problems though. Of course my rogue was my first character so I had no preconceptions about the game and learned to play through it with a rogue playstyle.

That playstyle is to pick your fights, and start your fights on your terms and end them on your terms.

Playing a rogue is extremely different than playing as a class built to take hit, a class with a built in tank, or a class that can do AoE damage right from the start.

At level 19, and really any other level, a rogue can rip up all three of those classes played according to the class.

As mentioned above you have control abilities coming with new levels as well as poisons.

Every class has it's slow and painful leveling spots, for rogues it is the lower levels and sadly all you can do is just power through them and use every single ability you have atm.
#15 Nov 12 2008 at 2:02 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
Hmm, thought this was a pvp post...

The quest mobs at the OPs level shouldn't really be that much of an issue. At least as far as I recall (I've leveled 3 rogues through that level range). Why are you aggroing a second mob? Are they patroling past or are you running into them? Rogues need to be selective in their attacks. Strategy is our best talent.

If you see two mobs, sap one, kill the other. Or try killing mobs of a slightly lower level. Try moving mobs once they're engaged out of the area where other mobs may be. Gouge can be a great way to get some bandaging in as well, keep that in mind.

I also often head to another races starer zones to pop off a few quests there for easy XP. For instance: after finishing up the quests in Brill I'll jump the zep to Razor Hill. Or when I'm done in Westfall I head to Auberdine. The quests still offer a good amount of XP and the mobs will be slightly easier.

Other than that.... dunno. Quit QQing on forums and practice?

Of note: Sap is not an opening move. It's our first form of crowd-control but doesn't effect Combo Points, and is not referred to as "opening move" by anyone. Not a big deal, but being clear on terms helps us all communicate.

Good luck!
#16 Nov 12 2008 at 2:14 PM Rating: Excellent
811 posts
Hey nnicccoo I was constructive in the last post. Your opening post was a little scatterbrained, as was noted by several other regular posters here. Once you get vanish you'll feel invincible. Blowing through mobs with cheapshot/kidney shot will make your rogue life a lot easier. Good luck, and don't hesitate to post other questions. I'm usually not an assh*le, just ended up being one this morning.

And imanohealu - this is his 4th character according to the opening post. Feiry is cheap and very accessable (sp?) for a 4th toon.
#17 Nov 12 2008 at 2:17 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
ThomasMagnum wrote:
I'm usually not an assh*le, just ended up being one this morning.

Wait... wha?


just kidding daddio
#18 Nov 12 2008 at 2:40 PM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
Rogues are all about picking your battles. As a rogue you need to control the entire fight. With other classes like warrior, mage, etc you basically just charge in head first and go all balls out on the mobs. You can't do that with rogues. It does take some getting used to switching to a different mindset when playing a rogue.

You need to learn to pick off mobs one by one. You need to learn to cc with saps, blinds, gouges, etc. You also need to learn that not every mob has to die for a quest. Sometimes you can sneak around mobs and get to your main target or destination, finish it off and sneak back out.

It's not that you're a bad player you're just still thinking like a warrior or mage. Learn what a rogue can and can't handle. Later on when you do get more abilities you'll remember the techniques you learned along the way. Then it'll be even more amazing what your rogue can take down.

If I think like a warrior on my rogue I die. If I think like a rogue on my warrior I die.

The classes really are different. You need to start seeing that.
#19 Nov 12 2008 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Don't attack mobs of more than two. When attacking pairs, sap one, wait for your energy to tick and take down his friend in the normal fashion. If the sap breaks for any reason, Blind is always there. To keep Blind useful, use Instant poison instead of Deadly, when you do get poisons. If you're dealing with a stationary pair and a patrol, sap the patrol, blind the first of the pair and try to take down the other in eight seconds. Traditionally you should incapacitate the heavy melee mobs because the casters are much easier for us to kill. If **** goes south, vanish or sprint away.

If you're Combat, Blade Flurry helps immensely. You can take on packs of four or more - sap, pull them away from the sap, hit Blade Flurry and AR. Put the resulting mince in a pan and make tacos.

Also, my rogue is an engineer, and he routinely used bombs when levelling. Very useful.
#20 Nov 12 2008 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
889 posts
Thanx Angryempath. Yes I learnt Sap. It's a good opening move engaging two mobs. Useless if you happen to aggro a second mob while fighting. Sprint does work... true. I kinda neglected that one and I stuck to daggers so far, cause "Backstab " needed them, (well, one at least).
And keep in mind, the questions might seem stupid to one who has a lot of experience with Rogues. Which I, obviously I am not. Add to that the frustrsation of dying too often recently... You know, you've been there too, (probably).

I apologize if I was being short with you, but I leveled Rogue to 44 without doing any quests past Redridge. It was my first toon, I didn't know where to find quests and I was used to having to kill things to level up from playing FF11 (I probably wasn't nearly as bothered by dying in WoW because it doesn't COST YOU exp to die like in FF11, there were points in that game where you could de-level, but that's a whole other thing).

