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Leveling speed compared to HunterFollow

#1 Nov 11 2008 at 5:33 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
I have a level 70 Hunter that leveled rather quickly, as well as easily.

I am now thinking of leveling a Priest, which I will use in group playing. I solo with my hunter and will have gold from him to support my priest.

My question is how fast will I be able to level compared to my hunter? I am going to level my priest as Shadow as others have said.

I realize that it will take longer, hunter has no real down time if played right. I just want an estimate of the time needed, and plan on making this my main once he is leveled.(DPS are a dime a dozen)

Thank you for any input on this matter.
#2 Nov 11 2008 at 5:53 AM Rating: Good
To begin with, it's a far harder class to level. Just stick with it and bring alot of water. Once you're past the worst of it (first thirty or so levels) you'll find that you have less and less downtime and higher and higher killspeed. It takes a bit longer than for Hunters, but it's a fairly easy class to level anyway.


Spirit Tap is Godly during leveling.
Wand is your highest priority on the AH and loot tables.
Spellpower and Spirit. These are the things you need more than anything else.
#3 Nov 11 2008 at 6:00 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
IMO, nothing is going to level as fast as a hunter.

That said, I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Once you hit your stride - I'd say about level 30 - a shadow priest has no downtime. You'll stop bothering to carry water. You've got a lot more buttons to push than your hunter, which can be both a blessing and a curse, but in general you've got something you can pull out for just about every situation, which I love. You hear a lot of squishy this and squishy that, but I found my priest's survivability and efficiency for solo questing to be very high.

I can't tell you how long it will take because that depends so much on you and how much you put into learning to play the class, etc. I would estimate, though, much slower until level 30, then progressively faster. By the time you get to around Felwood level, the difference in leveling speed from your hunter will be negiligible. No problem going to Outland at 58.

NorthAI's tips are right on the money. Fill in Spirit Tap first, take the time to learn the right spell rotations, and wand for the last 5 seconds of every fight.
#4 Nov 11 2008 at 6:15 AM Rating: Good
63 posts
Thank you both for the insight.

I understand that my hunter leveled faster than any other toon will. I mainly leveled it to learn the game (Played ffxi for 4 1/2 years) and to be able to support other toons I make.

I am looking forward to the challenge and will continue to read all the post in this forum to hopefully be the best Priest that I can.

I want to start to play in groups and just feel that a Priest will have a better chance at group play than a Hunter.
#5 Nov 11 2008 at 6:58 AM Rating: Good
teacake wrote:
wand for the last 5 seconds of every fight.
Everything else in there is definitely correct, but if you finish off with a Mind Flay, you should time it so you only have to wand for 2 seconds. The three seconds of MF counts against the five-second rule. Hard to time, but once you've taken down a few of each mob, you get a feel for when to start the last MF and wand.
#6 Nov 11 2008 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
Lately Since Ive started questing in STV on my Spriest ive started using a rotation that goes sumthing like Holy Fire,SWP Mind Blast,Wand until Mind Blast comes back up,Mind Blast again,then Mind Flay/wand them down and it seems to work pretty well,spirit tap ftw.Id like to here what spell rotations you guys are using?
#7 Nov 11 2008 at 4:34 PM Rating: Good
Mindpotion wrote:
Lately Since Ive started questing in STV on my Spriest ive started using a rotation that goes sumthing like Holy Fire,SWP Mind Blast,Wand until Mind Blast comes back up,Mind Blast again,then Mind Flay/wand them down and it seems to work pretty well,spirit tap ftw.Id like to here what spell rotations you guys are using?

First off, spaces after punctuation help to make things readable without bleeding eyeballs. x_x

My current rotation:

SWP -> DP -> VT -> MB -> MF, if it's still alive after that I'll either wand or MF again. If I'm in a hurry and MP is no worry, then I'll toss SWD at the end.

