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What spec will you be using to level?Follow

#1 Nov 09 2008 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
11,852 posts

I'm so torn.

I hate combat - find it boring as eating cardboard - but I do believe it's "best" in the sense that you can sustain the highest DPS while maximizing dodge, parry, and you get THREE AoE/Multi-mob abilities (incl. FoK).

I love ShS/Hemo, but it's probably going to pale next to Mutilate.

#2 Nov 09 2008 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
I'm guessing you mean 70 to 80.

I switched back to mutilate last week, and i levelled mutilate from 62-70 because I was bored w/combat. If i manage to pick up some decent fists i'm gonna go back to combat, but right now my daggers are higher DPS than swords so i think i'll stick to mut.
I do miss combat though.
#3 Nov 09 2008 at 2:10 PM Rating: Good
4,639 posts
I'm going to start out with this 31/0/30 and hit 80 with 31/0/40

This lets you move 97% of regular movement speed while stealthed, gives you similar damage to mutilate in a period of 6 seconds, and give you a crapload of utility and extra AP/Agility. At 70 I can take out mobs in mana tombs in about 10-15 seconds depending on my crits.

I will agree that mutilate will probably be better for grinding. But I like swords, and this spec delivers, and with more utility!
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

#4 Nov 09 2008 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
I'll be leveling Combat.

SSxOVER9000->Evis Rinse and repeat
#5 Nov 09 2008 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
I'll be keeping to Mutilate as I'm finding it fairly (if not quite as) efficient for questing compared to Combat. And yes, I've tried a bunch of builds in Beta (including Zafire's pvp build). I'll be doing a lot of time in instances so I feel that Mutilate will be simpler for me to deal with for both situations (not to mention it's easier to gear for one spec and not two). If I were purely soloing the 70-80 grind, I'd go back to Combat Fists. You just can't compare the efficiency and ease of Combat to anything else.

In the end you can solo with any spec (even 0/0/0) as questing is based on stun-locks. Cross-spec, tri-spec, pvp builds etc can all work "just fine." But if you're looking for efficiency, Combat (boring as it can be) cannot be beaten.

Honestly, if you're not in a rush to 80..... Try other builds. Experiment. With the quest gold you should be seeing, 50g every week or two isn't all that bad.

Get out to Northend and have fun!

#6 Nov 09 2008 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I'll be sticking Mutilate and up to level 75 each level will improve my playstyle significantly. 71 holds Prep for me, 72 and 73 hold Dirty Deeds and 74+75 Heightened Senses (Having the jump ftw). 76 'till 80 will be nothing more than a 'stat'boost (aka Duel Wield spec).
#7 Nov 10 2008 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
11,852 posts
Mozared wrote:
I'll be sticking Mutilate and up to level 75 each level will improve my playstyle significantly. 71 holds Prep for me, 72 and 73 hold Dirty Deeds and 74+75 Heightened Senses (Having the jump ftw). 76 'till 80 will be nothing more than a 'stat'boost (aka Duel Wield spec).

I don't see how Prep can compare to Off-hand spec for leveling. In my gear, I'd be losing ~600-700 per offhand mutilate crit (which happens a LOT against mobs, seeing as I have over 50% crit w/ Mut, and cold blood every 3 mins)

#8 Nov 10 2008 at 10:48 AM Rating: Good
704 posts
I will be leveling as Mutilate. I have the badge fists, but I get close to the same DPS with the Kara daggers according to the spreadsheet, and I love the mutilate play style.
#9 Nov 10 2008 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I don't see how Prep can compare to Off-hand spec for leveling. In my gear, I'd be losing ~600-700 per offhand mutilate crit (which happens a LOT against mobs, seeing as I have over 50% crit w/ Mut, and cold blood every 3 mins)

I'm referring to the simple fact that prep, HS and DD will all significantly impact my playstyle. All off-hand spec adds is raw damage.
#10 Nov 10 2008 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
Well, I think I've finally decided I'm going to take my paladin up first so that I'll have a class that can fill whatever roll is needed in my guild for raids. However, after that, I will level my rogue.

