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70 Aff RotationFollow

#1 Nov 11 2008 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
Hey all,
Ive been trolling this forum for awhile and I get a lot of great info from you guys, so I figured Id throw out a question.
Im a 70 Affliction lock (56/0/5) and just wanted to make sure my rotation was maximizing DPS.

Im using Haunt-SL-CoA-Cor-UA-Immo-Incinerate x2 then repeat.

First is that rotation ok? And second what gives better DPS, Immo+Incinerate or SB. Thanks in advance.

#2 Nov 11 2008 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
check this post;mid=12239836793726405;page=1;howmany=50#m1224348897210906660

shadowbolt is better cause of the increase in shadow damage out of the affliction tree (i assume atleast)
#3 Nov 11 2008 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks, that was just what i was looking for
#4 Nov 12 2008 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks to lag I find I'm lucky if I can get an SB off before I have to refresh UA or Incinerate.

I go UA>CoA>Cor>SL>Haunt>Incinerate - back to UA OR, if lucky, a quick SB.

Works well on bosses. On trash, a simple Cor>SL>Haunt and I can drain tank 11 mobs in Netherstorm. I say 11, it's probably about 8 as the first three have probably died already, but you get the picture. Run out of mana, but never health. I feel pretty invincible as Aff at the moment.
#5 Dec 10 2008 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
94 posts
I used to just throw everything at a target and then refresh all the dots when I got to the end of the rotation, but to be honest my DPS was crap.

I did a bit of research on Warlock's Den, and with a bit of a talent reshuffle, and a new rotation, my DPS was more often than not top of recount for the Kara + ZA bosses we were doing, even with much better geared destro locks in the group.


This is an all out boss killing DPS spec, so you lose practically all the utility spells you'd use for levelling, and have to rely on the fact that you're maintaining haunt above all other spells to keep your health up. It seems to do a much better job at this than drain life did, even with the talent and full DoTs on. (Spec has no grim reach, as it's no use when you still need SBs to be in range. No imp. felhunter, as it just kept dying from boss AoE, leaving me without mana, even though it's own DPS was a nice addition to my own. Only 2pts in Eradication, because the 3rd has a much smaller gain then the first 2, due to an internal timer limiting the number of procs).

Glyphs were Corruption and SB, for maximising SB damage/minimising it's mana use (a very big part of the damage %, as nightfall procs a lot with corruption on all the time).

My opening rotation was Haunt > CoA > Cor > UA. They're in that order (decreasing order of DoT running time) to make sure they end as close together as possible, that way you get the longest window for spamming SBs (or Haunt instead of a SB when it needs it). Once they're up you try and keep CoA and UA up as much as possible, but Haunt is your priority, as it gives everything else that nice 20% bonus, and refreshes the Corruption. I try and fit the odd life tap in before a huant returns, so I always keep a bit of mana in the imp.

I used the DotTimer addon with 5 big icons for the spells in my rotation, in fixed positions on the screen under the target frame, so I could instantly see what running time was left on each spell, and how much cooldown was left on the haunt (the 5th icon). Trying to keep track of my own spell icons on a target among everyone else's, and with them moving around as things were added/removed was too difficult, so I went for DotTimer so I could keep a better eye on what needed refeshing (even though it was a pain to set up 5x fixed icons), and it drastically increased my DPS once I'd got the hang of shuffling the numbers in my head to work out what needed casting next, as there was next to no downtime on the DoTs, and I could start casting Haunt/UA when they had 1.5s remaining.

This could probably be tweaked further, and I'm not sure how well it works past L70 (I've gone back to a grinding spec with more utility spells), but I was very impressed with the sustained DPS I was doing to bosses, compared to everyone else in the raid, despite my gear being nowhere near as good (no tailoring set, which is best for aff., and only kara gear, when most of the others had some SSC stuff).

Oh, and make sure you get Omen, and drop the threshold to 85%. You can cause a lot of threat too ;)
#6 Dec 11 2008 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
GalemEitrigg wrote:
Im using Haunt-SL-CoA-Cor-UA-Immo-Incinerate x2 then repeat.

First is that rotation ok?

It depends on what you're doing, so I have questions right back at you.

1) Are you leveling, instancing, pvping, or something else?
2) What spec are you?
3) What is your normal attack strategy (from the shadow Companion)?
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