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Swift FF - Highly annoyed at the new patch!Follow

#1 Nov 04 2008 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
I just need to vent here - I have been looking forward to getting my Swift FF for weeks/months. I finally had the time and a great group to get in there and get it done yesterday. Now today they are giving us the ability to just buy it!?!? I call BS. I earned this form and the sleek look - I think for anyone who buys the Swift FF, their bird should turn Pink for Horde and Yellow for AF. At the very least - if you buy it - you should not look the same as if you never got the Swift FF. It seems Blizzard is making the game to easy - mount at 30 - buying Swift FF. I am proud that I earned this form - I find it cheesy that one can just buy it now. Anyone else agree or disagree? Thanks for letting me vent.
#2 Nov 04 2008 at 2:13 PM Rating: Excellent

Do you understand WHY they made the change? The expansion is coming out very, very soon. How many people will be running Outland content then? What happens to a new druid who wants his swift flight form when he can't even find one other person willing to do Heroic Sethekk Halls? Just be happy you got to experience the coolest quest line in the game and leave it at that.
#3 Nov 04 2008 at 2:25 PM Rating: Default
You make my point exactly. Why be in the Outlands if you can just buy what you need and bypass it? Make whatever Flying Form or Mount in LK be based on what you have earned (not bought) in the Outlands. This will keep people in the Outlands doing what needs to be done in order to advance in the LK. I have 10k in G so this not about money. It just seems to me that Blizzard is making things a little too easy to level and get perks. There can be a middle ground between easy and immpossible - a tough challange can be fun.

And I agree the quest was great and we had a blast doing it.
#4 Nov 04 2008 at 2:32 PM Rating: Good
37 posts
I actually think what they did was reasonable. You can't train it today. and it will still cost 5k. Until the expansion comes out it is reasonable to expect that people can eventually get a group for H Seth. It is not real easy even today to do that but is is possible. Once the expansion hits forget it. People will either be leveling or hitting the new instances at 70+. At that point it will be painfull and fustrating to get a group to do H Seth. This is a game, the point was not to make it easier but to remove the fustrating and negative points of the game after the expansion hits.

People have been complaining ever since BC hit about Warlock and Paladin mounts. It is about time that Blizz listened. It makes no sense that people complain when mounts are left in old content and complain when that restriction is removed.

Again we don't even have to speculate what will happen or what would be the benefit of leaving it as only a quest. We have history to show us. I don't know any Paladin or Warlock that was glad or had a sense of accomplishment to go to old-world instances to get their mount. Most I know were glad when they finally were able to do it (or some skipped it all together). The felt glad not because of the acomplishment, but that the fustration and unfairness (they were the only ones that had to endure it) was finally over.

Edited, Nov 4th 2008 5:40pm by ArcherDae
#5 Nov 04 2008 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
1,233 posts
Is the cost of the spell itself going to be 5k gold or do you buy the flight skill first, then an additional 1k for the spell? or is it going to be standard spell cost for a 71 skill of 12~ish gold? Or do you think it's something nobody will know until next tuesday? lol

I just hit 70 a few days ago on my 4th alt (horde druid) and just through doing extra quests in Outland I'm already up to 2300 gold and I'm positive I'll be over 4k gold + (cost of the flight skill) when the xpac hits. Should I buy the skill or just hold onto the cash until I hit 71 and go from there?
#6 Nov 04 2008 at 4:01 PM Rating: Good
37 posts
All the was said is that the Swift Flight Form can be trained at 71 and required 300 riding skill. This means that you still have to spend the 5k to get the riding skill first, just like today. I think it is unknown how much it will cost to train. I would assume the relativly standard amout of any lv 70/71 ability.
#7 Nov 04 2008 at 4:12 PM Rating: Excellent
1,270 posts
From my understanding, the questline is still there and will still reward the Swift Flight Form. (One level earlier then just buying it, if you go that route)
While I can understand making it available to the masses, this decision does make me feel like the form loses some of it's epic-ness. I do strongly suggest new druids do the questline as it is extremely well done and it plays to every aspect of the druid class.

Is the cost of the spell itself going to be 5k gold or do you buy the flight skill first, then an additional 1k for the spell? or is it going to be standard spell cost for a 71 skill of 12~ish gold? Or do you think it's something nobody will know until next tuesday? lol

You will need Flight Form, and (300) Riding (5k) to be able to purchase Swift Flight Form at level 71 for the normal 71 level spell cost.
#8 Nov 04 2008 at 5:34 PM Rating: Good
I ran into problems getting my pally his epic land mount even at 70. It was hard enough getting someone to come and give me a hand in strat now when everyone is bored waiting for the expansion. For the first 6 months of the expansion, everyone will be busy running instances for upgrades etc. Finding a group to do Sethekk Halls will not be an easy thing! I can see without this change, many druid riding around on mounts till 80 and they can (maybe) solo or duo Sethekk.