Between Dispersion, Shadowfiend, Spirit Tap (and Imp. Spirit Tap), and (when in a real pinch) Symbol of Hope I really don't worry about mana much at all.

Might swap VT and MB in front of SWP and DP now, need to mess with it a bit more still.
#8 Nov 11 2008 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
With my experience, playing moderately (about 20 hours a week) I leveled a priest (disc/holy then full disc) to 70 in about a month and a half. Not to mention I was running BG's with my warrior simultaneously so 10-15 hours a week maybe. I did make sure that I ran every instance at least once and healed every one. So most of my exp came from dungeons. As far as world goes, there where alot of times I ran around screaming "Oh ****!" but I rarely ever died. In fact as far as pvp goes, I didn't lose a single duel till lvl 66 (against another priest) so keep that in mind.
#9 Nov 11 2008 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
When leveling always get spirit tap the spec you should go till lvl 40 is
With the spell rotation
Holy fire - SW:P - Smite - Smite - Wand
always wand to get the most out of spirit tap

Once you hit 40 switch to tis spec till lvl 70
With the spell rotation

MB - SW:P - Mind Flay - Mind Flay - Wand
Once you reach lvl 50ish you will find you no longer need to use the wand as you will have no down time if you continue to use MF.

Questions you may ask.
1. Why no DP
A. The mana cost/dmg is too high. you rarely will get the full 24 sec and overall this next to nothing in terms of dps. Instead of using DP use spells such as MF which is your best mana cost/dmg. If you really need heals from your damage use VE which costs 2% of base mana as opposed to 25%.

2. WHy no shadow before lvl 40
before level 40 shadow is not as affecive as it has no shadowform. And with this holy "smite" build your dps is the greatest for the amount of downtime.(plus you can heal the odd instance a bit btr then if you were shadow)
#10 Nov 12 2008 at 3:27 AM Rating: Good
Etain, Star Breaker wrote:
My current rotation:

SWP -> DP -> VT -> MB -> MF, if it's still alive after that I'll either wand or MF again. If I'm in a hurry and MP is no worry, then I'll toss SWD at the end.

Personally, (at 70) I go VT -> SW:P -> MB -> MF -> Wand until dead.
If the target still have 40-30% left after MF, I add an MF to the rotation before wanding. SW:D is weaved in between if it is a hard target that needs a bit of dps to take down fast, and DP is added after SW:P on those targets. The reason I start with VT is the cast-time. I'd rather have that outside of combat so I'm done stacking DoTs long before the target closes in. I'll even get MF off before the target is in melee range. Starting off with SW:P/DP would mean the target has two Global Cooldowns + VT cast time to close the distance. Doing it the other way basically removes the VT and SW:P cast from that distance equation.
#11 Nov 14 2008 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
My current rotation:

SWP -> DP -> VT -> MB -> MF, if it's still alive after that I'll either wand or MF again. If I'm in a hurry and MP is no worry, then I'll toss SWD at the end.
#12 Nov 17 2008 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
You should never start out a rotation with an instant cast spell.

Mind Blast or VT should always come first.
#13 Nov 18 2008 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
I agree. SW:P is second in my rotation.

My rotation : PW:S

Then VT, SW:P, MB, MF, MF, MB, MF..........

With the new talent trees, mana is really a non-issue. If it becomes one - there is always the new Northrend food to top you off quick.
#14 Nov 18 2008 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
I agree. SW:P is second in my rotation.

My rotation : PW:S

Then VT, SW:P, MB, MF, MF, MB, MF..........

With the new talent trees, mana is really a non-issue. If it becomes one - there is always the new Northrend food to top you off quick.
#15 Nov 18 2008 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent

Why not start with PW:S? I know it's an instant, but it doesn't pull aggro.

Unless you think casting it later (when the mob actually gets to you) saves the time on the spell. Or not at all.