Right now, I'm also thinking assassination, because right now, killing spree > me. If its not sticking me in walls its tossing me off nightbane's terrace out of the fight. :(
#11 Nov 10 2008 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Probably ShS since HAT is insanely OP.
#12 Nov 11 2008 at 12:18 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Probably ShS since HAT is insanely OP.

I assume HaT only works if other party members crit? ie, your own crits don't count towards HaT. Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but my focus has been so totally away from Sub until recently, so I may have missed this information before.

That being said, even if it doesn't use your own crits, Sub in general seems to be pretty decent when solo (I have been trying it out for a week or so now), and with HaT, it'll be a great boost when you're grouped, or decide to run an instance or 2 ;-)
#13 Nov 11 2008 at 5:29 AM Rating: Decent
3,451 posts
I'll be 2boxin with my Druid (LotP ftw) and will probably stay as sub. Perhaps 11/0/50 to start.
#14 Nov 11 2008 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
I'll be leveling ShS/Hemo unless/until I get a decent pair of daggers that are an upgrade over my S2 swords. Mine is more about having a strong dislike for combat in a solo setting and the fact that my gear isn't going to be getting upgraded pre-expansion. I'll be taking my druid to 80 first, followed by my paladin, then my rogue (assuming a DK doesn't get shoved in there somewhere). ShS/Hemo can be great fun for casual questing/grinding...maybe not the most efficient, but I still enjoy it and the race to 80 will already have been done.
#15 Nov 11 2008 at 9:19 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
robertlofthouse wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Probably ShS since HAT is insanely OP.

I assume HaT only works if other party members crit? ie, your own crits don't count towards HaT. Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but my focus has been so totally away from Sub until recently, so I may have missed this information before.

That being said, even if it doesn't use your own crits, Sub in general seems to be pretty decent when solo (I have been trying it out for a week or so now), and with HaT, it'll be a great boost when you're grouped, or decide to run an instance or 2 ;-)

No, it works on every single crit that happens in your group, including your own crits.

It also works on finisher crits, so if you crit on Deadly Throw, you get another CP at range without using hemo or shiv. If you crit on Eviscerate, you get a CP back. It's basically Seal Fate + Ruthlessness, but way better for 3 points.

I still may go mut for leveling (as I want to get to 80 fast), but HAT is an amazing talent, and I'm shocked that more rogues haven't seen how amazing it is.
#16 Nov 11 2008 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
robertlofthouse wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Probably ShS since HAT is insanely OP.

I assume HaT only works if other party members crit? ie, your own crits don't count towards HaT. Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but my focus has been so totally away from Sub until recently, so I may have missed this information before.

That being said, even if it doesn't use your own crits, Sub in general seems to be pretty decent when solo (I have been trying it out for a week or so now), and with HaT, it'll be a great boost when you're grouped, or decide to run an instance or 2 ;-)

No, it works on every single crit that happens in your group, including your own crits.

It also works on finisher crits, so if you crit on Deadly Throw, you get another CP at range without using hemo or shiv. If you crit on Eviscerate, you get a CP back. It's basically Seal Fate + Ruthlessness, but way better for 3 points.

I still may go mut for leveling (as I want to get to 80 fast), but HAT is an amazing talent, and I'm shocked that more rogues haven't seen how amazing it is.

Well, to be honest, if that's the way it works, then I WILL be building it into a sub levelling build and using it. I've always discounted it because I thought it was only the rest of my group's crits that applied, and seeing as though I'll be solo most of the time, I've been totally ignoring the talent ... guess that'll change.

Been fiddling with an Ambush build for the last day or 2, so this is the ideal time to dump that in favour of a sword sub build with HaT ... Oh wait, I wanted to try Mut first ... sigh .. I seriously feel the OP's pain here ... seriously.