I have no problem with these changes as long as they leave the quest chain in the game for us to experience.

#9 Nov 04 2008 at 6:27 PM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
Also have to keep in mind it's not just a matter of finding enough people to run H Sethek with, but also enough people that have enough rep to get the key.
#10 Nov 04 2008 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,233 posts
Gryphon Stalker wrote:
You will need Flight Form, and (300) Riding (5k) to be able to purchase Swift Flight Form at level 71 for the normal 71 level spell cost.

I'm exalted with the entire Horde, so luckily enough for me, it's only 4k for the riding skill. I checked. Twice Smiley: grin

Or maybe it was always 4k and the mount was 1k so everyone just says 5k, even though it'll be quite a bit cheaper for us. Either way, I'm happy.

Edited, Nov 4th 2008 10:08pm by Paracleets
#11 Nov 04 2008 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
Must have changed it, because it was a flat 5k, and because the guy selling it isn't part of any actual faction, you'd get no rep discount.
#12 Nov 04 2008 at 10:55 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
I did the original quest line, but I don't have a problem with things becoming easier now. The quest line was highly entertaining, and the only thing that truly was a challenge of sort was having to come up with the 5K gold before you could even start it. That part isn't changing, and had been handled by Blizzard in the same way for warlocks and paladins. It's not like they got the reagents for their epic mounts for free.

They removed the instance requirements for locks and pallies as well now, and I think it was about time. I'm not playing either one of those two classes, but I always felt kinda sorry for the people who at level 70 were trying to get groups for the level 60 instances for their mounts. Even had plenty of moments where I felt sorry for myself when -I- had to go back and help in places I just didn't want to be anymore. I'm glad that at level 80 I won't have to go back to help a fellow druid in Sethekk.

Should be interesting to see what happens to the quest, though. I hope those who completed things will still be able to summon the boss in there and try for the mount drop. There are after all collectors amongst us...

The heroic key hasn't been a problem for a long time now. It's pretty much impossible to do your quests while leveling and NOT end up "honored" with any of the key factions.

Edited, Nov 5th 2008 7:58am by Kanngarnix
#13 Nov 05 2008 at 12:09 AM Rating: Good
1,764 posts
With the reduced experience needed 61-70, it's actually really easy to totally skip Terrokar and LC rep. I know, my pally just jumped from Zanga to Nagrand. I think bypassing the quest for iconic class abilities is a good thing, especially when the quest requires you to go to content most of the community no longer goes to.

And yes, I did the mount quest on my warlock and the Swift FF quest on my druid.

Edited, Nov 5th 2008 3:10am by AstarintheDruid
#14 Nov 05 2008 at 1:26 AM Rating: Good
174 posts
ArcherDae wrote:
I don't know any Paladin or Warlock that was glad or had a sense of accomplishment to go to old-world instances to get their mount. Most I know were glad when they finally were able to do it (or some skipped it all together). The felt glad not because of the acomplishment, but that the fustration and unfairness (they were the only ones that had to endure it) was finally over.

Allow me to introduce myself - I'm a pala...who enjoyed the experience of the epic mount quest chain. Unlike most of the people you know, I don't expect immediate gratification, to be handed accomplishments on a plate or to get something desirable without working for it. Unlike most of the people you know, I play as much for the story, the experience and the elements of the game that require teamwork as I do for the 'get more better stuff than the other guy'side of it. Birds of a feather flock together, I guess.

By the by, I didn't "have to endure it". I could have just bought a regular old horse - or ground rep for another faction (zomg!! why should I have to grind rep!) and ride something else. As it happens, I continue to 'endure' it, whenever some pala calls out in LFG for a strat or scholo run.

I kind of agree with the OP - if you're just buying stuff you used to have to work for, it ought to come with a floating sign, like Hunter's Mark ...>>lazy<<...

Oh, and...
ArcherDae wrote:
It makes no sense that people complain when mounts are left in old content and complain when that restriction is removed.

The sense is in the fact that they're different people.
#15 Nov 05 2008 at 7:18 AM Rating: Good
37 posts
jiggeryqua wrote:
Allow me to introduce myself - I'm a pala...who enjoyed the experience of the epic mount quest chain. Unlike most of the people you know, I don't expect immediate gratification, to be handed accomplishments on a plate or to get something desirable without working for it. Unlike most of the people you know, I play as much for the story, the experience and the elements of the game that require teamwork as I do for the 'get more better stuff than the other guy'side of it. Birds of a feather flock together, I guess.