I only use VE if I am half health or so, so any damage reduction seems to work well for me.
#16 Nov 18 2008 at 2:10 PM Rating: Good
He has an irrational fear of using the Shield. It doesn't cost much mana, and it doesn't pull aggro, so there's nothing wrong with getting it up. However, he's got this technique about using Fear almost exclusively in combat to avoid being hit on. It's not a bad technique at all, but he's a little too hellbent on using it.
#17 Nov 18 2008 at 2:31 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I used to be pretty anti-shield too, for mana reasons. But now between Meditation and Spirit Tap (I'm not Shadow but picked up ST anyway for leveling - at 3 points now how could you not?), I can't give mana away. I'm very wonton about using PW:S now. The sheer convenience of not getting interrupts is worth it.

I am not good at using Psychic Scream and kiting. I will never get better either, because I loathe practising it. It's just not my playstyle. I'll get by with it when I absolutely must, but that honestly doesn't happen very often. My survivability in most situations is great.
#18 Nov 18 2008 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
NorthAI the Hand wrote:
He has an irrational fear of using the Shield. It doesn't cost much mana, and it doesn't pull aggro, so there's nothing wrong with getting it up. However, he's got this technique about using Fear almost exclusively in combat to avoid being hit on. It's not a bad technique at all, but he's a little too hellbent on using it.

Not at all. I just have no fear in using fear kiting. I just like to try to get others to overcome their fears with using 'outside the box' techniques.

I use shield all the time actually. It's extremely useful. The point really is that most players tend to think one way of doing something. For example a shield that prevents damage decreases healing. Thinking of it in a different light then doing damage also decreases healing. Now imagine if you combine the two. That's right woah, Sally!

Most players learn to use the shield early. They get used to it and it becomes a crutch. It's not necessarily a bad thing. But by using all your tools, and not just using them but knowing how and when to use them, and becoming efficient you can adjust to many different situations, some of which are the do or die emergency crap hits the fan situations in a group.

I might seem too hellbent on using it but that's because I'm trying to balance more people towards the middle of the spectrum;

shield                                 fear 
^most players        ^ideal

btw I also use PW:Death a lot. Most players tend to use it and the end of a mob's HP. It can add some very nice dps if played right. Again it's just like fear. It needs to be learned when and how it should and shouldn't be used. Outside the box people! Come on!
#19 Nov 18 2008 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
Sounds far better, really. I have nothing against Fearkiting or other "unconventional" ways of dealing with a fight, but it's somewhat situational and you should know when and where to use it. So in the end I guess I agree with you, as long as you make sure people don't get the idea that the Shield is actually bad for you.
#20 Nov 18 2008 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
NorthAI the Hand wrote:
Sounds far better, really. I have nothing against Fearkiting or other "unconventional" ways of dealing with a fight, but it's somewhat situational and you should know when and where to use it. So in the end I guess I agree with you, as long as you make sure people don't get the idea that the Shield is actually bad for you.

It's not as big of a deal now then it used to be. Prior to the recent changes it was more mana inefficient. I do use it more often after the changes than before.

Edited, Nov 18th 2008 7:03pm by MentalFrog
#21 Nov 19 2008 at 5:24 AM Rating: Decent
Not using PW:S and calling it a crutch is like warrior not using a weapon so he doesn't 'rely' on it in the future.

Mental - that might sound like a spear launched at you, but it isn't intended to be. After reading your post, I tried incorporated PS into my 'big bag o tricks' on a more regular basis just to see if it could replace PW:S. I must be a shadtard, cause it didn't replace it.

It complimented it very nicely though (more so than I guess I realised), and I think THAT is what you were trying to get across here.

Now, if we just had an AOE in Shadow Form..........
#22 Nov 19 2008 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Not using PW:S and calling it a crutch is like warrior not using a weapon so he doesn't 'rely' on it in the future.

It's more like learning to do without when needed. Like your example a warrior who relies too much on their weapon loses out to their advantages of their other gear, shield, chest, etc. What happens when that warrior is disarmed?