Funny, I have this 3 way fight on my rogue, as well as my warrior (seriously can't decide between the 3 specs there either - they're each as delicious as the next). My mage on the other hand, only presents me with a 2 way fight (fire or frost). I've spent obscene amounts of gold respeccing and respeccing trying to decide which of the various builds I like best ... but it's soooo hard.

#17 Nov 11 2008 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
HAT is ideal for backstab rogues. I've been laughing at every ShS daggers rogue on my server that didn't have HAT in the past couple of weeks.

Especially the people (Zafire) that go 30+ points into Assassination to get Seal Fate. What a complete waste of talents. Especially as rogues that use hemo. Not getting Sinister Calling/Slaughter from the Shadows is retarded.

But yeah, I've been trying ShS dagger builds for a while. They're a lot of fun, especially with HAT giving you 2 CPs for every BS.
#18 Nov 11 2008 at 12:22 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
but HAT is an amazing talent,

Agreed. In the right group/raid (boomkin or retadin anyone?) it's fantastic. I noted that builds performance as being on par with equally geared Mutilate and Combat in one of the WWS threads I think. It was the last build I messed with on beta and I didn't care for it solo. But one of my guildies had a ton of fun for a full raid week with HaT, giggling all the time and spamming Evis like it was a Hawaiian buffet.
#19 Nov 11 2008 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Amazing is an understatement, after having tried it. The thing is that you don't need it in sub, but technically you could just stand there in stealth, wait for 5 combo's, and open.

I don't think tonight's a good night to try out a ShS-HAT-SHD build though. I let my buddy rogue open on me and beat him the first dual. I lost the 6 duals afterwards (though mostly due to a combination of him being able to see me [even though my stealth seeing techniques went UP with my respec] and vanish bugs). And then I joined a BG where the allies zerged and we barely had any real fights.

I'll give it another go tomorrow, when I'm luckier.
#20 Nov 11 2008 at 4:33 PM Rating: Good
325 posts
Hmm. I recently switched to a heavy Mut build for a change of pace, and have been thoroughly enjoying it.

As far as leveling in the expansion, I might stay Mut, tough to decide, as at this point I have tried all 3 specs, and found them all entertaining.
#21 Nov 11 2008 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
41/15/5 probably.
#22 Nov 11 2008 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
Sub since lvl 1. No sense changing now.
#23 Nov 11 2008 at 5:44 PM Rating: Good
591 posts
Been messing around with a zomg ambush+wpn swap HaT build. Pretty much a guaranteed 5cp evis after premed+shst+ambush opener, follow that up with ghostly strike+hemo if the mob is still up. Was seeing ambushes as high as 7200 without the bezerker buff in BGs. The +10% crit to evis glyph is very nice for this build as well, if you plan to lvl with it.

Edited, Nov 11th 2008 7:45pm by mahlerite
#24 Nov 11 2008 at 7:07 PM Rating: Default
73 posts
You should level the spec you like, be it mutilate, sub or combat.

Hating to play your character/spec just because everyone says it's "effective" will only stall the leveling process.

The more fun you have playing your character, the faster it will gain levels.

I personally leveled my first character from 1 to 70 as assassination/mutilate, and I would never level as fast if I was combat spec, which I hate.

Just choose what's right for you.
#25 Nov 11 2008 at 7:55 PM Rating: Good
I completely with sermatt... personally I find Combat pretty boring so I'mma stay with a Dagger Sub spec though I haven't decided the exact point placement yet. I just find it alot funner to play overall which is more important than having "optimal" DPS to me. Playing with a spec you enjoy playing with will make you more inclined to actually keep going instead of getting bored afterawhile and having to take a break.
#26 Nov 11 2008 at 8:54 PM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
Almost assuredly combat, since my swords already have mongoose on them and my daggers are the same DPS but without any enchants.

I tried muti out for a while after the 3.0 patch and just didn't like it.

I respecced back to combat and have been enjoying my rogue more than ever, especially with a Glyph of SS.
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