Good, I am glad you had the opportunity to do something you enjoyed in the game. That is of course Billard's challange, people enjoy different things, and have different priorities. They may not be always teh same as yours, but hopefully you reccognize they are just as valid.

jiggeryqua wrote:
I kind of agree with the OP - if you're just buying stuff you used to have to work for, it ought to come with a floating sign, like Hunter's Mark ...>>lazy<<...

I disagree with a statement like that. Obviously in some cases it can be true (some people do want everything handed to them), but in others it simply is not. Different people have different priorities and prefer to put their time and "work" into other areas. People may work equaly hard (if level of effort is important to you) but at dfifferent things. Just because someone would rather put their available time and effort into say, raiding (for the challange and teamwork), then running old instances for a convenience item like a mount, then that is hardly lazy. It may be different then your view, but again, hardly lazy.

jiggeryqua wrote:
Oh, and...
ArcherDae wrote:
It makes no sense that people complain when mounts are left in old content and complain when that restriction is removed.

The sense is in the fact that they're different people.

It is true that they are different people, and from that perspective it does make sense. Unfortunate sense...and my point (poorly made initialy) was it highlights the tendency for people to focus on their own self interest and what they think is important, and anyone who thinks differently is automaticaly wrong or...lazy. We are talking about a mount quest here, hardly game changing, and of no fundamental impact to performance (that I can think of). If it is easier to obtain, so what, it is after all a convenience item. That is why it "makes no sense" to me. If we were talking about something that gave a fundamental leveling, or group performance advantage over someone else, it would be a different story.

Again this change will simply allow people more options to focus on what they think is important. They can still do the quest..or not. Who cares? It is not like finishing this particular quest somehow makes someone a "better" player then someone else.

#16 Nov 05 2008 at 10:46 AM Rating: Excellent
291 posts
Personally, I'm *extremely* happy.

I have done every single part of that quest line - getting the 5000g to start, grinding rep with lower city and getting keyed, doing all the quests up to the last one. And I *still* don't have my form because I simply *cannot* get a darn group together! Even with the chance at the raven mount, absolutely *no one* runs heroic Sethekk Halls.

And since I'm a casual player who just doesn't have time to sit around and call out in chat for hours a day - especially with the added difficulty of needing to find another druid to do it with me (I'm tank), I finally just gave up and bought a regular flying mount.

This change gives the rest of us with crappy guilds and a small amount of time to play (I have a home business, so there is no 'after work' or 'on weekends' but only 'do a couple quests while I eat supper') a chance to finally get the swift flight form.
I would not be opposed to getting a flight form from the trainer that is bare of ornamentation. I really don't care what it looks like - I just want to get back to falling in space and mounting before I hit the ground :p

I'd *love* to run Sethekk, if only for the bird mount, but I hate being penalized because I can't get anyone else to run it.

Edited, Nov 5th 2008 1:49pm by Beetlecat
#17 Nov 05 2008 at 12:39 PM Rating: Excellent
53 posts
I did the questline for the epic FF but I do agree with Blizzard's decision. The only way I could get a group to run H. Sethekk was when the stars and planets aligned (essentially when it was the Heroic Daily and pleas in LFG/trade that I could summon Anzu for a possible Raven Lord drop).

However, I do believe that any player that completes the original questline should be given something of recognition or functional value - I would recommend that Blizzard creates an Achievement or give the player the pre-3.0 nerf trinket.

Honestly, I am more upset that they nerfed the epic FF reward trinket...

On a side note, the achievement idea would also be nice for warlocks and paladins that completed their respective mount questlines.
#18 Nov 06 2008 at 11:19 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
When I saw my trinket got nerfed I was probably more pissed about that than the change to purchase it.

I do feel like the OP though that there should be some cosmetic differences in the way it looks when you purchase it. Nothing harsh or anything, just a light shade perhaps? I would like to differenciate myself from those who purchased it.
#19 Nov 07 2008 at 2:40 AM Rating: Excellent
1,180 posts
For the paladin and warlock mounts I don't see the logic for making them purchasable, you can buy exactly the same thing (albeit a different look). In my opinion if you want something tht looks different, you should do something different in order to get it.

The druid flight form is slightly different as it is instant cast, but still, if people managed to buy a group for the warlock/paladin mount in BC then why couldn't people do that for the swift flight form? And with level 80s you probably won't need a full 5, so it should be easier to find people with the necessary rep.