Just like in the case of a priest. Relying too heavily on a shield can turn it into a crutch. There will be times when you can't use your shield. By learning your other abilities you can stretch your possibilities farther.

Mental - that might sound like a spear launched at you, but it isn't intended to be. After reading your post, I tried incorporated PS into my 'big bag o tricks' on a more regular basis just to see if it could replace PW:S. I must be a shadtard, cause it didn't replace it.

Fear is not meant to replace the shield. In some situations the two are interchangeable. Those are the situations are when someone who relies on a shield should be learning to use fear. Then when the time comes that shield doesn't work but a fear will then the player will be trained and better prepared in using their other tools, ie fear.

There will be times when fear isn't a good tool. There will be times when shield isn't a good tool. There could be times when using both provide some incredible results. While soloing I've done some amazingly large mob pulls using a combination of fears, shields, and other abilities. I'm was actually surprised with my shadow priest. I also heard that priest are hard to level and that they're so squishy. My priest has been one of my best soloers and levelers. I can take on things some of my other toons wouldn't even think about.


It complimented it very nicely though (more so than I guess I realised), and I think THAT is what you were trying to get across here.
Now, if we just had an AOE in Shadow Form..........

And that's my whole point. They're both awesome when worked in together. The problem is players have a fear of using fears. They tend to focus too much on the cons and not see the pros. It is a double edged sword and should be used knowledgeably. How does one gain that knowledge? By forcing themselves to overcome their fears by dropping their crutches. :D

#23 Nov 19 2008 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
I should make a video sometime.
#24 Nov 20 2008 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
561 posts
Why do you only discuss about shadow priests? My priest is doing just fine with disc/holy spec. Spirit tap is all that matters for leveling a priest. A priest with Spirit Tap CANNOT run out of mana while killing mobs. Not even in instances (been playing dps in instances also as a smiter :p). At level 72, my holy fire crits for 3k. I normally do (spirit tap is always on) 1,8-1,9k damage with smite. You don't even have to wand for mana regen. I only wand if the mob is less than 1200 hp (sw:d hit).

But sure.. this is for higher levels, when i assume you have some gear to support this endless killing.
#25 Nov 20 2008 at 6:15 AM Rating: Good
Why Shadowpriest? List to follow:

1. Better dps.
2. Better mana efficiency compared to damage.
3. No need for Healing talents pre-Heroics.
4. No need for Disc Survivability talents pre-Heroics/PvP.
5. Looks much more awesome.

Yes, Holy or Disc is viable. No, it won't outdps a Shadowpriest. No, it won't outlast a Shadowpriest in grinding/dps/questing. Shadow is quite simply the fastest and best leveling tree around, and will heal more than good enough for anything pre-80. This is why we discuss Shadowpriests right now. If you want to level as Disc or Holy, your call and you'll do fine. But it is less efficient than Shadow.
#26 Nov 20 2008 at 2:14 PM Rating: Default
561 posts
I don't agree with any of the points you mentioned. If we talk about efficiency and downtime... The shadow priests needs to do damage to get back mana. The disc/holy priest gets mana from meditation. If you add in spirit tap, that buffs SPIRIT, then a holy priest has even more advantage, from Spiritual Guidance. Surge of Light increases your dps and mana efficiency a lot. I often do 3k holy fire crits and then 1,7k free smite. That's almost 5k damage in 1,5 seconds.

I played DPS(holy) and healer in instances. I NEVER HAVE TO DRINK! Maybe just before bosses, but then i usually get a well fed buff also. And I even use holy nova in instances. I grinded netherwing rep. Spirit tap was always on, mana was always > 90%. I get adds? I put a renew that ticks for 1k on me. I soloed quests that were for 3 ppl.

The days when holy priests were hard to level are gone. There is little difference between shadow and holy in terms of dps. The main difference is that a shadow priest brings utility to the group, and the holy priest can save a wipe in case something wrong happens :P

p.s. i played only priest, it's my only level 70 char, and i played it for about 3 years...
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