Seriously consider just using Sinister Strike with a slow Sword mainhand (fast sword offhand, once you have talents/poisons to make it matter), re-positioning yourself for Backstab may be part of your aggro problem. Once you have Cheapshot, always use it as your opener with a Sword setup. It has no positional requirement, so it will be a lot easier to start fights precisely where you want to.
Pay attention to your surroundings, back away while you're fighting if you see something else coming towards you (everything you do is Instant, you have no reason to hold still). You can also preemptively back away towards a road or something if you're paranoid.

Once you hit 20 you can do your poison quest (do people even still have to do a quest now that the poisons come from vendors pre-made?), Crippling Poison has a 50% proc rate now, you can throw it on both your weapons to improve your chance of running away if you're still having trouble.

And like I said, Rogue will never be as good at fighting multiple targets as Warrior/Mage/Hunter. Even with Blade Flurry/Killing Spree/Fan of Knives, Rogue is one of the worst classes for killing multiple targets.
If you can live with being only a master of single-target DPS, hang in there, because Stealth + Sap + Vanish = easy questing.
#21 Nov 13 2008 at 4:33 AM Rating: Default
2 ThomasMagnum; No Problem, your other suggestions are apreciated. 2 Mozared as well...

I indeed figured out that a Rougue needs to pick his fights carefully. I don't choose to fight more than one mob. I just got real frustrated when I got to Deatholme, in the Ghostlands to kill Masophet the Black who is accompanied by no less than 6 companions, paired in two's and so close together that it's almost impossible to draw them one by one. This is a disaster for a Rogue, unless in a group.

By now I have changed my talents to all combat, but the difference is minimal. I still simply suffer too much damage from one opponent to deal with a second one. Although I ran away succesfully now a couple of times by now, (thanx to avasion/gouge and sprint) I feel better knowing that more Rogues have this problem and it's not just me. Thanx for all suggestions, I will get on it and hope to LV up asap.
#22 Nov 14 2008 at 12:11 AM Rating: Excellent
608 posts
2 Pieces of advice (and I give these because they are what helped me when I felt the same pain you are feeling now, at that level)

1) Get rid of your dagger (at least in your main hand), and get a big hitting sword ... any sword will do at this stage, but it must be slow (to qualify that before Therion gets on my case, he slower weapons generally hit harder, and at that level, it's practically a given Just kidding Therion ... love your work). Forget about funny little backstabs and gouges - your best friend at that level, before you get the really cool escape artist skills, is speed of kill. Daggers don't kill things fast in toe-to-toe combat (which is what it'll be after your opener), swords do (with Sinister Strike).

2) Learn to pull with your throwing weapon (or bow, or gun ... depending on what you like). Pulling mobs away from the others is the best way to make sure you don't aggro any more my mistake because of your proximity. Sometimes, you can actually split 2 mobs which ordinarily have come together.

I see you've played a warrior ... best thing you can do ... when you're playing a rogue, forget you ever played a warrior. Warriors tend to get themselves in a bind when they try and play a rogue while having warrior playstyle in the back on their mind (this was my problem as well) - you need to use the skills that make a rogue different from a warrior, and the best of those skills, is discretion. Pick your battles, use stealth when you can, and run away when you can (no shame in that - a rogue HAS no shame).

With that last point in mind, Evasion ... use it, really handy to be able to sprint away and dodge any and all attacks that may daze you. Hang on like this until you get Vanish at 22 ... then your world will change (don't ditch the swords though).

Now, making use of these small pieces of information, I set a platform for myself for getting to level 70 with my eyes closed (does that make my comment stupid now ;-> )

Ugh, serves me right for not reading the entire thread ... Angry's post 2 up has pretty much all the info you need (I hope I at least added one or 2 extra points here).

Edited, Nov 14th 2008 9:16am by robertlofthouse
#23 Nov 14 2008 at 11:23 PM Rating: Good
3,564 posts
Once you hit 20 you can do your poison quest (do people even still have to do a quest now that the poisons come from vendors pre-made?), Crippling Poison has a 50% proc rate now, you can throw it on both your weapons to improve your chance of running away if you're still having trouble.

You still do the quest like normal but instead of learning the Poison skill you just gain the ability to buy them and use them from the NPC. They changed it like one day before I did my quest so I don't know if you can buy the poisons and it just wont let you use them until you complete the quest chain. One thing that I think Blizz should fix is have the NPC's specify that you can go buy poisons and use them when you're done (I sat there for hours thinking the NPC got bugged because he didn't mention ANYTHING about poisons outside of the cure he gave me).

But yeah, once you get Poisons you should always carry stacks of different types for different situations. After a little practice you'll learn what poisons are best for what situations (like if you KNOW for a fact you'll probably need to Blind or Gouge for some reason you don't want to use Deadly or Wound) and you'll feel naked when you don't have those beautiful green beads dripping from your weapons.

Also, even though Rogue isn't the best at dealing with more than one target, as long as the mobs are a comparable level I've always found it relatively easy to just focus all of my effort on the first mob and then move on to each new mob in turn until I'm about to die in which case I Vanish and move. And don't be afraid to use Vanish even if you have a DoT effect. It'll still shed your aggro even if the next damage tick brings you back out... just make sure you aren't standing where one of the mobs stood/roamed to begin with. For being stuck with leather Rogues are pretty difficult to kill unless you're horribly outclassed or outleveled (in which case you were probably going to die regardless).
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