I guess I don't see the point in making something purchasable from a trainer when their are alternatives available for anyone who doesn't have the ability/inclination to follow a quest line for an aesthetic difference to an ability.
#20 Nov 07 2008 at 2:47 AM Rating: Decent
personaly haveing done the pally epic mount and not even bothering with my druids epic flying mount. i could careless if any of them are trainable. the pally quest was a pain untill i rounded up a few guildies who needed it also on pallys or locks. so far i havent needed an epic mount i spend too much money respecing all the time to worry about it. I think that instead of lazy for training it you should maybe get a ****** for doing it.
#21 Nov 10 2008 at 5:41 AM Rating: Good
1,764 posts
Tynuv wrote:
I guess I don't see the point in making something purchasable from a trainer when their are alternatives available for anyone who doesn't have the ability/inclination to follow a quest line for an aesthetic difference to an ability.

Maybe we should go back to some of the level 60 abilities being learned from books that are rare drops in vanilla WoW instances. Or take the tomes off trainers for the group versions of GotW/AB/PoF. Why should everyone else be able to simply train their spells at the class trainer when I had to pay 20x the cost of training to get the book off the AH or hope for a drop?

There are apparently enough people that think the level 60 quest for Warlocks and Pallies is more aggravating than rewarding, so Blizz is giving them the option to bypass the quest. For the people that enjoy the quest, it's still there. I think Blizz could put in an additional reward for completing the quest, like the Blood Knight tabard.

Since Blizz can track what quests your character has and has not completed, anyone that's already finished the quest could have the new tabard mailed to them.
#22 Nov 10 2008 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
I think for anyone who buys the Swift FF, their bird should turn Pink for Horde and Yellow for AF.

Speaking of colors, WTF was up with switching Horde druids over from that beautiful black to the hidious mud brown? >_<
#23 Nov 10 2008 at 1:39 PM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
WTF was up with switching Horde druids over from that beautiful black to the hideous mud brown? >_<

Tauren's complained that they didn't want to look like the Night Elves (I'm sure it came from both sides, or had something to do with the long ears*), and since the earth tones are used for the Tauren's forms. Blizzard turned ya brown. ...but really the flight form has the feel of a place holder when put next the stunning beauty of the Swift Flight Form regardless of faction.

::musings, wandering thoughts, you have been warned!::
*Of that I cannot be certain as the long ears are the trademark of Night Elf forms (As horns are to Taurens), and so I saw mostly Taurens unhappy to appear like Night Elves. ..but instead a whole model change, it was just a recolor; since to a degree it really is just a place holder for FAR better. BUT every "storm crow" in the wild has those same pointy ears which could end up being a aspect of the species as a whole or that of programmers re-using models in the world. As such is isn't till WotLK that we see beasts as the "Fjord Hawk"; that we see the Taurens version reused in the world.

Edited, Nov 10th 2008 4:51pm by GryphonStalker
#24 Nov 10 2008 at 11:43 PM Rating: Good
1,047 posts
It took me 6 months to get a group for H Sethekk. As it will only get worse with the expansion, I don't begrudge new druids the ability to buy SFF at all. Though I do think a more elegant solution would be to just bump the quest up to level 77 required and stick Anzu in a Northrend instance. The quest line was fantastic, especially the river chase part.

Interesting OT thought - new toons leveling straight through won't have to buy a flying mount at 70 at all. They can just wait til 77.

Edited, Nov 11th 2008 1:44am by Theophastus
#25 Nov 11 2008 at 3:13 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I like that idea of moving Anzu. Wont happen but is a good idea. They should do something similar for pallies and locks as well.

I still haven't got the money to get my epic flight. I will buy epic flight and train flight form.

I will also do the quest. From what everyone says it is a lot of fun. Having to do Anzu after the expansion might be to hard to group for but I will do as much of the quest as I can. The Anzu mount drop potential will sell people I hope.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#26 Nov 11 2008 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
All of the kvetching is fine in principle, but it doesn't stand up to the reality.

If you've ever leveled a Paladin (or worse, a Warlock) and tried to do you epic land mount quest at 60 post-TBC, you know what a pain it is. I had some friends help me with the dungeon component of mine and both parts (gathering holy water in Strat and the last fight in Scholo) were fast and easy for a group in the 65-70 range. So fast and easy as to be trivial. But do you think the average Joe can get it done quickly and easily? No. There's no incentive for strangers to go to Scholo/Strat, much like there will be no incentive for strangers to go to H. Sethekk post-WotLK.

Sure, you earned your epic flight did I...and we earned it at a time when H. Sethekk was worth running. (Worst case scenario, wait for it to come up as the daily...2 badges from daily turn-in + 1 extra badge from Anzu...lots of incentive there). Except, there won't be any level 80 use for Badge of Justice.

It's not like the game is staying the same and they're just removing the quest requirement. The game is changing, and based on the last change Blizzard has determined that mount quests become extremely difficult to complete for the average player once a level cap is raised and the motivation strangers might have to run the content becomes trivial.

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